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listopencil 07-01-2014 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Frosty (Post 10726040)
Cloud Atlas

Gorgeous movie and... wut?

I still don't get the problem people have with that movie.

Fire Me Boy! 07-01-2014 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by listopencil (Post 10726078)
I still don't get the problem people have with that movie.

You mean besides the fact it's not very good?

BigMeatballDave 07-01-2014 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by listopencil (Post 10726078)
I still don't get the problem people have with that movie.

You mean other than the fact that it sucked?

I subjected myself to that turd twice and I have no clue what it's about.

Easy 6 07-01-2014 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Count Zarth (Post 10706008)

Couple of straight up milfs... would, Would, WOOD.

Caught "The Wolverine" last weekend, not bad, I'd go 3 stars on it.

Rausch 07-01-2014 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by DanBecky (Post 10690153)
I really enjoyed it. There were a several moments that made me laugh actually. Was kind of surprised that there were that many comedic moments in a science fiction, but I thought it worked. Emily Blunt is real easy on the eyes too.

I saw it tonight and liked it.

I can't say I laughed at any point in the movie but it was solid sci-fi.

MUCH better than oblivion...

listopencil 07-02-2014 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by Fried Meat Ball! (Post 10726226)
You mean besides the fact it's not very good?


Originally Posted by BigMeatballDave (Post 10726505)
You mean other than the fact that it sucked?

I subjected myself to that turd twice and I have no clue what it's about.

What about it do you guys think sucked? The acting, writing, direction, the visuals or something else? I thought the movie was fairly easily understood

BigMeatballDave 07-02-2014 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by listopencil (Post 10727213)
What about it do you guys think sucked? The acting, writing, direction, the visuals or something else? I thought the movie was fairly easily understood

Made NO sense. A lot of weird shit going on.

Enlighten me. What was the plot?

listopencil 07-02-2014 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by BigMeatballDave (Post 10727284)
Made NO sense. A lot of weird shit going on.

Enlighten me. What was the plot?

It's about transition from "evil" to "good", and how the transition (even the concepts themselves) are all but meaningless without an external frame of reference.

NewChief 07-02-2014 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by listopencil (Post 10727720)
It's about transition from "evil" to "good", and how the transition (even the concepts themselves) are all but meaningless without an external frame of reference.

Yeah. I didn't find the movie that hard to follow, personally.

Hammock Parties 07-02-2014 04:23 PM

Has anyone seen Terry Gilliam's Zero Theorem?

Apparently it's never been released in the US.

I can't even find a torrent.

Apparently available on bluray soon.

L.A. Chieffan 07-03-2014 10:15 AM

Saw Edge of Tomorrow yesterday. Pretty good actually, probably best Cruise movie in a while. Surprised there isn't a thread about it, or maybe there is I just missed it.

Oh and Cloud Atlas may be many things, but hard to understand it's not.

And on Deer Hunter, like BL said movies in the seventies did an amazing job of just letting the scene speak for itself. No special effects or wacky dialogue (not that these things are bad) but just pure life. Of course Deer Hunter is not going to be taken the same way today as it was back when it was released but my father was aVietnam vet and he said it's probably the best movie made around the subject.

I wrote a paper in college about the sheer awesomeness of 70's cinema. Really, to me, it was the golden age.

BigMeatballDave 07-03-2014 02:06 PM

Not sure why I had so much trouble following Cloud Atlas.

I enjoy movies that require thought. Inception is one of my favorite movies, ever.

ThaVirus 07-03-2014 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by BigMeatballDave (Post 10729517)
Not sure why I had so much trouble following Cloud Atlas.

I enjoy movies that require thought. Inception is one of my favorite movies, ever.

So was he dreaming..

Or nah?

BigMeatballDave 07-03-2014 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 10729547)
So was he dreaming..

Or nah?


Miles 07-03-2014 09:12 PM

Lone Survivor was pretty damn good.

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