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WilliamTheIrish 09-21-2011 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by Wickedson (Post 7931094)
I don't get it either.

UT will always have so much more than everyone else. Switching conferences will just lead to another big fish (Ohio State, USC, etc etc...)

The best feeling in sport is building a program with less and winning on the field. Running away to another conference will never fix this feeling of inferiority masked as anger.

This is true and it's why I make fun of the "We had options/The PAC plane is on the way!!!!111/ KSU is our anchor..IT'S NOT FAIR" crowd.

It's why NU left and it's why MU fans want out so badly. They'd be buried so deep in the SEC they'd never sniff another division title.

Beat them on the field and it's a non factor.

alnorth 09-21-2011 05:44 PM

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to pretend that everything is hunky dorey and we have nothing to worry about now without some changes.

Our problems stem from the LHN, but not because of the money. The fans are obsessing over the money, but that is not why schools are pissed. We have 2 problems. (well 3, including distrust that other schools are about to leave, but you can fix that by forcing them to sign away their T1/2 TV rights for several years so that it is basically impossible to leave)

1) If the LHN shows high school ball, even highlights, then Texas could exploit that for a recruiting advantage.

2) The LHN apparently intends to work out deals with Fox/ESPN to poach some of our T1/2 games. (Kansas is complicit in this, because we accepted a big bribe to let them show our KU/UT game on the LHN) If Texas wants to show non-conference games that are not picked up, fine, go nuts and feel free to keep what you make. If Texas wants to show a conference game, they should split all revenue from that game.

This is fixable. If Texas doesn't show high school and splits anything they get from conference games, we're cool. The 3rd tier money they get otherwise is not enough to bother with.

ChiefsCountry 09-21-2011 05:48 PM

If I am Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas Tech etc I buy ads on the LHN.

Bambi 09-21-2011 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by alnorth (Post 7931114)
Don't get me wrong, I don't want to pretend that everything is hunky dorey and we have nothing to worry about now without some changes.

Our problems stem from the LHN, but not because of the money. The fans are obsessing over the money, but that is not why schools are pissed. We have 2 problems. (well 3, including distrust that other schools are about to leave, but you can fix that by forcing them to sign away their T1/2 TV rights for several years so that it is basically impossible to leave)

1) If the LHN shows high school ball, even highlights, then Texas could exploit that for a recruiting advantage.

2) The LHN apparently intends to work out deals with Fox/ESPN to poach some of our T1/2 games. (Kansas is complicit in this, because we accepted a big bribe to let them show our KU/UT game on the LHN) If Texas wants to show non-conference games that are not picked up, fine, go nuts and feel free to keep what you make. If Texas wants to show a conference game, they should split all revenue from that game.

This is fixable. If Texas doesn't show high school and splits anything they get from conference games, we're cool. The 3rd tier money they get otherwise is not enough to bother with.

The high school thing shouldn't happen and won't happen. Even if there are literally 18 people in this country that subscribe to the LHN. It was a dumb thing to try and pull and I don't think anyone's going to be worried about that going forward.

It is annoying that there is a possibility of conf games getting poached by the LHN. This year the KU got taken. If KU was better on the field then they wouldn't have agreed to it and it would have been put on ABC or FSN or whatever. I live in NYC which will NEVER have the LHN. So no matter where I go I won't be able to watch KU-UT this year. That sucks. But if KU doesn't have the pull on the field to say no then that's their own fault. I'm going to give them this year because it will be a good payout for them and most of the KU fans won't be screaming about not seeing it because the team will most likely not win.

alnorth 09-21-2011 05:56 PM

Anyway, I said money is not really the issue, now that everyone has agreed to share Tier 1/2, so lets break it down. (I'll also assume we expand to 10)

We currently have a weird situation where our tier 2 contract is a lot bigger than our tier 1 contract, because we made our deal with Fox recently. That tells us that our tier 1 deal will probably be massive. (maybe we can renegotiate after dropping A&M and adding BYU?)

Tier 1 (ESPN): expires in 2016, $60MM/year, $6MM per school

Tier 2 (Fox): expires in 2025, $90MM/year, $9MM per school

Money each school gets from TV if they don't make a dime on Tier 3: $15MM/year

Tier 3 (owned by each school): 2009-2010 school year

Texas: ~$15MM/yr (not 09-10, based on future from LHN)
Kansas: ~$7.3MM
OSU: ~$6.4MM
MU: ~$4.1MM
KSU: ~$3.3MM
ISU: ~$2.6MM
TTech and BU: basically zero

average: ~$4.3MM

If everyone splits evenly, each school gets about ~$19.3MM

If no split, Mizzou gets about ~$19.1MM. Baylor gets ~$15MM

alnorth 09-21-2011 06:12 PM

Conference Leaderboard

PAC 12: $250MM/year, locked in through 2024
Big 10: $212MM/year, T1 (100/yr) done in 2016, T2 basically locked in forever (2030's through BTN)
SEC: $205MM/year, locked in through 2024, which is probably why they'd like to expand to give them an excuse to renegotiate
ACC: $155MM/year, locked in through 2023, but maybe they can now renegotiate?
Big 12: $150MM/year, details above
Big East: $42.3MM/year, T1 expires next year, T2 expires in 2013, if the conference makes it that far

Saul Good 09-21-2011 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by WilliamTheIrish (Post 7931109)
This is true and it's why I make fun of the "We had options/The PAC plane is on the way!!!!111/ KSU is our anchor..IT'S NOT FAIR" crowd.

It's why NU left and it's why MU fans want out so badly. They'd be buried so deep in the SEC they'd never sniff another division title.

Beat them on the field and it's a non factor.

That has nothing to do with why I want out as an MU fan. I want out because the conference isn't stable. Eventually, there will be a huge game of musical chairs, and I want to make sure we have a nice, comfy seat when the music stops.

K-State has beaten Texas several times. What do you think that's worth when it comes to realignment?

LiveSteam 09-21-2011 07:24 PM

Bebee to be fired tomorrow morning.

ArrowheadHawk 09-21-2011 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Wickedson (Post 7931132)
The high school thing shouldn't happen and won't happen. Even if there are literally 18 people in this country that subscribe to the LHN. It was a dumb thing to try and pull and I don't think anyone's going to be worried about that going forward.

It is annoying that there is a possibility of conf games getting poached by the LHN. This year the KU got taken. If KU was better on the field then they wouldn't have agreed to it and it would have been put on ABC or FSN or whatever. I live in NYC which will NEVER have the LHN. So no matter where I go I won't be able to watch KU-UT this year. That sucks. But if KU doesn't have the pull on the field to say no then that's their own fault. I'm going to give them this year because it will be a good payout for them and most of the KU fans won't be screaming about not seeing it because the team will most likely not win.
Look into AT&T Jayhawk All Access. You can watch the game online. It also includes this weekends legends of the phog exhibition.

ArrowheadHawk 09-21-2011 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by LiveSteam (Post 7931315)
Bebee to be fired tomorrow morning.


Titty Meat 09-21-2011 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by WilliamTheIrish (Post 7931109)
This is true and it's why I make fun of the "We had options/The PAC plane is on the way!!!!111/ KSU is our anchor..IT'S NOT FAIR" crowd.

It's why NU left and it's why MU fans want out so badly. They'd be buried so deep in the SEC they'd never sniff another division title.

Beat them on the field and it's a non factor.

Nebraska had flirted with the Big 10 for 20 years now. I wanted out because the Big 12 conference sucks. I had to pay 40 bucks to watch Nebraska play Western Kentucky? Aside from that I like the history and traditions the Big 10 has. Would much rather player in the Rose Bowl than the Fiesta Bowl. Also haven't seen many people on the Big 10 boards talking about basketball in September.

jAZ 09-21-2011 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by WilliamTheIrish (Post 7931076)
The PAC declared the honeymoon over when they felt UT was going to walk away. It was mutual/non mutual face saver.

From the beginning the Pac-12 had a high bar for taking anyone else. They have the best media deal in the country and they are going to be the first conference with international distribution rights in Asia. And to divide that pie with Texas and OU makes sense. To add OSU and TT makes little sense, other than to get UT and OU.

The Pac would be better with Texas on the same terms as USC and UCLA. But they weren't ever going to accomidate Texas above USC and UCLA. Texas was going to get whatever those schools get. And they were going to get whatever Texas gets.

And the LA schools have wanted a B12/UT-like deal from the Pac-10 for years... for obvious reasons. So there was no "saving face" necessary on the Pac-12's part. None.

That's not so say that it couldn't have been very good for the Pac12 to become the Pac16. But only under certain conditions. And Texas was going to have to accept them ultimately.

They weren't willing to. They said no. Scott said fine. And the Pac voted to stand pat... where pat is a very good position.

kcfan82 09-21-2011 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Bo's Pelini (Post 7931342)
Nebraska had flirted with the Big 10 for 20 years now. I wanted out because the Big 12 conference sucks. I had to pay 40 bucks to watch Nebraska play Western Kentucky? Aside from that I like the history and traditions the Big 10 has. Would much rather player in the Rose Bowl than the Fiesta Bowl. Also haven't seen many people on the Big 10 boards talking about basketball in September.

For the record I never really wanted out, but after losing the OU/NU game yearly and being force fed a rivalry with Colorado things never felt the same.

Bambi 09-21-2011 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Bo's Pelini (Post 7931342)
Nebraska had flirted with the Big 10 for 20 years now. I wanted out because the Big 12 conference sucks. I had to pay 40 bucks to watch Nebraska play Western Kentucky? Aside from that I like the history and traditions the Big 10 has. Would much rather player in the Rose Bowl than the Fiesta Bowl. Also haven't seen many people on the Big 10 boards talking about basketball in September.


I see the Big 10 as more of a bball conf nowadays. No sniff of a title since Maurice Clarett. Wow thats a long time

Titty Meat 09-21-2011 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Wickedson (Post 7931474)

I see the Big 10 as more of a bball conf nowadays. No sniff of a title since Maurice Clarett. Wow thats a long time

You also thought Jordan Webb was going to be a Heisman candidate.

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