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I dominate every wrestling board I post on...I'm a freaking God on those.... I'm a wrestling pride dude, but I'll admit...the CP posters are much more intelligent and well....very erratic/ornery. |
If you can't take the heat get out of the garage. This cats ain't shit but biscuits and brownies breh
Less of you typing. |
It's only 8 here and I'm barely hanging on. Gonna watch the Royals choke one away here. |
Non CP members are dumb as ****. Like the stupidest ones here are more knowledgeable.
when I firs started here, I was forced to ritualistically shave my tessticles.
worth it |
I didn't even know there was more then 101 posters on this site that post regularly
3,941 active members many of which just lurk too.
And I think you are right...When I think of my life, how I've approached it without a social filter, where I am now, who I am now, what my future presumably has in store, etc.... I think it may be to a fault. One of those things that I don't know if I can change... I mean, I think I can change it, but am too stubborn to. Or maybe I am wrong...maybe my uncertainty is ALL attributable to my student loan debt. As I've mentioned to you before...majoring in Psychology at a private school was an awful, awful decision. |
It's likely ALL related to that! Or that cat that shit on your lap. Could be either man. Did you start that nursing program? |
Right now I don't know if I am going to be the owner of a pizza franchise, a social worker at a nursing home, a miner, a warehouse worker or an owner of a decorative concrete business with my best friend (man, we can make some cool Chiefs stuff with what we have in mind). I have no idea what is going to happen, but one thing is for sure...nursing just isn't in the cards right now...if ever. |
I really hit it off with Dane. He and I PM'd each other about something...can't remember what the topic was. Anyways, I don't take his suggestions/recommendations with a grain of salt...he's given me some good advice. One of the last things he wrote to me via PM was something the lines of, "dude, make sure you are being careful with what you disclose and how you disclose it on here. It isn't the posters you have to worry about as much as it is the lurkers. There are some creepy, ****ed up lurkers who frequent this site. Be careful, dude." I think his advice was legit. |
Which leads me to my next WTF question.... imagine what kind of goofballs lurk on here who don't have a username..... http://stream1.gifsoup.com/webroot/a.../1095817_o.gif |
Luuuuuurkeeeeers come out and plaaaaaaaayyy |
JOKING (Dane, if you're lurking right now). Despite seeming...well, hot-headed and venomous to people who he thought were idiots on here, he was always nice to me. We weren't BFF's or anything, but we were mutually cordial to each other for sure. He was a cool dude to me. |
Then he wasn't. Good times... good times... |
****ing A...I just dropped my DVD remote in this cup that I am drinking a screwdriver out of (I ran out of beer...I got desperate). Now I can't rewind or fast forward or skip scenes...and I'm watching Return of the Jedi...and I want to jump from Yoda's death/Obi Wan's clarification of Vader being Luke's dad to the part where Luke surrenders... Ugh. I don't even know where to start when it comes to looking for a controller to replace this old damn thing.
He's also a guy who won't take shit, and I'm the same way. He nor I was willing to back down over a disagreement we had, and the result was a back-and-forth that eventually got really ****ing shit ugly. We signed an armistice at that point, but then he came out with some bizarre thread calling out Boss and me on some football opinion, calling us stupid, etc. I posted, like, one thing but then I haven't heard back from him since then. That thread was just weird, because it was a snipe-and-run, which he never does, and it came out of the blue. It may have been about Ricky Stanzi actually, who had been 100% non-relavent for months. He'll probably be back again, and this time I'll be smarter about it and just stay the **** out of his way. |
Let's see whatcho workin' wit now, slut-bag!!!! ;) Are you still with the same chick or did she leave you because you spend too much time on the planet. My wife HATES the planet. I hate her IPhone... |
Guilty pleasure: I like "Revenge of the Sith." A lot...don't care how corny Hayden is. |
Man, this turned into a real suck each other off type of thread.
That's quite presumptuous of her. :harumph: |
And a real phaggy nerd fest.
A thread with a bunch of nerds sucking each other off. At one time, there was potential. Now, cosplay homo dorks giving each other the reach around. If this thread was a penis, it started at near Ron Jeremy levels. Now it's inverting into a vag. |
Did I interrupt your climax moment of homo-erotic internet fellatio? |
The rest suck ass. |
Where is the list?
Dane though... I think one time he went on a rant that went something along the lines of, "**** Stanzi, I hate him. He is a piece of shit and I can't wait until the day where I never have to hear his name again." I think it was him who posted that...I could be wrong...but yeah, the dude definitely didn't seem to be fond of the ol' Americanzi. |
So you were a huge Phantom Menace fan, but hated the rest of them? You must have been relatively fond of Jar-Jar Binks!!! |
I'm seriously wondering if Dr. Johnny Fever died or something. Dude posted here every 10 seconds for a long time and then just vanished. Last I recall, he didn't have a "I'm leaving forever thread" or any type of conflict. I'm guessing it was JASONSAUTO in the Media Center with a candlestick.
BJ's are not that bad... considering the woman's mouth is wide enough and she uses her lips as padding over her teeth. And she is not distracted that easily. I've gathered that people with small penises generally like BJ's more than those with larger penii. That's possibly due to the penile scrapes and incessant complaints that can result by being sucked off by a mouth that is too small for your penis. In that case, you go to the vag. And that is nice. You should try it out, homeslice!!!! |
He is from my neck of the woods kind of...and does radio...and I do too on the side, although he did music and I cover local high school baseball and wrestling events. He was at the same Alice Cooper concert as I was 2 years ago. He was with his daughter. One of the best concerts ever. I was supposed to meet up with him there, but didn't notice that he had texted me until I was on my way to my car after the show. I almost met that dude. I assume he is alive and well...haven't heard anything otherwise on local radio. |
Yeah, it sucked. Don't much care what everyone else thinks. |
I'm curious... why is it 101? Why not a nice round even number like 100... or 102? WHY 101?? IS IT BECAUSE 1 IS SHAPED LIKE A PENIS? IS OP TRYING TO TELL US SOMETHING? HAVE I DECODED OP'S MESSAGE? SO MANY QUESTIONS????????????!!!1111
1.) V 2.) Vl 3.) lll 4.) lV 5.) ll 6.) l |
I think I like A New Hope the best as well. I like Empire Strikes Back and don't think it sucks though.
To me, the whole series is just cornball.
I can take one cornball movie, but after that just stop. It's ****ing stupid and sad. |
When it comes to football, **** no you are not wrong about what you dislike. In fact, you are a pretty good football reference guide for dummies-asses. |
A lot of the stupid, sorryass crap that you dumbasses like is shit that I just think sucks. |
Star Wars is a franchise giant to this day because the 2nd movie explains the Force and the Jedi in great detail, which happens to be something that people go ****ing bananas over. By itself, the 1st movie is more about space politics and ship battles than anything else, but those aren't what make Star Wars completely original and unique. People got excited about Star Wars in A New Hope for its special effects at the time and also because it's a scintillating adventure film. If the series had stopped there, we'd still probably view Star Wars to this day as a classic film. The Empire Strikes Back is the reason why Star Wars is one of those most universally understood cultural phenomenons across the landscape of the world. |
My favorite star wars is where old Spock meets New Spock my mind would be blown
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