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ThaVirus 07-22-2024 07:21 AM


ThaVirus 07-22-2024 07:22 AM

Also, man, I ****ing knew I recognized Alyn of Hull’s voice. It’s the voice actor who played Bayek from Assassin’s Creed: Origins!

That dude’s voice is like butter. I love it.

duncan_idaho 07-22-2024 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by dlphg9 (Post 17595246)
Soooo ****ing tired of this Daemon storyline. Jesus Christ. Just episode after episode of the same exact thing with him. I'd rather they not show him if all we get is him hallucinating basically the entire time.

It tends to wear on, but I look at it as an attempt to NOT do what was done with Daenerys, where there was a perceived "out of nowhere" shift/change in her decision-making approach and demeanor.

They're taking time to show the build-up.

I know Daemon is a bit of a fan favorite, but the picture we're getting of him is of a "man of action" who has some real strengths (he is charismatic in the right settings, and a powerful warrior) but also some real flaws (following through and finishing things rather than running away, not understanding the thought patterns of people other than himself, not connecting deeply with people he cares about/care about him).

Harrenhal is exposing those flaws. He expected to show up and say "Hello, I'm the king, famous and renowned warrior Daemon Targaryen and I have a dragon and a Valyrian steel sword. Bring your armies to me!" and it has gone differently than he expected (because there is more to it than he realized).

It's good character development. Yes, the pacing is a little slow, but I think it's important stuff.

staylor26 07-22-2024 09:13 AM

As somebody who's favorite character is Daemon, I don't have a problem with his storyline because I can see the growth and character development that will come out of it. It also makes sense considering this is downtime for him in the source material.

Dunerdr 07-22-2024 09:50 AM

Aemon and Deamon have so much in common its hard not to be hopeful for a show down.

staylor26 07-22-2024 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Dunerdr (Post 17595563)
Aemon and Deamon have so much in common its hard not to be hopeful for a show down.


Chiefspants 07-22-2024 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Dunerdr (Post 17595563)
Aemon and Deamon have so much in common its hard not to be hopeful for a show down.


Dunerdr 07-22-2024 11:42 AM

I guess I have to buckle down and finish the book. I jumped over to a knight of the seven kingdoms and blew right through it. I just don't like the book from the Maesters perspective and have a lot harder time retaining the info.

poolboy 07-22-2024 06:17 PM

the second season of HoD is riveting...never read the books

Hammock Parties 07-22-2024 07:16 PM

they just have to cram lesbian shit in our face, huh?

WhawhaWhat 07-22-2024 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 17596647)
they just have to cram lesbian shit in our face, huh?

dlphg9 07-22-2024 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 17596647)
they just have to cram lesbian shit in our face, huh?

You could drink antifreeze and never have to worry about it again. Little beta cuck bitch.

dlphg9 07-22-2024 11:17 PM

The scene between Larys and Aegon was just amazing.

dlphg9 07-23-2024 12:01 AM

Honestly the more I think about it the more this season is starting to annoy me. It's like every episode is the same exact thing. We only get 8 episodes and over half of those are Daemon hallucinating at Harrenhall and Rhaenyra whining about not being respected or some shit. Honestly this season has some good moments, but it's a lot of boring filler shit and we shouldn't get much filler if we only get 8 episodes.

ThaVirus 07-23-2024 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by dlphg9 (Post 17596978)
The scene between Larys and Aegon was just amazing.


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