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http://media2.giphy.com/media/37Ez5CZ8P0jSM/giphy.gif |
He's the same guy who argued with me that Hog Farmer doesn't troll ...
Like they say in the movie Rounders...if you can't spot the sucker when you're at a poker table in the first 30 minutes ... You are the sucker. |
I can't look at it now but I'm hoping someone turns it into a Fisty McTat stat!! |
He doesn't understand when he's getting trolled. I goaded him into posting a picture of his dick (with a note apparently) on a board with an almost all male demographic who's common interest is Chiefs football
What is the motivation behind it? |
15,001 penises examined
It didn't take any work at all. |
You thought I would shrivel up at the challenge like Bosschief (pun intended). I don't care if a bunch of guys look at my dick. It is a marvelous thing. It should be shared and enjoyed. I only put it into my wife though. |
It's 7.75" inches. I've measured it with a ruler before. I didn't have a ruler around for that. |
And it's hilarious how many of you have looked at my dick now.
I'd put that up there with Clay's picture of his shit that everyone looked at. |
You don't measure from your balls, silly! |
This thread absolutely reminds me of the 40-yard dash thread. Everyone running sub-5 40s. Hilarious. In truth, less than 5% of the board, easy, can actually post that type of time. But, but, but...my HS coach. Yes, he ****ing lied to you or was too stupid to use a stopwatch. |
Anyone else think that Native is fevorously searching his house for a ruler?
I was holding my phone, dick, and an old spice deodorant stick. I didn't really put much effort into framing it like I was measuring it. You don't have to believe me. I don't really care. I know for a fact that my dick is 7.75" when it is hard. It's hilarious that you're arguing with me about this. |
A. Posted a pic of your dick to prove your size B. Are now arguing that now the photo is inaccurate. |
Like I said, you don't have to believe me. I know how long my dick is. You, otoh, looked at a picture of my dick and are now debating me on how long it is. |
15K penis's examined. How do you measure up?
Yeah, I've gotta be honest, Nat. Looks like you're working with about 6.5". And that might be a bit generous given the fact that you "measured" from the side and not the top.
We're gonna need SNR in here with his expertise. I'm told dude partook in a few circle jerks in his day.
You posted a picture of your dick!
Oh yeah, you looked at a picture of my dick!! Deodorant sticks provide reference, but are not to scale with my honker!! Offseason delivers. ROFL ROFL |
This is awesome. |
we all got trolled lololol
super pwned! a dude posted a pic of his erect dick on a 98% male board with a Kansas City Chiefs theme ...and then thinks the joke is on us !!! |
I can honestly say that I never thought I could cyber bully someone into posting a picture of their erect penis on a football message board ...
I'm just ... proud of myself. I think. |
The joke is definitely on you. |
You just posted a pic of your erect dick on a Football Message Board. That puts you in the company of GoChiefs. I think you need to take a lap..... |
you know you did something wrong when you reacted to a Hootie post and instead of the masses all piling on Hootie they piled on you instead
by the way (I finally got to take a look at the dick pics)
...there is just no god damn way a girl ever saw that penis and decided that it was "too big" for sex I bet you have a disgusting asshole. Let's see it! |
And I wouldn't call 3 posters arguing with me about how long my dick is a pile on. |
You just couldn't resist could you? So, who got trolled here again? |
you posted a picture of your erection on ChiefsPlanet.com let that sink in for a second |
I'll look at dicks all day long. I don't care. I couldn't do it earlier because I was on my phone.
what are you going to do next? post a vid of your wife slamming her vibey up your asshole and then after some of us click it you'll just be like "omfg you guys got trolled!" Dude ... you posted a picture of your penis, your real penis, with a note ... to try and prove some little man syndrome point to a board full of dudes you don't know you're weird you make me look normal that's not good |
I uh...... Yeah, I got nothing.
You've met the legal definition of a rapist multiple times in your life. You used to let your roommates piss on you (and piss on them). You're a raging alcoholic with zero direction and a history of STDs. Yes, I make you look normal. LMAO |
in fairness if I did something totally embarrassing and irrational, even on the internet, I'd pretend to laugh it off to and pretend the joke was on everyone else, too |
That's a stretch. But yeah, the general point is valid. |
You suck at arm-chair psychology and analyzing sports. |
even if the verbatim about me you just posted was 100% fact ...I still didn't post my erection on ChiefsPlanet.com to try and defend my little man syndrome so, sadly, I'd still be one notch above you on the scale of super pathetic |
im just glad my wife has small hands so it looks huge when shes holding it.
Hootie is fine with being a rapist who let's people piss on him but draws the line at dick pics on chiefsplanet. You have an interesting set of standards for yourself. |
Things rational men without complexes don't do:
1) Say things like, "yeah a few women have told me my penis was just too big for sex, so they blew me instead." Even if true, you sound like an idiot. 2) Say things like, "yeah, in high school I ran a 4.4 40." Even if true, you sound like an idiot. 3) Say things like, "I have a 7.75" penis." Even if true, you sound like an idiot. Who tells a bunch of dudes the exact measurement *allegedly* of their penis? (people with a complex) 4) Do things like post my erection on a board with a majority demographic of 25-55 year old men. Of course, I would never post a picture of my penis, you know, anywhere ... but again ... I don't have any complexes that need to be addressed so ... Yay! |
So when did you get you degree in psychology hootie? |
poor bastard now has to live with the fact we're comparing his penis to a regular size Old Spice instead of the 40% more one ... can we please get an exact picture of the Old Spice where it clearly states the 40% more so that we can disprove the aforementioned theory that your Old Spice is only 5.75" inches long? I'm having trouble with this. I don't want you to be labeled a liar, KC native. I want us all to know that your penis is what you say it is. This is important to us. |
What I find ironic: Despite the fact that native took a dickpic for the planet, the biggest takeaway is still that Hootie continues to try and prop up his ego by feeling superior to native. How pathetic.
I'm sure 'Hamas' could come diagnose you with something a little more scientific than me ... but you have some sort of complex. I guess I'm just glad I am tall and don't have to deal with all of these short people problems. I'm 6'2.5" with a HUGE wingspan. Like, dude...I'm 1 of only 3 at my office that can stand on my tippy toes and touch the ceiling. It's like, no big deal. I mean ... yeah. It's aight. No sweat, man! I'll post a video of it tomorrow. I mean, yeah. |
Prop up my ego? really? as soon as someone says something like, "girls have told me my dick was too big for sex so they just blew me instead" ... there is really nothing more to prove. I already know I'm a much better person than anyone who says that shit with a straight face. God damn. That much is obvious. Who says stuff like that? To dudes? On a message board? |
....welllll |
I'm steaming mad. |
Fortunately my friends and I have ... you know ... common sense. So we don't say things like, "oh man my penis is huge! too big for most girls!" Or things like, "hey bro! I got an 8" dick. No big deal!" ...because who says shit like that? How do I put this ... if you say things like that, you're just a huge ****ing bundle of sticks (with probably a pretty low IQ) |
Holy ****. You really believe you're a better person than me. This is ****ing hilarious. You're a leasing agent at a ****ing apartment complex for college kids that still gets black out drunk on a regular basis despite being almost 30 years old. You've relayed stories of what most people consider rape over the years. You've also mentioned your STD history here. I could go on. You really need some help man. |
I did not expect to see a penis beside my own in a non-pornographic context today.
So there's that. |
When Chris Johnson goes to night clubs, or meets people ...
how many times do you think he's like, "hey guys, I'm Chris ... I run a 4.2 40!" Uhm, probably never. You want to know who says things like that? People (men for the most part) with a complex. Our boy KC Native basically described himself in this thread as an uncoordinated mess (stone hands, no agility). Basically, he isn't athletic at all. An uncoordinated booger-eating dipshit. There's your complex. We played flag football with this kid we met through a girl we went to high school with ... the dude was so bad it was hilarious. Our QB was amazing ... he threw him a ball one time ... it ****ed blasted him straight in the chest in the end zone, bounced up, was picked off ... it was maybe the most uncoordinated thing I've ever seen in my life. His response, "I wasn't ready!!!" He tried playing QB (we wouldn't let him) and he literally couldn't throw the ball overhand. I'm not kidding. He'd warm up, play catch, and throw the ball like underhand ... and he didn't know he was bad. He literally wanted to play QB. Couldn't throw. Had no idea. It was hysterical. We nicknamed him "booger eater." He's a good looking cat, too. The aformentioned girl is pretty hot (she was a hell of an athlete, too, which is hilarious). But he was so oblivious to how terrible he was it was hysterical. "Booger eater." That's pretty much how I picture our boy Native at this point. |
I've been proud of the chlamydia diagnosis every time (3) it has happened. I wouldn't trade those experiences for a thing. A Z pack and a badge of honor.
...but this isn't about me, my degenerate life style, or my occupation... this is about a guy who has grown such an inferiority complex over the years he's posting his erection for all to see on CHIEFSPLANET.COM I mean... lol |
Where did I say I was an uncoordinated mess? Lacking agility doesn't mean someone isn't fast. If fast coordinated into football ability then every track star in the world would be an awesome football player and we know that's not true from watching the Raiders over the years. Your ability to twist what people say to fit within whatever scenario you have in your head is ****ing awesome. |
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