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Fire Me Boy! 07-10-2016 04:33 AM


Originally Posted by Dagnabit (Post 12309058)
"Hey, I had a great idea in 1973! Other people took it and made it even better( Kirsh, Kasdan ), then I wrote a back story that sucked more shit than a dairy farm sump-pump while "directing" my new adventure from a ****ing La-Z-Boy behind two monitors in the most sterile environments ever created by man while simultaneously being told how "great" my shitty product was by an army of sycophants and quite possibly, very possibly, the most single annoying and useless goddamned "producer" to ever crawl out of a Hollywood whore house but please, everyone; CONTINUE TO KISS MY ASS"!

"Hey, did ya' see my stellar work with Steven on "Indiana Jones and the Can Someone Get George Another Coffee and Donut While We're Trying To Make An Actual ****ing Film Here"?

"I sill got it, babee"!


Well, this is hilarious. ROFL

DaneMcCloud 07-10-2016 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by Smellway (Post 12309034)
He's not in Episode VIII.

The point being that characters from the animated series will appear in future Star Wars films.

Hammock Parties 07-10-2016 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12309413)
The point being that characters from the animated series will appear in future Star Wars films.

Until they appear in the main storyline I think they'll continue to stay away from prequel bullshit for good reasons.

You aren't going to see any of that shit woven into any main characters for sure.

Sweet Daddy Hate 07-10-2016 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by Smellway (Post 12309552)
Until they appear in the main storyline I think they'll continue to stay away from prequel bullshit for good reasons.

You aren't going to see any of that shit woven into any main characters for sure.

All you have to know about SW is this:

Everything is Vader, Vader is everything.

DaneMcCloud 07-10-2016 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Smellway (Post 12309552)
Until they appear in the main storyline I think they'll continue to stay away from prequel bullshit for good reasons.

You aren't going to see any of that shit woven into any main characters for sure.

Hello, Saw Gerrera?

Hammock Parties 07-10-2016 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12309584)
Hello, Saw Gerrera?

He is not in the main IV-IX storyline. They're free to put whatever in these anthology films because they're a different animal.

You're not going to see any prequel connections in Rey or anyone else.

DaneMcCloud 07-10-2016 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Smellway (Post 12309601)
He is not in the main IV-IX storyline. They're free to put whatever in these anthology films because they're a different animal.

You're not going to see any prequel connections in Rey or anyone else.

You're wrong. Simon Kinberg has already confirmed we'll see characters from Rebels and TCW in upcoming movies.

Hammock Parties 07-10-2016 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12309606)
You're wrong. Simon Kinberg has already confirmed we'll see characters from Rebels and TCW in upcoming movies.

I'll be shocked if they make it into the main movies.

Sweet Daddy Hate 07-10-2016 11:52 AM

The only character anyone wants to see from the prequels is Ewan. And maybe an Ian-ghost.

The rest is pure shit.

DaneMcCloud 07-10-2016 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Dagnabit (Post 12309625)
The only character anyone wants to see from the prequels is Ewan. And maybe an Ian-ghost.

The rest is pure shit.

Do you know how I know that you're over 40?

Gadzooks 07-10-2016 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12309640)
Do you know how I know that you're over 40?

All 3 of my kids, (the youngest being 14), think the prequels are shite.

DaneMcCloud 07-10-2016 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Gadzooks (Post 12309933)
All 3 of my kids, (the youngest being 14), think the prequels are shite.

And both of mine love it.

We actually watched TPM last night.

Gadzooks 07-10-2016 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12309945)
And both of mine love it.

We actually watched TPM last night.

My youngest first watched when she was 4 and she liked them at the time. But she really liked "Dark" Vader.
When TFA came out we went back and re-watched all 6 movies. Here were her criticisms of the prequels:
- There was no character to root for. (protagonist)
- The characters were boring and had no personality
- The plot was too political and a lot of times didn't make any sense
- Jar Jar Binks is the most annoying character in the history of film
Sure, when she was 4 Jar Jar was hilarious. Now that her skull is fully hardened she sees what the vast majority of Star Wars fans see.

There is a way to make the films fun for little kids and still satisfy the adult audience. I think they did a good job with TFA. "Dark" Vader is what made the original series so cool to her when she was 4, not the Ewoks. Real characters and a decent plot also helped.

BTW - She was laughing at how "whiny" Luke was in ANH - I agree

DaneMcCloud 07-10-2016 06:00 PM

Luke was always whiny, even back in the 70's.

If TFA had been made by any other studio than Lucasfilms, it would have sued for plagiarism.

Gadzooks 07-10-2016 06:05 PM

Agreed on the plagiarism. That's what makes VIII so critical to the franchise. They can't copy Empire and they can't go near the prequels with a political plot unless it's a really good plot. (fingers crossed)

Hammock Parties 07-10-2016 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12310006)
If TFA had been made by any other studio than Lucasfilms, it would have sued for plagiarism.

The prequels were vastly superior. ROFL

Fire Me Boy! 07-10-2016 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Smellway (Post 12310016)
The prequels were vastly superior. ROFL

Your and idiot.

Sweet Daddy Hate 07-10-2016 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Gadzooks (Post 12309933)
All 3 of my kids, (the youngest being 14), think the prequels are shite.

But I bet they love Empire, don't they?

Sweet Daddy Hate 07-10-2016 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12310006)
Luke was always whiny, even back in the 70's.

If TFA had been made by any other studio than Lucasfilms, it would have sued for plagiarism.

Luke whiny>>>Anakin whiny

DaneMcCloud 07-10-2016 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Dagnabit (Post 12310086)
Luke whiny>>>Anakin whiny


BleedingRed 07-11-2016 11:20 PM

Thank god Disney saved Star Wars from Lucas

DaneMcCloud 07-11-2016 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by BleedingRed (Post 12311931)
Thank god Disney saved Star Wars from Lucas

Yeah, TFA was a creative thing of beauty, original to its core.

BleedingRed 07-12-2016 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12311936)
Yeah, TFA was a creative thing of beauty, original to its core.

Loved it, I know it was basically same story line. But, JJ has been very impressive with his style of directing. He really makes great compelling story telling and, his creativity with visuals is amazing.

Only thing that kinda make me laugh tho, that man loves his lens flares

listopencil 07-12-2016 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12311936)
Yeah, TFA was a creative thing of beauty, original to its core.

I viewed it as a reboot. Kind of like that first new Star Trek movie with the altered timeline. I was OK with it because I really did not like the prequels.

RobBlake 07-12-2016 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12311936)
Yeah, TFA was a creative thing of beauty, original to its core.

nice subtle sarcasm lol.

It was a good flick.. but in terms of being a part of a legendary series.. expected soooo much more. Solid cast tho.

RobBlake 07-12-2016 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by BleedingRed (Post 12312047)
Loved it, I know it was basically same story line. But, JJ has been very impressive with his style of directing. He really makes great compelling story telling and, his creativity with visuals is amazing.

Only thing that kinda make me laugh tho, that man loves his lens flares

he's a b+ level director. He's always gonna have a product that is watchable, but a lot of his stuff is hit or miss.. never quite legendary. Lost was a great concept for the first several seasons.. mainly cause he had great coproducers.

DaneMcCloud 07-12-2016 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by RobBlake (Post 12313274)
he's a b+ level director. He's always gonna have a product that is watchable, but a lot of his stuff is hit or miss.. never quite legendary. Lost was a great concept for the first several seasons.. mainly cause he had great coproducers.

MI:3 was genius, as was ST:ID.

Sweet Daddy Hate 07-13-2016 03:44 AM

Hornrims was a nice start, now let's see what someone else can do.

DaneMcCloud 07-13-2016 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Dagnabit (Post 12313333)
Hornrims was a nice start, now let's see what someone else can do.

Have you read Aftermath or the newly released novel Life Debt?

If so, do you agree with the speculation that Admiral Rax is possibly Snoke?

DaneMcCloud 07-13-2016 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by Dagnabit (Post 12313333)
Hornrims was a nice start, now let's see what someone else can do.

For the record (and probably the millionth time), I thought Abrams did an exceptional job of directing, the VFX were top notch, as was the casting. The dialog was great, too.

The only thing lacking was an original story, which kind of defeats the whole exercise.

Fire Me Boy! 07-13-2016 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12313788)
For the record (and probably the millionth time), I thought Abrams did an exceptional job of directing, the VFX were top notch, as was the casting. The dialog was great, too.

The only thing lacking was an original story, which kind of defeats the whole exercise.

Not when the exercise, IMO, was to get people excited about SW again and wash out a bad taste from the prequels.

DaneMcCloud 07-13-2016 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by Fire Me Boy! (Post 12313818)
Not when the exercise, IMO, was to get people excited about SW again and wash out a bad taste from the prequels.

I think that people would have flocked to the theater, regardless of the prequels, had the story been more original.

I *get* why they think they had to do it but disagree that it was necessary.

All eyes are now on Episode VIII. If it's a rehash, they'll lose half their audience.

Fire Me Boy! 07-13-2016 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12313842)
I think that people would have flocked to the theater, regardless of the prequels, had the story been more original.

I *get* why they think they had to do it but disagree that it was necessary.

All eyes are now on Episode VIII. If it's a rehash, they'll lose half their audience.

It won't be, guaranteed. Abrams and Kennedy, if I remember correctly, admitted the thought was they needed to make something familiar so they could tell the next part.

Bowser 07-13-2016 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Fire Me Boy! (Post 12313818)
Not when the exercise, IMO, was to get people excited about SW again and wash out a bad taste from the prequels.

"This will begin to make things right"

DaneMcCloud 07-13-2016 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Fire Me Boy! (Post 12313920)
It won't be, guaranteed. Abrams and Kennedy, if I remember correctly, admitted the thought was they needed to make something familiar so they could tell the next part.

We'll see. They're already beginning to lay out a familiar plot line in the TFA prequel books.

A young dark haired, pale skin boy was found the desert planet of Jakku by Chancellor Palpatine and given a purpose. He quickly rose up the ranks of the Imperial Navy after Palpatine declared himself Emperor. No one knew who he was or how he ascended so quickly but after the Empire's loss at Endor, he assembled the remnants of the Imperial fleet in the Unknown Region, which Palpatine thought was the source of the Dark side and began the First Order.

The books have all but stated that Admirial Gallius Rax, a Darkside Force user, who created the First Order, is Supreme Leader Snoke. It won't be surprising when it's revealed in Wendig's final novel of the trilogy.

That sounds way to similar to Palpatine's rise to power, IMO.

Hammock Parties 07-13-2016 02:02 PM

That sounds absolutely nothing like Palpatine's rise to power.

Shit the first TFA prequel book is about Mon Mothma and gang trying to clean up the remnants of the Empire. Completely new territory.

You are hell bent on discrediting the sequel trilogy out of some misplaced prequel trash love.

DaneMcCloud 07-13-2016 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Smellway (Post 12314062)
That sounds absolutely nothing like Palpatine's rise to power.

Shit the first TFA prequel book is about Mon Mothma and gang trying to clean up the remnants of the Empire. Completely new territory.

You are hell bent on discrediting the sequel trilogy out of some misplaced prequel trash love.


I guess you've never read the Star Wars novelization by Alan Dean Foster. Regardless, Palpatine's rise from nothing to Supreme Chancellor, while using the Dark Side of the Force along the way, is similar to Rax's ascension.

Also, how can I "discredit" a trilogy that doesn't exist?

Hammock Parties 07-13-2016 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud
Also, how can I "discredit" a trilogy that doesn't exist?

You'll try, I'm sure.

DaneMcCloud 07-13-2016 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Smellway (Post 12314101)
You'll try, I'm sure.


Sweet Daddy Hate 07-13-2016 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12313785)
Have you read Aftermath or the newly released novel Life Debt?

If so, do you agree with the speculation that Admiral Rax is possibly Snoke?

I've only read 'Bloodline', but after researching the above mentioned character, it's as good a possibility as any.

No force-sensitivity confirmed though.

DaneMcCloud 07-13-2016 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Dagnabit (Post 12314421)
I've only read 'Bloodline', but after researching the above mentioned character, it's as good a possibility as any.

No force-sensitivity confirmed though.

Apparently, there's a passage in Life Debt that confirms it.

Also, that Jakku is a very important planet. Supposedly, it was extremely important 1,000 years ago and according to Palpatine, it will be important again.

Mizzou_8541 07-13-2016 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12313785)
Have you read Aftermath or the newly released novel Life Debt?

If so, do you agree with the speculation that Admiral Rax is possibly Snoke?

I consider myself a pretty big Star Wars fan, but haven't read many of the books. Could it be possible the Snoke is simply just a net new character?

DaneMcCloud 07-13-2016 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Mizzou_8541 (Post 12314525)
I consider myself a pretty big Star Wars fan, but haven't read many of the books. Could it be possible the Snoke is simply just a net new character?

Yes, he's a new character but the books I mentioned tell the backstory of what happened between ROTJ and TFA. They're brand new canon.

Mizzou_8541 07-13-2016 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12314534)
Yes, he's a new character but the books I mentioned tell the backstory of what happened between ROTJ and TFA. They're brand new canon.

You recommend them?

DaneMcCloud 07-13-2016 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by Mizzou_8541 (Post 12314542)
You recommend them?

I haven't read them yet.

Hammock Parties 07-13-2016 07:56 PM

Bloodline was terrible, IMO. I got about 100 pages in and just got bored with it.

I really enjoyed the first Aftermath novel, though. Very reminiscent of the Rebels cartoon. Need to pick up the second, stat.

Sweet Daddy Hate 07-14-2016 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by Smellway (Post 12314601)
Bloodline was terrible, IMO. I got about 100 pages in and just got bored with it.

I really enjoyed the first Aftermath novel, though. Very reminiscent of the Rebels cartoon. Need to pick up the second, stat.

I've noticed over the years, regardless of who is doing the writing, Leia is a pretty boring read.

Sweet Daddy Hate 07-14-2016 06:01 AM

I've been audio-booking the Bane trilogy. Gawt DAMN that is some of the best shit ever written. The post-III era, when Lucas was letting the best authors run backwards and forwards through the timeline was the best era of SW writing in my opinion.

BleedingRed 07-14-2016 07:29 AM

My hunch and others as well is Snoak is really darth plagueis.

Hammock Parties 07-14-2016 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by Dagnabit (Post 12314934)
I've noticed over the years, regardless of who is doing the writing, Leia is a pretty boring read.

I always liked her scenes in Shadows of the Empire (with Xixor seducing her) and the Thrawn trilogy, though. Loved how the Noghri called her "Lady Vader."

I think Bloodline is just shitty.

DaneMcCloud 07-14-2016 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by BleedingRed (Post 12314988)
My hunch and others as well is Snoak is really darth plagueis.

Lucasfilm has repeatedly claimed this is patently false.

Neither Snoke nor Kylo Ren have ever been Sith.

BleedingRed 07-14-2016 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12315288)
Lucasfilm has repeatedly claimed this is patently false.

Neither Snoke nor Kylo Ren have ever been Sith.

They would lie wouldn't they, only SITH DEAL IN ABSOLUTES!

DaneMcCloud 07-14-2016 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by BleedingRed (Post 12315618)
They would lie wouldn't they, only SITH DEAL IN ABSOLUTES!

No, they're not "lying".

Follow Pablo Hidalgo on Twitter for proof.

Sweet Daddy Hate 07-14-2016 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Smellway (Post 12315058)
I always liked her scenes in Shadows of the Empire (with Xixor seducing her) and the Thrawn trilogy, though. Loved how the Noghri called her "Lady Vader."

I think Bloodline is just shitty.

Meh. Xixor is the interesting one in those exchanges. The only parts I like are the exchanges between her and Han throughout the books.

DaneMcCloud 07-14-2016 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Dagnabit (Post 12315946)
Meh. Xixor is the interesting one in those exchanges. The only parts I like are the exchanges between her and Han throughout the books.

95% of the EU books are just flat out awful.

I don't know if the writing is any better in the new books but I'll bet they're not as goofy (i.e, ysalamiri).

Although "Force Tree" rumor is nearly as lame.

Sweet Daddy Hate 07-14-2016 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12315964)
95% of the EU books are just flat out awful.

I don't know if the writing is any better in the new books but I'll bet they're not as goofy (i.e, ysalamiri).

Although "Force Tree" rumor is nearly as lame.

Everything prior to the Legacy series is fairly shite, though there are a few good reads between that series and 'Jedi'.

DaneMcCloud 07-17-2016 11:20 AM

Episode VIII confirmed to begin exactly where Episode VII left off, a first for a Star Wars film.

No time gap.

Carrie Fisher stated that they're taking a break before Episode IX begins filming, which intimates (but does not confirm) that she'll be returning.

Sweet Daddy Hate 07-17-2016 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12319386)
Episode VIII confirmed to begin exactly where Episode VII left off, a first for a Star Wars film.

No time gap.

Carrie Fisher stated that they're taking a break before Episode IX begins filming, which intimates (but does not confirm) that she'll be returning.

Interesting considering the usual MO of the crawl.

Bowser 07-17-2016 11:32 AM

Surely the first shot won't be with Luke and Rey, but with the First Order licking their wounds. Possibly Kylo and Hux meeting with Snoke...

Red Brooklyn 07-17-2016 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12313785)
Have you read Aftermath or the newly released novel Life Debt?

If so, do you agree with the speculation that Admiral Rax is possibly Snoke?

FWIW, one of the guys on Collider Jedi Council recently tweeted or replied to a tweet about this very idea saying he didn't think it was likely that Rax is Snoke.

Chuck Wendig 'liked' the tweet. Obviously, that doesn't confirm anything, far from, but it's interesting and led the CJC guy to firmly believe Rax is NOT Snoke.

Guess we'll find out soon enough.

DaneMcCloud 07-17-2016 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Red Brooklyn (Post 12319613)
FWIW, one of the guys on Collider Jedi Council recently tweeted or replied to a tweet about this very idea saying he didn't think it was likely that Rax is Snoke.

Chuck Wendig 'liked' the tweet. Obviously, that doesn't confirm anything, far from, but it's interesting and led the CJC guy to firmly believe Rax is NOT Snoke.

Guess we'll find out soon enough.

Then it's pretty silly how they built him up in the two books and especially the Epilogue of Life Debt, IMO.

Red Brooklyn 07-17-2016 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12319628)
Then it's pretty silly how they built him up in the two books and especially the Epilogue of Life Debt, IMO.

I can't comment as I haven't read a single Star Wars book in my entire life. I have no idea who the character is or what they're doing with him or anything.

Bowser 07-17-2016 02:29 PM

Last year's Star Wars: The Force Awakens was full of twists and turns, but one of the most surprising moments in the entire film also happened to be one of the saddest. Han Solo (Harrison Ford) died by the hand of his son, Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), and in that moment a part of our childhood dies every time we watch it. The death of such an iconic character will undoubtedly echo through future films, and Carrie Fisher recently revealed that it would most certainly factor into the events of Star Wars: Episode VIII.

According to a new report from Telegraph, it seems that Star Wars: Episode VIII will treat the demise of Han Solo with an appropriate level of weight. Carrie Fisher took the stage at the Future Filmmakers panel at Star Wars Celebration Europe and explained that General Leia will have to contend with the task of Han's funeral in the coming Star Wars adventure. Although his body fell deep into a crevice on Starkiller Base during the events of The Force Awakens, it looks like the members of the Resistance will still find a way to honor a fallen comrade. As Episode VIII takes place almost immediately after the events of The Force Awakens, we can very easily anticipate that the emotional wounds will still be pretty fresh.

One great thing about showing Han Solo's funeral is the fact that it will allow Rian Johnson to address a major problem with The Force Awakens. Many people who saw the last Star Wars movie found it odd that Chewbacca and General Leia made essentially no contact with one another following Han's death, despite the fact that they're arguably the two closest loved ones he had. If the next movie gives the characters a chance to properly mourn Harrison Ford's anti-hero, then we can likely expect Leia and Chewbacca to console one another in a way that feels more true to character.

As Star Wars fans we have become incredibly used to funerals over the course of the last seven movies. From Qui-Gon Jinn, to Shmi Skywalker, to Darth Vader at the end of Return of the Jedi, death is treated with an appropriate level of weight in the Star Wars mythos. That being said, the funeral of Han Solo could turn out to be the saddest moment in the history of the franchise. Arguably no other character has managed to capture the imagination of Star Wars fans quite like the loveable smuggler, and even the knowledge that we will soon get a Han Solo prequel movie doesn't change the fact that his death in The Force Awakens hurt.

DaneMcCloud 07-17-2016 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 12319415)
Surely the first shot won't be with Luke and Rey, but with the First Order licking their wounds. Possibly Kylo and Hux meeting with Snoke...

Rian Johnson says it starts with Luke and Rey at Skelling Michael

Sweet Daddy Hate 07-17-2016 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12320410)
Rian Johnson says it starts with Luke and Rey at Skelling Michael

Pan down from sky to planet surface?

Something don't jibe.

eDave 07-17-2016 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by Dagnabit (Post 12320427)
Pan down from sky to planet surface?

Something don't jibe.

How about a pan from planet to ship? Oooh.

Sweet Daddy Hate 07-17-2016 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by eDave (Post 12320452)
How about a pan from planet to ship? Oooh.

The dreaded "Epi II, let's be different(!)"-pan.


bowener 07-17-2016 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by BleedingRed (Post 12312047)
Loved it, I know it was basically same story line. But, JJ has been very impressive with his style of directing. He really makes great compelling story telling and, his creativity with visuals is amazing.

Only thing that kinda make me laugh tho, that man loves his lens flares

I don't think I've ever heard Abrams praised for his original story telling. I'm not trying to single you out, sorry, but a friend and I were just discussing this today. He is pretty shit at story telling, rather shit at ending a story. His strongest work, Super 8, was royally ****ed by the stupid monster flick ending. Great coming of age film that turned to shit. His handling of Star trek has been an absolute joke, and this comes from somebody who never adored ST. Somehow he took what was supposed to be a thought provoking franchise and turned it into Fast and Furious Space Wars (before they even hired TG for the third one). Remember his whole, "don't worry Khan isn't in the sequel and I'm not totally out of ideas/pretty much a hack"? That has clearly carried over to the SW trilogy where he lobbed a soft remake of the original at us.

My main concern is how he has set up the rest of the trilogy to quite possible bore viewers by essentially following the same story path of the hero (because he is being lazy or possibly inept). We see Rey struggle but get on the right path in TFA. In 8 we will see her train alone with a hermit jedi legend; meanwhile her friends are off running missions for the rebels and somehow (probably from betrayal) are captured. Rey will go to rescue them despite not having finished her training. She will help them escape but at a huge cost. Ren will injure her, Luke will step in to save her at the cost of his own life. It will be disclosed that Rey and Ren are related. Luke becomes a ghost (already rumored he isn't in the 9th), and the end credits roll on a "stunned" audience.

I am so super stoked for when they announce that they are remaking the prequels, because at least then his rehashing used ideas will work out.

/rant. Sorry, had a shit day handling my elderly mother.

Again, this wasn't directed specifically at you BR, I just came to realize how close Abrams is to Zach Snyder level of directing. Their mantra is "if it's shiny, it's great!" I wouldn't be surprised to find out both were huge fans of Image comics when that started.

DaneMcCloud 07-20-2016 09:50 AM

Bowser 07-20-2016 10:53 AM


WhawhaWhat 07-22-2016 11:51 AM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Final slate of the final shot. VIII is officially wrapped. Cannot wait to share it with you all! -<a href="">@rianjohnson</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Star Wars (@starwars) <a href="">July 22, 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Hammock Parties 07-22-2016 05:53 PM

Baby Lee 07-24-2016 07:39 PM

<iframe width="687" height="386" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Bowser 07-28-2016 12:42 PM

This theory was talked about a while back. I thought this was video was intriguing in regards....

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Sweet Daddy Hate 07-28-2016 05:37 PM

Palpatine is so bad ass.

listopencil 07-30-2016 02:16 AM

Oh, by the way, you can be ordained as a Jedi Knight if you wish:

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For many people across the world, the spiritual and ethical message of the Jedi Order from the Star Wars movies resonates with their personal views. To become a Jedi requires a profound commitment and astute mind. The life of a Jedi is one of personal sacrifice, for the Jedi live a life of simplicity. They adhere to the Jedi Code, which forbids living in excess and emotional attachments. A Jedi is expected to obey a strict Code, which includes ideals such as rational thought, patience, and benevolence.

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$8.99 at the Universal Life Church Monastery website:

Bowser 07-30-2016 10:29 AM

The crazy part? They'll likely make hundreds of thousands of dollars on that. With the Star Wars brain trust we have here on CP, we could have thought that shit up. Of course, we would have given the proceeds to Hootie to blow on shitty football bets and hooker/blow parties.

Sweet Daddy Hate 07-30-2016 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 12342602)
The crazy part? They'll likely make hundreds of thousands of dollars on that. With the Star Wars brain trust we have here on CP, we could have thought that shit up. Of course, we would have given the proceeds to Hootie to blow on shitty football bets and hooker/blow parties.


Thus far, in my long tenure at this establishment, that was far and away the dumbest idea to ever come down the pike.

Bowser 07-30-2016 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Dagnabit (Post 12342610)

Thus far, in my long tenure at this establishment, that was far and away the dumbest idea to ever come down the pike.

It was pretty spectacular to watch that go down from a distance. At the end I felt like crying out "OH, THE HUMANITY, OH THE HUMANITY...."

Baby Lee 07-30-2016 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 12342648)
It was pretty spectacular to watch that go down from a distance. At the end I felt like crying out "OH, THE HUMANITY, OH THE HUMANITY...."

Hoooootie Juh-Heennnn-Kinnnnnssss!!!

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