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Okie_Apparition 03-19-2011 12:26 PM

I thought it was about Dane asking someone to meet him next time he was in KC?

Hootie 03-19-2011 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7500998)
Did you even talk to R8ers to tell him shit like that is not ok?

what isn't ok?

so you can't call dane a pedophile?

that's a rule?

is being called a pedophile off limits?

how about laughing at a girl for losing her foot in a Six Flags ride gone wrong? That's ok...but calling Dane a pedophile is not ok because he isn't a pedophile and he's a popular board member?


R8ers is an asshole idiot but he isn't doing anything worse than anyone else around here.

the Talking Can 03-19-2011 12:26 PM

I called aids a pedophile and aids didn't leave the planet.

vailpass 03-19-2011 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by R8ers (Post 7500978)
When you run around with scissors in your hand, eventually you are gonna get yourself hurt...

Dane was worth 10 of you to this board.

Rams Fan 03-19-2011 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by R8ers (Post 7501021)
How bout when Dane insinuated my 14 yr old in a porn film, would that be a bannable offense too?

Do you have any proof of that? Do you know that as a fact?

If not, you're just making shit up for no ******* reason.

the Talking Can 03-19-2011 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7501017)
There's a difference between calling someone a piece of shit and calling them a child-****er.

no there isn't

there both just verbal slurs, and both are understood as such...neither are statements about an objective reality

you stupid ****ing pedophile

Just Passin' By 03-19-2011 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 7501006)
And I might've done something about it had I been around. I didn't even know about it until this thread, but now it just seems like Dane's being a big prima donna about it.

Now's your chance.

kstater 03-19-2011 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by vailpass (Post 7501029)
Dane was worth 10 of you to this board.

And you know that's not the subject of the thread. No one disagrees with your statement.

'Hamas' Jenkins 03-19-2011 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Rams Fan (Post 7501018)
If Laz did this:

Don't you think both R8ers and Laz should have some kind of consequence?

I think Laz should be banned for breathing, so I'm not a good source to consult here.

Chiefshrink 03-19-2011 12:29 PM

What comes around goes around:shrug:

Hootie 03-19-2011 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins (Post 7501016)
I could see an argument wherein the calling of a pedophile is much like the rules in prison. Murders (telling people to kill themselves) are fine, but child molesters (calling people pedophiles) end up clubbed to death with a barbell.

give me a break

not a single member on this board that matters thinks Dane is a pedophile

and even I was on Dane's side when it came to R8ers being a focking moron.

but Dane is just being a crybaby bitch because he's not getting his way...period. He is all about status and he's pissed his "status" on CP can't get some loser nobody like R8ers banned...

Dane can't complain about any name calling, ever...and he just looks like a moron every time he does.

That would be like YOU complaining about someone calling you a horse ****er.

Chiefs Pantalones 03-19-2011 12:29 PM

Buck 03-19-2011 12:29 PM

IIRC, Flopnuts was banned for saying someone should get raped by a 400 lb mexican...How is calling someone a pedo not at least on par with that?

R8RFAN 03-19-2011 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7501042)
IIRC, Flopnuts was banned for saying someone should get raped by a 400 lb mexican...How is calling someone a pedo not at least on par with that?

Dude insinuated my daughter be in a porn film, she is 14.... Thats why he got the Pedophile tag from me.

Predarat 03-19-2011 12:31 PM

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