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Delano 10-16-2009 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by 88TG88 (Post 6177332)
Whats a curdog ?

One who must be terminated because of undesireable traits. LMAO
Posted via Mobile Device

Hammock Parties 10-16-2009 04:07 PM

You're right, I have no game. I still make her smile. Who gives a shit?

Delano 10-16-2009 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by GoChiefs (Post 6177342)
You're right, I have no game. I still make her smile. Who gives a shit?

AWW you tender little flower.

Get her in your basement and put it in her butt.
Posted via Mobile Device

Hammock Parties 10-16-2009 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Delano (Post 6177346)
AWW you tender little flower.

Get her in your basement and put it in her butt.
Posted via Mobile Device

It was amazing. I was typing whatever came to mind and she was giggling like hell over the webcam. And her friends were all "WHO IS THIS GUY?!?!!"

It's pretty clear the little hottie is lonely and ready for a guy who doesn't wear affliction shirts.

Ecto-I 10-16-2009 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by GoChiefs (Post 6177320)
I don't care to work on it. Game is bullshit.

I think the word "game" is kind of a's more a matter of portraying yourself in a confident light.

JD10367 10-16-2009 04:21 PM

According to "It's A Wonderful Life", every time a bell rings, an angel gets their wings. In a similar fashion, every time I open this thread, a brain cell dies. And I didn't have that many to begin with, so I can't spare them. But I can't help myself. It's like watching a train wreck, if the engineer had drank a gallon of antifreeze and set himself on fire and then crashed the train into an AIDS tree. It's fascinating watching you bounce from:

-"woe is me" 40-year-old-virgin nutless wimpery, to
-total asshole, treats-women-like-sperm-receptacles douchebaggery of the highest proportions, to
-closet homo who needs to come out.

Your problem is that all three of those need different things. The first part of you needs a girlfriend you can worship and buy things for and do things with and "make love to". The second part of you needs a total slut who you can just "have sex with". And the third part of you needs a guy with a big schlong, a set of furry handcuffs and a Gimp-style rubber-ball mouth-gag. If you would just make up your mind as to which one of those is the real you, then you'd know which of the three to target your attentions on. The reason it's been a futile endeavor for you is because you haven't focused on what exactly you need. Pick one. Good girl, bad slut, or Rob Halford from Judas Priest. Pick on, and then go f**king get it already.

rockymtnchief 10-16-2009 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by GoChiefs (Post 6177350)

It's pretty clear the little hottie is lonely and ready for a guy who doesn't wear affliction shirts.

She prefers the wolf shirt?:D

Hammock Parties 10-16-2009 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by JD10367 (Post 6177364)
According to "It's A Wonderful Life", every time a bell rings, an angel gets their wings. In a similar fashion, every time I open this thread, a brain cell dies. And I didn't have that many to begin with, so I can't spare them. But I can't help myself. It's like watching a train wreck, if the engineer had drank a gallon of antifreeze and set himself on fire and then crashed the train into an AIDS tree. It's fascinating watching you bounce from:

-"woe is me" 40-year-old-virgin nutless wimpery, to
-total asshole, treats-women-like-sperm-receptacles douchebaggery of the highest proportions, to
-closet homo who needs to come out.

Your problem is that all three of those need different things. The first part of you needs a girlfriend you can worship and buy things for and do things with and "make love to". The second part of you needs a total slut who you can just "have sex with". And the third part of you needs a guy with a big schlong, a set of furry handcuffs and a Gimp-style rubber-ball mouth-gag. If you would just make up your mind as to which one of those is the real you, then you'd know which of the three to target your attentions on. The reason it's been a futile endeavor for you is because you haven't focused on what exactly you need. Pick one. Good girl, bad slut, or Rob Halford from Judas Priest. Pick on, and then go f**king get it already.

Interesting analysis, but I'm none of those things.

I'm just a nice guy who secretly talks about girls like an asshole on the internet. In person I'm afraid to even drop an f-bomb...unless they do it first. :evil:

Skip Towne 10-16-2009 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by GoChiefs (Post 6177368)
Interesting analysis, but I'm none of those things.

I'm just a nice guy who secretly talks about girls like an asshole on the internet. In person I'm afraid to even drop an f-bomb...unless they do it first. :evil:

My god, CE, are you STILL looking for a girl who won't run from you?

Hammock Parties 10-16-2009 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Skip Towne (Post 6177370)
My god, CE, are you STILL looking for a girl who won't run from you?

Pretty much. I would be shocked if this one doesn't stick to me like glue, though. She's very lonely and I live really close. Hanging out will be like picking up milk.

stevieray 10-16-2009 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by Ecto-I (Post 6177354)
I think the word "game" is kind of a's more a matter of portraying yourself in a confident light.


JD10367 10-16-2009 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by GoChiefs (Post 6177368)
Interesting analysis, but I'm none of those things.

I'm just a nice guy who secretly talks about girls like an asshole on the internet. In person I'm afraid to even drop an f-bomb...unless they do it first. :evil:

As I've said before, I think that's part of your problem. Nothing is secret on the Internet. I think the chicks are Googling you and finding the stuff you post here.

And, by the way, I'm not sure anyone's ever told you this but.... "talking about girls like an asshole", unless you're either 12 or a total misogynistic Neanderthal f**ktard, really doesn't impress anyone. Except for, respectively, other 12-year-olds or other total misogynistic Neanderthal f**ktards. In any case, it won't help you get laid. At all. Ever.

It's not as complicated as you make it. As has been said:

1.) Be yourself. If you're shy, be shy. If you're a nerd, be a nerd. If you're ambiguously metrosexual, well... you get the point. Don't act like something you're not. She's gonna find out anyway. They always do. Unless you're, like, Dexter, 'cause he can hide that serial-killer thing pretty good. But most of us aren't that good at it.

2.) Don't be desperate for sex. They can smell it like cheap cologne. I'm not saying you don't have to WANT sex; don't be asexual, or they'll think you're weird. But don't give off the vibe that it's all you're looking for. In other words...

3.) Talk to them like they're just people, and you're not attempting to get laid. Act like the fact that they have boobies and a vajayjay is inconsequential. Just try to be friendly, and seem like a nice guy. Because most men are trying to get laid, whereas most women are actually looking for a nice guy, someone who won't treat them like shit, someone who will maybe appreciate them, you know... chick stuff. Frankly, women can replace us with a cucumber or a vibrator for the most part, and if it's just casual sex they want, well, women know they can get that any time, anywhere. They're not going on dates for that; they're going on dates to see if they can find someone to f**k who might ALSO call them back the next day, and want to do some non-f**king stuff like just go for dinner or see a movie or something. I know, it's weird.

Halfcan 10-16-2009 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by GoChiefs (Post 6177368)
Interesting analysis, but I'm none of those things.

I'm just a nice guy who secretly talks about girls like an asshole on the internet. In person I'm afraid to even drop an f-bomb...unless they do it first. :evil:

Yes I was very surprised. You were absolutely nothing like your internet persona. Very cool guy. :clap:

I dont think you should have any probs getting whatever girl you decide on.

Hammock Parties 10-16-2009 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by JD10367 (Post 6177509)
As I've said before, I think that's part of your problem. Nothing is secret on the Internet. I think the chicks are Googling you and finding the stuff you post here.

Are you ****ing reeruned?

If that was the case none of them would even go out with me to begin with.


In any case, it won't help you get laid. At all. Ever.
Seriously, are you ****ing reeruned?

Nothing I post on this website is going to help me get laid. At all. Ever.

Since I don't treat girls like cum dumpsters in real life....I suggest you remove your head from your ass.

boogblaster 10-16-2009 06:17 PM

Damit GO-Hump why didn't you get laid last weekend at the bash ... you have to try .....

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