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Demonpenz 01-08-2007 01:28 AM


luv 01-08-2007 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by el borracho
That is very interesting- you substituted the letter v for the letter b in the word trabajo. Did you read that somewhere or is that how you hear it?

Oh, btw it's dieciseis not dias y ses.

I knew it was written as one word as well. I put another s where the c is at, and I knew it didn't look right.

Bugeater 01-08-2007 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by luv
dias = days
dies = 10

ses = ?
seis = 6

Sorry to be annoying. Correcting spelling and grammar is a bad habit.

Well that explains why my online trans....err...I couldn't translate that.

el borracho 01-08-2007 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
My magic Spanish 8-ball tells me:

I travajo with enough guatemaltacos and Mexicans and honduranos for days and ses years .. my teacher is Jose - Davila-Montenegro

Try submitting the translation with the following changes:

trabajo instead of travajo
guatemaltecos instead of guatemaltacos
dieciseis instead of días y ses

Bugeater 01-08-2007 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by Sam Hall
Yeah, I'm guessing triple digits.

Likely. It's nothing to be proud of. :shake:

2112 01-08-2007 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by el borracho
Try submitting the translation with the following changes:

trabajo instead of travajo
guatemaltecos instead of guatemaltacos
dieciseis instead of días y ses


Man I butchered that

el borracho 01-08-2007 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by Demonpenz
what about men? Do men love italian because I want some stone hard balls right in my face.

You tell me and we'll both know (except I don't really want you to tell me).

el borracho 01-08-2007 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by luv
Men like Swedish...I think. Maybe French.

Swedish just sounds silly.

French sounds ugly to me. Like they are talking with a mouth full of oatmeal or something. Although I do like the accent when French-speakers speak English.

Demonpenz 01-08-2007 01:32 AM

I'm all hopped up on mountain dew old man

Bugeater 01-08-2007 01:33 AM


Originally Posted by el borracho
Try submitting the translation with the following changes:

trabajo instead of travajo
guatemaltecos instead of guatemaltacos
dieciseis instead of días y ses

I work with enough Guatemalans and Mexicans and honduranos for sixteen years .. my teacher is Jose - Davila-Montenegro.

Well it certainly makes more sense now.

luv 01-08-2007 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by el borracho
Swedish just sounds silly.

French sounds ugly to me. Like they are talking with a mouth full of oatmeal or something. Although I do like the accent when French-speakers speak English.

This proves that I know zero about men. Even their language preference. I was actually thinking accents instead of languages.

el borracho 01-08-2007 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by luv
I knew it was written as one word as well. I put another s where the c is at, and I knew it didn't look right.

One of the advantages of speaking with a Castillian accent and not a Mexican accent- you can guess the correct spelling more often.

luv 01-08-2007 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by Demonpenz
I'm all hopped up on mountain dew old man

I haven't had a drop of soda since New Years. I also didn't workout today. I'm feeling guilty.

Sam Hall 01-08-2007 01:36 AM

I'm going back to school Tuesday. I'm taking several communication courses, but no spanish.

el borracho 01-08-2007 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
I work with enough Guatemalans and Mexicans and honduranos for sixteen years .. my teacher is Jose - Davila-Montenegro.

Well it certainly makes more sense now.

How does your translator translate Hondurans into Spanish?

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