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crazycoffey 01-19-2007 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by SLAG
so really..

can i quit my full time job...get a part time job and go to school full time ? will student loans pay for all my bills?

maybe, GI bill??

but if you're married it will hurt the relationship. She will start to actually grow testicles, because she will feel like the man, bringing in the paycheck.

Simplex3 01-19-2007 10:37 PM

Ok, now I have tunes. Later losers.

SLAG 01-19-2007 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
maybe, GI bill??

but if you're married it will hurt the relationship. She will start to actually grow testicles, because she will feel like the man, bringing in the paycheck.

i'm talkin student loans from banks to live on for the next 3.5-4 years
lots and lots of money

and i am married but if we both had loans they wouldnt have to loan out as much money..

we mean neither of us work

crazycoffey 01-19-2007 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Ok, now I have tunes. Later losers.

why yes, pot, I am black too.

crazycoffey 01-19-2007 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by SLAG
i'm talkin student loans from banks to live on for the next 3.5-4 years
lots and lots of money

and i am married but if we both had loans they wouldnt have to loan out as much money..

we mean neither of us work

Well, from my understanding - the bank gives out student loans for the amount of your tuition. Not including books, and living costs (unless you live on campus??) but even then, no food.

Good luck, I would say (if you go for this) that you should pray the world ends in 2-3 years, so you don't have to face the bill collectors, named vito.

crazycoffey 01-19-2007 10:43 PM

this needs a caption

SLAG 01-19-2007 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
Well, from my understanding - the bank gives out student loans for the amount of your tuition. Not including books, and living costs (unless you live on campus??) but even then, no food.

Good luck, I would say (if you go for this) that you should pray the world ends in 2-3 years, so you don't have to face the bill collectors, named vito.

the plan is to go to school to get a job that will pay for the student loans lol

Saulbadguy 01-19-2007 10:45 PM

stupid, gay thread.

Bugeater 01-19-2007 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by Saulbadguy
stupid, gay thread.

Now you're part of it.

crazycoffey 01-19-2007 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by Saulbadguy
stupid, gay thread.


you had a nitendo thread and you are throwing out the Gay word?????

crazycoffey 01-19-2007 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
Now you're part of it.


Bugeater 01-19-2007 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey

you had a nitendo thread and you are throwing out the Gay word?????

Nah, he's not gay. He's just grouchy most of the time.

2112 01-19-2007 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Saulbadguy
stupid, gay thread.

This thread is stupid and gay

crazycoffey 01-19-2007 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
Nah, he's not gay. He's just grouchy most of the time.

I haven't talked to Saulbadguy much, he seems sensible, I hope he can see I was just messing around too.

hope I didn't ghey him out of here,

NTTAWWT (the ghey part, not the out of here part)

crazycoffey 01-19-2007 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey

"anti-freeze, yeaaaaaaah!"


"anti-freeze, nooooooo!"

Saulbadguy 01-19-2007 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
Now you're part of it.


crazycoffey 01-19-2007 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
This thread is stupid and gay

William, how are you!!!!!

I'm fugged up.

Bugeater 01-19-2007 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Saulbadguy

A-ha! A second post. Now there's no going back for you.

2112 01-19-2007 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
William, how are you!!!!!

I'm fugged up.

I'm getting there..and I'm good also..

crazycoffey 01-19-2007 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
A-ha! A second post. Now there's no going back for you.

just like crack

the drug and the slit, both just as dangerous and addictive.

two hits and you can't quit it.

2112 01-19-2007 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by Saulbadguy

Do you know you are participating in a stupid/gay thread?

SLAG 01-19-2007 11:00 PM

so they gave this treo at work..

its was the dude who just quit...he was training.. me... so i am reading through his old emails and find one he sent to this other dude that use to work there before i came a long and in this email he is totally trashing me...

thats some bullshit

so i emailed the dude he emailed to set the record straight...

i'm no punk bitch...

i'm very close to walking out on this job

Bugeater 01-19-2007 11:01 PM

We had some dumb broad drive 11 miles on the wrong side of the interstate today, but nobody has the story online. I thought Skip might enjoy that.

2112 01-19-2007 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by SLAG
so they gave this treo at work..

its was the dude who just quit...he was training.. me... so i am reading through his old emails and find one he sent to this other dude that use to work there before i came a long and in this email he is totally trashing me...

thats some bullshit

so i emailed the dude he emailed to set the record straight...

i'm no punk bitch...

i'm very close to walking out on this job

Get another job first..don't **** yourself

Bugeater 01-19-2007 11:04 PM

Old geezer of comedy Don Rickles is on Leno right now. I can't believe he's still alive.

Bob Dole 01-19-2007 11:06 PM

This Sally Fields Boniva commercial is just annoying.

"I was talking to my girlfriend and she said she had to set aside time every morning to take her osteoporosis medicine."

How much ****ing time does it take to swallow a damned pill?

Bugeater 01-19-2007 11:06 PM

And then there's this:

FAA Investigates Near-Miss Between Jets Over Iowa
Collision Alarms Sound Off In Airliners

POSTED: 2:10 pm CST January 19, 2007
UPDATED: 2:11 pm CST January 19, 2007

CHICAGO -- The union representing air traffic controllers said a near-miss of two passenger jets over Iowa was due to improper staffing and a lack of fully trained personnel.

The Federal Aviation Administration blames a mistake on a controller at the agency's Chicago Center radar facility in Aurora, Ill. The agency said that staffing is adequate.

The incident in question involves two jets that were less than two miles apart Tuesday and heading toward each when onboard collision alarms went off. FAA officials said a controller also realized the situation and ordered one of the planes to turn.

One of the planes was a United Express flight headed to O'Hare. The other was a Northwest Airlines flight en route to Denver. The FAA is investigating.

Bob Dole 01-19-2007 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
Old geezer of comedy Don Rickles is on Leno right now. I can't believe he's still alive.

Slayer is making their first TV appearance ever on Kimmel tonight.

SLAG 01-19-2007 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
Get another job first..don't **** yourself

my old job is still there for me if i want it

crazycoffey 01-19-2007 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
Get another job first..don't **** yourself

agreed, f**king yourself isn't near as much fun as is sounds.

2112 01-19-2007 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
Old geezer of comedy Don Rickles is on Leno right now. I can't believe he's still alive.

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Bugeater 01-19-2007 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by Bob Dole
Slayer is making their first TV appearance ever on Kimmel tonight.

[old un-hip dude]Who? [/old un-hip dude]

crazycoffey 01-19-2007 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
We had some dumb broad drive 11 miles on the wrong side of the interstate today, but nobody has the story online. I thought Skip might enjoy that.

She took this picture.....

Bob Dole 01-19-2007 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by SLAG
my old job is still there for me if i want it

News flash: You're not special. McDonald's is always hiring.

Bugeater 01-19-2007 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey

Ha-ha, you can't hotlink to tripod.

SLAG 01-19-2007 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
agreed, f**king yourself isn't near as much fun as is sounds.

hence my question about student loans..

i thought they covered any housing expendature

SLAG 01-19-2007 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by Bob Dole
New flash: You're not special. McDonald's is always hiring.

I wasnt working there or at Quick trip

but at Quick Trip an Night Assitant Manager starts out at 41k/ year

thats not too bad

with monthly fat bonus'

2112 01-19-2007 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey

:rolleyes: :shake:

crazycoffey 01-19-2007 11:13 PM

I wish....

I wish.....

How I wish I were a cherry.....

I wish I was, I really do...

How I wish I were....

how I wish

Halfcan 01-19-2007 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
"anti-freeze, yeaaaaaaah!"


"anti-freeze, nooooooo!"

With post like this I can see why you are the new Planet Hero. Next week when you hit 10,000 we will move you up to Icon.

Here are the Rankings.

Lowest- Donk or Fader fan Noob.
2. Donk or Fader fan regular.
3. All other team fans.
4. Noob-up to 7k in post
5. Night Crew Hero-7 to 10k in post
6. Icon-must have 10k in post
7. Super Icon-20 k or more
8. Hall of Famer-40k or more
8. Founding Fathers-50k or more
9. Greatest Planet Icon of All Time-Voted on by your peers.
10. Garden Of the Gods- Hall of Fame for former Greatest Planet Icons-100k in post.

So far we have several up to Hall of Fame and Founding Fathers, but only 1 Greatest-and that is Phobia. When he hits 100k in post he will be the Charting member of the Garden of the Gods. The Best of the Best.

Simplex3 01-19-2007 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
I'm fugged up.

Me too.

Probably for different reasons.

crazycoffey 01-19-2007 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by Halfcan
With post like this I can see why you are the new Planet Hero. Next week when you hit 10,000 we will move you up to Icon.

Here are the Rankings.

Lowest- Donk or Fader fan Noob.
2. Donk or Fader fan regular.
3. All other team fans.
4. Noob-up to 7k in post
5. Night Crew Hero-7 to 10k in post
6. Icon-must have 10k in post
7. Super Icon-20 k or more
8. Hall of Famer-40k or more
8. Founding Fathers-50k or more
9. Greatest Planet Icon of All Time-Voted on by your peers.
10. Garden Of the Gods- Hall of Fame for former Greatest Planet Icons-100k in post.

So far we have several up to Hall of Fame and Founding Fathers, but only 1 Greatest-and that is Phobia. When he hits 100k in post he will be the Charting member of the Garden of the Gods. The Best of the Best.

I've learned so much in three weeks.

crazycoffey 01-19-2007 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Me too.

Probably for different reasons.

I can read people pretty well, even through cyberspace;

No question about it, no question at all, my friend.

crazycoffey 01-19-2007 11:22 PM

Yeaaaahhh, yeaaaaahhh

Bugeater 01-19-2007 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
I've learned so much in three weeks.

Don't listen to any of that crap.

Simplex3 01-19-2007 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by Halfcan
10. Garden Of the Gods- Hall of Fame for former Greatest Planet Icons-100k in post.

So far we have several up to Hall of Fame and Founding Fathers, but only 1 Greatest-and that is Phobia. When he hits 100k in post he will be the Charting member of the Garden of the Gods. The Best of the Best.

I'm so modifying my program that submits stuff to Southwest Airlines automatically so that it will post for me 24x7.

Simplex3 01-19-2007 11:23 PM

So I've been doing my 30m run at 5.5mph until tonight, when I went 6.0mph. 1/2 seems like such a small number until you try running it.

crazycoffey 01-19-2007 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey

"I'm free, free I say!"


Ozzie's alternative album cover to the single "Momma, I'm coming home"


"holy sh*t, the coyote's are coming"

come on people, it's funny I know it is.

Halfcan 01-19-2007 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
I'm so modifying my program that submits stuff to Southwest Airlines automatically so that it will post for me 24x7.

But you also have to win the tournament for Greatest of All Time. When Phil's year is up we will have a new one.

Then you need to hit 100k.

crazycoffey 01-19-2007 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
So I've been doing my 30m run at 5.5mph until tonight, when I went 6.0mph. 1/2 seems like such a small number until you try running it.

yeah do the same thing with the incline controls....

Simplex3 01-19-2007 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Halfcan
But you also have to win the tournament for Greatest of All Time. When Phil's year is up we will have a new one.

Then you need to hit 100k.

Well f**k. I'll never win a popularity contest.

Guess I'll have to settle for "grouchiest asshole on the Planet". 'Course I think I've had that one locked up for years running.

2112 01-19-2007 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
So I've been doing my 30m run at 5.5mph until tonight, when I went 6.0mph. 1/2 seems like such a small number until you try running it.

Go for longer distance first at the same pace..then..when that gets too easy..increase the speed

Simplex3 01-19-2007 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
yeah do the same thing with the incline controls....

I ran a 5k with varying inclines a few weeks back at 5.5mph.

You may not know, but about a year and a half ago I was 323lbs and couldn't walk 2.5mph for 20m (32 years old). Now I'm 34 and 227. I have another 25lbs to go and I'll be ready to rock.

Simplex3 01-19-2007 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
Go for longer distance first at the same pace..then..when that gets too easy..increase the speed

I have two bad knees (surgery twice on one already) and one bad ankle, for me intensity has to be the key if I'm going to run. I just hate most cardio, but I love to run.

2112 01-19-2007 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
I ran a 5k with varying inclines a few weeks back at 5.5mph.

You may not know, but about a year and a half ago I was 323lbs and couldn't walk 2.5mph for 20m (32 years old). Now I'm 34 and 227. I have another 25lbs to go and I'll be ready to rock.

:eek: holy shit..well done..

Halfcan 01-19-2007 11:32 PM

Skip has over 44 k in post and is a sure Hall of Famer. Within a year he will be a Founding Father. Now he needs to win the Greatest of All Time Tournament. If he did that he could actually beat Phob to 100k and be the Charting Member of the Garden of the Gods???

2112 01-19-2007 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
I have two bad knees (surgery twice on one already) and one bad ankle, for me intensity has to be the key if I'm going to run. I just hate most cardio, but I love to run.

I have a bad knee too..I use the elliptical machine until I lose enough weight so running is easy..

Sam Hall 01-19-2007 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey

10 pm, Yeaaaaahh

Hey lady!!

I've missed this stupid show

I just got cable back after 8 months of broadcast tv.

The new season of Crank Yankers will be on MTV2, which I don't have :(

Simplex3 01-19-2007 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
:eek: holy shit..well done..

In the first two months I worked my way up to where I could walk at 3.0mph for an hour. I did 45m every morning and 1 hour every night, 7 days a week, for months. When I got the weight down to 235 (where my worst knee could handle it) I began running and lifting weights again. Now I run 5 days a week for 30m and lift 4 days a week.

2112 01-19-2007 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by Halfcan
Skip has over 44 k in post and is a sure Hall of Famer. Within a year he will be a Founding Father. Now he needs to win the Greatest of All Time Tournament. If he did that he could actually beat Phob to 100k and be the Charting Member of the Garden of the Gods???

Simplex told me ENDelt had 50,000 posts in 2's possible..I don't know how though

crazycoffey 01-19-2007 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
I ran a 5k with varying inclines a few weeks back at 5.5mph.

You may not know, but about a year and a half ago I was 323lbs and couldn't walk 2.5mph for 20m (32 years old). Now I'm 34 and 227. I have another 25lbs to go and I'll be ready to rock.

good for you man, that's cool

I have been pretty fortunate, jobs that include physical activity, the problem is when you slow down for a few months it hikes on you really quick.

I just hit 230 a few months ago. down to 210, before my reversal surgery, then back up to 220, working it back down 215 now.

but this is the biggest I've ever been, at 5'10" I got some gut.

Halfcan 01-19-2007 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Well f**k. I'll never win a popularity contest.

Guess I'll have to settle for "grouchiest asshole on the Planet". 'Course I think I've had that one locked up for years running.

You never know-you might get favorable slotting in the Tornament and then get a Pats like upset at the end.

then you manipulate your post count up to 100k-

Simplex-the BEST OF THE BEST

it could happen

Simplex3 01-19-2007 11:36 PM

The diet is the worst part. I want so bad to go and drop about a half dozen of the home-made chocolate chip cookies my wife and son made today, but I've already had 4.

And to think as a teen-ager on the varsity swim team I used to eat a 5,000 calorie a day diet and I was 6ft tall, 135lbs. I graduated at 150lbs.

2112 01-19-2007 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
In the first two months I worked my way up to where I could walk at 3.0mph for an hour. I did 45m every morning and 1 hour every night, 7 days a week, for months. When I got the weight down to 235 (where my worst knee could handle it) I began running and lifting weights again. Now I run 5 days a week for 30m and lift 4 days a week.

It makes you feel better too..them endorfens kick in..kind of like a natural high..your lucky you did it while you still could..had you waited another 10 years it might have been a lot harder to lose the weight..I'm 41..and I have to work out like a maniac just to stay the same

boogblaster 01-19-2007 11:37 PM

Good work plex3, thats god-damn getting it done, my man....

Simplex3 01-19-2007 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
Simplex told me ENDelt had 50,000 posts in 2's possible..I don't know how though

He worked nights as a computer programmer but never did any actual work.

Bugeater 01-19-2007 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
Simplex told me ENDelt had 50,000 posts in 2's possible..I don't know how though

That's only 68 posts/day.

Halfcan 01-19-2007 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
Simplex told me ENDelt had 50,000 posts in 2's possible..I don't know how though

Yep he has a good chance of hitting 100k first also.

I think Phobia will be the Charting Member-he was already voted the greatest-now just needs the numbers.

2112 01-19-2007 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
The diet is the worst part. I want so bad to go and drop about a half dozen of the home-made chocolate chip cookies my wife and son made today, but I've already had 4.

And to think as a teen-ager on the varsity swim team I used to eat a 5,000 calorie a day diet and I was 6ft tall, 135lbs. I graduated at 150lbs.

Drink a ton of water..being full will take your mind off it..and..of course..out of sight out of mind..hide the ****ing cookies

Simplex3 01-19-2007 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by boogblaster
Good work plex3, thats god-damn getting it done, my man....

Thank you, sir.

crazycoffey 01-19-2007 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by Sam Hall
The new season of Crank Yankers will be on MTV2, which I don't have :(

I just got my satellite hooked back up, I've missed these type of shows, and NFL network.

I love being slothful

2112 01-19-2007 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
He worked nights as a computer programmer but never did any actual work.

AAHHH..I see

Bugeater 01-19-2007 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
He worked nights as a computer programmer but never did any actual work.

I need a job like that.

Sam Hall 01-19-2007 11:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Saulbadguy
stupid, gay thread.

here's your boy

Bugeater 01-19-2007 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
Drink a ton of water..

Didn't you learn anything from the radio station contest lady? Or are you trying to kill him?

crazycoffey 01-19-2007 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
That's only 68 posts/day.

Damn it, I need to pick up the pace....

Joined:12-26-2006Last Post:Find last post
Total Posts:1,450 (59.21 posts per day)

Simplex3 01-19-2007 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
It makes you feel better too..them endorfens kick in..kind of like a natural high..your lucky you did it while you still could..had you waited another 10 years it might have been a lot harder to lose the weight..I'm 41..and I have to work out like a maniac just to stay the same

Man, when I finally got to work I was so bad I had to hold my breath, then blow out, then tie one shoe. Pant for a while, then repeat. It was f**king pathetic.

I never realized until later how little I could do. I could barely play with my kids on the floor without getting winded. The thing that finally cracked me was when I heard a guy who was talking about his own weight and he said "I have no right to kill my children's father". That hit me pretty hard. Add in the fact that I wasn't able to do the things I wanted to do with them and it was time.

I packed it all on from years of neglect being a founding partner in 6 straight technology startups. Late nights, long weeks, total disregard for sleep and dietary habits, high stress, no time for exercise, never taking a three day weekend or even a one day weekend without being on call...

It all adds up to "fat bastard". I wouldn't trade those years for anything, though. I had a BLAST. I'm still doing the technology startups, I'm just doing it differently.

Simplex3 01-19-2007 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
Drink a ton of water..being full will take your mind off it..and..of course..out of sight out of mind..hide the ****ing cookies

If I drink any more water during the day I'll float away. :)

Oh, and I've already hidden the cookies.

Bob Dole 01-19-2007 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by SLAG
I wasnt working there or at Quick trip

but at Quick Trip an Night Assitant Manager starts out at 41k/ year

thats not too bad

with monthly fat bonus'

The bonus depends on which store you get and how well your manager can manipulate the books. It's not a bad job. Bob Dole bought a decent house and put his ex through the Masters program at KU Med Center working for Chester's Army.

crazycoffey 01-19-2007 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Man, when I finally got to work I was so bad I had to hold my breath, then blow out, then tie one shoe. Pant for a while, then repeat. It was f**king pathetic.

I never realized until later how little I could do. I could barely play with my kids on the floor without getting winded. The thing that finally cracked me was when I heard a guy who was talking about his own weight and he said "I have no right to kill my children's father". That hit me pretty hard. Add in the fact that I wasn't able to do the things I wanted to do with them and it was time.

I packed it all on from years of neglect being a founding partner in 6 straight technology startups. Late nights, long weeks, total disregard for sleep and dietary habits, high stress, no time for exercise, never taking a three day weekend or even a one day weekend without being on call...

It all adds up to "fat bastard". I wouldn't trade those years for anything, though. I had a BLAST. I'm still doing the technology startups, I'm just doing it differently.

just curious did you lose a cat...


my real curious question is if you are a teacher in MO who lost alot of weight on a tv show.

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