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Slainte 03-20-2011 12:48 AM

Dane is ________ Rebecca Black as we speak...

Mr. Flopnuts 03-20-2011 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7501042)
IIRC, Flopnuts was banned for saying someone should get raped by a 400 lb mexican...How is calling someone a pedo not at least on par with that?

I didn't say Mexican you ****ing racist.

JOhn 03-20-2011 12:52 AM

I'm wondering if maybe Webgem Killed Dane, Hijacked his account then posted this thread before offing himself?:hmmm:

Slainte 03-20-2011 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by JOhn (Post 7503119)
I'm wondering if maybe Webgem Killed Dane, Hijacked his account then posted this thread before offing himself?:hmmm:

Shut up, you ****ing thief...

Mr. Flopnuts 03-20-2011 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by R8ers (Post 7501216)
I don't run, Son

Just Tellin

LMAO Dude. You're not a badass. No matter how much you try to convince everyone. Just reading your posts in this thread convinces me your wife tells you what to do.

pr_capone 03-20-2011 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by Slainte (Post 7503121)
Shut up, you ****ing thief...

Someone wanna explain this JOhn thief thing?

patteeu 03-20-2011 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by Rams Fan (Post 7500987)
If Dane is gone, R8ers should be too.

Good grief. Dane chose to leave.

KurtCobain 03-20-2011 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by pr_capone (Post 7503126)
Someone wanna explain this JOhn thief thing?

Haven't you been wondering what happened to GoChief's virginity?

patteeu 03-20-2011 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by Deberg_1990 (Post 7500988)
So your just gonna let a valued longtime member of this board walk...while an idiot *ucktard like R8ers gets to stay?? You guys are incredible sometimes....

I like Dane as much as anyone, but the guy needs tougher skin or he needs to STFU You can't go around flaming everyone and then whine about it when someone finds your button.

JOhn 03-20-2011 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by pr_capone (Post 7503126)
Someone wanna explain this JOhn thief thing?

Shit, I suppose....

If I had the energy, there is a thread some were....

Anyway it's a deal between Bwana & I, also involved my ex-wife.

But everything is cool now between him & I, and feel free to verify this with him.

JOhn 03-20-2011 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by Slainte (Post 7503121)
Shut up, you ****ing thief...

**** off


JOhn 03-20-2011 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7503136)
Haven't you been wondering what happened to GoChief's virginity?


patteeu 03-20-2011 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7500993)
So you're just going to let R8ers put Dane in the same class as Shyguyms?


You don't get put in the same class as Shygums unless someone turns up significant off-board evidence like they did in Shygums' case. These banning decisions shouldn't be popularity contests.

Titty Meat 03-20-2011 01:10 AM

What did JOhn steal besides some mans ass virginity?

patteeu 03-20-2011 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by Just Passin' By (Post 7501000)
Calling someone a audiophile with nothing to back it up is ridiculous. I'm not one for banning, but R89ers and Laz should have at least gotten some form of "Smarten up" for that shit.

It's way past time for you to pass on by to a different board given that you seem to want a safer, more sanitized experience.

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