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Pablo 03-28-2024 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by KCChiefsFan88 (Post 17460732)
The myopic stupidity of Reeruns voting no on this is hilarious.

It’s not increasing the 3/8th-cent county sales tax already in place for the Chiefs/Royals… it’s extending the life of that tax from the current 7 remaining years to 40 years… to secure the Chiefs/Royals in KC long term.

But if you are taking your guidance from an illiterate loser like Frank White, then are you an epic life fail who deserves to live in a city barren of professional sports teams.

Concern level for the Chiefs leaving the KC market area: 0/10

Care level for the Royals leaving the KC market area: 2/10

Sassy Squatch 03-28-2024 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by KCChiefsFan88 (Post 17460732)
The myopic stupidity of Reeruns voting no on this is hilarious.

It’s not increasing the 3/8th-cent county sales tax already in place for the Chiefs/Royals… it’s extending the life of that tax from the current 7 remaining years to 40 years… to secure the Chiefs/Royals in KC long term.

But if you are taking your guidance from an illiterate loser like Frank White, then are you an epic life fail who deserves to live in a city barren of professional sports teams.

Don't live in the city so don't give a shit which side of the state line the Chiefs play. The Royals can piss up a rope. Dog shit organization with a dead farm system in a stagnant sport that loses relevance every year.

Discuss Thrower 03-28-2024 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by ChiefsCountry (Post 17460739)
KC Tenants are against it. That should make it an automatic yes for anyone with a brain if that organization is against something.

Just because a group of idiots / bad actors have a stance on an issue doesn't mean that stance is wrong.

I'm sure a lot of serial killers liked fried chicken. That doesn't mean everyone in a Chik Fil A drive thru wants to murder a bunch of people.

Sassy Squatch 03-28-2024 01:34 PM

LMAO We so sure Sherman and Manfred can even pull off a relocation without shitting all over themselves? Look at the ****ing debacle they've already got with Fisher and the A's. They massively overplayed their hand and now the current lease expires this year with no location or funding even in place for Vegas and a pretty significant push back for the move even happening.

FloridaMan88 03-28-2024 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17460752)
Don't live in the city so don't give a shit which side of the state line the Chiefs play. The Royals can piss up a rope. Dog shit organization with a dead farm system in a stagnant sport that loses relevance every year.

You’d be willing to lose the Royals just to avoid keeping the same 3/8-cent sales tax in place? LMAO

Seems like a weird hill to die on… not wanting to keep the exact same county sales tax in place.

Titty Meat 03-28-2024 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by ChiefsCountry (Post 17460739)
KC Tenants are against it. That should make it an automatic yes for anyone with a brain if that organization is against something.

SEIU & that racist group La raza endorsed "Yes" though

Pablo 03-28-2024 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by KCChiefsFan88 (Post 17460767)
You’d be willing to lose the Royals just to avoid keeping the same 3/8-cent sales tax in place? LMAO

Seems like a weird hill to die on… not wanting to keep the exact same county sales tax in place.

Losers, much like crackheads outside of a gas station don't deserve a single 3/8 cent of your money.

Sassy Squatch 03-28-2024 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by KCChiefsFan88 (Post 17460767)
You’d be willing to lose the Royals just to avoid keeping the same 3/8-cent sales tax in place? LMAO

Seems like a weird hill to die on… not wanting to keep the exact same county sales tax in place.


Hark Clunt 03-28-2024 01:40 PM

i can respect the principle of voting no, but i like sports teams in KC and i like cool new stadiums so please vote yes on whatever sales tax you'll forget exists.

FloridaMan88 03-28-2024 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Pablo (Post 17460773)
Losers, much like crackheads outside of a gas station don't deserve a single 3/8 cent of your money.

Yeah it should go to “worthwhile” causes like the KC Tenants and their two supporters who also make cameo appearances as Frank White voters.

This is the opposition to keeping the Chiefs/Royals in KC long term… The illiterate bitter loser Frank White and this group…


KC Tenants is the citywide tenant union, an organization led by a multigenerational, multiracial, anti-racist base of poor and working class tenants in Kansas City. KC Tenants organizes to ensure that everyone in KC has a safe, accessible, and truly affordable home.

We believe the people closest to the problem are closest to the solution. To us, organizing is fundamentally democratic; it relies on developing tenant leaders to learn their rights, tell their own stories, and determine their own liberation.

Pablo 03-28-2024 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by KCChiefsFan88 (Post 17460780)
Yeah it should go to “worthwhile” causes like the KC Tenants and their two supporters who also make cameo appearances as Frank White voters.

This is the opposition to keeping the Chiefs/Royals in KC long term… The illiterate bitter loser Frank White and this group…


Nobody gives a shit about that loser group in KC but you can keep acting like they do

wazu 03-28-2024 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Pablo (Post 17460773)
Losers, much like crackheads outside of a gas station don't deserve a single 3/8 cent of your money.

So the Chiefs are losers?

Pablo 03-28-2024 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by wazu (Post 17460783)
So the Chiefs are losers?

Chiefs = awesome winners that were tacked onto this at the end for support.

Royals = losers and catalyst of this entire vote and undeserving of anything.

If this vote doesn't pass it has zero to do with support for the Chiefs and says everything about the lack of support for the Royals and Sherman's delivery of this message.

FloridaMan88 03-28-2024 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Pablo (Post 17460782)
Nobody gives a shit about that loser group in KC but you can keep acting like they do

If you vote no next Tuesday you are siding with that group… and Frank White.

Frank White… whose only relevance in his pathetic life was his association with the Royals… and he’s forever bitter that they kicked his deadbeat ass to the curb.

Frank White who misused $20 million+ in tax payers dollars allocated to fight crime/drugs… to bankroll his degenerate lifestyle.

That’s who the no voters are siding with. ROFL

Pablo 03-28-2024 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by KCChiefsFan88 (Post 17460801)
If you vote no next Tuesday you are siding with that group… and Frank White.

Frank White… whose only relevance in his pathetic life was his association with the Royals… and he’s forever bitter that they kicked his deadbeat ass to the curb.

Frank White who misused $20 million+ in tax payers dollars allocated to fight crime/drugs… to bankroll his degenerate lifestyle.

That’s who the no voters are siding with. ROFL

I have as much of an impact of this vote as you do in Miami. I'd never live in Jackson County.

But it is 12 to 10 in this poll for Jackson county voters. On a Chiefs message board. For a vote that will support the Chiefs. Should tell you all you need to know about how overwhelmingly popular this proposition is.

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