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Dallas Chief 10-01-2009 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by GoChiefs (Post 6128000)
I put my arm on her for five minutes and I'm overbearing.

Crock of shit.

And it's still hypocritical given the advice I received the last time I was in a movie theater with a girl.

Sorry bro but the Wutabrutha is right on the money. First of all the arm around the lady thing is played out. Especially on the first date. Seems stalkerish. Second, the same gameplan doesn't work with the same chicks. You have to read the vibes from her. She may not like some stranger's paws all over her five minutes into the date. But on the other hand it was way bad form for her to bail on the date and just split. Classless really. My rule (when I was single)was always that movies make for bad dates. Virtually no way to get to know your date, much less score. I mean how can you throw any game at her in the dark where you can't talk or make her laugh? You are learning and making progress though. Good luck next time!!!
Posted via Mobile Device

Hammock Parties 10-01-2009 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Fat Elvis (Post 6128125)
Feel free to correct me where I am mistaken. .

Very well. You are mistaken.

rockymtnchief 10-01-2009 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by wutamess (Post 6127997)

you really need to hit on chicks in person instead of meeting them over the net. You need some face to face success.


That way you get shot down BEFORE you spend money on them!

Any chance your date snuck back in and sat somewhere else so she could finish the movie? You were just a free pass in?

Skip Towne 10-01-2009 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by rockymtnchief (Post 6128237)

That way you get shot down BEFORE you spend money on them!

Any chance your date snuck back in and sat somewhere else so she could finish the movie? You were just a free pass in?

I'll bet she just sat somewhere else to finish the movie.

Brock 10-01-2009 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by GoChiefs (Post 6127564)
Well, I just got dumped in the middle of a date for the first time. Un-****ing-believable.

Just for future reference, movie dates are for married people who don't have to make an effort anymore. Don't take women to movies anymore, that's a lame, lame date. I don't care if it's her idea and blahblahblah. Don't do that anymore.

BigMeatballDave 10-01-2009 10:09 AM

A movie is a HORRIBLE idea for a 1st date, IMO.

BigMeatballDave 10-01-2009 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by GoChiefs (Post 6127784)
lol, there's luv

Heh, I was actually gonna say that. Luv seems like she has a head on her shoulders, might be a good idea.

The Bad Guy 10-01-2009 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by wutamess (Post 6127795)
It was the arm around her thing.
No woman wants to feel like she's with a possible stalker/possessive type.

Chill with the "having to touch people" and let things run it's course.
If she's into you it'll happen. If not then she won't up and leave since you didn't smother her with your arm/affection.

Less is more.

I just find it hilarious that we all experienced this between 8th-11th grade, but GOChiefs is finally getting around to it in his late 20s.

BY1401 10-01-2009 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by The Bad Guy (Post 6128600)
I just find it hilarious that we all experienced this between 8th-11th grade, but GOChiefs is finally getting around to it in his late 20s.

To be fair, puberty doesn't hit everyone at the same time.

JD10367 10-01-2009 11:07 AM

Dude. You DO realize that most chicks, even dumb blonde ones, have enough gray matter between their ears to Google you before a date, right? To make sure you're not a serial killer? And you do know that said Googling will bring them right to this site, right? Where your exploits, or lack thereof, are legendary? And people call you a momma's boy, and you act like women are nothing but semen receptacles? Gee, I wonder why you have such a hard time.

And, yes, by the way, putting the moves on a chick on a first date at the movies is pretty slimy.

Women can smell desperation. It's like a bad cologne.

You want to get laid? Stop trying to get laid.

You want to meet chicks and date them? Stop trying to meet chicks and date them.

Trust me. It's bizarre backwards logic, but it works. When you give up on the idea, and don't seem so desperate, women will flock to you. They can sense a man who's secure in himself. Why do you think so many married guys attract attention from women? Or, if a guy's single, he can't find chicks, but if he has a chick then OTHER chicks suddenly want him?

Of course, the other option is to try some penis. Because your whole problem could be that you're gay. I'm serious here. Women have the same issue; many lesbians think they're straight, or that they should be straight, because that's how they were raised, and they have unfulfilling relationships with boyfriends and even husbands, until they finally try some hair pie and realize what the issue was all allong. So do it, man. Just one. Suck a dick. See if it works for ya. I'm just here to help. :)

Lumpy 10-01-2009 11:19 AM


JD has a solid point. have u ever tried to find something like a tape measure, batteries, etc around the house? Then, just when u decide to give up and stop looking, u find the item(s)? Stop trying so hard to get laid! There is truth to the "women can sense desperation".

Lono 10-01-2009 11:22 AM


Fat Elvis 10-01-2009 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Lumpy (Post 6128741)

JD has a solid point. have u ever tried to find something like a tape measure, batteries, etc around the house? Then, just when u decide to give up and stop looking, u find the item(s)? Stop trying so hard to get laid! There is truth to the "women can sense desperation".

I think he has a better point about GoChiefs being gay; the guy did have the name "Meatpeeker" after all....

Simply Red 10-01-2009 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by JD10367 (Post 6128690)
Dude. You DO realize that most chicks, even dumb blonde ones, have enough gray matter between their ears to Google you before a date, right? To make sure you're not a serial killer? And you do know that said Googling will bring them right to this site, right? Where your exploits, or lack thereof, are legendary? And people call you a momma's boy, and you act like women are nothing but semen receptacles? Gee, I wonder why you have such a hard time.

And, yes, by the way, putting the moves on a chick on a first date at the movies is pretty slimy.

Women can smell desperation. It's like a bad cologne.

You want to get laid? Stop trying to get laid.

You want to meet chicks and date them? Stop trying to meet chicks and date them.

Trust me. It's bizarre backwards logic, but it works. When you give up on the idea, and don't seem so desperate, women will flock to you. They can sense a man who's secure in himself. Why do you think so many married guys attract attention from women? Or, if a guy's single, he can't find chicks, but if he has a chick then OTHER chicks suddenly want him?

Of course, the other option is to try some penis. Because your whole problem could be that you're gay. I'm serious here. Women have the same issue; many lesbians think they're straight, or that they should be straight, because that's how they were raised, and they have unfulfilling relationships with boyfriends and even husbands, until they finally try some hair pie and realize what the issue was all allong. So do it, man. Just one. Suck a dick. See if it works for ya. I'm just here to help. :)

This is true, but don't forget the gazillion variables that accompany th^t

JD10367 10-01-2009 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Lumpy (Post 6128741)

JD has a solid point. have u ever tried to find something like a tape measure, batteries, etc around the house? Then, just when u decide to give up and stop looking, u find the item(s)? Stop trying so hard to get laid! There is truth to the "women can sense desperation".

I was like him, once. Sure, I was only 22 at the time, LOL, but still. I'd never been on a date. I couldn't attract girls if I had a roll of $100s around my neck. I was pissed off, morose, lonely, desperate. So I made the decision finally, I said, "F**k it. I don't care any more. I'm gonna stop trying. Women don't like me, and that's all there is to it. So what. It'll mean a lot of :whackit: and it'll be cheaper to dine out 'cause I'm not paying for someone. Whatever." And, literally, as soon as I made that decision, my attitude improved, I stopped giving off the SENSE of desperation, and I found a girlfriend. During that relationship, I learned how to actually talk to other women, as if they weren't "women, the prospective semen receptacles" but just "human with boobs and a vajayjay". (In other words, how to talk to women normally, as if friends, without any sex pressure underlying things.) When that relationship ended, after years, I said, "Oh, well, no big, maybe I'll find another and maybe I won't." Boom! Second one right away, that one also lasted for years.

Women KNOW if you're desperate. They KNOW if you're out for nothing but sex. And if that's the vibe they get, they probably won't give it to you. Unless they're real sluts, LOL. But he can't seem to find those either. :) But, then again, that's part of his issue, I think. In the first place, he doesn't know if he's looking for sex or a girlfriend. In the second place, I'm not sure if he knows if he likes men or women. No wonder he's having issues.

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