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Otter 01-14-2004 11:05 AM

I fail to see the drama here -

Grob was given three years to do a job, he failed each of the three years. At the end of year three his contract was up for review.

If Bobby wants to point fingers lets point out that Grob possibly cost the Chiefs thier best shot at the super bowl in years and drug down the most productive offense in the NFL with him.

Since when wasn't he subject to real-world expectaitons? I'd like to see what Bobby does when the waiter brings him a soggy pork chop just once let alone three years in a row.

Phobia 01-14-2004 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Otter
I'd like to see what Bobby does when the waiter brings him a soggy pork chop just once let alone three years in a row.

Now, that's just classless and deranged. *sniff* *sniff*

Rain Man 01-14-2004 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by 50yrplan
I mean what world are they in upside down world?

I hate upside down world. I'm always spilling my root beer there.

Talisman 01-14-2004 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by Rain Man
I hate upside down world. I'm always spilling my root beer there.

Upside Down World Tip: Jeans are a safer bet than a kilt.

Iowanian 01-14-2004 11:23 AM

I got a response from Bob Gretz....the weakest, pants pissing reply I could have expected.

"I was right, you need professional help"

Dartgod 01-14-2004 11:24 AM

I did a quick calculation and although I don't remember the exact ticket prices for each year I had season tickets, I have spent roughly $15,000 on Chiefs tickets over the last 14 years. That doesn't include playoff tickets, memorabilia, Chiefs clothing, food and beer at the stadium or parking.

Bob Gretz can kiss my classless ass.

Calcountry 01-14-2004 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Rain Man
Gretz is a moron. If he believes that the success of the team is more important to the mercenaries who routinely switch loyalties based on who's signing their paycheck than it is to fans who have voluntarily agonized over the team for DECADES, then Gretz needs help. What a clueless columnist.

Maybe he should forego his paycheck for a while to rediscover his passion for the team. Or maybe he should just go get paid to write for another team.

I wish we could trade our defense plus our entire draft next year for the Baltimore Ravens Defense. Think they would take it.

JazzzLovr 01-14-2004 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Iowanian
I got a response from Bob Gretz....the weakest, pants pissing reply I could have expected.

"I was right, you need professional help"

I'd still like to see what your email said. :)

Iowanian 01-14-2004 11:28 AM


It actually was a revised version of my earlier post. I didn't even call him a fat bitch.

Reeeaal Men of GeniOus......Heres to you, Mr Bitchy Sportswriter

Whooooo do you fans think you are expeeeecting results for your dedication and moooooouhuhu-nay

Calcountry 01-14-2004 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Otter
I fail to see the drama here -

Grob was given three years to do a job, he failed each of the three years. At the end of year three his contract was up for review.

If Bobby wants to point fingers lets point out that Grob possibly cost the Chiefs thier best shot at the super bowl in years and drug down the most productive offense in the NFL with him.

Since when wasn't he subject to real-world expectaitons? I'd like to see what Bobby does when the waiter brings him a soggy pork chop just once let alone three years in a row.

Its more like, great steak, great bread, great Beverage, then the waiter asks, can I bring you desert? I'll have a scoop of Ice cream please.

Brings out a bowl full of melted stuff that may have once been Ice cream, spills it in your lap, then asks for a tip.

Abba-Dabba 01-14-2004 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by bunnytrdr
I wish we could trade our defense plus our entire draft next year for the Baltimore Ravens Defense. Think they would take it.

Just Ray Lewis alone would be an upgade.

Chiefnj 01-14-2004 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Iowanian
I got a response from Bob Gretz....the weakest, pants pissing reply I could have expected.

"I was right, you need professional help"

How can he type with his head stuck up CP's colon?

RNR 01-14-2004 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Phobia
I don't know why everybody's so upset about being called deranged. I'm deranged and I damn well know it. This is my story.

In 1995, my team dominated the NFL and won the SuperBowl.

In 1997, my team dominated the NFL and won the SuperBowl.

In 2003, my team dominated the NFL and won the SuperBowl.

Oh. Wait. No. They. Didn't. They lost their first ****ing playoff game..... at home..... instead.


I'm feeling much better now. Thanks for reading my opinion.

You got issues!? it was early 1984 my team is fresh off a 38-9 Superbowl win the third they had won while I have been rooting for them, I am looking at a team with enough talent to go back to back..........

It is now 1990 I am watching Bo Jackson run over 80 yards in a blow out win against the Bengals thinking Superbowl! he gets tackled and his hip jerks, he never plays again! In the AFC Championship game the last seconds tick off I am thinking damn I sure am glad Scott Davis blocked that extra point to keep it to 51-3 :banghead:

2000 HFA baby the Ravens are in our house! trip to the bowl on the line! The trainers are peeling Gannon out of a 6 inch hole created by son of flubber while pile driving him to the ground. :doh!:

2001 a foot of snow on the ground as we recover the fumble to seal the win and move on to the AFC Championship game!!!........the kick is up and it is good the Patriots win. :cuss:

2003 It is on! we are in the bowl baby! I am watching the NFL MVP run around like a chicken with its head cut off hitting wide open defensive backs all night. Gruden being carried off the field while giving Davis the finger. :deevee:

2004 Oakland is drafting 2nd overall after going 4-12 one year removed from the Superbowl, with no coach, and a locker room full of players doing their best "OZ" imatation. :shake:

All this while Davis has lawsuits going against L.A., Oakland, the NFL and God....the last over his inevivable and in his eyes unfair death.

I plan on talking to my theapist about this as soon as he lifts the restraining order. :spock:

Rain Man 01-14-2004 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by Iowanian
I got a response from Bob Gretz....the weakest, pants pissing reply I could have expected.

"I was right, you need professional help"

Did he check with Carl Peterson before he sent it?

Iowanian 01-14-2004 11:39 AM

I've composed a reply to Bobby.

"So Bobby,
fans like me, who spend hundreds and thousands of dollars following the Chiefs, read every second-rate Chiefs related Column and loyally attend games for more than 30 years without superbowl appearances, need "professional help" for expecting a good product on the field?

Ask yourself if you feel the same, the next time the waiter forgets your cheesecake.

In the Big picture; Coaches, Players and sportswriters are mere mercenaries for the most part. Fans like Me are the Ones who make the Chiefs an Institution. We're also the same fans that Carl and the media called on to be "Rabbid" sunday, and we provided. Aye Ahm, Emmit Smith.

The truth is that fans should be given half of our money back for last weeks game, since Greg Robinson's half of the team didn't show up."

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