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KcMizzou 07-31-2014 03:11 PM

That's the Deadpool movie I want to see.

KcMizzou 07-31-2014 03:24 PM

Deadpool is awesome. Think Spiderman with the comedy and violence ramped up x10.

Anyong Bluth 07-31-2014 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by KcMizzou (Post 10786615)
I liked "Donnie Darko" a lot too. Still not completely sure what the hell was going on.

Have you ever gone to the DD website that ties in with the movie. You have to solve cryptic puzzles and whatnot to gain access to additional information about him from sources like classified government files and his therapist's session notes, Roberta Sparrow's scientific journal, etc?

Something that tied in with level 26, I can't remember it all, but it was totally worth the time to dig around and get more information. I'm not even sure if the site is still up and hosted, but given the cult popularity, someone has documented everything I'm sure.

Trés kewl.

Anyong Bluth 07-31-2014 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by KcMizzou (Post 10786615)
I liked "Donnie Darko" a lot too. Still not completely sure what the hell was going on.

Also I read a good editorial / deconstruction on Darko that proposed the theory that Frank the Rabbit wasn't the only "imagined" character / friend of Donnie's, and does a great job of laying out the evidence of this. Maybe this is old news to everyone else?


frankotank 08-01-2014 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Fried Meat Ball! (Post 10786636)
He was also Green Lantern. So pardon me for thinking it might not be him. X-Men Origins sucked ass, so I wouldn't be at all surprised if they started over there.

And it looked like crap mostly because it was crappy CGI. I've never been a comic book reader, so I know nothing about the character, just doesn't look good to me. Seems like forced smart-assed comedy and schtick.

same dude that is Johnny Storm is also Cap'n 'Merka.
there's no rhyme or reason in this world.

it's all CGI because it was a.....umm.....shit can't think of the right was a teaser for the powers that be to try to get them to buy into a full length film.

done right, I think it would be very cool. Deadpool is known for talking to the audience or "breaking the fourth wall". in one episode he tried to get the writers of the comic to allow him to go back in time and warn himself about something. LMAO

I think it'd be a pretty cool flick. funny, yet he be killing urrabody up in did bitch!

Fire Me Boy! 08-01-2014 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by frankotank (Post 10788315)
same dude that is Johnny Storm is also Cap'n 'Merka.
there's no rhyme or reason in this world.

it's all CGI because it was a.....umm.....shit can't think of the right was a teaser for the powers that be to try to get them to buy into a full length film.

done right, I think it would be very cool. Deadpool is known for talking to the audience or "breaking the fourth wall". in one episode he tried to get the writers of the comic to allow him to go back in time and warn himself about something. LMAO

I think it'd be a pretty cool flick. funny, yet he be killing urrabody up in did bitch!

Fantastic Four? That movie was a shit sandwich.

In my review, I think I actually compared it to if a piece of crap took a crap, that would be FF.

ragedogg69 08-01-2014 11:16 AM

God damn. Normally FMB can find something good in any movie. I cannot remember anywhere in this thread or the old one where he shit all over a movie, much less a franchise. lol

Fire Me Boy! 08-01-2014 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by ragedogg69 (Post 10788390)
God damn. Normally FMB can find something good in any movie. I cannot remember anywhere in this thread or the old one where he shit all over a movie, much less a franchise. lol

I never saw the second one. But the first one was awful.

I did try to review from the target audience perspective.

Buehler445 08-01-2014 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by Fried Meat Ball! (Post 10788394)
I never saw the second one. But the first one was awful.

I did try to review from the target audience perspective.

The second one was worse. I know it sounds impossible. It is not.

DeepPurple 08-01-2014 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Anyong Bluth (Post 10786838)
Also I read a good editorial / deconstruction on Darko that proposed the theory that Frank the Rabbit wasn't the only "imagined" character / friend of Donnie's, and does a great job of laying out the evidence of this. Maybe this is old news to everyone else?


I bought the Donnie Darko DVD a few years ago and they had some bonus features. I remember there was an alternate ending, it was the same ending but flashed to Donnie laying in bed with the bedroom ceiling caved in around him, and he had a pointed 2x4 sticking up through his chest. There was some other things, it's worth checking out if you liked the movie. I only paid like $7 at Best Buy. They also have a director's cut version, which I haven't seen but it has a lot of those extra scenes included. That version DVD box comes in a paper sleeve.

Rausch 08-02-2014 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Anyong Bluth (Post 10786738)
Have you ever gone to the DD website that ties in with the movie. You have to solve cryptic puzzles and whatnot to gain access to additional information about him from sources like classified government files and his therapist's session notes, Roberta Sparrow's scientific journal, etc?

Something that tied in with level 26, I can't remember it all, but it was totally worth the time to dig around and get more information. I'm not even sure if the site is still up and hosted, but given the cult popularity, someone has documented everything I'm sure.

Trés kewl.

Just ask.

The site is still up and yes, I've looked at EVERYTHING related to the film...

Anyong Bluth 08-02-2014 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 10790113)
Just ask.

The site is still up and yes, I've looked at EVERYTHING related to the film...

Probably would need it's own thread. I fully admit to being obsessed with the movie- and would love if they were to ever release Sparrow's book as a tie in or some other companion book with more information and filling in the back story of the universe / characters.

Speaking of Grandma Death, I still don't know what to make of the meaning or correlation of when Donnie sees the photo of young Roberta that is most assuredly Maggie - his real life sister and in the film? Not to mention the forbidden sexual undertones coupled with the fact that Frank, the boyfriend, kills Donnie's girlfriend, and in turn Donnie kills his sister's boyfriend, Frank.

Edit: damn it, now I feel like watching it again, and troving the Internet for more theories and explication.

ragedogg69 08-03-2014 05:45 PM

Just watched Captain America Winter Soldier. I really liked it. It is the first movie in a while that was 2+ hours and I wasnt bored in the middle of it. I may even give that dumpster fire of a TV show a second chance just to see the aftermath.

Anyong Bluth 08-03-2014 08:59 PM

Anyone else seen Killer Joe and Bug ?

Both are out there, but I dug them each. They are both adapted from plays by the same person.

If you are in the mood for something off the beaten path, and masterfully done, I recommend them both.

Also, curious what other's opinions on them are, for anyone who has seen either?

-King- 08-03-2014 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by ragedogg69 (Post 10777358)
Super ambiguous.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I enjoyed the movie other than the ending. I like movies that make you think, but if a movie needs a 25 minute explanation, then they tried to do too much IMO.

Edit: This is the explanation I'm talking about <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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