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listopencil 08-09-2017 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by JASONSAUTO (Post 12991605)
Is that red saber meant to somewhat look like rey is holding it?

Looks to me like Kylo Ren is holding the red saber in his right hand and Rey is holding the blue saber with both hands.

unlurking 08-09-2017 10:50 PM

Still, that's not something unique to any Kurosawa film. It's not unique to samurai films. It's not even unique to Japanese films.

Hammock Parties 08-09-2017 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by unlurking (Post 13001972)
Still, that's not something unique to any Kurosawa film. It's not unique to samurai films. It's not even unique to Japanese films.


Do you know the meaning of homage?

Sweet Daddy Hate 08-10-2017 05:37 AM

About page 78 of possible leaked script. Pretty interesting stuff. Names of the Knights will bear out whether this is real or not.

unlurking 08-10-2017 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13002017)

Do you know the meaning of homage?

Homage "guessed at" is coincidence. This appears as mere coincidence. Having to explain it pretty much derails it.

DaneMcCloud 08-10-2017 02:17 PM

DaneMcCloud 08-10-2017 02:17 PM

DaneMcCloud 08-10-2017 02:17 PM

DaneMcCloud 08-10-2017 02:18 PM

DaneMcCloud 08-10-2017 02:21 PM

The Last Jedi: In her final role, Carrie Fisher restores hope for Leia Organa Part 5 of EW’s ‘Star Wars’ cover story

Live fearlessly, live boldly, and even after you’re gone that strength and inspiration burn on.

After Carrie Fisher’s unexpected death in December, The Last Jedi will mark her final performance as Leia Organa — the Star Wars character who went from orphan to princess, to spy, to senator, and finally general of the Resistance. She remains a light that will never go out in the galaxy. “Her character to some degree or another has been defined by loss through this whole saga, starting with the loss of her home planet. She’s just taken hit after hit, and she’s borne it, and she focuses on moving forward and the task at hand,” says writer-director Rian Johnson.


No matter what grief or trauma Leia faced, she never wavered in her commitment to fighting for freedom in the galaxy, and her battle continues in The Last Jedi. Leia remains in charge of the scattershot Resistance movement, cut off from the Republic, whose leadership and capitol was annihilated in The Force Awakens. Anyone who expected the Resistance to fill that void and maintain order would be mistaken. “No, no, no. Not at all,” Johnson says. “They’re a small band that’s now cut off, on its own, and hunted when the Republic is shattered. When the First Order did that hit, the Resistance is isolated, and they’re very, very vulnerable. That’s where we pick them up.” While the galaxy teeters on takeover by the First Order, Leia is also dealing with personal grief, mourning the death of Han Solo – murdered at the hands of their son, Adam Driver’s Kylo Ren. The young man once known as Ben Solo has now fully fallen to the Dark Side, just as Darth Vader, Leia’s father, did a generation before. “She’s suffered quite a bit,” Johnson adds. “While I was figuring out what her deal was going to be in this film, it’s one of the things I talked about with Carrie before I started writing: where the character would go.”


That’s what Fisher often called herself. “She’s become me, and I’ve become her. Because it’s been a while,” Fisher told EW in 2015 before the release of The Force Awakens. As she did in her own novels and memoirs, like Postcards from the Edge and Wishful Drinking, Fisher’s wry and brash performance as Leia allowed the character to face her hardships with a blaster-proof sense of humor and whatever the galactic version of chutzpah would be. Although she won’t complete the saga (Lucasfilm says Episode IX is being rewritten out of respect for her passing), Leia’s impact will continue to reverberate. Despite the hardship, Leia always finds the hope in any given situation. This time, her story is entwined with Poe Dameron, the hotshot X-wing pilot played by Oscar Isaac. Their relationship is not just general and warrior. They’re family. And in Star Wars, the notion of family goes far beyond blood relations.

“Poe is in some ways a surrogate son for Leia,” Isaac tells EW. “But also I think she sees in him the potential for a truly great leader of the Resistance and beyond.” In The Last Jedi, a torch is being passed. It’s about the peril of meeting your heroes, facing down disappointment, and rising to fight nonetheless. Just as Luke Skywalker – reluctantly – may be passing on his knowledge of the Force to Rey, Leia is guiding Poe, encouraging him to look beyond the crosshairs in his cockpit. There are other ways to fight, other ways to lead. “Poe’s arc is one of evolving from a heroic soldier to a seasoned leader, to see beyond the single-mindedness of winning the battle to the larger picture of the future of the galaxy,” Isaac says. “I think Leia knows she won’t be around forever and she, with tough love, wants to push Poe to be more than the badass pilot, to temper his heroic impulses with wisdom and clarity.”


There are also rivalries and alliances within the movement. Johnson isn’t ready to reveal what Laura Dern’s Vice Admiral Holdo’s role is in the story, but as a fellow commander in the Resistance she is likely to have a history with Leia Organa. The nature of it will be for the movie to reveal. “The secrecy does have a purpose in that part of the fun with Laura’s character, with Admiral Holdo, is figuring out what her relationship is to everybody as you go along through the movie,” Johnson says. In a behind-the-scenes video for The Last Jedi, there was at least one shot of the two women facing each other. It doesn’t look hostile, but under the right circumstances even friendships can turn dark. “I don’t want to tip the hat too much, but I will say that the heat is immediately turned up on the Resistance,” Johnson says. “Everybody is put in a pressure cooker right away, and relationships crack and strain under that pressure. That was really interesting to me, the notion of putting this small army under a lot of external pressure and showing some of the results within the Resistance itself.”


The storyline wasn’t changed after Fisher’s death, but Johnson says he hopes it will still be satisfying to the legion of Leia fans who see the character as a source of true-life inspiration in our world. “There’s no way that we could’ve known this would’ve been the last Star Wars movie she would be in, so it’s not like we made the film thinking that we were bringing closure to the character,” Johnson says. “But watching the film, there’s going to be a very emotional reaction to what she does in this movie.” While Leia’s influence as a leader endures within the narrative of the Star Wars saga, Fisher also made a personal impact on the actors who will be carrying the franchise forward without her.

Everyone who worked on the film has a Carrie story, but the sweetest and most heartbreaking one belongs to Isaac: “One of my favorite things that would happen from time to time on set would be when Carrie would sing old songs,” he says. “Whenever that would happen I would offer her my hand and we would waltz around the set – on a starship, in a Rebel base, on an alien planet, and she would sing and we would dance. So surreal and beautiful to think about now. For all of her delicious, wicked humor and fiery energy she also had such sweet grace. I miss her dearly.”

Bowser 08-10-2017 02:22 PM

Laura Dern has a real "Duchess Satine" vibe going on.

DaneMcCloud 08-10-2017 02:25 PM

DaneMcCloud 08-10-2017 02:28 PM

The Last Jedi: New details on Benicio Del Toro's devious character. Part 6 of EW’s ‘Star Wars’ cover story.

It’s hard to know where Benicio Del Toro’s new character stands in The Last Jedi — even when he tells us.

Before the movie began shooting, the actor hinted in a radio interview that he was playing “a villain” in the film, but in subsequent conversations, like this sit-down with Entertainment Tonight, he said, “I don’t know if he’s a villain. People are saying that, but it’s like they read a different script than I read.” Seems like the Oscar-winner is an unreliable narrator here, but maybe he’s just staying true to his character. All we know for sure is that Del Toro plays a man who goes by the name “DJ.” And his shabby appearance suggests someone familiar with the underbelly of the galaxy.

Here’s the official one-liner on him: “DJ is an enigmatic figure whose tattered, threadbare clothes and lackadaisical attitude conceal a sharp mind and expert skills.”

We also know that DJ is part of the mission that John Boyega’s Finn and Kelly Marie Tran’s Rose undertake to the wealthy, gambling resort city of Canto Bight. But … do they bring him there? Do they capture him there? Do they free him there? That’s something the film itself will have to reveal. But as part of our cover story, we also got a closer look at the structure Lucasfilm identifies as the exterior of the central casino we’ve seen in other images. With so much money and jewelry on display, and so many powerful figures gathered from throughout the various star systems, the casino is surrounded by law enforcement. There are landing pads for spike-winged police speeders, with armored security officers patrolling the perimeter. (You can click the image to expand to a high-res version.)

It’s a perfect place for an unscrupulous figure like DJ to practice his craft, and Del Toro’s co-stars did reveal a bit more about his “expert skills.” “We just need a codebreaker and he’s the best in the galaxy. Unfortunately, he’s very dodgy and only in it for financial gain. He doesn’t fight for any side,” Boyega says. In Star Wars parlance, a hacker is known as a “slicer,” and this is a side of the lore that the movies haven’t typically explored. Most of the saga has been devoted to the mystical side of things — the Jedi, the Sith, the Force — rather than the technological aspects George Lucas placed within his sci-fi/fantasy. The saga also usually has clear lines between good and evil, but the uncertainty over where DJ stands has a simple explanation: he’s neither. To him, the heroes and the villains aren’t enemies — they’re opponents.

Until there’s something in it for him.

“He has distinct opinions,” Boyega says. “The Resistance bombs the First Order one day, the First Order bombs the Resistance on another. It’s an ongoing war that will never end. For him, he’s trying to benefit off of that — which doesn’t make him the person you want to trust.” Tran describes Del Toro’s performance as coiled and disturbing. “When I was onset with that character, I felt like there was a tiger in the room, and I always had to be watching,” she says. “Like an animal, at any moment he could do something, and I didn’t know what.”

With DJ, the unexpected is the best we can expect.

DaneMcCloud 08-10-2017 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 13002681)
Laura Dern has a real "Duchess Satine" vibe going on.

Yeah, it would be cool if she was Mandalorian

Red Brooklyn 08-10-2017 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13002694)
Yeah, it would be cool if she was Mandalorian

aw huh

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