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Mav 08-25-2015 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Mile High Mania (Post 11684529)
One of the great qualities of Flair ... his ability to put anybody over.

Yeah. Unlike that no talent hack Goldberg.

Mile High Mania 08-25-2015 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Mav (Post 11684533)
Yeah. Unlike that no talent hack Goldberg.

Goldberg improved greatly over a few years... I'd pay to watch him any day over Lesnar.

Mile High Mania 08-25-2015 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Mav (Post 11684530)
Are we talking heel or face hot rod? Face hot rod for sure is Ambrose. My biggest gripe is they don't build true rivalries any more. They build a mini feud then it's gone. I like where they are going with the Wyatt Family and shield.

Rowdy Roddy Piper was greatness as a heel or a face...

Mav 08-25-2015 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Mile High Mania (Post 11684535)
Goldberg improved greatly over a few years... I'd pay to watch him any day over Lesnar.

Lol, not me. But I'm talking more about being willing to put people over. Goldberg wouldn't do that.

What is it you don't like about Brock? Brock's an amazing in ring guy. The story his matched tell, his in ring presence.

Mav 08-25-2015 01:58 PM

Rasslin is YES! YES! YES!

Originally Posted by Mile High Mania (Post 11684536)
Rowdy Roddy Piper was greatness as a heel or a face...

I didn't care for the shield as heels, and ironically enough I thought that Rollins was the most untalented of the group. I didn't like reigns because of the way that Vince always wants to push size. Didn't like Ambrose because of the way people talked him up. But individually they can all perform. I just can't buy into Rollins on the mic. It's ear rape.

The Franchise 08-25-2015 06:59 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href="">#SummerSlam</a> <a href="">#BrockVsTaker</a> <a href="">#TakerFace</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Bronson-Lee Ainger (@BronsonLee) <a href="">August 24, 2015</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

BryanBusby 09-01-2015 01:20 PM


Brock 09-01-2015 02:20 PM

Vince gonna be spending some time in court.

BryanBusby 09-21-2015 04:30 AM

NoC was a car crash PPV.

World Champion loses cleanly to OVERCOM DA ODDS and retains world title that ends in a slop finish because Sting is nearly 60. Shaemus tease doesn't happen because they teased it and oh boy, another Kane main event line. Yawn.

Divas much was awful. Charlotte sells the **** out of leg injury and does Figure 8? Uh what? Nevermind like no build mostly and god **** this match went on too long.

Ryback is boring and I didn't care for a **** finish on the tag team.

Long build of Shield minus one vs Wyatts to set up an Ambrisw Jericho program? Ffs

Glad it's over and KO winning was a lone bright spot. Too bad he will probably have to do more shit with Ryback. Yawn.

BigCatDaddy 09-21-2015 06:02 AM

Yeah much rather see Kane as the mystery partner and Jericho/Rollins feud.

Jerm 09-21-2015 06:13 AM

Cena is such a great face...beating Rollins and then AA'ing him on the ramp and chucking him back into the ring for Sting. What a swell guy...he's such a heel already that they almost don't need to turn him.

Kane in a main event program in 2015...LMAO

mcaj22 09-21-2015 06:28 AM

Seth Rollins took 1 STF; 2 AAs (one outside); 1 Scorpion Death Drop; 1 locked in Scorpion Death Lock; 1 Brogue Kick; 1 Chokeslam, and 1 Tombstone AND STILL KEPT THE BELT.

This is why its unwatchable, I remember when finishers meant something not as spots. Its completely not believable. I liked when Stone Cold would stunner someone and it was a win or the Rock gave the rock bottom and it was a win. The moves looked powerful and the crowd goes nuts. Now guys take 8 finishers in one match and kick out everytime which makes Rollins look like the strongest unbeatable champion in the history of wresing.

Its an unwatchable joke, no wonder their ratings are dropping.

Al Bundy 09-21-2015 09:57 AM

Looks like Sting suffered a pretty significant if not career ending injury at NOC.

Mav 09-21-2015 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 11745673)
Yeah much rather see Kane as the mystery partner and Jericho/Rollins feud.

Kane seems far more likely to join the wyatts than help Ambrose and Reigns.

At least now we know how sting was supposed to get involved at summer slam. The mystery guest.

Mav 09-21-2015 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 11745676)
Cena is such a great face...beating Rollins and then AA'ing him on the ramp and chucking him back into the ring for Sting. What a swell guy...he's such a heel already that they almost don't need to turn him.

Kane in a main event program in 2015...LMAO

How is that a heel move?

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