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Kyle DeLexus 12-06-2009 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by RedNeckRaider (Post 6324187)
I know little about those up less ROR. I was one of the first to reach out to him after his epic start. His posting style is different than mine but I have no issue with him. I do like the fact this JD guy has said nothing and stayed out of the mix. As far as Boss he seems to take this way to serious and did not show the same class ROR did by voting for someone else. I intend on backing one of them but have yet to decide who will get the benifit of my casino cash~

I will be waiting for RNR to back someone to collect said casino cash.

BossChief 12-06-2009 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by RedNeckRaider (Post 6324187)
I know little about those up less ROR. I was one of the first to reach out to him after his epic start. His posting style is different than mine but I have no issue with him. I do like the fact this JD guy has said nothing and stayed out of the mix. As far as Boss he seems to take this way to serious and did not show the same class ROR did by voting for someone else. I intend on backing one of them but have yet to decide who will get the benifit of my casino cash~

I am just a naturally competitive person in general. I mean no ill will towards anyone, I am just having fun with it. ROR and I have chatted on the backlines throughout all of this and he was one of the first posters I added to my friends list. To be honest, I didnt think I had much of a chance to win this...I thought it was cool to be the first one nominated and as I said, have made it a bit of a pet project. I like being a member of a place like this where so many knowledgeable fans and dumbassery meet to form a complete circle to call each other names.

JD and ROR are both fine posters, both are deserving of this thing (even though JD isnt a Chiefs fan) I enjoy reading their takes as they both bring it on the many topics that come across here.

I hate to take a page from RORs book, but I am humbled to have made it this far and to be quite honest...I was planning on bringing some beer and meat to the bash anyway, I haven't met many of you but consider many of you friends from the views we share. I wanted it to be a celebration. I just thought that I would make it part of my bribe because I thought it would be kinda cool to win it.


rtmike 12-06-2009 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by RedNeckRaider (Post 6324084)
Before the poll ends I will be offering huge casino cash for votes to go the way I want. Bribes seem to be a factor so tossing in 20 or 30 million casino bucks could be fun. As JFK's dad said once I am willing to buy the election but not a landslide~

I'll patiently wait.

Fairplay 12-06-2009 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by RedNeckRaider (Post 6324187)
I know little about those up less ROR. I was one of the first to reach out to him after his epic start. His posting style is different than mine but I have no issue with him. I do like the fact this JD guy has said nothing and stayed out of the mix. As far as Boss he seems to take this way to serious and did not show the same class ROR did by voting for someone else. I intend on backing one of them but have yet to decide who will get the benifit of my casino cash~

That is why i voted JD.

BossChief 12-06-2009 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by BossChief (Post 6319985)

now crown me.











and 11.


this page was lacking in tiddays

Chiefspants 12-07-2009 08:11 PM

Raised on Riots gave me positive rep, so its an easy vote for me.

BossChief 12-07-2009 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 6327309)
Raised on Riots gave me positive rep, so its an easy vote for me.

Im glad the vote went to a Chiefs fan!!!

Tits McGee 12-07-2009 10:00 PM

Nice rib hams...

Sweet Daddy Hate 12-07-2009 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 6327309)
Raised on Riots gave me positive rep, so its an easy vote for me.

Have some more! :D

Sweet Daddy Hate 12-07-2009 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by Tits McGee (Post 6327660)
Nice rib hams...

And....some reppage for Mr. McGee since we're all here!:D

Lumpy 12-07-2009 10:24 PM

Decisions, decisions. Who is the better ass kisser? :D

Mr. Flopnuts 12-07-2009 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Lumpy (Post 6327711)
Decisions, decisions. Who is the better ass kisser? :D

For you sweetheart? I think they'll pucker up until their lips get stuck like that. :D

BossChief 12-07-2009 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Lumpy (Post 6327711)
Decisions, decisions. Who is the better ass kisser? :D

Ill be your huckleberry!

For you, I will definatly make sure your type of prefered beverage is available at the coolers? Beer? maddog 20/20? holla at ya ass kissin boy!ROFL

Sweet Daddy Hate 12-07-2009 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by Lumpy (Post 6327711)
Decisions, decisions. Who is the better ass kisser? :D

Right here! Just tell me which cheek you prefer, please.

Have some rep.

BossChief 12-07-2009 10:37 PM

I wont be mad if you vote for ROR though, just keep the vote to a Chiefs fan please, sweetheart.Denise

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