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BigRedChief 08-12-2022 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by Stryker (Post 16409075)
Absolutely this! I hope and pray for him but, I have to say, I am so very glad he got to see Mahomes, Kelce and Hill get that Super Bowl win 50 years later! That is really, really special! God bless Lenny the Cool!

Lenny the cool was the definition of a cool player back in the day. Sitting on a metal folding chair, Fresca and a smoke at halftime. That’s as cool as it gets back then. It’s an iconic image.

Baby Lee 08-12-2022 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by frozenchief (Post 16408993)
Very sad. Growing up in KC, he was football royalty. The only other player in KC history at the time that could hold a candle to him was George Brett. I’m glad he got to see KC win another ring. He was good to this organization for many, many years.

My wife is getting her master’s degree in nursing and she chose Purdue University. When i heard, I said, “Awesome! You’ll be a BoilerMaker just like Lenny Dawson!” She got a look on her face and started to say something (undoubtedly “who?”) and I just said, “The 2nd best KC QB ever. Lenny the cool. Just nod and say, ‘cool’.” She did. And so now she and Lenny the Cool have something in common, although I don’t think she puts as much weight on it as I do.

She take any engineering or physics there as part of her science curriculum?

One of the 3-5 smartest people I've known in my life . . . He was the son of our HS chemistry teacher.

TimeForWasp 08-12-2022 07:37 PM

it sucks, The longer I live, the more death I see.

mlyonsd 08-12-2022 07:38 PM

I've listened to most Chief games on the radio for decades. I really wish I could have listened to Lenny during Pat's SB winning year.

Marcellus 08-12-2022 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by mlyonsd (Post 16409212)
I've listened to most Chief games on the radio for decades. I really wish I could have listened to Lenny during Pat's SB winning year.

I’m with you. Used to rig up an online audio feed from radio through my home stereo and pause the satellite feed to sync the audio with TV and listen to Lenny and Mitch. It was awesome.

TribalElder 08-12-2022 07:45 PM


TimeForWasp 08-12-2022 08:03 PM

This reminds me of , and wondering how the real Steve Deburg is doing now. I became a fan with him and the Nigerian nightmare.

MarkDavis'Haircut 08-12-2022 08:04 PM

Sad news, indeed.

Each year, more and more of the AFL legends depart this mortal coil to suit up on the heavenly gridiron. The depth chart up there is deep.

God bless Dawson and his family.

BryanBusby 08-12-2022 08:09 PM

He had a good long, cool life.

Got to be on top of the world and see them do it again in his lifetime and was a living legend in the area.

MMXcalibur 08-12-2022 08:27 PM


KCFalcon59 08-12-2022 08:33 PM

Very sad news. A life well lived.

FlaChief58 08-12-2022 08:36 PM

God speed. I'm glad he was able to see the trophy brought home one more time

crayzkirk 08-12-2022 08:36 PM

Always a class act. Unfortunately, we don't always get to choose when we are pulled from the game. So many good memories of listening to games with my Dad and the Chiefs in the 60s and early 70s.

ChiTown 08-12-2022 08:39 PM

Prayers to the Chiefs GOAT

tredadda 08-12-2022 08:41 PM

A KC legend that not only brought a SB to KC, but respect to the organization and the AFL during it’s early years. Then retired and made KC his permanent home and became a staple in the community. Prayers for a true KC legend.

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