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crazycoffey 02-14-2007 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Won't happen. Sorry to disappoint.

I have to meet with my tax accountant in the morning, it's sure to put me in a foul mood the rest of the day.

tax time is here, huh?

Bugeater 02-14-2007 12:14 AM

They're building a mud house on Dirty Jobs if anyone's interested.

Buck 02-14-2007 12:15 AM

This thread died.

Simplex3 02-14-2007 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by BuckinKaeding
Punch him in the gooch if you dont get a big refund.

No, I'll punch him if I *DO* get a big refund.

I'll be within a couple hundred of break even either way. What will piss me off is when he gives me the final numbers about how much I gave the govt this year. If you knew your actual effective tax rate it would make you sick.

Buck 02-14-2007 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
No, I'll punch him if I *DO* get a big refund.

I'll be within a couple hundred of break even either way. What will piss me off is when he gives me the final numbers about how much I gave the govt this year. If you knew your actual effective tax rate it would make you sick.

Well would you say its more than 40% of your income?

crazycoffey 02-14-2007 12:16 AM

more boobies on "the sleeping dictionary", not Alba....

Simplex3 02-14-2007 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by BuckinKaeding
Well would you say its more than 40% of your income?

By the time you calculate in your income taxes, Socialist Insecurity, various luxury taxes, sales taxes paid (which you can get a really good estimate at), excise taxes, licensing fees, etc, etc, I can assure you that everyone on this board pays over 60% of what they make back the to the govt.

Simplex3 02-14-2007 12:19 AM

Oh, and that doesn't account for increased cost of goods due to business taxes, which most economists agree is just South of 30%.

Buck 02-14-2007 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
By the time you calculate in your income taxes, Socialist Insecurity, various luxury taxes, sales taxes paid (which you can get a really good estimate at), excise taxes, licensing fees, etc, etc, I can assure you that everyone on this board pays over 60% of what they make back the to the govt.

Not I, said the full time student.

crazycoffey 02-14-2007 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
By the time you calculate in your income taxes, Socialist Insecurity, various luxury taxes, sales taxes paid (which you can get a really good estimate at), excise taxes, licensing fees, etc, etc, I can assure you that everyone on this board pays over 60% of what they make back the to the govt.

The price of Freedom, isn't it grand.....

Simplex3 02-14-2007 12:21 AM

...of course that's the beauty of the scheme, it's damn near impossible to get a complete grasp on how badly they're f**king you.

Sam Hall 02-14-2007 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by BuckinKaeding
Not I, said the full time student.

My parents have somebody else calculate my taxes, said another full time student.

Simplex3 02-14-2007 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by BuckinKaeding
Not I, said the full time student.

A) Wanna bet?

B) They're just setting you up. They're investing in your future taxing potential.

SPchief 02-14-2007 12:22 AM

So I'm drinking Negra Modela dark tonight. First time in probably 3 years I've had the stuff. Much better than I remember, which isn't very much.

Buck 02-14-2007 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
A) Wanna bet?

B) They're just setting you up. They're investing in your future taxing potential.

Im guessing B

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