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Fish 07-05-2017 03:22 PM

Played Witcher 3 for about an hour, and never played it again. Absolutely hated the fighting style. I know many folks here say it's great. It didn't do anything for me...

hometeam 07-05-2017 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 12944778)
Played Witcher 3 for about an hour, and never played it again. Absolutely hated the fighting style. I know many folks here say it's great. It didn't do anything for me...

Same feeling here.

And I gave it about 6 tries. The combat straight up sucks dick. Ruins a game that COULD have been one of the greatest RPGs ever made.

Sofa King 07-05-2017 08:01 PM

Ooohhhh it's about to go down up in here!

MrGiggity 07-05-2017 08:54 PM


ShiftyEyedWaterboy 07-05-2017 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 12944778)
Played Witcher 3 for about an hour, and never played it again. Absolutely hated the fighting style. I know many folks here say it's great. It didn't do anything for me...

I was able to get into it eventually but I get what you're saying. It got a little old. Really my only complaint about the game. Stellar, otherwise. Looking forward to what they do with Cyberpunk.

kjwood75nro 07-05-2017 09:22 PM

Just played a few minutes of Skyrim and remembered a pet peeve...

Why does the text (sometimes vital) have to be either so damn small or in a strange font?

When it's hard enough to read while sober, you know it's a problem after having a few.

Beef Supreme 07-06-2017 09:32 AM

I couldn't get into the Witcher at first, either, and gave up after about an hour. Some coaxing here got me to push through for a bit. The whole first area felt like a chore. But it did get better. The combat does kinda suck. It does get a little better as you level up, but not remarkably so. The story is well done, and the game looks nice.

I don't know if I will play it again. I definitely don't think it's the best game ever like some people here. It was OK. I don't regret playing through it. It was a good game. Could have used better combat.

ShiftyEyedWaterboy 07-06-2017 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by BigChiefTablet (Post 12945854)
I couldn't get into the Witcher at first, either, and gave up after about an hour. Some coaxing here got me to push through for a bit. The whole first area felt like a chore. But it did get better. The combat does kinda suck. It does get a little better as you level up, but not remarkably so. The story is well done, and the game looks nice.

I don't know if I will play it again. I definitely don't think it's the best game ever like some people here. It was OK. I don't regret playing through it. It was a good game. Could have used better combat.

I thought the combat was a bit more fun on higher difficulties. You actually have to pay attention to what you are fighting, what type of oil, bomb, sword, armor you're using.

Beef Supreme 07-06-2017 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by ShiftyEyedWaterboy (Post 12945868)
I thought the combat was a bit more fun on higher difficulties. You actually have to pay attention to what you are fighting, what type of oil, bomb, sword, armor you're using.

I cranked up the difficulty fairly early in my play through. Still didn't use oils, way too much of a pain in the ass mechanic and I didn't spec for that anyway. It was a little better, but it just made it a bit more difficult, not more engaging.

Chief Pagan 07-06-2017 04:34 PM

I played way too much Skyrim and totally burned myself out on making potions/oils/creating specialty armor etc.

I turned the Witcher 3 difficulty down and played the entire game without doing any of that. The lower difficulty lets you heal by going into resting mode. And with zero upgrades, combat could still be a challenge.

[The last (and final) time I played Skyrim I used zero potions.]

Especially, a couple of times during the Witcher main quest when facing Boss type monsters, I was unable to run far enough away to go into rest mode in order to heal and had no healing potions. Made a couple of fights way more challenging than I wanted them to be.

I"m currently playing Zelda and generally liking it. But I'm a bit annoyed that you are forced into using potions. If it was once or twice to advance the quest line, fine, but there is no way to heal outside of food/potion. And also a bit annoyed you can't tweak the combat difficulty up or down.

It has kept my attention and like the shrine/puzzles in the game.

I never really liked that in the middle of combat, the enemy could be about to strike you with a sword and you could stop combat, drink healing potions, and then resume. For Zelda, some of the monsters can one hit kill you but otherwise you can usually defeat them by consuming enough healing food. Just means you spend a lot of time collecting apples and hunting deer...

ShiftyEyedWaterboy 07-06-2017 04:54 PM

Yeah, once you know what you're doing with Skyrim it's easy to get OP with potions and enchanting. You can make loads of money with the right potions, too.

ThaVirus 07-06-2017 05:29 PM

I don't recall ever using a single potion in all the hours I put into Skyrim, but you can bet your ass I stopped to collect every tulip, daisy and rat's ass hair I stumbled upon.

ShiftyEyedWaterboy 07-06-2017 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 12946481)
I don't recall ever using a single potion in all the hours I put into Skyrim, but you can bet your ass I stopped to collect every tulip, daisy and rat's ass hair I stumbled upon.

Yeah, I was OCD about grabbing all that shit. ROFL

ToxSocks 07-06-2017 06:18 PM

Finally picked up Madden '17 (I'm the guy who buys Madden a year late because **** paying $60 when i can pay $10).

I gotta say, it's head and shoulders above any other Madden i've ever played. Ever. It's been a looooong time since i was impressed with Madden and they pulled it off.

Rasputin 07-15-2017 01:32 PM


Ok so I picked up MK X for 15 bucks and things are cool as I expected with brutal Fatalities and as I was fighting my son he had Cassie Cage and I had Kung Lao & so I thought I was going to win but as Fatality would have it Cassie Cage crushed my balls with and I about died laughing.


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