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BWillie 03-12-2025 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by KC_Connection (Post 17997768)
Dickinson goes 23-12-3-2-1

Will somehow still catch blame for this team’s issues

You really, really, really like stats.

I bet you are a huge James Harden and Ben Simmons fan.

ROYC75 03-12-2025 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by George Liquor (Post 17997786)
They beat em by 50 in Florida lol

I thought I was wrong on that, even looked it up and Damn, the internet even pulled one over on me!

I think I'll go to bed and sleep this one off!

Didn't we only beat them by 4 or 5 in Lawrence?

WTF am I thinking here?

GabyKeepsMeWarm 03-12-2025 11:58 PM

Hard fought game by both sides. UCF isn’t the 1995-97 Bulls, but they ain’t the Washington Generals either. Not for nothing, but it isn’t easy beating a team three times in a season.

We didn’t play our best, but UCF probably did. They had strong numbers across the board, though we did outrebound them by a lot, we also turned the ball over too many damn times, while missing quite a few bunny shots. Several by Hunter, but in his defense, he gets no-call fouled a lot.

Harris played like shit, Coit like shit and Griffen like shit, with a lot of untimely shit by others.

Hope we’re not gassed for tomorrow. We’re certainly capable of beating AZ, though I’m sure they’ll be wanting some payback after their loss on Saturday.

I think we could win in a coin flip tomorrow, but I’d also bet we could lose by 15. What a strange trip it’s been…

GabyKeepsMeWarm 03-13-2025 12:03 AM

As an aside, anyone here ever been to the Big 12 tourney? I haven’t been since I was a kid when dad took me and my brother for a couple days back in the Kemper Arena/Big 8 days. How is it nowadays?

Al Bundy 03-13-2025 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by KC_Connection (Post 17997780)
Thiam is gonna play in the NBA someday, probably Hall too

That’s more NBA guys than KU has

Nahh Thiam is crap, and Hall has Zero basketball IQ.

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