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King_Chief_Fan 03-20-2011 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by cdcox (Post 7500971)
I don't think so.
Connecting the dots, I would guess that it went down like this.

1. R8ers called Dane a audiophile in this thread:

2. Dane asked the mods to take action (i.e., ban R8ers).

3. Mods refused. (From my perspective, this is pretty consistent with the mod policy of the board, which is generally very loose.)

4. Dane decided that level of inaction was unacceptable and decided to leave.

just more proof what an asshat Dane is. With the things he has said to others, and he objects to name calling? Board just got better with his departure

Al Bundy 03-20-2011 07:33 AM

I've never had a problem with Dane, disagreed on a thing or two with him, but never got around to name calling. I save that for Raitards and Falcants.

Fire Me Boy! 03-20-2011 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by King_Chief_Fan (Post 7503368)
just more proof what an asshat Dane is. With the things he has said to others, and he objects to name calling? Board just got better with his departure

Right up until the little bitch comes back.

R8RFAN 03-20-2011 07:40 AM

He got a huge internet ass whipping and he couldn't take it...

He like a few others on this forum cannot talk to anyone without cussing them out on every thread, kinda like that fat kid body slamming that skinny bully...

You keep pushing people and you get an internet body slam, then you walk off limping or in this case being a huge Vagina by creating a "Later Chiefsplanet" thread...

I could care less who likes me here or not, it's the internet and simply text on the screen but if you can sit there and make statements to Dane like "see you in the next life" or "one of the best posters on CP" you have some serious issues....

The guy did not get his way so he is stomping off mad and getting the attention he craves in this thread..

Dane did not get banned, He left on his own. I do not want anyone to ever get banned over me, The dude followed me around everywhere cussing at me and then when I unloaded on his ass, he creates a dramatic thread to get his forum girlfriends to stand up for him because he is to big of a coward to stand up for himself.

I hurt his little feelings .....

Bugeater 03-20-2011 07:44 AM

You're still a piece of shit.

Al Bundy 03-20-2011 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater (Post 7503379)
You're still a piece of shit.

Yup.. calling him an "Audiophile" was over the line.. all the other shit that get's said is one thing. But I expect nothing less from a patting himself on the back Raiders fan.

Simply Red 03-20-2011 07:53 AM

I don't think that that's 'being a pussy' - I just now saw this thread. He's a great friend, if you actually reach out to him.

That's the problem with some of you, you never make an effort to know people while you ARE here, posting.

Call me Dane! I have a new# - So email me, hun.

Frazod 03-20-2011 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by R8ers (Post 7503376)
He got a huge internet ass whipping and he couldn't take it...

He like a few others on this forum cannot talk to anyone without cussing them out on every thread, kinda like that fat kid body slamming that skinny bully...

You keep pushing people and you get an internet body slam, then you walk off limping or in this case being a huge Vagina by creating a "Later Chiefsplanet" thread...

I could care less who likes me here or not, it's the internet and simply text on the screen but if you can sit there and make statements to Dane like "see you in the next life" or "one of the best posters on CP" you have some serious issues....

The guy did not get his way so he is stomping off mad and getting the attention he craves in this thread..

Dane did not get banned, He left on his own. I do not want anyone to ever get banned over me, The dude followed me around everywhere cussing at me and then when I unloaded on his ass, he creates a dramatic thread to get his forum girlfriends to stand up for him because he is to big of a coward to stand up for himself.

I hurt his little feelings .....


This guy kills me. The raging idiot who couldn't outsmart a houseplant thinks he delivers beatdowns. The guy who couldn't figure out that Manson was a lunatic things he can psychoanalyze people. The guy who rages hate against everyone who doesn't agree with everything he rants about cries about somebody cussing him. Really? Wow.

The only thing you got is that Dane did, indeed, stomp off mad. So the terrorist thinks he won. Yes, we get that. But I really think you need to consider the concept of the "last straw."

MahiMike 03-20-2011 08:12 AM

Dane who?

Dave Lane 03-20-2011 08:24 AM

Where is this thread? Personally, I can't believe a smarmy little piece of shit like you would matter in anyones life.


Originally Posted by R8ers (Post 7503376)
He got a huge internet ass whipping and he couldn't take it...

He like a few others on this forum cannot talk to anyone without cussing them out on every thread, kinda like that fat kid body slamming that skinny bully...

You keep pushing people and you get an internet body slam, then you walk off limping or in this case being a huge Vagina by creating a "Later Chiefsplanet" thread...

I could care less who likes me here or not, it's the internet and simply text on the screen but if you can sit there and make statements to Dane like "see you in the next life" or "one of the best posters on CP" you have some serious issues....

The guy did not get his way so he is stomping off mad and getting the attention he craves in this thread..

Dane did not get banned, He left on his own. I do not want anyone to ever get banned over me, The dude followed me around everywhere cussing at me and then when I unloaded on his ass, he creates a dramatic thread to get his forum girlfriends to stand up for him because he is to big of a coward to stand up for himself.

I hurt his little feelings .....

burt 03-20-2011 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 7503395)

This guy kills me. The raging idiot who couldn't outsmart a houseplant thinks he delivers beatdowns. The guy who couldn't figure out that Manson was a lunatic things he can psychoanalyze people. The guy who rages hate against everyone who doesn't agree with everything he rants about cries about somebody cussing him. Really? Wow.

The only thing you got is that Dane did, indeed, stomp off mad. So the terrorist thinks he won. Yes, we get that. But I really think you need to consider the concept of the "last straw."

Yeah, I was kinda amazed when someone called it a huge internet asswhopping. You have whopped my ass internetwise much worst in the past! Dane just stomped off. No real asswhopping. With that said,

I like Dane and will miss him for the short time I expect him gone, and

My name is burt, and I love my stereo.......

mikey23545 03-20-2011 08:46 AM

I can't believe the number of manginas on this board weeping and sobbing over the departure of one the most certifiable assholes who ever typed a post.

Dane the one who sucks the penis had absolutely no respect for anyone, was profane and arrogant to a degree hardly ever seen outside of megalomaniac despots, and now we have people acting like they just lost a brother.


GloryDayz 03-20-2011 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by threebag02 (Post 7502621)


Mr. Plow 03-20-2011 08:49 AM

I'm disappointed this hasn't spawned spinoff threads.

milkman 03-20-2011 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 7503503)
I'm disappointed this hasn't spawned spinoff threads.

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