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DJ's left nut 07-17-2024 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Discuss Thrower (Post 17588802)
The "wtf where are the scorpions?" thing is an unfortunate side effect of "writers typically suck at scale & numbers" thing.

For Westerosis to plausibly forget a usable dragon countermeasure would need about another 100 years of history to elapse between Danaerys crossing the sea and the death of the last dragon in King's Landing.

In fairness, i think it's about 80 years. There's a pretty big gap in time between this period and Dany.

I think the biggest issue is still that even if you don't use 'em on dragons, wouldn't you use them on ships? Blast that sucker into the side of a ship's hull and that's ballgame. Or as an anti-siege weapon? I mean any offensive against a walled city is going to have siege towers, no? Stick a scorpion bolt through the legs of one of those things and watch it come tumbling down.

Dragons or no dragons, I feel like the scorpion wouldn't go completely extinct. I mean think about the massive deck guns on the USS Missouri and other Iowa class battleships. No, we have no real use for them anymore, but during Desert Storm we kinda did - we started using them due to their range and punching power to soften shore targets before amphibious landings (IIRC).

We don't ever completely lose the utility of any specialized weapon. At worst, we simply re-purpose it. Or adapt it.

EDIT: Appears to be about 150 years. The Dance of Dragons is about 150AC, (little before that, but the last dragon dies around 150 AC) the War of the Five Kings is about 300 AC.

ThaVirus 07-17-2024 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by Dunerdr (Post 17588673)
Setting up bastards and married off cousins to ride dragons. I assume this is the start of the dragons downfall. This could open up dragons with loyalty to their own houses. Is this where dragons start killing off all dragons until there are none left?

Also come on there has to be a wild dragon somewhere in the wild right? They came from the wild. Surely not every single wild dragon was tamed. I assume they stole a clutch of eggs to start. Surely the mothers of those dragons had more.

One of the most famous dragons in this story is called The Cannibal and it is a wild dragon.

And, I guess Bran sees visions of dragons in Asshai in A Game of Thrones. Now that we know the nature of his visions, it’s possible that he was seeing into the past, though.

Idk, in GoT, the maesters making the wildfire talk about how much more successful they had been recently at creating it, claiming that the dragons being back in the world increased the magic. So I sort of like to assume there were none living until Daenerys’ three hatched.

Discuss Thrower 07-17-2024 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 17589343)
In fairness, i think it's about 80 years. There's a pretty big gap in time between this period and Dany.

I think the biggest issue is still that even if you don't use 'em on dragons, wouldn't you use them on ships? Blast that sucker into the side of a ship's hull and that's ballgame. Or as an anti-siege weapon? I mean any offensive against a walled city is going to have siege towers, no? Stick a scorpion bolt through the legs of one of those things and watch it come tumbling down.

Dragons or no dragons, I feel like the scorpion wouldn't go completely extinct. I mean think about the massive deck guns on the USS Missouri and other Iowa class battleships. No, we have no real use for them anymore, but during Desert Storm we kinda did - we started using them due to their range and punching power to soften shore targets before amphibious landings (IIRC).

We don't ever completely lose the utility of any specialized weapon. At worst, we simply re-purpose it. Or adapt it.

EDIT: Appears to be about 150 years. The Dance of Dragons is about 150AC, (little before that, but the last dragon dies around 150 AC) the War of the Five Kings is about 300 AC.

Pinch of wildfire on the tip of a ballista bolt?

lol git wrecked n00bs

Hammock Parties 07-18-2024 01:09 AM

Cannot wait to see the look of fear on eyepatch's face when about 5 smaller dragons come for him all at once.

Tribal Warfare 07-18-2024 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 17589927)
Cannot wait to see the look of fear on eyepatch's face when about 5 smaller dragons come for him all at once.

I thought they said the hibernating were the same size as Vhager

staylor26 07-18-2024 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare (Post 17590088)
I thought they said the hibernating were the same size as Vhager

No, none are the same size as Vhagar, but Vermithor is big enough to take him down.

Dunerdr 07-18-2024 10:03 AM

Wasn't Vhagar said to be 200' in the book or am I recalling wrong? He's big in the show but was he 200'?

lawrenceRaider 07-18-2024 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 17580520)
Having forced my way through the conclusion to the Dune series with Kevin Anderson and Brian Herbert....I think I'll pass.

I never read Wheel of Time but I hear that Sanderson did well enough with those. I just think it's so rare. Even reading the "Tom Clancy With..." books that guys like Mark Greaney co-authored with him is simply jarring. And the "Tom Clancy's..." books that came after he died are worse still. And those don't have anywhere near the world-building that stuff like ASOIAF and Dune have had.

Sanderson did a good job finishing up WOT. The change in voice is obvious, but the story continued as it should have from a feel standpoint. I think it helped that Sanderson was a huge fan of the series and is a damn good writer in his own right.

TambaBerry 07-18-2024 06:58 PM

Why wouldn't Aemond just fly vhagar and destroy dragonstone with Rhanerya in it? They have nothing to challenge that dragon.

ThaVirus 07-18-2024 07:55 PM

That would expose Aemond. Vhagar is powerful but Aemond is still just a dude. A fight with Vhagar vs Syrax and Caraxes very likely ends up with Aemond dead, even if Vhagar survives.

Plus there are other riderless dragons living on Dragonstone. If Vermithor decided to join the fight, Vhagar would quickly be overwhelmed. And if that happens, the Greens would have no large dragons left since it doesn’t appear they’re going to be showing Halaena’s dragon.

WhawhaWhat 07-21-2024 08:19 PM

Paddy Considine is so good as Viserys.

dlphg9 07-22-2024 12:53 AM

Soooo ****ing tired of this Daemon storyline. Jesus Christ. Just episode after episode of the same exact thing with him. I'd rather they not show him if all we get is him hallucinating basically the entire time.

Chiefspants 07-22-2024 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by dlphg9 (Post 17595246)
Soooo ****ing tired of this Daemon storyline. Jesus Christ. Just episode after episode of the same exact thing with him. I'd rather they not show him if all we get is him hallucinating basically the entire time.


Dunerdr 07-22-2024 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 17595250)


ThaVirus 07-22-2024 07:14 AM


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