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lawrenceRaider 07-19-2021 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 15745363)
About to go HAM on some Dune stuff.

Butlerian Jihad, Machine Crusade, whatever the third book is called, and Paul of Dune.

The prequels get panned quite a bit, but I enjoyed them. Granted it's been a long time since I read any of them.

Barret 07-19-2021 09:48 AM

Don't know if this has been mentioned but

Armor - John Steakley

Also I heard a rumor they are making a film about "Foundation" from Asimov

BleedingRed 07-19-2021 10:43 AM

Old Mans War

lawrenceRaider 07-19-2021 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by BleedingRed (Post 15746124)

I really enjoyed these.

Scalzi himself not so much.

BleedingRed 07-19-2021 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by lawrenceRaider (Post 15746127)
I really enjoyed these.

Scalzi himself not so much.

I love guardians of the galaxy.... James Gunn not so much.

Graystoke 07-19-2021 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 15745367)
It's been decades since I've read any Dune. With the movie coming out, I should at least brush up on it before it gets here.

No kidding. I read Dune, Dune Messiah and Children of Dune but that was years ago.
When is the movie officially out?

edit-I see scheduled release date of Oct 2021. Hope they don't **** it up like last time.

Mennonite 07-19-2021 03:15 PM

Dune is a great story poorly written. I remember reading it and then, years later, describing the plot to someone and thinking "This actually sounds awesome - why the heck didn't I love this?". So I reread it and remembered why.

Mennonite 07-20-2021 10:49 AM

I'm trying to remember the name of a story I read or heard a few years ago. It was about a group of refugees from a war-torn and polluted Earth who escape to Mars only to find that Mars was also in ruins. The twist was that mankind is actually descended from Martians who had fled their home planet after wrecking their environment.

Ring any bells? It may have been an old radio program eepisode.

Mennonite 07-22-2021 11:51 AM

More time travel stories:

"Try and Change the Past" by Fritz Leiber
"Caveat Time Traveler by Gregory Benford
“The Third Level” by Jack Finney
“Such Interesting Neighbors” by Jack Finney
“Time and Time Again” by H. Beam Piper
"The Wind Over the World" by Steven Utley
“Twilight” by John W. Campbell
“Life-Line” by Robert Heinlein
“By His Bootstraps” by Robert Heinlein
“—All You Zombies—” by Robert Heinlein
"Against the Current" by Robert Silverberg
“Absolutely Inflexible“ by Robert Silverberg
The Guardians of Time by Poul Anderson
"Soldier" by Harlan Ellison
“Time Wants a Skeleton” by Ross Rocklynne
“As Never Was” by P. Schuyler Miller
“Compound Interest” by Mack Reynolds
“Let’s Go to Golgotha” by Gary Kilworth
“Rotating Cylinders and the Possibility of Global Causality Violation” by Larry Niven
“Who’s Cribbing?“ by Jack Lewis
“A Statue for Father” by Isaac Asimov
“The Hundred-Light-Year Diary“ by Greg Egan
”The Fox and the Forest” by Ray Bradbury
“Night Meeting” by Ray Bradbury
"The Very Slow Time Machine" by Ian Watson
"In the Beginning, Nothing Lasts..." by Mike Strahan
"After-Images" by Malcolm Edwards
“Flight to Forever” by Poul Anderson


1- The stories dealing with paradoxes ("By His Bootstraps" "Let's Go to Golgotha!") are fun and often clever, but never seem to resolve in a satisfactory manner.

2 - Harlan Ellison is an asshole and it's preposterous that his story "Soldier" is given credit as an influence for Terminator.

3 - I give credit to "The Very Slow Time Machine" and "The 100 Light-Year-Diary" for trying something different but neither of them manages to stick the landing. Both are worth a read though.

The best of this bunch was probably Poul Anderson's "Flight to Forever." Its concept was blatantly ripped off by one of the better latter day episodes of Futurama "The Late Philip J. Fry." It's about a time traveler with a time machine that really only works when going forward in time. He can only go backwards in short hops. So he's forced to go further and further in time in the hope that future generations will find a way to make backwards time travel possible.

My only real complaint is that I wish Anderson had done a better job explaining why you can't travel far into the past. What's the difference between one long jump, and several small jumps? He says there is a difference, but I wish he had concocted a more concrete reason as to why it is so.

I guess this is the end of my time travel story reading for a while. Mostly disappointing, but that 's true of everything I guess. The stories that I liked best::

"The Time Machine" by H.G. Wells
"My Object All Sublime" by Poul Anderson
"The Men Who Murdered Mohammed" by Alfred Bester
"Twenty-one" by Michael Merriam
"Sailing to Byzantium" by Robert Silverberg
"The Man Who Came Early" by Poul Anderson
"Flight to Forever" by Poul Anderson
“The Lost Pilgrim” by Gene Wolfe
“The Mouse Ran Down” by Adrian Tchaikovsky
“Under Siege” by George R. R. Martin
“Fire Watch” by Connie Willis
“Vintage Season” by Henry Kuttner & C. L. Moore

lawrenceRaider 07-22-2021 12:08 PM

If you have room for one more time travel story, give Paradox Bound by Peter Clines a try.

Mennonite 07-22-2021 12:13 PM

I'll add it to my "to read" list. Thanks!

Mennonite 07-27-2021 12:13 PM

100 Great Science Fiction Short Stories. edited by Isaac Asimov

The stories are extremely short, as you might imagine, and several of them are flash fiction. Not a particularly strong anthology. The absence of Fredric Brown's "Answer" is notable, but considering who the editor is maybe not.

Top three:

"Dry Spell" by Bill Pronzini
"Shall the Dust Praise Thee?" by Damon Knight
"The Die-Hard" by Alfred Bester

Bowser 07-27-2021 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 14161167)
I'm reading A Big Ship at the Edge of the Universe by Alex White. It's different, but I'm enjoying it two thirds of the way through. First part of a trilogy and I'm certain I'll read the other two.

Thanks to the Covids, I completely forgot about this series. Just picked up the third in the trilogy, The Worst of All Possible Worlds. THis is a very quirky but highly enjoyable trilogy, if you're looking for something new. Do recommend.

- Big Ship at the Edge of the Universe
- Bad Deal for the Whole Galaxy
- The Worst of All possible Worlds

by Alex White

Apparently he has written a total of five books, with three of them this trilogy.

Mennonite 08-04-2021 03:48 PM

The Other Side of Tomorrow

This is a small anthology from the early 70s. It probably qualifies as YA. Dated but not terrible.

The Oxford Book of Science Fiction Stories.

I'm about 85% of the way through with this one. Nothing I'd recommend so far.

I used to think that there were a lot of great sci-fi short stories out there and that I'd find them if I just kept searching. I no longer believe that. Once you get past the genuine classics, the good to garbage ratio is probably less than 4 in 100. And you might find 1 really good story out of 150. Unless you can find a writer that you really like you might as well stick to pulp; at least that stuff isn't boring.

Mennonite 08-10-2021 01:18 PM

I am (foolishly) determined to read all of the Hugo nominated short stories.


Mack Reynolds "Status Quo"
Clifford D. Simak "Desertion"
Clifford D. Simak "Huddling Place"
Orson Scott Card "The Lost Boys" (It's a ghost story)
Gary Jennings "Myrrh" (a weak horror story)
James Patrick Kelly "Itsy Bitsy Spider"
Gene Wolfe "No Planets Strike"
Robert J. Sawyer "The Hand You're Dealt"
Karen Joy Fowler "Standing Room Only"
Andy Duncan "Beluthahatchie"
Michael Swanwick "The Very Pulse of the Machine"
Bruce Sterling "Maneki Neko"

Woke era shit:

“As the Last I May Know”, by S.L. Huang
“Do Not Look Back, My Lion”, by Alix E. Harrow
“A Catalog of Storms”, by Fran Wilde
“Ten Excerpts from an Annotated Bibliography on the Cannibal Women of Ratnabar Island”, by Nibedita Sen

The Hand You're Dealt, Itsy Bitsy Spider and The Very Pulse of the Machine are probably my three favorites of the bunch. Nothing must-read or anything.

I also re-read a couple of Hugo nominees that appeared in the Science Fiction Hall of Fame anthologies:

The Moon Moth by Jack Vance. This one is ok but it needed two things: 1) a more plausible reason why the fugitive couldn't be identified and 2) a stronger closing sentence. The story reminds me of David D. Levine's Tk Tk Tk a little bit.

A Rose for Ecclesiastes by Roger Zelazny. I like this one quite a bit. This level of quality is what I'm looking for (hoping for) when I pick up an anthology of "The Best" or "Award Winning" science fiction.

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