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Hammock Parties 07-11-2007 10:40 PM

I kinda like this one, and she lives mere miles away. I think we have a lot in common. What say you, Planet?

Ebolapox 07-11-2007 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by J-Town Fan 1988
My {worthless} high school was mainly Class 1 in every MSHSAA sport, aside from Basketball and Quizbowl where we are Class 2, which is in Joplin.

you didn't by chance go to sparta, did you?

Bugeater 07-11-2007 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by Lost in the Mail
I kinda like this one, and she lives mere miles away. I think we have a lot in common. What say you, Planet?


Originally Posted by
Hold It There a Minute...
This user insists you log in to view his or her profile. We're sure it's nothing personal, just a privacy issue. So please sign in. If you're new, join! OkCupid is entirely free.

Hammock Parties 07-11-2007 10:51 PM

Get an account.

Ebolapox 07-11-2007 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Lost in the Mail
Get an account.

to see who you'll cyber-stalk next? I don't think so.

Phobia 07-11-2007 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Lost in the Mail
Get an account.

No thanks.

If she's fat and nasty, you should go for it. You need one serious slump buster, dude. Maybe she does too.

Bugeater 07-11-2007 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Lost in the Mail
Get an account.

I'm married, why the hell would I register there?

Hammock Parties 07-11-2007 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia

If she's fat and nasty, you should go for it. .

I can't quite tell. She's using tricky angles.

Ethnicity: N/A
Height: 5' 2" (1.57m).
Looking For: N/A
Smokes: No
Drinks: Sometimes
Drugs: Never
Religion: Atheism and somewhat serious about it
Sign: Leo
and it's fun to think about
Education: Graduated from college/university
Job: Other
Income: $0-$20,000
Kids: Dislikes children
Pets: Owns cats
Languages: English (Fluently), Spanish (Okay)


And I'm looking for someone who can teach me to say "soda" instead of "pop".

I'm a recent college graduate now pondering what the hell to do with my life. I was born and raised in Michigan, but will be moving to the Houston area (probably the Woodlands) some time in August. I majored in Psychology and have spent the past 6 months unsuccessfully looking for a job in Michigan. Needless to say...I work at a bookstore. Enough said. Thus, since my dad's job has been relocated to Houston, Texas, I decided to go with them for lack of better things to do (and the fact that I'm broke and can live with them rent-free for while I go to grad school and look for my own place).

Though I am interested in a wide variety of topics from science to poetry to philosophy (yep, I'm a dork), I am very much "into" art and music. I paint and draw and am learning to how to play guitar. I love to sing and really want to start singing in a band.

57.83% of the time I would rather go out and do something than sit around at home. I do enjoy just hanging out and relaxing and watching a movie or something, but I also enjoy going to museums and walks around town and in parks. Basically I just like having fun. I'm not a fan of awkward or uncomfortable situations; when I'm in one I either talk non-stop or I completely shut down. I enjoy dark humor over slapstick; I'm very sarcastic even though people don't get it most of the time. But I appreciate when people feign laughter anyway so I don't feel like an idiot.

I have two kids: Brody and Walter. They're cats, not humans (I don't plan on spawning any time soon). If you don't like cats, or are allergic you probably shouldn't bother writing me. My cats can probably kick your ass, they're pretty hardcore.

Movies: First and foremost: The Wizard of Oz. After that, Boondock Saints, Fight Club, Contact, Almost Famous, Dazed and Confused, You've Got Mail, the Star Wars movies....tons more

As you've probably gathered from my profile, I'm going to be new in Houston and don't know a soul. If you think we'd get along and be friends, drop me a line. I don't like starting out a friendship looking for someone to date, I'd rather the attraction just come naturally instead of trying to force it. It helps if you can string together a coherent sentence. "Hay bb whatchu up 2 u be hott gurl wanna hook up" doesn't count. And please be in the area. I'm tired of people from foreign countries trying to date me on teh internets.

I'd say that I have a "type", and most people would probably say that I do, but I'm open to all types. Looking to "broaden my horizons", so to speak.

SPchief 07-11-2007 11:28 PM

What the hell are you posting here for? Go get that shit.

88TG88 07-11-2007 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by Lost in the Mail
I kinda like this one, and she lives mere miles away. I think we have a lot in common. What say you, Planet?


Can't hurt to try

Hammock Parties 07-11-2007 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by SPchief
What the hell are you posting here for? Go get that shit.

I'll take it slow, thanks. I'm sending her a message.

Bugeater 07-11-2007 11:31 PM


It helps if you can string together a coherent sentence. "Hay bb whatchu up 2 u be hott gurl wanna hook up" doesn't count. And please be in the area. I'm tired of people from foreign countries trying to date me on teh internets.
ROFL Oh yes, she's a keeper. Go for it!

luv 07-12-2007 12:11 AM

Okay. I'd rather talk about GoChiefs cyber-stalking or my lack of a love life over religion.

SPchief 07-12-2007 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by luv
Okay. I'd rather talk about GoChiefs cyber-stalking or my lack of a love life over religion.

Life of the planet.

luv 07-12-2007 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by SPchief
Life of the planet.

My fingers hurt. Refer to 10PM thread.

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