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Mr. Flopnuts 03-30-2010 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by GoChiefs (Post 6643888)
Because chicken tastes like everything.

Well if that's the case then why worry so much about it smelling like fish?

T-post Tom 03-30-2010 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by GoChiefs (Post 6643888)
Because chicken tastes like everything.

Then you hate everything. I could see where that would pose a problem.

Katipan 03-30-2010 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by GoChiefs (Post 6643687)
I am not going to start sucking cock, no matter how much the fates push me in that direction.

The fates are telling you to get off the Internet. Not for good. I'd be sad. But being clever and funny and a part of something has come too easy for you on the Internet. You gotta go do it in real life.

You're not the fat kid anymore. Hell, you even have some pretty funny sex stories. But facebook girls and dating websites... I just don't know how much realism and honesty is in a process where you can pick and choose what pieces of you are relevant.

Seems like it's more about playing tag and cutting notches into keyboards. Ooooo Oooo a boy paid attention to me. If I can get 30 more to do the same thing, think how beautiful and wonderful I must be.

Give me a break.

Hey. Maybe you should edit that down.
Stop looking for pussy on the Internet.

bevischief 03-30-2010 06:38 PM

What did Gochiefs do now...

luv 03-30-2010 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Katipan (Post 6643971)
The fates are telling you to get off the Internet. Not for good. I'd be sad. But being clever and funny and a part of something has come too easy for you on the Internet. You gotta go do it in real life.

You're not the fat kid anymore. Hell, you even have some pretty funny sex stories. But facebook girls and dating websites... I just don't know how much realism and honesty is in a process where you can pick and choose what pieces of you are relevant.

Seems like it's more about playing tag and cutting notches into keyboards. Ooooo Oooo a boy paid attention to me. If I can get 30 more to do the same thing, think how beautiful and wonderful I must be.

Give me a break.

Hey. Maybe you should edit that down.
Stop looking for pussy on the Internet.

People have been telling him that for awhile. I even offered to be his wing woman while he was in town one time. His idea of "effort" is driving to meet them.

bevischief 03-30-2010 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by luv (Post 6643989)
People have been telling him that for awhile. I even offered to be his wing woman while he was in town one time. His idea of "effort" is driving to meet them.

A shovel might make the point better...

Katipan 03-30-2010 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by luv (Post 6643989)
People have been telling him that for awhile. I even offered to be his wing woman while he was in town one time. His idea of "effort" is driving to meet them.

What do you think happens in public that he's so scared of? Perhaps he compulsively drools and shits himself at the same time?

Cuz I could see steering clear of a guy like that.

Pants 03-30-2010 06:47 PM

Man, gochiefs, here's how you find girls:

The easiest way is obviously in school. But you're probably not going to one right now.

So the next step is work. Hang out with people at work. Become good friends with a few girls there. Start hanging out with them outside of work and meet one of their single friends. Start hanging out with said friend and hopefully turn into a romantic relationship. 96% chance it's not going to work. Try again if you can.

Also, if you want to go that route - sleep with one girl at work and 4 will come at you after the rumors start flying. But that's not always a good thing, especially if you're working in a small place.

luv 03-30-2010 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by Katipan (Post 6643996)
What do you think happens in public that he's so scared of? Perhaps he compulsively drools and shits himself at the same time?

Cuz I could see steering clear of a guy like that.

I'm thinking rejection in person.

Pants 03-30-2010 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by Katipan (Post 6643996)
What do you think happens in public that he's so scared of? Perhaps he compulsively drools and shits himself at the same time?

Cuz I could see steering clear of a guy like that.

You girls can smell insecurity and awkwardness from a mile away. Please.

Hammock Parties 03-30-2010 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Katipan (Post 6643996)
What do you think happens in public that he's so scared of? Perhaps he compulsively drools and shits himself at the same time?

I'm not scared of anything. I don't think you get it. I've had several wonderful evenings with perfectly well-adjusted women and we get along great. Then they just disappear.

I honestly don't think taking this into the "real world" is going to change anything. It's not like the girls I meet from the internet are all wackos. Plenty of people meet on the internet these days. It's quite normal.

Anyway, I'm not trying to meet anyone right now, so **** it. **** IT.

Mr. Flopnuts 03-30-2010 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Metrolike (Post 6644010)
You girls can smell insecurity and awkwardness from a mile away. Please.


Katipan 03-30-2010 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by GoChiefs (Post 6644015)
I'm not scared of anything. I don't think you get it. I've had several wonderful evenings with perfectly well-adjusted women and we get along great. Then they just disappear.

I honestly don't think taking this into the "real world" is going to change anything. It's not like the girls I meet from the internet are all wackos.

well adjusted women dont do that. id bet most internet success stories are with people that have experienced the alternatives.
Posted via Mobile Device

Hammock Parties 03-30-2010 07:46 PM

I just deactivated my dating profile and slashed a dozen bitches off facebook. Scorched earth, mother****ers.

luv 03-30-2010 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Katipan (Post 6644073)
well adjusted women dont do that. id bet most internet success stories are with people that have experienced the alternatives.
Posted via Mobile Device

Agreed. Most people who are using online dating sites aren't using JUST online dating sites.

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