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Bowser 09-28-2022 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Dunerdr (Post 16494140)
Viserys is more washed the Russ Wilson at this point. I feel bad for the guy. He's the king but it seems like no one respects him anymore.

Viserys is holding on like that Christmas fruitcake that one aunt always brings every year.

I've not read Fire and Blood, but I'd be more shocked if Alicent DIDN'T kill her husband at this point.

ThaVirus 10-01-2022 08:07 AM

Well this is awkward


So he is pretty badass.

ToxSocks 10-03-2022 09:23 AM

I'm guessing all us Chiefs fans will catch up on this tonight. We were busy last night, lol.

BleedingRed 10-03-2022 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 16505169)
I'm guessing all us Chiefs fans will catch up on this tonight. We were busy last night, lol.

lol yup

staylor26 10-03-2022 11:29 AM

My wife was pissed when she realized we weren't going to be watching it last night LMAO

kevrunner 10-03-2022 12:36 PM

What a great episode!

KC_Connection 10-03-2022 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 16505519)
My wife was pissed when she realized we weren't going to be watching it last night LMAO

Understandable. Last night's episode didn't quite reach the level of watching the genius of Patrick Mahomes, but it was close.

ToxSocks 10-03-2022 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 16505519)
My wife was pissed when she realized we weren't going to be watching it last night LMAO

Her: "Now that the game is over, what should we watch?"

Me: "Highlights. And then the condensed game."

TambaBerry 10-03-2022 05:05 PM

Great ****ing episode love Daemon

TwistedChief 10-03-2022 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by TambaBerry (Post 16506142)
Great ****ing episode love Daemon

It took me some time after flirting with the Crabfeeder for awhile but I'm now on Team Daemon. Really mostly because I want Allison Hightower to be beheaded.

staylor26 10-03-2022 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by TwistedChief (Post 16506340)
It took me some time after flirting with the Crabfeeder for awhile but I'm now on Team Daemon. Really mostly because I want Allison Hightower to be beheaded.

About time sir.

staylor26 10-03-2022 07:43 PM

Fantastic episode. Keeps getting better.

****. Team. Green.

ChiefsCountry 10-03-2022 08:41 PM

Dark episode. But so ****ing good.

BigRedChief 10-03-2022 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by kevrunner (Post 16505670)
What a great episode!


Originally Posted by TambaBerry (Post 16506142)
Great ****ing episode love Daemon


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 16506375)
Fantastic episode. Keeps getting better.

****. Team. Green.


Originally Posted by ChiefsCountry (Post 16506465)
Dark episode. But so ****ing good.

This! All this. They got a hit on their hands. This is great television.

listopencil 10-04-2022 06:03 AM

These characters are more compelling to me than the ones from the first season of GoT, and the story is more compelling as well. I'm more into this and I binged the entire first season of GoT from a DVD that was gifted me. Good stuff.

BleedingRed 10-04-2022 07:15 AM


duncan_idaho 10-04-2022 07:31 AM

I think the best thing I’ve seen so far is that they have done such an excellent job of showing the motivations of all the different characters and giving you reason to empathize with each one.

Except for Ser Otto. **** that guy. He’s gross.


ThaVirus 10-04-2022 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by TambaBerry (Post 16506142)
Great ****ing episode love Daemon

He actually grew on me this episode and he didn't even say much.

Loved his mischievous smiles while the whole kerfuffle with the kids was being laid out. Dude lives for the drama.

staylor26 10-04-2022 09:35 AM

Everybody coming over to team Daemon!

ThaVirus 10-04-2022 09:59 AM

Hey, I'm definitely not Team Daemon. I'm not Team Anyone in this show. Pretty much all of these people are ****s, including most of the children.

The only one I ever liked was Viserys and his weakness is just making me dislike him at this point.

staylor26 10-04-2022 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16506888)
Hey, I'm definitely not Team Daemon. I'm not Team Anyone in this show. Pretty much all of these people are ****s, including most of the children.

The only one I ever liked was Viserys and his weakness is just making me dislike him at this point.

duncan_idaho 10-04-2022 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16506888)
Hey, I'm definitely not Team Daemon. I'm not Team Anyone in this show. Pretty much all of these people are ****s, including most of the children.

The only one I ever liked was Viserys and his weakness is just making me dislike him at this point.

Everyone has flaws. Some more drastic than others.


staylor26 10-04-2022 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by duncan_idaho (Post 16507097)
Everyone has flaws. Some more drastic than others.



duncan_idaho 10-04-2022 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 16507122)

Yeah, I can understand that reaction. I didn't feel like that was the case.

And yes, some evil was done for that good. More a comment on the nature of the show, depiction of people on it, than anything else.

notorious 10-04-2022 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by duncan_idaho (Post 16507097)
Everyone has flaws. Some more drastic than others.



Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 16507122)

Leverage down the road.

blake5676 10-04-2022 01:33 PM

I don't have anything to add to the discussion other than to say this show has thus far exceeded my expectations greatly. I'm in with both feet.

Bowser 10-05-2022 04:56 PM

Who knew such a small thing like a Valaryan steel dagger could change the course of history multiple times over the years?

Buehler445 10-05-2022 07:23 PM

Man. Great episode.

They’re doing a LOT of little things right. That IMO is what makes GOT work. The little shit that is compelling draws you in and pulls your focus away from “:spock: Am I really watching a show about a 700 foot tall ice wall and dragons?”. The big shit, no matter how good the story is doesn’t work without the little shit and that’s what the later seasons were missing.

But man this is doing it in spades. The nuance when they all walked onto the deck for the funeral was just excellent filmmaking. So much nuance and tension in a layered scene was so good. And the climax scene there were so many little details like Alicent knocking over Viserys (that maybe the thing that kills him? Nice) and the Lord Commander of the Kings Guard has to tend to him and can’t stop ser Christian (despite yelling at him exactly how I yell at my kids) that causes Daemon to step in and stop him. So ****ing good. Yes the central conflict between the two women (plus all it represents) was excellent but the little bits are what float the boat.

That’s what keeps viewers hooked IMO.

rydogg58 10-07-2022 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 16509139)
Who knew such a small thing like a Valaryan steel dagger could change the course of history multiple times over the years?

Wait, so is that the dagger that Baelish gave Catelyn Stark and said it was from Tyrion trying to kill Bran?

Fish 10-07-2022 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by rydogg58 (Post 16513598)
Wait, so is that the dagger that Baelish gave Catelyn Stark and said it was from Tyrion trying to kill Bran?

Yeah, pretty sure that was referenced. Looks exactly the same.

rydogg58 10-07-2022 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 16513606)
Yeah, pretty sure that was referenced. Looks exactly the same.

Totally missed that. And even worse, I just read that that dagger was the same one Arya used on the Night King. I need to pay more attention to shit.

Buehler445 10-08-2022 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by rydogg58 (Post 16513608)
Totally missed that. And even worse, I just read that that dagger was the same one Arya used on the Night King. I need to pay more attention to shit.

Dork videos man. That’s how I keep track of all the shit. I found a few dorks that make videos that explain in layman’s terms WTF is happening.

The most non-dork-friendly dork IMO is Emergency Awesome. New Rockstars channel has better breakdowns, especially with regards to music and visual production that adds a lot of layers to a good show, but you have to wade through a LOT of non-dork-friendly content to find the good stuff.

Stro39 10-08-2022 03:50 AM

Is this worth pursuing? I'm half way through episode three, sort of have lost interest.

Buehler445 10-08-2022 04:28 AM

Stay with it.

Stro39 10-08-2022 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 16513718)
Stay with it.

Cheers. :thumb:

BleedingRed 10-08-2022 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by Stro39 (Post 16513717)
Is this worth pursuing? I'm half way through episode three, sort of have lost interest.

Ofc you did, go back to your gay porn

Stro39 10-08-2022 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by BleedingRed (Post 16513752)
Ofc you did, go back to your gay porn

ChiefsCountry 10-09-2022 08:35 PM

Damn good acting tonight by the guy playing Viserys

kcpasco 10-09-2022 08:52 PM

Viserys was the only decent person on the entire show but it also made him a weak king. Now I just hope everyone dies.

Martin is a bit of a troll, he wants you to feel like shit for caring about decent characters. He likes to redeem the scumbags that aren’t worthy of redemption. I’m on to his bullshit now.

BigRedChief 10-09-2022 09:40 PM

Mountain Vs. Viper FTW

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Whenever it happens, this will be the greatest battle in television history. <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#HouseOfTheDragon</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Hotd</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; House of Dragon 🐉 (@HouseOfDragon24) <a href="">October 10, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

staylor26 10-09-2022 10:21 PM

What a ****ing episode :clap:

Daemon the GOAT: "he can keep his tounge"

kevrunner 10-09-2022 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 16516555)
What a ****ing episode :clap:

Daemon the GOAT: "he can keep his tounge"

Daemon is exactly what you have said all along and more! What an awesome scene and a masterpiece of an episode, bravo!

dlphg9 10-09-2022 10:48 PM

This show is amazing. I love love love it.

Buehler445 10-09-2022 11:45 PM

Goddamn. That was some filmmaking.


On the whole a fantastic episode.

listopencil 10-10-2022 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 16516555)
What a ****ing episode :clap:

Daemon the GOAT: "he can keep his tounge"

I thought he was going to say "There it is" but that worked as well.

KC_Connection 10-10-2022 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 16516600)
Goddamn. That was some filmmaking.


On the whole a fantastic episode.

I think the Hightowers were well on the way to war with or without that misinterpretation. Her children would have definitely seen to that eventually anyway. The fact that there was such a misinterpretation at least adds to her motivations and makes them a little more understandable (especially given that Alicent clearly knows her son Aegon, the prospective heir, is a monster).

TambaBerry 10-10-2022 01:48 AM

I just dislike the fact that the strong bastards are wimps when their dad clearly was not. Also idk how to spell his name but aemond?? The kid with one eye turned from a 12 year old to a 25 year old man lol. Either way great episode and Daemon is still the best.

DanBecky 10-10-2022 06:10 AM

Yeah, Alicent seemed to raise her children where they would try and usurp the throne regardless. But it does seem like she was looking to reconcile with Rheynera after the dinner and accept her as queen, much to the chagrin of Otto.

TwistedChief 10-10-2022 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 16516555)
What a ****ing episode :clap:

Daemon the GOAT: "he can keep his tounge"

Classic Daemon. Can't win face to face so he sucker slices him from behind.

Probably the way he took out the much beloved Crabfeeder.


DanBecky 10-10-2022 06:48 AM

Also, if not everyone had the same goddamn name in this world, there would be no confusion in the first place lol

Hammock Parties 10-10-2022 07:01 AM

this show is as good as GoT has ever been

throne room scene nailed it for me - tears

raybec 4 10-10-2022 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 16516600)
Goddamn. That was some filmmaking.


On the whole a fantastic episode.

I think the whole misunderstanding is the only way Alicent would support Aegon's claim for the throne. Outside of that, she would not have thought for a second that rapey raperson should be king.

BigRedChief 10-10-2022 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by TambaBerry (Post 16516623)
I just dislike the fact that the strong bastards are wimps when their dad clearly was not. Also idk how to spell his name but aemond?? The kid with one eye turned from a 12 year old to a 25 year old man lol. Either way great episode and Daemon is still the best.

They are done with the time jumps now. This first year is just introducing the families, the people and their motivations so they can be of age to fight in the upcoming war that wipes out the dragons and ends their dynasty,

No spoiler as far as I know. Haven't read the books or saw youtube spoilers.... John Snow is the 5th grandson of Aegon, correct? The sons with the black hair, that's who his grandad was?

BigRedChief 10-10-2022 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 16516738)
this show is as good as GoT has ever been

throne room scene nailed it for me - tears

First year. :thumb:

Wonder if its all Mitch and when he leaves after this season as the show runner it will be different?

kevrunner 10-10-2022 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by TambaBerry (Post 16516623)
I just dislike the fact that the strong bastards are wimps when their dad clearly was not. Also idk how to spell his name but aemond?? The kid with one eye turned from a 12 year old to a 25 year old man lol. Either way great episode and Daemon is still the best.

That actor is actually 20 years old, but he does look older, maybe having only one eye does that.

Buehler445 10-10-2022 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by KC_Connection (Post 16516618)
I think the Hightowers were well on the way to war with or without that misinterpretation. Her children would have definitely seen to that eventually anyway. The fact that there was such a misinterpretation at least adds to her motivations and makes them a little more understandable (especially given that Alicent clearly knows her son Aegon, the prospective heir, is a monster).

Yeah, I think they're playing it all to show her short lived reconciliation with Rhaenyra. I'm open to being wrong. But it looks to me like Aemond is going to go off the rails at some point either way. The misunderstanding thing seems cheap. But like I said, I'm open to being a moron here.

I wasn't feeling great about Daemon being a COLOSSAL **** a fair bit of the time. It seemed fairly annoying. However, when they panned the camera to him in a place that it felt like he should be a ****, and he was very solemn and contrite, obviously caring for and respecting his suffering brother. Got that hit like a truck. Fantastic. Not a single word of dialogue, but super impactful scene. So yeah, I could be wrong here.


Originally Posted by TambaBerry (Post 16516623)
I just dislike the fact that the strong bastards are wimps when their dad clearly was not. Also idk how to spell his name but aemond?? The kid with one eye turned from a 12 year old to a 25 year old man lol. Either way great episode and Daemon is still the best.

I think that was the point. He got the dragon then went from dork to bad ass. They may have went a touch overboard, but that was absolutely intentional IMO.

RE: Strong kids, they're obviously a fair bit younger. I THINK Aegon is supposed to be 19ish and Aemond is supposed to be 16ish. So if the Strong kids are 13 and 10 (I don't know, there are probably some dork videos out there that know how old they are to the day, but whatever that's how I see it) their weakness is probably appropriate.

I hope, as the war gets started at least one of them will become a Billy Badass. I loved Harlan going after Cole. I know it was a scripted fight, but that dude seemed like he had HEAVY ass hands. Gimme some more of that.

raybec 4 10-10-2022 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 16517076)

I hope, as the war gets started at least one of them will become a Billy Badass. I loved Harlan going after Cole. I know it was a scripted fight, but that dude seemed like he had HEAVY ass hands. Gimme some more of that.

I can't stand Cole, he seems like a smug prick who got dumped so he figures to be as big an ass as possible.

dlphg9 10-10-2022 10:19 AM

Paddy Condisdine should win an Emmy for his role as Viserys. I'm gonna miss that dude.

raybec 4 10-10-2022 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by dlphg9 (Post 16517090)
Paddy Condisdine should win an Emmy for his role as Viserys. I'm gonna miss that dude.

He really was fantastic in the dinner scene.

BleedingRed 10-10-2022 10:26 AM

Master Class on how to ****ing set a scene........

The King at the Dinner seeing family come together before he left was bitter sweet.

dlphg9 10-10-2022 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by raybec 4 (Post 16517088)
I can't stand Cole, he seems like a smug prick who got dumped so he figures to be as big an ass as possible.

Yeah he's a **** and he was the one that basically dump Rhaenyra, because she wouldn't run off with him.

The biggest **** award goes to Otto Hightower. I hate that mother****ing weasel and can't stand when it shows him. The guy and his daughter Alicent act so high and mighty, but had been keeping Viserys drugged so they could do whatever they want with the kingdom. Felt awesome when Viserys came into the throne room to interrupt the bullshit.

BleedingRed 10-10-2022 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by dlphg9 (Post 16517090)
Paddy Condisdine should win an Emmy for his role as Viserys. I'm gonna miss that dude.

He really has ****ing killed the role, and is a tragic character.

Buehler445 10-10-2022 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by dlphg9 (Post 16517090)
Paddy Condisdine should win an Emmy for his role as Viserys. I'm gonna miss that dude.

I think Matt Smith is the more impressive performance, strictly because he is almost devoid entirely of dialogue.

Condisdine is really good though, and if he won an Emmy I'd probably stand and cheer. He was really ****ing good. I don't know if it was him, or posted sound effects, but they even worked in a death rattle. Impressive.

And I know I keep harping on it, but it is some really impressive writing that early on he didn't know what he was doing, made bad decisions and everybody did whatever the **** he wanted. Then later, he's grown into a much stronger and infinitely wiser and better leader, and nobody listens to a ****ing thing he says. Without beating you over the head with it, it's a goddamned good choice and well executed.

Hammock Parties 10-10-2022 10:42 AM


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">“I was so thankful that accident happened ... quite a turning point for a storyline that had started in the pilot: hey, I want your crown and by the end here I’m gonna put the crown back on your head and I’m gonna help you to your throne&quot;<a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Culture Crave �� (@CultureCrave) <a href="">October 10, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

BleedingRed 10-10-2022 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 16517147)

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">“I was so thankful that accident happened ... quite a turning point for a storyline that had started in the pilot: hey, I want your crown and by the end here I’m gonna put the crown back on your head and I’m gonna help you to your throne&quot;<a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Culture Crave �� (@CultureCrave) <a href="">October 10, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Did you know he broke is toe in this shot? ROFL

Hammock Parties 10-10-2022 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by dlphg9 (Post 16517105)
Felt awesome when Viserys came into the throne room to interrupt the bullshit.

BigRedChief 10-10-2022 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 16517147)

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">“I was so thankful that accident happened ... quite a turning point for a storyline that had started in the pilot: hey, I want your crown and by the end here I’m gonna put the crown back on your head and I’m gonna help you to your throne&quot;<a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Culture Crave �� (@CultureCrave) <a href="">October 10, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Originally Posted by BleedingRed (Post 16517150)
Did you know he broke is toe in this shot? ROFL

They ad lipped that? Bravo… Bravo!!!:clap:

mr. tegu 10-10-2022 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 16517076)
Yeah, I think they're playing it all to show her short lived reconciliation with Rhaenyra. I'm open to being wrong. But it looks to me like Aemond is going to go off the rails at some point either way. The misunderstanding thing seems cheap. But like I said, I'm open to being a moron here.

I wasn't feeling great about Daemon being a COLOSSAL **** a fair bit of the time. It seemed fairly annoying. However, when they panned the camera to him in a place that it felt like he should be a ****, and he was very solemn and contrite, obviously caring for and respecting his suffering brother. Got that hit like a truck. Fantastic. Not a single word of dialogue, but super impactful scene. So yeah, I could be wrong here.

I think that was the point. He got the dragon then went from dork to bad ass. They may have went a touch overboard, but that was absolutely intentional IMO.

RE: Strong kids, they're obviously a fair bit younger. I THINK Aegon is supposed to be 19ish and Aemond is supposed to be 16ish. So if the Strong kids are 13 and 10 (I don't know, there are probably some dork videos out there that know how old they are to the day, but whatever that's how I see it) their weakness is probably appropriate.

I hope, as the war gets started at least one of them will become a Billy Badass. I loved Harlan going after Cole. I know it was a scripted fight, but that dude seemed like he had HEAVY ass hands. Gimme some more of that.

The Strong kids have been left behind by the men in Kings Landing/their lives who would otherwise help them become masculine. Daemon probably isn’t involved with them. Their pretend Dad wasn’t exactly present or raising them to be fighters. Their actual father wasn’t around for long but was the only one we see encouraging them to train but he couldn’t be as involved as he liked. And Sir Christian, who was most responsible for training the boys in fighting, had no desire and in fact preferred to humiliate them and instead focused on Aemond who he considers the true heir.

It makes a lot of sense that they would grow up a little weaker and less accomplished with swords and weapons.

Discuss Thrower 10-10-2022 11:49 AM

Crown fell off in rehearsal, so they figured they should shoot a take with it falling off and one where it didnt.

raybec 4 10-10-2022 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by mr. tegu (Post 16517275)
The Strong kids have been left behind by the men in Kings Landing/their lives who would otherwise help them become masculine. Daemon probably isn’t involved with them. Their pretend Dad wasn’t exactly present or raising them to be fighters. Their actual father wasn’t around for long but was the only one we see encouraging them to train but he couldn’t be as involved as he liked. And Sir Christian, who was most responsible for training the boys in fighting, had no desire and in fact preferred to humiliate them and instead focused on Aemond who he considers the true heir.

It makes a lot of sense that they would grow up a little weaker and less accomplished with swords and weapons.

True, but they've been at Dragonstone since the marriage of their mother to her uncle. Someone should be Master at Arms in Dragonstone.

ThaVirus 10-11-2022 07:30 AM

Really nice episode.

I really loved the throne room scene, the last dinner, and Daemon’s demeanor around his dying brother. He was stuttering and seemed almost embarrassed to bring up the succession while Viserys was suffering in bed. And the look of sadness he carried for most of the episode was heavy.

Viserys showing the strength to sit the throne one last time and Daemon helping was also well done.

A few things:

Is Diana dead? I thought that was pretty ambiguous. She said she’d never tell anyone and Alicent said she knew. The only way she’d know it is if Diana died right there in that room. I originally assumed the tea was the contraceptive but with Alicent’s wording, I figured it might have been some sort of poison.

I’m loving the sly tension and foreshadowing they’re setting up with Aemond and Daemon. Aemond hasn’t quite challenged Daemon yet and Daemon seems to be more amused with Aemond’s antics to this point. I’d imagine he probably sees a lot of himself in Aemond.

Also regarding Aemond, I thought him standing up in defense of Aegon at dinner was a little strange. Last we saw them, Aegon was a douche, bullying Aemond and we see now that Aegon is even shittier. Aegon isn’t a fighter and doesn’t even want the throne. Seems Aemond would be the type with loftier aspirations who’d want the throne for himself but that doesn’t seem to be the case, at least not yet.

listopencil 10-11-2022 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16522391)
Really nice episode.

I really loved the throne room scene, the last dinner, and Daemon’s demeanor around his dying brother. He was stuttering and seemed almost embarrassed to bring up the succession while Viserys was suffering in bed. And the look of sadness he carried for most of the episode was heavy.

Viserys showing the strength to sit the throne one last time and Daemon helping was also well done.

A few things:

Is Diana dead? I thought that was pretty ambiguous. She said she’d never tell anyone and Alicent said she knew. The only way she’d know it is if Diana died right there in that room. I originally assumed the tea was the contraceptive but with Alicent’s wording, I figured it might have been some sort of poison.

I’m loving the sly tension and foreshadowing they’re setting up with Aemond and Daemon. Aemond hasn’t quite challenged Daemon yet and Daemon seems to be more amused with Aemond’s antics to this point. I’d imagine he probably sees a lot of himself in Aemond.

Also regarding Aemond, I thought him standing up in defense of Aegon at dinner was a little strange. Last we saw them, Aegon was a douche, bullying Aemond and we see now that Aegon is even shittier. Aegon isn’t a fighter and doesn’t even want the throne. Seems Aemond would be the type with loftier aspirations who’d want the throne for himself but that doesn’t seem to be the case, at least not yet.

Also someone was asking about her afterwards. She either left with that bag of coins or she's dead. I assumed she left with the bag of coins to start a new life.

CupidStunt 10-11-2022 09:51 AM

It was definitely ambiguous, but

Aemond is super dutiful and about family. So he'd stand up for Aemond in public, even if privately he might think he's an immature frat boy (which is a nice parallel to Alicent explaining this principle to Aegon in the prior episode). And he definitely hasn't forgiven Jace/Luke for the past either, so he'll happily take a chance to get a punch in.

As for wanting the throne, he wouldn't usurp his brother. And I don't think he's motivated by power either. Even if Aegon died right now, I don't think he'd be like "**** yeah, now I get it" ... although he WOULD press his claim, the same way Stannis did. Because at that point he'd think it's his by rights.

CupidStunt 10-11-2022 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 16516911)
No spoiler as far as I know. Haven't read the books or saw youtube spoilers.... John Snow is the 5th grandson of Aegon, correct? The sons with the black hair, that's who his grandad was?

Jon is like a 9th generation descendant of Rhaenyra and Daemon, via their 2nd son Viserys, the same one King V just said "nice name" to.

Discuss Thrower 10-11-2022 10:39 AM

I think Criston Cole and the Strongs should have been portrayed by dark skinned actors rather than the Velaryons. Assuming the goal is to make Luc and Jace obviously not Laenor's kids to the absolute dumbest audience members of course.

But ffs the Valyrian hairpieces look ridiculous.

listopencil 10-11-2022 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by CupidStunt (Post 16522861)
Jon is like a 9th generation descendant of Rhaenyra and Daemon, via their 2nd son Viserys, the same one King V just said "nice name" to.

So they totally could have ****ed in GoT then, right?

notorious 10-11-2022 11:26 AM

Take a look at a family tree and it becomes clear.

Their names being similar is confusing as ****.

dlphg9 10-11-2022 11:26 AM

I guess the scene in the throne room was partially improvised by Matt Smith. I guess the crown wasn't supposed to fall off his head and it was an accident, but Daemon picked it up and gave it to Viserys. They just kept rolling and went with it. That small element added a shit ton to that scene.

notorious 10-11-2022 11:27 AM

There were too many cuts and different camera angles for them to roll with it.

It probably fell off and gave them the idea for a great scene, and it was a great scene.

listopencil 10-11-2022 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Discuss Thrower (Post 16517276)
Crown fell off in rehearsal, so they figured they should shoot a take with it falling off and one where it didnt.



Originally Posted by notorious (Post 16523093)
There were too many cuts and different camera angles for them to roll with it.

It probably fell off and gave them the idea for a great scene, and it was a great scene.

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