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2112 01-19-2007 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Man, when I finally got to work I was so bad I had to hold my breath, then blow out, then tie one shoe. Pant for a while, then repeat. It was f**king pathetic.

I never realized until later how little I could do. I could barely play with my kids on the floor without getting winded. The thing that finally cracked me was when I heard a guy who was talking about his own weight and he said "I have no right to kill my children's father". That hit me pretty hard. Add in the fact that I wasn't able to do the things I wanted to do with them and it was time.

I packed it all on from years of neglect being a founding partner in 6 straight technology startups. Late nights, long weeks, total disregard for sleep and dietary habits, high stress, no time for exercise, never taking a three day weekend or even a one day weekend without being on call...

It all adds up to "fat bastard". I wouldn't trade those years for anything, though. I had a BLAST. I'm still doing the technology startups, I'm just doing it differently.

Good for you man.... :clap:

2112 01-19-2007 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
If I drink any more water during the day I'll float away. :)

Oh, and I've already hidden the cookies. know where they are..tell your wife to hide them! ;)

Simplex3 01-19-2007 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
just curious did you lose a cat...


my real curious question is if you are a teacher in MO who lost alot of weight on a tv show.

Uhm, no.

Simplex3 01-19-2007 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by bill parcells know where they are..tell your wife to hide them! ;)

Sadly, I can hide things from myself. It's the product of years of not sleeping I think.

crazycoffey 01-19-2007 11:51 PM

I'm running 5.5 miles an hour to catch up to simplex

Sam Hall 01-19-2007 11:51 PM

The Krispy Kreme promotion is no more

crazycoffey 01-19-2007 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Uhm, no.

you heard of the biggest loser show???

the guy from missiouri was a teacher, for some reason (ie I'm drunk) I had the thought it could be you for some reason (ie, see the other ie)

crazycoffey 01-19-2007 11:55 PM

another elmo pic for ya!

SLAG 01-19-2007 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
you heard of the biggest loser show???

the guy from missiouri was a teacher, for some reason (ie I'm drunk) I had the thought it could be you for some reason (ie, see the other ie)

if your a cop you scare me that you might be here to bust someone

2112 01-19-2007 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Sadly, I can hide things from myself. It's the product of years of not sleeping I think.

I wish I could do that..oh..on a side you know your good friend PBJ ''FirstDownSamie'' PBJ loaded my rep comment box with dancing bananas :cuss:

crazycoffey 01-19-2007 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
I wish I could do that..oh..on a side you know your good friend PBJ ''FirstDownSamie'' PBJ loaded my rep comment box with dancing bananas :cuss:

lets find him and kill him

crazycoffey 01-20-2007 12:00 AM

sammie's last post, I'm unloading on him

2112 01-20-2007 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey

sammie's last post, I'm unloading on him


Originally Posted by FirstDownSamie
You have to wait for 50 post so you can post this kind of stuff? BRILLIANT

PBJ FirstDownSamie PBJ

Thats it

Simplex3 01-20-2007 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
I wish I could do that..oh..on a side you know your good friend PBJ ''FirstDownSamie'' PBJ loaded my rep comment box with dancing bananas :cuss:

I've been neg-rep bombing him and the "freestater" snapperhead whenever I'm bored.

crazycoffey 01-20-2007 12:04 AM

another sammie post to hit

Sam Hall 01-20-2007 12:05 AM

i think this video applies to this thread

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Simplex3 01-20-2007 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey

If you hit the "Profile" button under one of his posts you can find every post he's made.

crazycoffey 01-20-2007 12:07 AM

how many times can I go???

now even I'm interested

crazycoffey 01-20-2007 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
If you hit the "Profile" button under one of his posts you can find every post he's made.

I know that's how I found him, but I wanted you to know what posts I hit him with, so you could too....

I thought we just did a circle jerk with sammie in the middle.

Simplex3 01-20-2007 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey

how many times can I go???

now even I'm interested

Neg Rep Conspiracies 101:

1. Given neg rep to target.
2. If there is a second target, neg rep him. If not then give positive rep to a co-conspirator.
3. Give positive rep to a co-conspirator.
4. Repeat.

See, you can only give rep once per post, and every third time to the same person.

Generally, you'll have throwback from the other side, so positively repping your co-conspirators is of utmost importance. The more posts you have and the more rep you have the more damage you can do to the other team.

2112 01-20-2007 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey

how many times can I go???

now even I'm interested

FirstDownSamie is now the target of a Saulbadguy rep conspiracy..I don't think you can get much lower than that..I was there back in the day..I think I was -12,000 in the red..

Bob Dole 01-20-2007 12:16 AM

What's "rep"?

Simplex3 01-20-2007 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
FirstDownSamie is now the target of a Saulbadguy rep conspiracy..I don't think you can get much lower than that..I was there back in the day..I think I was -12,000 in the red..

I personally obliterated Sammy. I'm going to have to work longer on that Freestater jagoff.

crazycoffey 01-20-2007 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Neg Rep Conspiracies 101:

1. Given neg rep to target.
2. If there is a second target, neg rep him. If not then give positive rep to a co-conspirator.
3. Give positive rep to a co-conspirator.
4. Repeat.

See, you can only give rep once per post, and every third time to the same person.

Generally, you'll have throwback from the other side, so positively repping your co-conspirators is of utmost importance. The more posts you have and the more rep you have the more damage you can do to the other team.

yeah, I remember, sensi, and I hit him four times, as you can see from the three you and bill got (actually I may have given the man in black - johnny cash one) but I know sammie got four.

2112 01-20-2007 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
I personally obliterated Sammy. I'm going to have to work longer on that Freestater jagoff.

What did Freestarter do?

crazycoffey 01-20-2007 12:18 AM

I need to go refill

boogblaster 01-20-2007 12:19 AM

Sammie does immoral things too bananas...dancing with one isn't it either...

Bob Dole 01-20-2007 12:22 AM

The Hovaround commercial song kicks absolute ass.

You make Bob Dole love you...Bob Dole didn't wanna do it, didn't wanna do it...

Simplex3 01-20-2007 12:23 AM

Neg Rep Conspiracies 102:

You can only go so high and so low. -32,766 to 32,767. Eventually, it doesn't help to keep carpet bombing them.

The key is to get them in the red. When someone with negative rep neg reps you it doesn't have an effect.

2112 01-20-2007 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by Bob Dole
The Hovaround commercial song kicks absolute ass.

You make Bob Dole love you...Bob Dole didn't wanna do it, didn't wanna do it...

And what Bob Dole says..Bob Dole means

Simplex3 01-20-2007 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
What did Freestarter do?


2112 01-20-2007 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Neg Rep Conspiracies 102:

You can only go so high and so low. -32,766 to 32,767. Eventually, it doesn't help to keep carpet bombing them.

The key is to get them in the red. When someone with negative rep neg reps you it doesn't have an effect.

Also..I think you get 1 rep point per 100 posts..1 rep point per 1,000 posts..and 1 rep point per month of registration..

2112 01-20-2007 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by Simplex3


crazycoffey 01-20-2007 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Neg Rep Conspiracies 102:

You can only go so high and so low. -32,766 to 32,767. Eventually, it doesn't help to keep carpet bombing them.

The key is to get them in the red. When someone with negative rep neg reps you it doesn't have an effect.

Now that I didn't know

I do notice that when I was barely in the up I only had a few reps to hand out, neg or pos. As my rep increased, I have more to give out. I just gave 4 neg to sammy and 6 to others, I stopped out of boredom, how much further can I go???

Bugeater 01-20-2007 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
What did Freestarter do?

He registered.

Bob Dole 01-20-2007 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
And what Bob Dole says..Bob Dole means


Simplex3 01-20-2007 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
I just gave 4 neg to sammy and 6 to others, I stopped out of boredom, how much further can I go???

That's about it.

crazycoffey 01-20-2007 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
Also..I think you get 1 rep point per 100 posts..1 rep point per 1,000 posts..and 1 rep point per month of registration..

anytime I get hit, good or bad, I like reading what my profile says. right now its something about not wearing diapers, but I could again soon.

who writes that, and can I apply????

Bugeater 01-20-2007 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
Also..I think you get 1 rep point per 100 posts..1 rep point per 1,000 posts..and 1 rep point per month of registration..

I heard that too, and I actually set up a dummy account to see what I was hitting at and it was way off. Also, when you neg rep someone, it doesn't take away as many points as a positive rep gives out.

Sam Hall 01-20-2007 12:29 AM

"Bam Bam" Bigelow died today. I don't follow wrestling anymore, but I remember this guy.

2112 01-20-2007 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
anytime I get hit, good or bad, I like reading what my profile says. right now its something about not wearing diapers, but I could again soon.

who writes that, and can I apply????

The whole rep system is customizable..I think Phobia typed that shit in there..

Bob Dole 01-20-2007 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
anytime I get hit, good or bad, I like reading what my profile says. right now its something about not wearing diapers, but I could again soon.

who writes that, and can I apply????

They've been added over time. Usually by admins who have been drinking.

Bob Dole isn't even sure how many are in there now.

crazycoffey 01-20-2007 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
That's about it. Report and Pics fr...01-10-2007 12:40 AMGoChiefscrazyRICH Report and Pics fr...01-10-2007 12:39 are one of the richest people i know Report and Pics fr...01-10-2007 12:38 AMGoChiefs Report and Pics fr...01-10-2007 12:38 AMGoChiefsRICH!!! RICH BEYOND YOUR WILDEST DREAMS! Report and Pics fr...01-10-2007 12:37 AMGoChiefssee? now you are rich Report and Pics fr...01-10-2007 12:37 AMGoChiefsthis rep is actually more valuable

than how did he get 6 on me in three minutes, before firstdownelvis - aka stevieray came to my rescue,

the more posts and more rep = more power philosophy.....

just asking to learn.

2112 01-20-2007 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
I heard that too, and I actually set up a dummy account to see what I was hitting at and it was way off. Also, when you neg rep someone, it doesn't take away as many points as a positive rep gives out.

Just like when you told me you could win free ChiefsPlanet merchandise when you hit a certain rep point level?? ROFL

crazycoffey 01-20-2007 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by Bob Dole
They've been added over time. Usually by admins who have been drinking.

Bob Dole isn't even sure how many are in there now.

that would be fun, can we think up something tonight???

I'm holding the drunk card if that helps

Bugeater 01-20-2007 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
Just like when you told me you could win free ChiefsPlanet merchandise when you hit a certain rep point level?? ROFL

No, this is one of those rare times that I'm speaking the truth.

Bugeater 01-20-2007 12:36 AM

Any n00bs want to volunteer for a rep experiment?

2112 01-20-2007 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
No, this is one of those rare times that I'm speaking the truth.

Wow...when did you do that??

Bob Dole 01-20-2007 12:37 AM

Because Bob Dole is bored...

User is the target of a Saulbadguy rep conspiracy.

User is warpaint99 or one of his aliases. Please make him stop!

User has reached the bottom. Please consider suicidal options.

User is obviously a Goth Chick.

User is quite obviously a pillowbiter. Not that there's anything wrong with that....

User has no reputation. Please slide some charitable rep my way, beeeotch!

User 's ass looks big in those pants.

User has a great personality, really.

User knows how to correctly spell Chiefs and hasn't spammed the board,.... yet.

User does not suck ass.

User 's poop doesn't stink.

User has been to Tijuana and brought back a special gift, if you know what I mean.

User is a jewel in the rough, but so is RedNeckRaider and that should tell ya something. Set your goals higher, bumblepoop.

User is so, like, Oh My God - totally bogus and stuff.

User is drugfree and readily employable.

User has the beak of a buzzard and brays like an ass, but at least his/her breath is fresh and minty.

User has been here long enough to know Freakshow.

User is a splendid one to behold - ChiefsPlanet did not author this dumbassery. We don't know WTF it means, either.

User probably has butt acne or rectal polyps. Yeah, I'd say that's a pretty good bet.

User has much to be proud of - like conquering 7 different strains of Chlamydia and graduating Jr. High....

User hasn't won a home playoff game in 30 years.

User has a brilliant future - riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggghhht.

User holds a World Record in something so obscure, they've even forgotten what it was.

User wrote a song about it. Wanna hear it? Here goes.

User doesn't wear diapers any longer but may again do so in the near future.

User is so famous, there is bound to be a website to whom it is dedicated. Check google or something, you lazy ass.

User is a rep whore. Please spread negative rep this way immediately.

User is a ChiefsPlant icon. When meeting this individual, please kneel and kiss the ring.

User is Kyle and YES he HAS cheated the rep system!

Bugeater 01-20-2007 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
Wow...when did you do that??

Usually I just drop the BS on the n00bs just to see what they'll believe.

Bugeater 01-20-2007 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by Bob Dole
User is a ChiefsPlant icon. When meeting this individual, please kneel and kiss the ring.

Maybe Bob Dole can fix this spelling error since he's bored.

crazycoffey 01-20-2007 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by Bob Dole
Because Bob Dole is bored...

User is the target of a Saulbadguy rep conspiracy.

User is warpaint99 or one of his aliases. Please make him stop!

User has reached the bottom. Please consider suicidal options.

User is obviously a Goth Chick.

User is quite obviously a pillowbiter. Not that there's anything wrong with that....

User has no reputation. Please slide some charitable rep my way, beeeotch!

User 's ass looks big in those pants.

User has a great personality, really.

User knows how to correctly spell Chiefs and hasn't spammed the board,.... yet.

User does not suck ass.

User 's poop doesn't stink.

User has been to Tijuana and brought back a special gift, if you know what I mean.

User is a jewel in the rough, but so is RedNeckRaider and that should tell ya something. Set your goals higher, bumblepoop.

User is so, like, Oh My God - totally bogus and stuff.

User is drugfree and readily employable.

User has the beak of a buzzard and brays like an ass, but at least his/her breath is fresh and minty.

User has been here long enough to know Freakshow.

User is a splendid one to behold - ChiefsPlanet did not author this dumbassery. We don't know WTF it means, either.

User probably has butt acne or rectal polyps. Yeah, I'd say that's a pretty good bet.

User has much to be proud of - like conquering 7 different strains of Chlamydia and graduating Jr. High....

User hasn't won a home playoff game in 30 years.

User has a brilliant future - riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggghhht.

User holds a World Record in something so obscure, they've even forgotten what it was.

User wrote a song about it. Wanna hear it? Here goes.

User doesn't wear diapers any longer but may again do so in the near future.

User is so famous, there is bound to be a website to whom it is dedicated. Check google or something, you lazy ass.

User is a rep whore. Please spread negative rep this way immediately.

User is a ChiefsPlant icon. When meeting this individual, please kneel and kiss the ring.

User is Kyle and YES he HAS cheated the rep system!


I reckonize some of these

Bugeater 01-20-2007 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by Bob Dole
User is quite obviously a pillowbiter. Not that there's anything wrong with that....

User is Kyle and YES he HAS cheated the rep system!

:hmmm: I've never seen either of these.

Bob Dole 01-20-2007 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
Maybe Bob Dole can fix this spelling error since he's bored.

That's funny. The highest rep level anyone can get, and it's misspelled.

Bugeater 01-20-2007 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by Bob Dole
That's funny. The highest rep level anyone can get, and it's misspelled.

Is Bob Dole telling me he's never noticed that?

crazycoffey 01-20-2007 12:44 AM

user is the first reeruned, one arm, red-headed stepchild to be abandoned by CPS


user thought the tryout for “pros vs. joes” was a chance for a free date.

Bugeater 01-20-2007 12:45 AM

Yes! I am no longer a Chiefsplant Icon! PBJ

Bob Dole 01-20-2007 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
Is Bob Dole telling me he's never noticed that?

That is, indeed, what Bob Dole is telling you.

ImmodiumAD 01-20-2007 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
Yes! I am no longer a Chiefsplant Icon! PBJ

Hi..I'm new here..Hi everybody!!

Halfcan 01-20-2007 12:46 AM

Who the hell are you talking about..... Oh nevermind.

Bugeater 01-20-2007 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by ImmodiumAD
Hi..I'm new here..Hi everybody!!

How many rep points do you have right now?

Halfcan 01-20-2007 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by ImmodiumAD
Hi..I'm new here..Hi everybody!!

Nice name! :rolleyes:

crazycoffey 01-20-2007 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by Bob Dole
That's funny. The highest rep level anyone can get, and it's misspelled.

I thought the highest was the icon notice about kissing the ring and kneeling.

ImmodiumAD 01-20-2007 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
How many rep points do you have right now?

I have nothing..when I go to user profile..nothing shows up

crazycoffey 01-20-2007 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by ImmodiumAD
Hi..I'm new here..Hi everybody!!

what can I do?

ImmodiumAD 01-20-2007 12:49 AM

Man..Halfcan has a big rep hammer ROFL

Bugeater 01-20-2007 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by ImmodiumAD
I have nothing..when I go to user profile..nothing shows up

How about now?

Bugeater 01-20-2007 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by ImmodiumAD
Man..Halfcan has a big rep hammer ROFL

OK, if this is going to work we're going to have to rep him one at a time.

ImmodiumAD 01-20-2007 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
How about now?

You and Halfcan just hit me and I have 661 rep points

crazycoffey 01-20-2007 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by ImmodiumAD
You and Halfcan just hit me and I have 661 rep points

it says you have a great personality

and before something about your ass looking big in those jeans.

Bugeater 01-20-2007 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by ImmodiumAD
You and Halfcan just hit me and I have 661 rep points

Well according to the formula I should be hitting at 390, so that can't be right.

ImmodiumAD 01-20-2007 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
Well according to the formula I should be hitting at 390, so that can't be right.

Hit me again..HC screwed our experiment up..Damnit Halfcan!! :cuss:

crazycoffey 01-20-2007 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
Well according to the formula I should be hitting at 390, so that can't be right.

can I hit you, good or bad??

put me in coach I'm ready to play

(BTW - bob that could be another description "user is ready to play, coach")

Halfcan 01-20-2007 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by ImmodiumAD
Man..Halfcan has a big rep hammer ROFL

What is it??

crazycoffey 01-20-2007 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by ImmodiumAD
Hit me again..HC screwed our experiment up..Damnit Halfcan!! :cuss:

halfcan has his rep turned off, what does that mean in this big experiment?

Bugeater 01-20-2007 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
it says you have a great personality

and before something about your ass looking big in those jeans.

Go see exactly how many rep points right now.

Halfcan 01-20-2007 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by ImmodiumAD
Hit me again..HC screwed our experiment up..Damnit Halfcan!! :cuss:

Sorry I always welcome all the new Noobs.

Bugeater 01-20-2007 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by Halfcan
What is it??

You hit him the same time I did so we don't know for sure.

ImmodiumAD 01-20-2007 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by Halfcan
What is it??

I think it's close to 330 or something..I don't know for sure..when an old timer hits get like 750

ImmodiumAD 01-20-2007 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
halfcan has his rep turned off, what does that mean in this big experiment?

Are you asking me??n00b?

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