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Did Burrow wear his pink jumpsuit on his "White Dudes for Harris" zoom call? Such a beta move...he'll never win a SB. Still hasn't thrown a 4th quarter TD in the postseason..
Sorry Pal - it was low hanging fruit.
Honestly, the Bengals have a long way to go to eclipse the Donk in futility.
Not saying it won't happen eventually...... |
The Broncos have won Super Bowls , I wouldn't be shitting on Denver concerning Franchise failure/success |
lulz I'm starting to wonder if you're ever right about anything. ROFL |
He doesn't work for the Bengals. No one in the org is complaining about it. |
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just from a health standpoint, the NFL shouldn't be allowed to allow teams to play more than 3 games in 2 calendar weeks (14 days)<br><br>The Bengals being the only team in the NFL to be required play 3 games in 10 days in back-to-back seasons is flat-out negligence from the NFL. <a href="https://t.co/2MNd5HYdCt">https://t.co/2MNd5HYdCt</a></p>— Willie Lutz (@willie_lutz) <a href="https://twitter.com/willie_lutz/status/1821589920621953394?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 8, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> |
So what? |
Hmm. I wonder if i could find any posts of Chiefs fan complaining about 3 games in 10 days later this year...
Guy who flys out to a bash on Sunday, when it starts the day before, calls me a loser.
Broke dick in college can’t stop being a broke dick. Shocking
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Zac: Amarius Mims has a strained pec. Non surgical.<br>Will miss several weeks</p>— Jay Morrison (@ByJayMorrison) <a href="https://twitter.com/ByJayMorrison/status/1823053241938051407?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 12, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> |
Don't want to hear it. Cry to your mom. |
Thought having teams play 3 games in less than two weeks was reckless last season. Not very happy they're continuing that BS. Just asking for injuries. And I was told the NFL was all about 'player safety.'
While i agree that teams shouldnt be playing 3 games in 10 days....and that the NFL should be wearing, "Im a hypocrite" T-shirts when it comes to player safety, Bengals fans can get ****ed.
Chiefs deal with that shit every damn year and all we do is win SB's. I don't wanna hear it. |
Okay, well in other news, Joe's wrist seemed just fine. Shocker.
Glad though; should be a good game to watch when they meet in a few weeks. |
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Peyton Manning listed his top-5 QBs currently in the NFL at <a href="https://twitter.com/FanaticsFest?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@FanaticsFest</a>:<br><br>- Patrick Mahomes<br>- Joe Burrow<br>- Justin Herbert<br>- Lamar Jackson<br>- Josh Allen<br><br>(🎥 <a href="https://twitter.com/CSmittyNY?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@CSmittyNY</a>)<a href="https://t.co/y1DRQfJinp">pic.twitter.com/y1DRQfJinp</a></p>— Ari Meirov (@MySportsUpdate) <a href="https://twitter.com/MySportsUpdate/status/1825246072652075084?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 18, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Patrick Mahomes is, once again, a corporate suit who marches into your Rust Belt town right around Christmas and hands your dad a pink slip at the steamboat yard. The familiarity of it all must feel like a warm blanket at this point. ROFL |
Burrow is no different today than he was a year ago today. Oof...Uh oh... |
The real camp reports I've seen are ****ing brutal. Supposedly looks like a poor armed Zach Wilson throwing the ball now
The Bengals line has also been an abomination
Your trolling is so bad. Oof...
Anything is possible. But for right now, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with his wrist, that one internet 'doctor's opinion,' notwithstanding. |
That's not true at all ROFL
The "rumblings" never lie
Don't know for certain either way. Usually just don't pay that much attention to him, tbh. He's usually not here to have an intelligent conversation, that's for sure. He just wants to push your (people's) buttons. Caveat emptor. |
What are the "rumblings" saying, now that he's fine and back at practice after banging knees? Take your time. The rumblings were way off on that one and we want to make sure "they" get it right this time. |
Peeg? Push buttons? Nah....
Also, that list is pretty sound. It just shows the gauntlet the AFC has to fight through and the absolute turds the NFC has.
We might be looking at a huge disparity of titles like the 80s and 90s had for the NFC. |
R Faulk is probably the best opposing fan we’ve had on this board in my time here. Although Gadzooks is pretty cool too, but I don’t hardly see him post anymore.
Never mentioned whether you tend to be right or wrong. Reread my post. Comprehend what I actually wrote. Good day. |
Pasta. You're not right about very much.
The 2001/2018 Bengals with Marvin Lewis. 0-7 in the playoffs. You can't touch me. I am rfaulk34 of the House Bengal. The First of His name, the Unburnt, King of NKY , King of the Queen City and the Banks and the First Men, Ruler of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains and Father of Dragons. Do you understand? |
He might exaggerate sometimes, but there’s usually truth to what he hears. |
Does he think there's no video of Burrow working out, or throwing in practice, or throwing in an actual ****ing game? He's blowing out his ass. And Charlie Jones simply banged his knee and missed a couple practices but he was talking like it was a long term injury. |
How close do you live to Kentucky? Does it smell bad across the river? |
W/o reading 287 pgs what’s the consensus on Burrows recovery at this point?
So Stephania Bell is clueless too r faulk? She's pretty damn dialed in...
how's your fatty LT doing this year?
I watched the bengals game earlier today and he looked fine, but the ball definitely doesn’t seem to leave his hand as well as last year. I’d bet there’s a 2mph drop in velocity.
Hard to truly gauge based on PS play and small sample size as he’s still working back…but I don’t think it’s fair to say he looks the same as last year at this point. If he continues to take a lot of hits and is forced to rush passes, it’s going to be hard to get back to the top of his game version of himself. I can’t wait for our matchup. It’s going to be another statement game of the Mahomes era….but one that puts the rest of the NFL on notice. |
And I would put Josh Allen at #2. But it's always fun to talk about these things. |
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