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GoShox 05-15-2016 10:59 PM

I'm late to the party on this one since the game came out like 18 years ago, but I just finished Xenogears last week after playing it on/off for the last couple months.

I don't even know how to explain it. Throughout the game I was really frustrated with the amount of text and frequency of random battles. I died to the second to last boss a couple times and was getting pretty frustrated, especially since the game was really easy up to that point, and once I finally beat the game, the only satisfaction I had was that it was finally over and that I wouldn't be playing it again. While playing through the game, I couldn't really piece the story together and it seemed like once I started to understand something, they'd introduce a whole new set of mysteries to be solved. Spacing out my play time over the span of a couple months certainly didn't help as I had forgotten a lot of stuff from earlier in the game that probably would've helped when trying to understand stuff.

But man, after beating the game, giving it a couple days and then reading the plot on various sites to understand what I missed, I see this game in a whole new light. The story, while confusing to a new player, is really freaking amazing. Probably the best story in an RPG that I've ever seen. You could take a couple of the subplots and basically make a whole game out of them on their own, but the game is able to make them all work together. The music is awesome (to be expected from Yasunori Mitsuda). While the amount of text is a little frustrating, it is bearable when considering that the story makes it worth it. The only big negative part to the game is how obviously rushed Disc 2 is. This is pretty much pointed out by anyone who has played the game, and it's pretty unfortunate.

Would definitely recommend to anyone who hasn't played it, with the understanding that it may seem a little slow at times and that a lot of things won't make sense for a while. I've never had an opinion drastically change like this for any game, but I definitely will be replaying this again some day when I get the time.

Bowser 05-15-2016 11:08 PM

Anybody tried out the new DOOM yet?

Gonzo 06-07-2016 09:30 PM

Spring DLC Review: Witcher 3 and Fallout 4
Let's discuss DLC... Shall we?

Most downloadable content is shit. Admit it. It's just there to keep someone interested in said game for a week or two after the initial release. See games like assassins creed or COD.
Then you have companies like Bethesda and CD Projekt Red.
These guys know how to do DLC. It's been over a year since CD released The Witcher 3 and the game is still one of the best you can possible buy. They've updated the main game several times with free DLC and have not advertised any of it whatsoever. Now (IMHO) the game has gone from a solid 9 to a perfect 10. When you include the last two DLC's that they charged for (Blood and Wine and Hearts of Stone) you get a grand total of 150+ hrs of total gameplay for amateur or intermediate gamers. The stories they've included with the recent updates are wonderfully done. Old lore, children's fables and Nordic legends are amongst the many stories you get to take part in. All in all, if you don't own this game, you should.
Let's move on to Fallout 4:
As I progressed through fallout 4's first major DLC contribution, (automatron) I thought "meh, more of the same." However, the latest (Far Harbor) in addition to the aforementioned is a truly stout addition to an already great game. The two additions give you around 40 hours of bonus gameplay. The storylines leave a little something to be desired but when you play the game in its entirety and add both DLC's? It's a wonderful adventure.
I'm not here to sing DLC's praise. However, when companies do it right to the correct titles, it's a welcomed addition to a great collection.

Witcher 3 hearts of stone DLC: 8
Witcher 3 Blood and wine DLC: 9
Fallout 4 automatron DLC: 6.5
Fallout 4 Far Harbor DLC: 8

GloucesterChief 06-07-2016 09:58 PM

Gearbox usually does really well with the Borderlands DLC.

Beef Supreme 06-08-2016 08:19 AM

I've been playing the shit out of Fallout 4 lately. I have the Witcher 3, but only got a few hours into it. It hasn't really grabbed me, but I'll give it another shot at some point.

FlintHillsChiefs 06-08-2016 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by BigChiefTablet (Post 12265561)
I've been playing the shit out of Fallout 4 lately. I have the Witcher 3, but only got a few hours into it. It hasn't really grabbed me, but I'll give it another shot at some point.

It starts out kind of slow but once you get 4 or 5 hours into it, I couldn't put it down.

Mother****erJones 06-09-2016 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by BigChiefTablet (Post 12265561)
I've been playing the shit out of Fallout 4 lately. I have the Witcher 3, but only got a few hours into it. It hasn't really grabbed me, but I'll give it another shot at some point.

Play more of Witcher and you'll be hooked. It takes a little bit to get hooked.

DC.chief 06-09-2016 07:18 AM

Can't get into Fallout 4 at all. Not sure i'll ever go back to it actually. Don't consider myself a hardcore fan of the series but i've played everyone of them and fallout 4 just feels to same to me.

Witcher 3 on the other hand I can't stop playing. Can't say enough good things about it really. I don't always delve deep into the stories of games but I'm so intrigued by all the little details. The recent updates make it even better. It's GOAT

Gonzo 06-09-2016 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by DC.chief (Post 12267048)
Can't get into Fallout 4 at all. Not sure i'll ever go back to it actually. Don't consider myself a hardcore fan of the series but i've played everyone of them and fallout 4 just feels to same to me.

Witcher 3 on the other hand I can't stop playing. Can't say enough good things about it really. I don't always delve deep into the stories of games but I'm so intrigued by all the little details. The recent updates make it even better. It's GOAT

Fallout is a great game but I can see your point. It takes some commitment to really get into it. What pisses me off is its lack of a morale system like in previous games. You can't blow up an entire city right off the bat like in 3 or just choose to be evil for shits and grins.

Beef Supreme 06-09-2016 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by DC.chief (Post 12267048)
Can't get into Fallout 4 at all. Not sure i'll ever go back to it actually. Don't consider myself a hardcore fan of the series but i've played everyone of them and fallout 4 just feels to same to me.

Witcher 3 on the other hand I can't stop playing. Can't say enough good things about it really. I don't always delve deep into the stories of games but I'm so intrigued by all the little details. The recent updates make it even better. It's GOAT

Well, I'm not playing Fallout 4 for the story. I admit it isn't that good. I just like roaming the post apocalyptic wasteland blowing shit up.

Fish 06-09-2016 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12267158)
Fallout is a great game but I can see your point. It takes some commitment to really get into it. What pisses me off is its lack of a morale system like in previous games. You can't blow up an entire city right off the bat like in 3 or just choose to be evil for shits and grins.

I desperately wanted to destroy all factions, and just rule the land myself. **** the Institute. **** the Brotherhood. **** the Railroad. **** the Minutemen. Kill em all.

But nope. Gotta go help rescue another ****ing Abernathy kidnap victim instead..

allen_kcCard 06-09-2016 09:34 AM

I do wish that the repeating quests had a wrap up. I know they want to have them there as an option to grind up levels, but I am anal and don't like failing quests. I wish there was some sort of way to make a settlement completely safe from needing you, or setting up something where you can put Minutemen on duty to so what you would have needed to do for them at some point.

Beef Supreme 06-09-2016 09:40 AM

Actually, with enough turrets, I have had several times where the message pops up that a settlement successfully defended itself. Although you do have to go see the settler for the quests that Don Cheadle gives you. I mean Preston Garvey. Or they will fail eventually if you don't go talk to them.

Gonzo 06-09-2016 02:10 PM

Beef Supreme 07-17-2016 08:59 AM

File this under the hidden gem category.

I started playing Dragon's Dogma about a week ago. Why review a game that came out on consoles in 2012? Well, it's only been on PC for less than a year, and I think a lot of people missed this game, which is kind of a shame.

I'm nowhere near finished with it, and it does have its flaws. But if you are looking for good combat and some innovative ideas, this is a game you should look into. It's a Capcom game, their first attempt at an open world game, and I have heard some of the same devs that did Dark Souls were involved but I don't know if that is true or not. One thing is certain, it's a hell of a lot better PC port than Dark Souls.

It doesn't hold your hand, and there is difficulty and somewhat of a learning curve, but it isn't an intimidating learning curve. The combat and class system is top notch, and you can change classes pretty easily and try different stuff. You can climb up boss monsters and stab weak points, or shoot at them from the ground with arrows or spells. It's a hoot.

Character customization actually matters some. There are a lot of options, and some have gameplay effects. If you make a small character you are a little quicker, and regenerate stamina faster, but your carry weight is lower. You can also get into some small holes that big characters cannot. Large characters can carry more and climb some things a small character can't reach. They have a larger stamina pool, but it regenerates slower. Large characters have a longer reach with weapons, but have a bigger hit box. Small characters can possibly roll under a big monster and have a smaller hit box, but shorter reach.

One of the standout features is the Pawn system. Pawns are NPC party members, and you can have up to three of them in your party. One of them is a Pawn you create. You create the looks, the class, you gear it up, you choose the class and skills. The same character size pros and cons apply to the pawns. It travels with you all the time. The other two, you can hire, and you can hire the pawns other people have made. They can also hire your pawn. When someone hires your pawn, once you log back in and rest at an inn, you get some points to buy skills with based on the amount they did while hired.

Your pawn also gets some knowledge of the quests they did while hired, even if you haven't done those quests yet, and they can offer some advice when you get to those quests.

The story is nothing too special so far, and I've heard it's not the greatest, but the adventure is fun. Travelling at night is more dangerous than by day, and there are definitely times when you are relieved to make it back to an inn and rest.

They do some innovative stuff, which is nice if you are getting tired of the same old combat and the same old everything in a lot of games.

Here is a combat montage that shows some of the cool shit you can do.

no idea why this won't embed.

Jerm 07-18-2016 12:55 PM

I travel a lot for my job and finally started to give mobile gaming a fair shake and dip in on the I know it has a bad stigma but there are some real quality games out there to be played.

Thoroughly enjoying Banner Saga, Her Story, Papers Please, Faster Than Light, etc.

Glad I gave it a go....

New World Order 07-26-2016 04:01 PM

Anyone see the new GTA 5 graphics mod? :drool:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

BigBeauford 07-26-2016 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 12321324)
I travel a lot for my job and finally started to give mobile gaming a fair shake and dip in on the I know it has a bad stigma but there are some real quality games out there to be played.

Thoroughly enjoying Banner Saga, Her Story, Papers Please, Faster Than Light, etc.

Glad I gave it a go....

Faster than Light is simply incredible.

Pasta Little Brioni 07-26-2016 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by BigChiefTablet (Post 12319164)
File this under the hidden gem category.

I started playing Dragon's Dogma about a week ago. Why review a game that came out on consoles in 2012? Well, it's only been on PC for less than a year, and I think a lot of people missed this game, which is kind of a shame.

I'm nowhere near finished with it, and it does have its flaws. But if you are looking for good combat and some innovative ideas, this is a game you should look into. It's a Capcom game, their first attempt at an open world game, and I have heard some of the same devs that did Dark Souls were involved but I don't know if that is true or not. One thing is certain, it's a hell of a lot better PC port than Dark Souls.

It doesn't hold your hand, and there is difficulty and somewhat of a learning curve, but it isn't an intimidating learning curve. The combat and class system is top notch, and you can change classes pretty easily and try different stuff. You can climb up boss monsters and stab weak points, or shoot at them from the ground with arrows or spells. It's a hoot.

Character customization actually matters some. There are a lot of options, and some have gameplay effects. If you make a small character you are a little quicker, and regenerate stamina faster, but your carry weight is lower. You can also get into some small holes that big characters cannot. Large characters can carry more and climb some things a small character can't reach. They have a larger stamina pool, but it regenerates slower. Large characters have a longer reach with weapons, but have a bigger hit box. Small characters can possibly roll under a big monster and have a smaller hit box, but shorter reach.

One of the standout features is the Pawn system. Pawns are NPC party members, and you can have up to three of them in your party. One of them is a Pawn you create. You create the looks, the class, you gear it up, you choose the class and skills. The same character size pros and cons apply to the pawns. It travels with you all the time. The other two, you can hire, and you can hire the pawns other people have made. They can also hire your pawn. When someone hires your pawn, once you log back in and rest at an inn, you get some points to buy skills with based on the amount they did while hired.

Your pawn also gets some knowledge of the quests they did while hired, even if you haven't done those quests yet, and they can offer some advice when you get to those quests.

The story is nothing too special so far, and I've heard it's not the greatest, but the adventure is fun. Travelling at night is more dangerous than by day, and there are definitely times when you are relieved to make it back to an inn and rest.

They do some innovative stuff, which is nice if you are getting tired of the same old combat and the same old everything in a lot of games.

Here is a combat montage that shows some of the cool shit you can do.

no idea why this won't embed.

Really really great game. Randomly came across it for ps 4 a few years ago and was hooked.

Beef Supreme 07-27-2016 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by Pasta Giant Meatball (Post 12336590)
Really really great game. Randomly came across it for ps 4 a few years ago and was hooked.

Yeah, I'm still playing the shit out of it. I finished the final battle, which isn't really the final battle, and I haven't even touched the DLC stuff yet. And I will be doing the New Game Plus.

I really can't recommend this game enough. More people should know about it.

ChiefAshhole1056 07-27-2016 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 12321324)
I travel a lot for my job and finally started to give mobile gaming a fair shake and dip in on the I know it has a bad stigma but there are some real quality games out there to be played.

Thoroughly enjoying Banner Saga, Her Story, Papers Please, Faster Than Light, etc.

Glad I gave it a go....

Are any of these available to play offline? I travel weekly for my job as well and dont have any games to play on the plane because I dont have any service (and I have no intentions of paying for the shitty ass wi-fi on there).

hometeam 07-27-2016 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by ChiefAshhole1056 (Post 12336859)
Are any of these available to play offline? I travel weekly for my job as well and dont have any games to play on the plane because I dont have any service (and I have no intentions of paying for the shitty ass wi-fi on there).

Pretty sure all of those are offline games.

ChiefAshhole1056 07-27-2016 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by hometeam (Post 12336894)
Pretty sure all of those are offline games.

Sick. Thanks!

Gonzo 07-29-2016 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by New World Order (Post 12335668)
Anyone see the new GTA 5 graphics mod? :drool:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Yeah, looks good. Looks like they had to do a bit of background hazing at longer distances but not too much.

I'll bet we see a remastered version of GTA in the next couple years.

Mother****erJones 07-31-2016 08:10 PM

Just popping in to say I'm on my 6th play through of Last of Us. My friend had it for months and I just got it back a week ago. I'm on my second play through since getting it back. I'm still at the end on grounded mode but haven't finished it.

Gonzo 08-17-2016 01:24 PM

No Man's Sky Review - PS4
No Man's Sky, PS4:

Where to begin? No Man's Sky is a game that's been touted as the largest, most intense space exploration game ever created. The hype surrounding this game has included death-threats, interviews with the developer on the Late Show, more death threats and delays, delays, delays. The game had a huge fan base 2 years before release. After it's release last week, anyone critical of the game was subject to harassment from fanboys.
Now that it's here, I'm going to give you a full rundown on this title.

Let's start with the story. Well, actually lets start with a red-flag before the story.
I was gifted the highly coveted, (sarcasm) "Limited Edition" by my local retailer.
Upon opening the case, I noticed no download code for my free "upgraded starship."
Our first red flag.

Now then, before I got the game home, I made sure I cleared at least 40 gigs of memory space on my PS4, (expecting the need to delete more). I figured that since I had to deal with what was touted as "the largest game ever created" I needed to be prepared. I seriously thought it would take at least 3 hours to fully download.
Wrong! Should have done my research. Now I have to re-download Uncharted 4!
The game is 6 gigs. I've downloaded DLC that was much bigger. See Witcher 3.
Red Flag number 2

Ok then, I know the dev, (Hello Games) did say the galaxy was procedurely generated. I'm wondering what the hell the delays were all about, though.

Disk inserted, game loaded in less than 15 mins.
Ok, let's do this.

You begin with a beautiful opening sequence of the stars. Very detailed and very awe-inspiring. Apparently, you can go to each and every galaxy they represent.
The next thing you know, you are on planet whateverthefuk looking at your damaged starship with no assistance or clue on what to do.
In my opinion, that's actually kinda cool.
However, *Ding* another flag. No sleeve insert, directions or a guide on what to do or where to go. That's odd not to have at least a little bit of a tutorial, no?
Oh wait...
That's ok. You have a pop-up telling you to mine a resource with your multi tool.
Little did I know that when I mined that first column of 'Heridium' I'd have to repeat the process hundreds, no, thousands of times.
So, the ship is fixed and you're off the planet.
Time to play the game.
Let me say that the first time you fly your ship into orbit is an experience.
I made my way to the first space station and met my first alien. It sounded as though he has some serious indigestion. Gurgles and burps and such. Apparently, I'm to trade with this frog-bird thing and eventually learn its language during my journey to the center of the galaxy.

That's your story boys and girls. Learn languages, mine resources, warp to a new galaxy. So, the gameplay must be pretty fun, right?

I guess it all depends on what kind of gamer you are. If you enjoy exploring and mining and constantly screwing with your inventory screens and never really seeing anything new, this game is for you.
If you like a compelling story, action, new and different quests and goals, this game is not for you.
If you want a relaxing, stress free game, well this is your masterpiece.
Let's call it Spacecraft without the multiplayer. (alas, another story for another day regarding the multiplayer)

Don't get me wrong here, the game has it's moments. Yes, it can be very beautiful, the music is great, some of the creatures are pretty cool, (I have yet to run into a dinosaur like in the trailers, though) and at times the graphics are decent. But the game only runs at 30fps, the pop-in and shading are ridiculous and the game is just, well, boring.

So, I guess you can say that the game might be 18 quadrillion planets big but in my experience, it's only an inch deep.
I have no doubt that in a few months or so, updates and DLC will happen to make this game better. It's been reported that very soon, we'll be able to make our own stations/shelters on planets. You know, like all the other ones we see scattered all over the place? Yeah, those. Hopefully the game won't crash as much after the next patch. (I've had 8 hard-crashes thus far)

So in conclusion, this game has potential. I really think it was released in an unfinished state and the developer just doesn't have the gall to admit it.

I'm giving this one a solid 6.5 monoliths out of 10.

Now then, where the hell did I put my copy of Mass Effect?

Mother****erJones 08-17-2016 07:21 PM

No mans sky was cool for a little bit but it's far too monotonous. I'd give it a 6/10. That's being generous. People give destiny a lot of grief. This is far worse.

Gonzo 08-26-2016 11:15 PM

There's a $20 game available now called Valley. I cannot recommend it enough guys.

It's maybe 5 hours long but the story is really cool and the game is beautiful.
Gameplay is very polished and really satisfying.

It's a first person platformer-type game that gives you really cool abilities like flash-speed running, high jumping, etc.
Music is awesome and the graphics are nearly perfect.

I won't do a review on it but it's a definite must play when you get tired of Deus Ex.

Gonzo 08-29-2016 11:55 AM

Review - Deus Ex Mankind Divided PS4
Review for Deus Ex Mankind Divided - PS4

As a rookie to the Deus Ex games, I went in with a very unbiased view. I pre-ordered the game two days before launch so that I could play it right away. the fanfare for this game was huge, (as was the moronic money-grabbing tactics originally attempted by Square Enix, Montreal).
Alas, another story for another day.

This is the latest installment of the long running series and it has a huge fan base. Some call the original Deus Ex a perfect game. I wouldn't know, I've never played it. I did play the previous installment, Human Revolution though.
I only lasted about two hours and found myself lost. This was when I wasn't really into narrative driven games. I borrowed it from a friend who just raved and raved.
Now I kind of see what he was talking about. The beautiful thing about 'MD' is that you don't really need to play the previous games to jump right in. There's an optional 12 minute video you can watch, (that is a little confusing) that will bring you up to speed for the most part.

You play as Agent Adam Jensen. A man that's been "augmented" with robotic limbs, implants and special abilities in the year 2020. He can see through walls, become invisible and basically just dominate everything. The world has become very anti-augmentation since a huge incident occurred two years prior. That's difficult since a huge portion of the population has an augmentation of some sort. I'm not going to go in depth on the story. It's very interesting, though and it has caused several debates with SJW's and others.

Off we go...

This game is the graphical equivalent of most in the genre. It's really nothing astounding anymore. If this was released two years ago, we all would've been shocked. It's a beautiful game with great attention and time spent on the little details. Lighting and shading is very beautiful and you can just tell the devs spent thousands of hours on it. They're pretty mush as good as a console can do right now without serious lag.

The music is perfect. The sounds are rich and detailed. The voice? Not so good. The lip-sync is WAY off on nearly every conversation. You can tell right away that this is an issue.
By the way, I know Adam Jensen is who he is but for god's sake, does he have to mumble and whisper every line? It's god awful. Show some emotion man.

This is the crux of the game. It's very "James Bond meets Aiden from Watch Dogs." There's a million ways to go about every mission and side mission. Do you go in hot with a tactical shotgun, grenades and your suped up Augs?
Or perhaps you go in super stealthy? Use stun guns, knock out gas, tranquilizer guns, your stun abilitiy on your augments. All these options are available.
You'll also find five or six different ways to enter a mission site. You can go through the front door, a vent system, the roof, hack something to distract guards, etc.

All in all, the game is good. It has it's drawbacks regarding gameplay for people that don't like to back-track a lot.
That's one drawback I found.
Go to point A
Crap, you need a code to enter, its at point B but you don't know that unless you talk to person 1. Ok, talked to person 1, got the code from point B, back to Point A. I'm in...
Shit! Need to go talk to person 2 to find out exactly what I need to do to get into the laptop. Person 2 sends me to Point C to do a favor for person 1 in order to get the Laptop code for the mission.
Well, if you don't like doing those types of things, the game might not be for you.
If you do like problem-solving, give it a shot.

By the way, the multi-player option? Not so good. But that's ok. No big deal.

Total gameplay is anywhere from 10-20 hours depending on your approach.
It's a good experience and a decent story.
For those who loved the previous installments, you'll love this one just as much.

Score: 8 out of 10 Praxis Kits

Mother****erJones 09-02-2016 02:42 PM

Got back into Fallout with all of the new DLCs. Love this game. I'm getting ready to dive into Far Harbor.

Gonzo 09-02-2016 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Mother****erJones (Post 12401649)
Got back into Fallout with all of the new DLCs. Love this game. I'm getting ready to dive into Far Harbor.

It's the game that keeps on giving. Now I have another one for you, general.
A settlement is in need of our help...

MrGiggity 09-02-2016 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12402204)
It's the game that keeps on giving. Now I have another one for you, general.
A settlement is in need of our help...

Are Nuka World and Far Harbor with getting? Been playing New Vegas recently. Nuka World looks very intriguing as does Far Harbor. The others, eh not so much.

Mother****erJones 09-02-2016 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by MrGiggity (Post 12402553)
Are Nuka World and Far Harbor with getting? Been playing New Vegas recently. Nuka World looks very intriguing as does Far Harbor. The others, eh not so much.

So far yes. I got the season pass before it went up in price. This DLC is ****ing awesome. This game is marvelous. I can't wait to really dig in and build stuff tomorrow. I took a break a few months ago because I was playing other games and wanted to let DLC come out. Also had Lost Patrol quest stuck and wanted updates to fix it and it did. They did a really good job with this DLC and game overall. I don't feel like I'm being ripped off...*cough* destiny *cough*.

I'm waiting on mods now. I just wana shoot ****ing explosive teddy bears out of my mini nuke weapon lol

Mother****erJones 09-02-2016 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12402204)
It's the game that keeps on giving. Now I have another one for you, general.
A settlement is in need of our help...

I just wana give them a giant ****ing hug for this game. I've had an awesome time. When I'm done, I got another character ready for siding with the Institute next. Then I'll create another for the railroad. This game is THAT good.

Gonzo 09-03-2016 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by Mother****erJones (Post 12402571)
So far yes. I got the season pass before it went up in price. This DLC is ****ing awesome. This game is marvelous. I can't wait to really dig in and build stuff tomorrow. I took a break a few months ago because I was playing other games and wanted to let DLC come out. Also had Lost Patrol quest stuck and wanted updates to fix it and it did. They did a really good job with this DLC and game overall. I don't feel like I'm being ripped off...*cough* destiny *cough*.

I'm waiting on mods now. I just wana shoot ****ing explosive teddy bears out of my mini nuke weapon lol

If you love mods, I suggest checking this guy out on YouTube. He does vids on them all the time. His channel is nearly dedicated to the game now.

Miles 09-03-2016 02:20 AM

Sounds like I need to go back to playing Fallout. I really liked it initially but lost momentum when it felt a bit too open world

Gonzo 09-03-2016 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by Miles (Post 12402610)
Sounds like I need to go back to playing Fallout. I really liked it initially but lost momentum when it felt a bit too open world

That's the cool thing about it, the world isn't that big. It's actually quite a bit smaller than FO3. However, there's a lot more to see and do. The fast travel system is pretty awesome as well.

GloucesterChief 09-03-2016 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12402623)
That's the cool thing about it, the world isn't that big. It's actually quite a bit smaller than FO3. However, there's a lot more to see and do. The fast travel system is pretty awesome as well.

Geography wise it is a whole lot smaller than FO3. Map wise it certainly is smaller than New Vegas.

Gonzo 09-04-2016 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by GloucesterChief (Post 12402850)
Geography wise it is a whole lot smaller than FO3. Map wise it certainly is smaller than New Vegas.

The far harbor dlc adds a lot, surprisingly.

Stryker 09-04-2016 10:16 PM

OK, so I have a PS3 and PS4. I wanted to know if Dantes Inferno is worth buying/playing on the PS3. Thoughts?

Gonzo 09-05-2016 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by Stryker (Post 12405664)
OK, so I have a PS3 and PS4. I wanted to know if Dantes Inferno is worth buying/playing on the PS3. Thoughts?

That's a classic.
Good game, your typical hack and slash. Good story, (of course).

It shows boobies too. You can probably pick it up for what, 5-6 bucks at GameStop?

Sandy Vagina 09-05-2016 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by BigChiefTablet (Post 12267276)
Actually, with enough turrets, I have had several times where the message pops up that a settlement successfully defended itself. Although you do have to go see the settler for the quests that Don Cheadle gives you. I mean Preston Garvey. Or they will fail eventually if you don't go talk to them.

I still have not had my Spectacle Island settlement attacked. I wonder if it has to do with my 400+ defense?

I love this island. I currently have 32 settlers.. all sexy women stripped down to panties and bra.. but with good weapons and ballistic fiber 5 hat assortments. Paradise indeed!

This game has been great. The crafting/building really makes it superior to the prior FO games... and the aimless exploration is always a must.


Gonzo 09-05-2016 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by Sandy Cheeks (Post 12405797)
I still have not had my Spectacle Island settlement attacked. I wonder if it has to do with my 400+ defense?

I love this island. I currently have 32 settlers.. all sexy women stripped down to panties and bra.. but with good weapons and ballistic fiber 5 hat assortments. Paradise indeed!

This game has been great. The crafting/building really makes it superior to the prior FO games... and the aimless exploration is always a must.


My only real complaints are:
1. Lack of a morale system. That used to be awesome in FO 3.
2. Graphics are very sub par. Bethesda needs to move on from that tired old engine.

Sandy Vagina 09-05-2016 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12405803)
My only real complaints are:
1. Lack of a morale system. That used to be awesome in FO 3.
2. Graphics are very sub par. Bethesda needs to move on from that tired old engine.

both, good points.

This was my very first game played (playing) on the XBOX ONE moving from the 360.. and I did expect more, visually.

The missing morale system is unfortunate, yeah. Loved the old KOTOR way of going light or dark.

I wish there were more clothing options also. That I could put ballistic fiber into more options.

Wish that I could name my settlers.. and have more interesting interactions.

Wish that I could add even more nude women settlers. I may have just about exhausted the ways.. (max charisma + clothing boosts + daytrip + booze + g. mentat)

Wish the companion traveling was less annoying. I find their presence hinders me in sneaking and in general, combat.

Gonzo 09-05-2016 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by Sandy Cheeks (Post 12405812)
both, good points.

This was my very first game played (playing) on the XBOX ONE moving from the 360.. and I did expect more, visually.

The missing morale system is unfortunate, yeah. Loved the old KOTOR way of going light or dark.

I wish there were more clothing options also. That I could put ballistic fiber into more options.

Wish that I could name my settlers.. and have more interesting interactions.

Wish that I could add even more nude women settlers. I may have just about exhausted the ways.. (max charisma + clothing boosts + daytrip + booze + g. mentat)

Wish the companion traveling was less annoying. I find their presence hinders me in sneaking and in general, combat.

Agreed on a lot of these. I hate it when the companion bitches constantly about looting.
**** off! I need copper you slut.

The most interesting story with the companions has been Kate. It's a shame that they cut a lot of her story out. We were originally supposed to fight in the ring and then she'd be a companion. Oh well.

SAUTO 09-05-2016 09:26 AM

Your dumb ass would wish he could get more nude video game characters.

How old ARE you?

Sandy Vagina 09-05-2016 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by JASONSAUTO (Post 12405831)
Your dumb ass would wish he could get more nude video game characters.

How old ARE you?

You're right. Who wouldn't want to see half-naked women when walking along the beach.

Oh... that's right.. YOU.

I'm sure you can just add half naked men, if that's more your thing.

Sandy Vagina 09-05-2016 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12405829)
Agreed on a lot of these. I hate it when the companion bitches constantly about looting.
**** off! I need copper you slut.

The most interesting story with the companions has been Kate. It's a shame that they cut a lot of her story out. We were originally supposed to fight in the ring and then she'd be a companion. Oh well.

I have not really done much with the companion stories. Cait is easily my favorite settler on the Island. Might have to marry that one. :whackit:

SAUTO 09-05-2016 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Sandy Cheeks (Post 12405862)
You're right. Who wouldn't want to see half-naked women when walking along the beach.

Oh... that's right.. YOU.

I'm sure you can just add half naked men, if that's more your thing.

It's a ****ing video game dude...

Sandy Vagina 09-05-2016 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by JASONSAUTO (Post 12405902)
It's a ****ing video game dude...

it's a very fun video game, yes. All the better when you can enjoy half-naked women on a beach, as you are heading somewhere or while building things.

I think it brightens up the atmosphere. Not your thing? hey, no problem.. kindly GFY and do whatever you do.

SAUTO 09-05-2016 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Sandy Cheeks (Post 12405913)
it's a very fun video game, yes. All the better when you can enjoy half-naked women on a beach, as you are heading somewhere or while building things.

I think it brightens up the atmosphere. Not your thing? hey, no problem.. kindly GFY and do whatever you do.

There aren't any half naked "women", it is all make believe.

Sandy Vagina 09-05-2016 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by JASONSAUTO (Post 12406046)
There aren't any half naked "women", it is all make believe.



Mother****erJones 09-06-2016 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12405803)
My only real complaints are:
1. Lack of a morale system. That used to be awesome in FO 3.
2. Graphics are very sub par. Bethesda needs to move on from that tired old engine.

Never played fallout 3.
Agree with 2 but the ****ing explosions look really awesome however lol.

Mother****erJones 09-06-2016 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12405792)
That's a classic.
Good game, your typical hack and slash. Good story, (of course).

It shows boobies too. You can probably pick it up for what, 5-6 bucks at GameStop?

Speaking of boobies, holy ****ing titty batman does Witcher show a lot of it ROFL

Mother****erJones 09-06-2016 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12405829)
Agreed on a lot of these. I hate it when the companion bitches constantly about looting.
**** off! I need copper you slut.

The most interesting story with the companions has been Kate. It's a shame that they cut a lot of her story out. We were originally supposed to fight in the ring and then she'd be a companion. Oh well.

I make those bastards hold all of my junk if they complain. I'll show you. Ha!

Sofa King 09-08-2016 12:46 PM

I just started path of exile again. Made it to level 30 last time I tried it. Not sure why I quit. Diablo 3 or something. who knows.

thebrad84 09-09-2016 08:43 AM

Has any one ever hooked up a SNES or N64 through HDMI? I have a projector downstairs, but only have an extra HDMI in port to add something to it. My 6 year old recently discovered my old SNES and loves playing it, so I want to try hooking it up to the projector through HDMI. I've searched a little on amazon/ebay for converters, but a lot of reviews say it did not work the way they figured it would. I was wondering if any one has successfully converted the old RCA cable to HDMI so that the picture and audio come through.

Gonzo 09-09-2016 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by thebrad84 (Post 12413428)
Has any one ever hooked up a SNES or N64 through HDMI? I have a projector downstairs, but only have an extra HDMI in port to add something to it. My 6 year old recently discovered my old SNES and loves playing it, so I want to try hooking it up to the projector through HDMI. I've searched a little on amazon/ebay for converters, but a lot of reviews say it did not work the way they figured it would. I was wondering if any one has successfully converted the old RCA cable to HDMI so that the picture and audio come through.

That's a damn good question. I'd be curious as well. I'd love to fire up my old Super Nintendo.

thebrad84 09-09-2016 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12413669)
That's a damn good question. I'd be curious as well. I'd love to fire up my old Super Nintendo.

Yeah, I'll come clean..the "six year old" is kind of a cover. While my kid does like to play it, I've been playing it more than him. Super Mario World, Tecmo Super Bowl, and Sunset Riders to name a few.

Quesadilla Joe 09-10-2016 04:59 PM

I haven't played anything for like 4 or 5 months and don't see it changing anytime soon. I've been dying for a good loot-based game for a couple years now but nobody seems to be able to make a good loot system... I was hoping that Fallout would do it but all the gear/legendary guns felt the same and I had similar issues with Destiny.

I can't believe I have to depend on GEARBOX of all people to come out with a proper loot game. Maybe some sort of Diablo announcement will be made at Blizzcon...

The Franchise 09-10-2016 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by KnowMo2724 (Post 12415552)
I haven't played anything for like 4 or 5 months and don't see it changing anytime soon. I've been dying for a good loot-based game for a couple years now but nobody seems to be able to make a good loot system... I was hoping that Fallout would do it but all the gear/legendary guns felt the same and I had similar issues with Destiny.

I can't believe I have to depend on GEARBOX of all people to come out with a proper loot game. Maybe some sort of Diablo announcement will be made at Blizzcon...

They haven't said dick about Borderlands 3. And if they did...I would expect them to **** it up. The Pre-Sequel ****ing sucked.

Quesadilla Joe 09-11-2016 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 12415762)
They haven't said dick about Borderlands 3. And if they did...I would expect them to **** it up. The Pre-Sequel ****ing sucked.

Yeah I kind of expected the Pre-Sequel to suck, it just felt like a cash grab to me. It's probably going to be impossible for Gearbox to make a game as good as Borderlands 2 again, unfortunately.

DaveNull 09-11-2016 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by KnowMo2724 (Post 12415552)
I haven't played anything for like 4 or 5 months and don't see it changing anytime soon. I've been dying for a good loot-based game for a couple years now but nobody seems to be able to make a good loot system... I was hoping that Fallout would do it but all the gear/legendary guns felt the same and I had similar issues with Destiny.

I can't believe I have to depend on GEARBOX of all people to come out with a proper loot game. Maybe some sort of Diablo announcement will be made at Blizzcon...

Come back and give Destiny another go in a week. The upgrade system was revamped in April and generally things are in a pretty good spot right now.

The Franchise 09-12-2016 01:44 PM

So I've got $40 on an Amazon GC. Anything I should look at for PS4?

BigBeauford 09-12-2016 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 12422191)
So I've got $40 on an Amazon GC. Anything I should look at for PS4?

Depends on your interests. Games I have been playing lately:

Rocket League: So far the king of this gen. Nearly limitless playability, very generous dev support and upgrades, and activate community of over 100,000.

Inside: A great platform puzzler that is equally morbid as it is fascinating. This studio has also done Limbo, another favorite of mine. While short, it is an unforgettable experience that won't set you back with its low price tag.

Overcooked: A cooking cooperative game for up to 4 players. The game tasks you with working together to cook up dished in over 25 unique stages. It's very simple to play, but working as a team is hard to do. Just hilarious with the right group and also a cheap pick up.

Towerfall: Another couch multiplayer game that is as good as smash brothers. It is perfectly balanced, great side scrolling brawl that plays and handles like Mario brothers with an arrow shooting mechanic. Again extremely cheap.

With 40 bucks, you can get 2-3 of these games. All are kid friendly with the exception of probably inside. If these don't appeal to you, I would save it for Battlefield 1.

Gonzo 09-12-2016 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 12422191)
So I've got $40 on an Amazon GC. Anything I should look at for PS4?

I can't recommend Witcher 3 enough.

The latest madden is actually quite good, surprisingly.

Uncharted 4 is bad ass, as is Doom.

DC.chief 09-13-2016 06:27 AM

Anyone here still play WoW? They are advertising the shit out of Legion. Even without specifically looking for information on it I see it talked about all over. It's all over my facebook feed and when I look at the comments section most people claim Legion is awesome and worth getting back in for. I left that game behind after Cataclysm and good riddance but here I am SLIGHTLY considering playing again.

The Franchise 09-13-2016 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12423025)
I can't recommend Witcher 3 enough.

The latest madden is actually quite good, surprisingly.

Uncharted 4 is bad ass, as is Doom.

Already have Witcher 2 and Madden. I may look at Uncharted. I bought the Nathan Drake collection...I just haven't played it yet.

ThaVirus 09-13-2016 01:47 PM

Anyone play the free PS+ games for this month? Journey and Lord of the Fallen?

I downloaded LotF and watched a YouTube vid on Journey that looked pretty cool. Was just wondering if they're worth the time.

I've been really into Smite lately, which was a free download a few months ago, so now I find myself scouring PS+ for free and cheap games.

Stryker 09-14-2016 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 12424035)
Anyone play the free PS+ games for this month? Journey and Lord of the Fallen?

I downloaded LotF and watched a YouTube vid on Journey that looked pretty cool. Was just wondering if they're worth the time.

I've been really into Smite lately, which was a free download a few months ago, so now I find myself scouring PS+ for free and cheap games.

I downloaded Journey. Read several reviews and it seems incredible for the type of game it is. Will play this weekend. It is not a long game either.

Stryker 09-14-2016 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 12423675)
Already have Witcher 2 and Madden. I may look at Uncharted. I bought the Nathan Drake collection...I just haven't played it yet.

You have got to get into Uncharted - outstanding game and awesome characters. Uncharted 4 is breath taking visually and if you have a fear of heights your in for a treat.

Dayze 09-14-2016 07:49 PM

we bought uncharted 2, or 3 I think, for PS3 used on a whim a while back. it's an awesome game. will definitely be getting 4.
super fun, and didn't get too 'puzzly' like Tomb Raider did at times. after a while of TR, I was like "ok...I get it...another ****ing puzzle. c'mon man" lol.

Uncharted has a nice mix of action sequences and story line etc if that makes sense.

ThaVirus 09-14-2016 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Stryker (Post 12425496)
I downloaded Journey. Read several reviews and it seems incredible for the type of game it is. Will play this weekend. It is not a long game either.

Yeah, the YouTube vid I saw on it said it was only a couple hours.

Figured I'd ask CP.

Mother****erJones 09-14-2016 08:49 PM

Just gonna say this Fallout DLC is sick. Far harbor was great. Nuka World is awesome so far.

Gonzo 09-20-2016 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by Mother****erJones (Post 12427001)
Just gonna say this Fallout DLC is sick. Far harbor was great. Nuka World is awesome so far.

I was just about to post here asking about this.

I got all the other DLC's and I've been considering going back and playing again. I haven't really got around to making my new vault yet, either. I have Far Harbor about 75% completed. I thought about picking up the latest DLC but 20 bucks is a bit steep.

Mother****erJones 09-22-2016 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12438556)
I was just about to post here asking about this.

I got all the other DLC's and I've been considering going back and playing again. I haven't really got around to making my new vault yet, either. I have Far Harbor about 75% completed. I thought about picking up the latest DLC but 20 bucks is a bit steep.

That's tough because I bought the season pass before it went up. My friend and I game share so he bought it and I got the season pass.

The Franchise 09-29-2016 12:25 PM

Are the FIFA games any good?

OmahaChief 09-29-2016 01:06 PM

Anyone know if any new games like Skyrim slated to come out anytime soon? I like to fantasy RPG games like that and thought Dragon Age 3 was going to be good but it really lacked when compared to Skyrim.

kcxiv 09-29-2016 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 12455810)
Are the FIFA games any good?

Yeah, they are really good games. I hate EA, but i bought FIFA 16 played it quite a bit online. I sucked so bad though. lol Still have a blast even after raging. haha

hometeam 09-29-2016 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by OmahaChief (Post 12455884)
Anyone know if any new games like Skyrim slated to come out anytime soon? I like to fantasy RPG games like that and thought Dragon Age 3 was going to be good but it really lacked when compared to Skyrim.

You will never see another game like skyrim.

Its against a companies best interest to make really good games with legs that can last for 5-10 years. Its better for them to just put out junk like Fallout 4 and charge you for DLC and a different re-skinning of the same shallow game every 6 months - 1 year.

A really AWESOME total conversion mod for skyrim just came out though, new fully voiced story and 100% new world etc.

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