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Mr. Flopnuts 04-16-2009 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Hootie (Post 5677399)
I've been laughing out loud so much lately ****ing around on ChiefsPlanet that my friend Nate wants to join...I tried telling him that there was a monthly fee but he didn't believe me...I can't wait until I have to fend off my real life friends on this's going to be terrible.

Sounds like a rival brewing for the gang of 16................

Hootie 04-16-2009 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 5677405)
Oh no the nation of Hootie is gonna take over.

I pray this doesn't happen.

The dude is a Packers/Patriots fans...Cardinals/Yankees that even real?

Hootie 04-16-2009 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Flopnuts (Post 5677408)
Sounds like a rival brewing for the gang of 16................

If they join and gang up on me I'm going to act as if they don't exist...I know he's at work plotting something with my other friend...I know how they think...he knows I never get mad at anything and when he brought up registering I was noticeably not happy.

Mecca 04-16-2009 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Hootie (Post 5677411)
I pray this doesn't happen.

The dude is a Packers/Patriots fans...Cardinals/Yankees that even real?

How the hell do people like more than 1 team? In football it makes no sense at all, it's only acceptable in baseball if your 1st team is so bad you need another one to stay interested.

DeezNutz 04-16-2009 10:05 PM

I'm with Flopnuts and others on the overall premise, however.

This situation is not going to end well. Even if she never cheated, I'd say it's pretty clear that she was checking out the menu.

DeezNutz 04-16-2009 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 5677416)
How the hell do people like more than 1 team? In football it makes no sense at all, it's only acceptable in baseball if your 1st team is so bad you need another one to stay interested.

AFC/NFC is somewhat understandable.

Hootie 04-16-2009 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 5677416)
How the hell do people like more than 1 team? In football it makes no sense at all, it's only acceptable in baseball if your 1st team is so bad you need another one to stay interested.

It's because of me...

There is nothing in sports I hate more than Tom Brady...and the Yankees.

He loves to argue sports with me so he's adopted the Patriots and Yankees as fans and it drives me insane.

I think the Yankees have somewhat ruined baseball...and I ****ing hate Tom Brady...hate hate hate HATE Tom Brady. No one will ever convince me he is better than Peyton Manning because he isn't.

KcMizzou 04-16-2009 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by RustShack (Post 5677394)
Nah in a way I'm glad he posted, because now I know I can trust her. I just think its so funny how much shit he talks for not knowing me. But hey if hes as much as a piece of shit my GF claims its understandable.

Well damn, Rusty. I guess there was no need for the story I posted earlier.

Glad to hear things seem to have worked out.

That said, beware.

RustShack 04-16-2009 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Hootie (Post 5677406)

Keep us updated.

I don't know if I have a good feeling about this...but I wish you sucks breaking up with someone you care about...but don't let that suckiness cloud your judgment and make things even harder/shittier/worse down the road.

Yeah she doesn't want to break up, I'm still in love with her, I don't treat her nearly as bad as this guy claims, and yes I will admit I called her a "****ing bitch"... but I apologized 100 times and it happened when we were lost on a road trip. I'm going to stick with it a little bit longer and see how it plays out, but I told her I don't know if I can live with her now..

RustShack 04-16-2009 10:09 PM

Oh and for the record I haven't smoked weed in a couple years, I haven't had a bull-cut since I was like 8, and my glasses aren't big and round. Oh and my weight is about 45 pounds heavier than he claims(yeah thats still pretty small though).

Mecca 04-16-2009 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by RustShack (Post 5677430)
Oh and for the record I haven't smoked weed in a couple years, I haven't had a bull-cut since I was like 8, and my glasses aren't big and round. Oh and my weight is about 45 pounds heavier than he claims(yeah thats still pretty small though).

Do you sort of resemble Stephen King?

Hootie 04-16-2009 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by RustShack (Post 5677430)
Oh and for the record I haven't smoked weed in a couple years, I haven't had a bull-cut since I was like 8, and my glasses aren't big and round. Oh and my weight is about 45 pounds heavier than he claims(yeah thats still pretty small though).

You're a young kid...

I remember when I graduated high school I was about 6'2" 155...I couldn't gain weight if I tried...I always wanted to put on forward...almost 24...weigh about 195...and wish I could be back down at about 180 ROFL

All that ****ing beer has given me a little bit of a gut...that and the fact I replaced baseball and basketball with drunk softball, bowling and golf.

KcMizzou 04-16-2009 10:12 PM

If I were a cynical bastard with a bit of experience on the subject, I'd say...

You're gonna experience these peaks and valleys, where one day, everything's fantastic, and she's all about you... then the next, she's out with "friends" and one call pisses her off.

It's just a big downward spiral.


DeezNutz 04-16-2009 10:13 PM

Meh. Calling someone, male or female, a "****ing bitch" is no big deal if it's the truth and context appropriate.

Mecca 04-16-2009 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Hootie (Post 5677432)
You're a young kid...

I remember when I graduated high school I was about 6'2" 155...I couldn't gain weight if I tried...I always wanted to put on forward...almost 24...weigh about 195...and wish I could be back down at about 180 ROFL

All that ****ing beer has given me a little bit of a gut...that and the fact I replaced baseball and basketball with drunk softball, bowling and golf.

I played football in high school so we basically just ate...all the senior year I weighed like 240.

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