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Rausch 07-27-2014 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 10749067)
Are/were you drunk? You have completely lost me.

There are three different individuals. Two [BMc/MIB] resembled each other when they were younger, and they were in two different sketch groups [KitH/Stella]. MIB and Liam McPoyle [on the right, Jimmi Simpson] kind of look alike now, after MIB aged and he lightened his hair for that role.

BMc has never looked like Jimmi Simpson, and no one else from KitH is even close.

The only alternative is Ryan McPoyle [on the left, Nate Mooney], but he hasn't been in any sketch troupe at all, let alone KitH or Stella/State

Dave Foley looks like blonde McPoyle.

You see it or you don't...

Bowser 07-27-2014 12:08 PM

Checked out Lucy last night. I enjoyed it, right up until the end. The movie just....ended. It was kind of strange.

mikeyis4dcats. 07-27-2014 03:55 PM



-King- 07-27-2014 05:38 PM

Been rewatching Man of Steel a lot lately. I still don't get people who get turned off by the destruction. Yes, it's destruction porn, but am I the only one who thinks it's realistic? You have Superman facing basically a more powerful and combat ready version of himself, of course there's going to be a shit ton of destruction if they fight in a major city like Metropolis.

Ceej 07-27-2014 05:42 PM

Watching Lone Survivor tonight.

Fairplay 07-27-2014 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Ceej (Post 10770913)
Watching Lone Survivor tonight.

Its incredible what those men went through, its a very good movie.

Ceej 07-27-2014 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by Fairplay (Post 10770922)
Its incredible what those men went through, its a very good movie.

I lied. The movie is over two hours long.

I work at 3 am. **** me.

Probably waiting until tomorrow now.

Anyong Bluth 07-27-2014 11:42 PM

I know Lucy has been getting mixed reviews, I just saw it at the AMC Prime theater and absolutely loved it!

thabear04 07-28-2014 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by Anyong Bluth (Post 10771256)
I know Lucy has been getting mixed reviews, I just saw it at the AMC Prime theater and absolutely loved it!

Scarlett Johansson‘s “Lucy” pummeled “Hercules” and Dwayne Johnson in a box-office battle of the action heroes and sexes, taking in a muscular $44 million over the weekend.

The Rock’s “Hercules” did better than expected and wound up with $29 million, to beat out two-time reigning champ “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes,” which finished third with $16.4 million. And one of Philip Seymour Hoffman‘s final films, “A Most Wanted Man,” cracked the top ten in its limited debut.

Schnitzel 07-28-2014 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by Ceej (Post 10770913)
Watching Lone Survivor tonight.

I definitely have to watch this movie!

The Franchise 07-28-2014 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by -King- (Post 10770905)
Been rewatching Man of Steel a lot lately. I still don't get people who get turned off by the destruction. Yes, it's destruction porn, but am I the only one who thinks it's realistic? You have Superman facing basically a more powerful and combat ready version of himself, of course there's going to be a shit ton of destruction if they fight in a major city like Metropolis.

I can't stand Superman as a character......never could. But I'm a big fan of that movie.

Frosty 07-28-2014 10:13 PM

I caught Lockout the other day on TV. What a shitty movie that was. Besides being a low rent Escape from New York set in space, the effects were amazingly awful. At on point, there is a chase scene that suddenly morphs literally into video game level CGI. Also, Maggie Grace is easy on the eyes but a horrible actress.

I also caught Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance. The first Ghost Rider is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. Despite its myriad faults, it's still a fun popcorn flick (to me). However, the sequel was - bizarre. Cage cranks the mania to 11 and the rest of the film forgets to follow him to campville. It's just terribly disjointed. A real disappointment.

Ghost Rider needs a reboot and a more serious treatment.

ragedogg69 07-29-2014 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by Frosty (Post 10772906)
I caught Lockout the other day on TV. What a shitty movie that was. Besides being a low rent Escape from New York set in space, the effects were amazingly awful. At on point, there is a chase scene that suddenly morphs literally into video game level CGI. Also, Maggie Grace is easy on the eyes but a horrible actress.

Yeah, what is even better was I remember seeing a behind the scenes feature bragging about those terrible CGI action scenes. Also, Guy Peirce was Mr. Exposition. "Your saying the presidents daughter has been taken hostage and if I rescue her, I get my freedom?" Yes, Guy. The first 30 minutes of the movie has just told us that. Have you not been paying attention?

The Franchise 07-29-2014 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Frosty (Post 10772906)
I caught Lockout the other day on TV. What a shitty movie that was. Besides being a low rent Escape from New York set in space, the effects were amazingly awful. At on point, there is a chase scene that suddenly morphs literally into video game level CGI. Also, Maggie Grace is easy on the eyes but a horrible actress.

I also caught Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance. The first Ghost Rider is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. Despite its myriad faults, it's still a fun popcorn flick (to me). However, the sequel was - bizarre. Cage cranks the mania to 11 and the rest of the film forgets to follow him to campville. It's just terribly disjointed. A real disappointment.

Ghost Rider needs a reboot and a more serious treatment.

They need to reboot a bunch of comic book movies. Ghost Rider, Spawn, The Punisher...

Rausch 07-29-2014 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 10773293)
They need to reboot a bunch of comic book movies. Ghost Rider, Spawn, The Punisher...

Spawn is long overdue.

Preacher could be awesome with the right director. Perhaps the Sin City team?

Hell, after seeing Pacific Rim I'd love to see a Robotech movie...

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