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Titty Meat 04-03-2024 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 17468762)
If I'm being completely honest, I care about the Chiefs far more than I care about KC. I'm just surprised that you'd open up the remote possibility of them going elsewhere at all.

Hopefully they'll end up in a nice new stadium that's closer to the airport and other amenities rather than moving to another city at least.

I'm not because I'm confident they aren't going anywhere that's never what this vote was about. Finally they & the Royals will be split apart and anything Chiefs on a separate ballot will pass easily.

GloryDayz 04-03-2024 08:00 AM

Overreaction Planet in full afterburner right now...

DaFace 04-03-2024 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by IowaHawkeyeChief (Post 17468771)
If Jackson county won't others will... Don't be a hater.

That's the part all of the "don't give sports teams tax money" arguments seem to ignore. SOMEONE out there is going to give them the money, it's just a matter of who.

cmh6476 04-03-2024 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17468770)
Even if they do build a new stadium, Arrowhead will be getting most of if not all of the golden years of Chiefs football. Probably be exactly like the Chase Center for the Warriors. Shiny new building built JUST a bit too late to capitalize on most of the dynasty.

we're going to find the next Mahomes when he's get one or two good years left in him :cuss:

Sorce 04-03-2024 08:01 AM

The proposed improvement to arrowhead was bullshit. It was to cater to the top 5% of fans. Also the Royals said they had to move because the concrete was bad. But the same concrete that built arrowhead isn't?

They need to stop lying and give us real improvements people care about.

blake5676 04-03-2024 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by Red Dawg (Post 17468759)
At this point that's the best we can hope for since the shitty KCMO went full on stupid.

I'm disappointed the vote failed but I understand some of the reasons it was rejected by certain factions of residents. And I don't mean the worthless KC Tenant types.

The general public is reactionary, easily swayed and not always well informed. This proposal, even though its not technically a new tax is coming on the back of the property tax fiasco that many are seriously feeling in their monthly budgets. The idea of more tax dollars is a turnoff. When pitched as giving billionaires free money, its repulsive to some.

And then we get to the piss poor rollout and total lack of transparency and cooperation with the general public. Hell, they were changing "the plan" as late as last week with the Oak Street debacle.

The Chiefs BARELY participated from the start and then put out about as underwhelming of a proposal as I think was even possible.

The Royals repeatedly delayed and missed the mark on location selection. They promised mulitple times an answer would come by X date, only to push it off even further. And then when the public is wrapping their heads around what they've been told for months was the two possible options, they scrap both and think people won't blink when they choose a whole new location and expect everyone to just forgot everything they were already told.

ALL OF THIS TO SAY: can you lay off the freaking hysterics and whining? You've spent the last 14 hours throwing a total hissy fit. The reality is that the future is unknown, but it's still a lot more likely that both teams stay than leave. But they got put in their place a little bit last night and its probably for the better. Stop being a 10 year old girl and accept that your desired outcome did a piss poor marketing job instead of blaming an entire city/county for being losers and idiots.

ThrobProng 04-03-2024 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by Titty Meat (Post 17468776)
I'm not because I'm confident they aren't going anywhere that's never what this vote was about. Finally they & the Royals will be split apart and anything Chiefs on a separate ballot will pass easily.

Let's hope so. The Chiefs need to be rid of that albatross.

DaFace 04-03-2024 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by Titty Meat (Post 17468776)
I'm not because I'm confident they aren't going anywhere that's never what this vote was about. Finally they & the Royals will be split apart and anything Chiefs on a separate ballot will pass easily.

Didn't Mark Donovan essentially call the sports complex a shit hole undeserving of development? This all felt like a feigned offer to stay when they wanted free agency all along.

GloryDayz 04-03-2024 08:02 AM

When the Chiefs and Royals pack up and move in the middle of the night because of this will they be able to keep the "Chiefs" and "Royals" names? LMAO :popcorn:

BigBeauford 04-03-2024 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by Pablo (Post 17468764)
The rich guys can have money if they actually work to get it. Much like everything else in their lives they were used to somebody handing them things without protest

Come on bro, they were going to chip in $300 million. No, don't bring up the fact that the Hunt family is worth $24B! You want to take away their gold plated shark tank bar!?!

Fish 04-03-2024 08:06 AM

Guys, Kansas does not exactly have a pile of money laying around with which they could just throw a few billion at the Chiefs without anyone complaining. I think people are seriously underestimating how difficult and complicated it would be to move a team. It takes a great deal more than the owner simply making the decision.

Pablo 04-03-2024 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17468770)
Even if they do build a new stadium, Arrowhead will be getting most of if not all of the golden years of Chiefs football. Probably be exactly like the Chase Center for the Warriors. Shiny new building built JUST a bit too late to capitalize on most of the dynasty.

How large will the Pat statue (Patue?) be in front of the new stadium at the Legends? Make that ****er 20 feet tall and let him play his last years there.

Woogieman 04-03-2024 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by IowaHawkeyeChief (Post 17468771)
If Jackson county won't others will... Don't be a hater.

It's odd that those who belittle the products and services that billionaires provide, spend 10 hours a day on a message board passionately "debating" those very products. Yes kids, there is a price for the toys that make you happy, and there is no Santa Claus.

Titty Meat 04-03-2024 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 17468785)
Didn't Mark Donovan essentially call the sports complex a shit hole undeserving of development? This all felt like a feigned offer to stay when they wanted free agency all along.

Mark has been a little uppity throughout this process. He called out the Royals concrete cancer and was rebuffed rather easily. I think they stay at Arrowhead it might cost more than what was on this vote because the next one likely won't just have some generic AI rendering of bar stools behind the end zone and a 1 mile VIP concrete walk way.

Urc Burry 04-03-2024 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by jettio (Post 17468755)
80% of what Kansas gets in the first two fiscal years of sports betting likely is not enough to pay Joe Thuney's 2024 salary.

$96M in total revenue in its first full year. So almost $80M going directly towards bringing a team to KS. That number will likely only go up, and will add up quickly over the next 6 years.

Maybe they settle for just the Royals, but KS is going to have a lot of pull

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