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Discuss Thrower 07-25-2007 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by luv
Are you sure you didn't misinterpret something somewhere?

In general terms, I don't think so. My reasoning is they may not want to hurt my feelings or whatever and they lack the cajones to tell me "Thanks, but you're not my type" to my face.

In specific terms, I'm still at a loss as to why a girl shows interest in me; we chill at her place for hours just talking. Then everythin gets twisted as a hug (I didn't suggest) turns into an extended make-out session (all I said was "Can I?" and before I could finish with my planned buss on the cheek, she grabbed me), then after that night she's said nothing more than a handful fo brief sentences to me. I can take being a horrible kisser, but I'd at least like to know that I am!

Phobia 07-25-2007 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by J-Town Fan 1988
In general terms, I don't think so. My reasoning is they may not want to hurt my feelings or whatever and they lack the cajones to tell me "Thanks, but you're not my type" to my face.

In specific terms, I'm still at a loss as to why a girl shows interest in me; we chill at her place for hours just talking. Then everythin gets twisted as a hug (I didn't suggest) turns into an extended make-out session (all I said was "Can I?" and before I could finish with my planned buss on the cheek, she grabbed me), then after that night she's said nothing more than a handful fo brief sentences to me. I can take being a horrible kisser, but I'd at least like to know that I am!

Dude, you screwed up somewhere and you'll never know what you did wrong. Women are like that sometimes. They're different than we men and you'll never quite understand why they do the things they do.... The sooner you accept and embrace that, the better off you'll be.

Discuss Thrower 07-25-2007 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
Dude, you screwed up somewhere and you'll never know what you did wrong. Women are like that sometimes. They're different than we men and you'll never quite understand why they do the things they do.... The sooner you accept and embrace that, the better off you'll be.

I learn from my mistakes, and I like to think that I better myself by not making the same mistakes again. So, if I don't know wtf I did to screw up, how can I better myself?

Aww, f**k it, I'll just blame CP. :cuss:

Ebolapox 07-25-2007 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by luv
I honestly can't see having a three way when one of the people is someone I care about. I'd feel as though I was cheating, even if I did have my SO's approval.

that's part of why I didn't feel too dissapointed--I mean, I want a threesome, but to jeopardize 'relationships' with both a good friend AND my woman over sex seemed pointless

it'll happen one day soon, though... oh believe me--I will one day live the dream.

Ebolapox 07-25-2007 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by Direckshun
Well H5N1, you were lied to.

I went out with a woman for three years who claimed the entire time that she was bi-curious and would make a go for a threesome if the opportunity presented itself, but never once did we come remotely close to it happening.

see, the thing is, the friend and I conspired to catch my woman by surprise--but by the time my woman realized the fix was on, bang bang. my baby shot me down.

I still have faith though

Phobia 07-25-2007 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by J-Town Fan 1988
I learn from my mistakes, and I like to think that I better myself by not making the same mistakes again. So, if I don't know wtf I did to screw up, how can I better myself?

Aww, f**k it, I'll just blame CP. :cuss:

Buy a book about women and learn how they think. You won't understand it but at least you'll be able to start to recognize behaviors.

Ebolapox 07-25-2007 11:55 PM

phobia knows this better than most, j-town... it's a fight that you can't win

luv 07-25-2007 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
Buy a book about women and learn how they think. You won't understand it but at least you'll be able to start to recognize behaviors.

Just don't get one written by a guy. They're clueless. Then again, don't get one written by a woman. They want to remain mysterious.

Discuss Thrower 07-25-2007 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
Buy a book about women and learn how they think. You won't understand it but at least you'll be able to start to recognize behaviors.

What I'm about to say should belong in another thread. But scientists have basically theorized through experiments with photons, that what a particle is doing in the present is influenced by what it does in the future.

I am stuck in a GoChiefs situation because I WILL BE GOCHIEFS IN THE FUTURE!!! :crybaby:

ChiefJustice 07-25-2007 11:59 PM

I take all of my dating advice from a guy who lives in a
van down by the river.

luv 07-26-2007 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by J-Town Fan 1988
What I'm about to say should belong in another thread. But scientists have basically theorized through experiments with photons, that what a particle is doing in the present is influenced by what it does in the future.

I am stuck in a GoChiefs situation because I WILL BE GOCHIEFS IN THE FUTURE!!! :crybaby:

With only 448 posts in just over a year, and an active interest in women that you know, I don't think you have anything to worry about.

BroncoBuff 07-26-2007 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by luv
Okay, I wasn't going to, but I'm a glutton for punishment....

I have a date tomorrow afternoon with a man that I've been talking to from He travels a lot for his job. So much that he doesn't really call anyplace home. He's flying here from Chicago for the weekend. I've been talking to this guy on the phone and on IM for about three or four weeks now. I'm excited to finally meet him, yet I'm nervous since I know I'm the reason he's flying here.

Wish me luck!

Good luck, and say hello to Clayton for me! :D

Discuss Thrower 07-26-2007 12:04 AM

But can the definition for "active" fit with me talking to this girl going to DU next more over Facebook than in person, which was once and when she said somethin smartassed to me?

Day by day, I think of how nice it would be for people to read what I've written...

Ebolapox 07-26-2007 12:05 AM

you're fuggin' nineteen years old. when I was nineteen, I was mentally fugged up over an ex (don't ask) and had suicidal tendencies. five years makes a lot of difference--

so don't say you're the next clayton wendler. NOBODY is that hopeless (even him, though I doubt he knows that)

Discuss Thrower 07-26-2007 12:10 AM

My last ex wanted to get married to me. It took me a while to realize that was a bad thing. Not to mention the fact she dissed my initiation into Freemasonry. Devil worship my ass.

I just get the foreboding feeling that this whole headgames bullshit that women, and people in general, play will last a lloooong time.

Not to mention the practical aspects, how the hell am I gonna know how to manage a relationship if I have absolutely no prior experience? And I say this in all seriousness.

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