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Titty Meat 04-03-2024 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Chris Meck (Post 17469260)
You guys are losing your minds for no reason.

Nobody is going anywhere.

Both teams will come back with probably separate proposals - and they should, and they should be separated. If it's not going to be one complex anymore, why should The Chiefs be tied to the boat anchor Royals?

The Chiefs renovation will almost surely pass. Nobody cares about a less than half a cent tax.

The Royals sunk this vote by being very, very stupid. Get a better plan that doesn't suck shit and it'll probably pass, too. East Village site probably would have passed easily. It was monumentally stupid to assume that The Chiefs would provide enough cover for them to do this.

They do this all the time it's overreaction planet

RunKC 04-03-2024 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by dirk digler (Post 17469249)
I was listening to 610 a little bit ago and they were playing some Fescue clips and he said the KS gov has told people they are ready to offer over a billion dollars to both teams with no public vote required.

Not true but you know they’re working on a sweet offer. This is very similar to the Cowboys move. Arlington had deeper pockets than Irving and Jerry made the move.

Clark would be foolish not to IMO

Woogieman 04-03-2024 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 17469226)
Toronto has to be in the discussion too.

Definitely...wonder how many fans would show up for the Argos games?

loochy 04-03-2024 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by dirk digler (Post 17469249)
I was listening to 610 a little bit ago and they were playing some Fescue clips and he said the KS gov has told people they are ready to offer over a billion dollars to both teams with no public vote required.

Oh, I didn't know that you are a big lawn care guy.

IowaHawkeyeChief 04-03-2024 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 17469244)
I think that gets passed, yes. Fairly easily, in fact.

In Wyandotte County.

And I think that's probably the end game here. It's what Clark actually wants. And long-term, it'll be better for Chiefs fans (though I would hate it coming from the East side of the city; would make my drive in/out from Columbia quite a bit shittier every weekend).

There was a reason Hunt was slow playing the locker room/AC and other issues. The offices and the practice facility will move quickly if a new agreement is reached with another entity, the stadium would follow later.

|Zach| 04-03-2024 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Pepe Silvia (Post 17469171)
Rumors are starting up on Arrowhead Pride that Hunt wants to go to San Antonio. Just the messenger.

I do not believe there is a path for the Chiefs to leave the KC metro.

NFL owners are very protective of their territory even as big as Texas is with the Texans and Cowboys there I do not think the owners would ever agree to a move that dilutes their region.

Pauly D 04-03-2024 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 17469253)
Lets's Bob Fescoe.

Fescoe was clearly a public mouthpiece for both teams throughout all this, I could definitely believe he still is. Chiefs to Legends, Royals to Lenexa City Center.

GloryDayz 04-03-2024 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 17469188)
They could start by having a well laid out plan that answers the questions people have.


Chris Meck 04-03-2024 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17469266)
You're assuming the Chiefs are willing to come back to the table with Jackson County.

I think that's a pretty safe assumption. I don't think they are unaware that this was a referendum on the Royals shitty stadium plan.

It seems pretty obvious that they want the Royals out of their hair, and tried to give them cover. But Sherman botched it monumentally.

Red Dawg 04-03-2024 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Chris Meck (Post 17469237)
Because, dude, nobody voted to 'lose the Royals '. We just voted to not give them a limitless credit card to do whatever the **** they want wherever the **** they want to do it. That's it. It was a shitty plan with so many questions -none of which they'd answer.

They're not going anywhere. They'll come back with a better plan and we'll take a look.

It's that simple. All of the rest of this is tantrum throwing and hyperbole.

How do you know this? You act like nobody ever moved a team due to money. Happened 3 times in the last 10 years. Our teams are now out there for business. No protection.

DaFace 04-03-2024 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17469266)
You're assuming the Chiefs are willing to come back to the table with Jackson County.

Yeah, this wasn't a "close, but not quite" vote - it was a "hell no" vote. It takes time and effort (and money) to even put together the half-assed designs they came up with this time. If it seems like Arrowhead isn't the future, it's hard for me to imagine they'll be thrilled to come back to the table with Jackson County unless there really isn't any fire behind the smoke of Kansas being interested.

Woogieman 04-03-2024 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Chris Meck (Post 17469237)
Because, dude, nobody voted to 'lose the Royals '. We just voted to not give them a limitless credit card to do whatever the **** they want wherever the **** they want to do it. That's it. It was a shitty plan with so many questions -none of which they'd answer.

They're not going anywhere. They'll come back with a better plan and we'll take a look.

It's that simple. All of the rest of this is tantrum throwing and hyperbole.

I'm not referencing the The Vote, I'm referencing the many peoplle here and on Twitter that have said "f@ck the Royals, let them leave. They suck"...and they have mostly over the past 30+ years. I completely agree that they bungled every facet of the process, I don't even know who the Royals "point-man" was for this (Sherman I guess), but it is clear they started this process in a hot market (21-22') and failed to adjust to inflation, a weak economy, and property taxes that became outrageous.

RunKC 04-03-2024 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by Red Dawg (Post 17469292)
How do you know this? You act like nobody ever moved a team due to money. Happened 3 times in the last 10 years. Our teams are now out there for business. No protection.

It will be hard for any city outside of KC to provide an opportunity that Legends KCK can.

And we know the Kansas side will pony up the money to bring the Chiefs over

Mecca 04-03-2024 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Pauly D (Post 17469289)
Fescoe was clearly a public mouthpiece for both teams throughout all this, I could definitely believe he still is. Chiefs to Legends, Royals to Lenexa City Center.

100%, also you have to take anyone on sports radio for what they are, people who are deathly afraid that if a team leaves they'll lose their jobs.

DJ's left nut 04-03-2024 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by |Zach| (Post 17469287)
I do not believe there is a path for the Chiefs to leave the KC metro.

NFL owners are very protective of their territory even as big as Texas is with the Texans and Cowboys there I do not think the owners would ever agree to a move that dilutes their region.

Nah - that won't happen. They won't move a team there.

But I could see them expanding there.

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