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MarkDavis'Haircut 07-12-2018 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 13624705)
Everyone has moments of weakness, and that's all it was.

Keep spinning.

Chiefspants 07-12-2018 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by Carr4MVP (Post 13624935)
Keep spinning.

The revisionist history people have given Luke in the sequels is the weakest part of the criticism of TLJ.

Luke has always been an impulsive individual who was prone to make decisions on a hair trigger. If you’re angry about his exile, blame TFA, not TLJ.

Tribal Warfare 07-12-2018 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 13624818)
Against Luke? LOL....

No shit. the Luke "THE CHOSEN SON" Skywalker gets his ass handed to him by a Force n00b in Rey.

MarkDavis'Haircut 07-12-2018 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 13625048)
The revisionist history people have given Luke in the sequels is the weakest part of the criticism of TLJ.

Luke has always been an impulsive individual who was prone to make decisions on a hair trigger. If you’re angry about his exile, blame TFA, not TLJ.

I have blamed TFA and the new regime.

TLJ just added to the list.

bowener 07-13-2018 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare (Post 13625074)
No shit. the Luke "THE CHOSEN SON" Skywalker gets his ass handed to him by a Force n00b in Rey.

Episode 9 better end with her becoming more powerful than god and crushing the entire universe using her force powers. Without training or focus, she already seems to be elite. I mean 3 days of hanging out on an island allowed her to beat her master in a dual. Imagine if she has a full 6 to 12 months to read some books!

Beef Supreme 07-20-2018 09:49 AM

Finally watched this shitshow on Netflix last night. Somebody really doesn't like men very much.

lawrenceRaider 07-20-2018 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 13625048)
The revisionist history people have given Luke in the sequels is the weakest part of the criticism of TLJ.

Luke has always been an impulsive individual who was prone to make decisions on a hair trigger. If you’re angry about his exile, blame TFA, not TLJ.

He was also just a kid in the OT. We are supposed to believe he never grew up?

Weak writing is to blame, for both these monstrosities.

Prison Bitch 07-29-2018 08:23 PM

Just rented it for my kids. Forgot how boring it was. The final scene on Crait was good. First 2hr was a snoozer

Hammock Parties 11-09-2018 06:12 PM

Still love this movie.




Sweet Daddy Hate 11-09-2018 07:15 PM

The only place we're getting SW from are stand alone films, the remaining, proven authors, and Dave Filoni.

BigRichard 11-09-2018 11:31 PM


Rausch 11-10-2018 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by BigRichard (Post 13881214)


DJ's left nut 11-12-2018 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13880836)
Still love this movie.

Weird because it still sucks.

Sadly, I watched Rogue One a couple weeks ago and this !@#$ing movie managed to even suck some of the joy out of that one.

This piece of shit really did wreck the Star Wars franchise for me. I thought maybe watching one that I thought was truly outstanding would wash the stain clean but sadly, the stain just released in the wash and ****ed all the rest of them up as well.

This movie should die in an AIDS fire and no amount of reconning or rearview mirror rationalizing from the rights-holders and their minions can change that.

Hammock Parties 11-12-2018 03:02 PM

Art is subjective.

I still love it.

Better than any of the prequels, better than TFA.

DJ's left nut 11-12-2018 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13887921)
Art is subjective.

I still love it.

Better than any of the prequels, better than TFA.

AIDS is better than any of the prequels. Standalone, of course TLJ is better than those abortions.

But here's the thing the Prequels didn't do (midichloreans and virgin births be damned) they didn't manage to make the original trilogy irrelevant or otherwise shit on the overarching property.

In some ways they tried and in several others they made the property something of a joke (JarJar), but people just looked at them and went "Man, those sucked, I'm gonna go watch Empire..."

After TLJ, I just thought "Man, that was awful...I"m pretty sure I don't need to watch a Star Wars movie ever again."

It's like killing Ted's wife in How I Met Your Mother so he could get together with Robin. It's a wrapup so inexplicably tone deaf and unbelievably bad that it makes repeat viewings of anything that came before it just not worth the effort.

The prequels didn't approach that and TFA at least set TLJ up with a chance to succeed despite being derivative. TLJ did nothing but harm. And you can try to say it was a superior story or better made film - fine. But context matters and the story arc matters. What TLJ did was nothing short of disastrous on both fronts.

Sweet Daddy Hate 11-12-2018 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13887921)
Art is subjective.

I still love it.

Better than any of the prequels, better than TFA.

"That ain't sayin' much, kid".

Discuss Thrower 11-12-2018 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 13887945)

It's like killing Ted's wife in How I Met Your Mother so he could get together with Robin. It's a wrapup so inexplicably tone deaf and unbelievably bad that it makes repeat viewings of anything that came before it just not worth the effort.

I am just so glad Bays and Thomas decided to indulge their desire to be the Berthold Brechts of the American sitcom and because they forced themselves to use an ending they had shot have a decade before the finale.

Just so glad. **** eight years of development for three characters and negate probably the most successful aversion of a Ted McGinely-situation with the delightful addition of Cristin Milioti to the show amirite?

DJ's left nut 11-12-2018 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by Discuss Thrower (Post 13887990)
I am just so glad Bays and Thomas decided to indulge their desire to be the Berthold Brechts of the American sitcom and because they forced themselves to use an ending they had shot have a decade before the finale.

Just so glad. **** eight years of development for three characters and negate probably the most successful aversion of a Ted McGinely-situation with the delightful addition of Cristin Milioti to the show amirite?

I just can't come up with any way to have ended any series worse than they did that one.

I mean what's the comp? Danny Tanner goes to prison because he's secretly been molesting Michelle for years? Carl Winslow was actually a rogue cop "Training Day" style and ends up killing Urkle to avoid a Russian Mob hit? Han Solo and Luke Skywalker become sallow husks of themselves and die in needlessly trivial ways in service of getting them out of the way for some stock younger models who have no charisma to speak of and an unbelievably trite storyline?

Seriously - I can sit here and try to make up ludicrously bad endings to beloved characters/shows/franchises that are still not quite as bad as HIMYM knowing full well that NOBODY would ever be that stupid....right?

MarkDavis'Haircut 06-17-2024 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 13887945)
AIDS is better than any of the prequels. Standalone, of course TLJ is better than those abortions.

But here's the thing the Prequels didn't do (midichloreans and virgin births be damned) they didn't manage to make the original trilogy irrelevant or otherwise shit on the overarching property.

In some ways they tried and in several others they made the property something of a joke (JarJar), but people just looked at them and went "Man, those sucked, I'm gonna go watch Empire..."

After TLJ, I just thought "Man, that was awful...I"m pretty sure I don't need to watch a Star Wars movie ever again."

It's like killing Ted's wife in How I Met Your Mother so he could get together with Robin. It's a wrapup so inexplicably tone deaf and unbelievably bad that it makes repeat viewings of anything that came before it just not worth the effort.

The prequels didn't approach that and TFA at least set TLJ up with a chance to succeed despite being derivative. TLJ did nothing but harm. And you can try to say it was a superior story or better made film - fine. But context matters and the story arc matters. What TLJ did was nothing short of disastrous on both fronts.


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