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Ninerfan11 01-02-2022 12:04 AM

Woke crap ruins everything

BigRichard 01-02-2022 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 16044683)
It's a climate change parody that skewers the Republican party and it's supporters. Whether or not one finds it good is irrelevant to that being the meat and potatoes of it.

Just watched the trailer and I see exactly how it will play out just by your comments here. I forget who it was that said something to the effect of once you finally see "it" it can't be unseen... they were talking about how people try to twist and interject politics into everything. And once you notice what they are doing it is so hard to come back and just enjoy being clueless again. It is so ****ing true. eDave enjoys being clueless but I can't blame him... ignorance is bliss.

I haven't watched it but for it to be fully accurate to the political situation(which it probably isn't) and sticking with the parody stuff, it should have been the Repubs with their head in the sand while the Dems try to spend all of the nations money on ridiculous ideas to stop the comet.

unlurking 01-02-2022 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 16043836)
Disappointed with Don't Look Up. There was a chance to make this a classic, but instead they were far too focused on making this a statement on politics in 2021, rather than an indictment of the human condition and our inability to agree on anything. Also, the writing wasn't good, and most of the jokes fell flat.

I have to disagree about the "indictment of the human condition and our inability to agree on anything" bit. That's not a thing. People are followers, that's it. They like to think they're individual thinkers, but they're not. The story is always about who they are following, and why/where those people are leading. And it was not kind to some of our leaders.

Their is nothing "woke" about this movie. It's just straight anti-GOP/Q. I'm assuming the only reason Trump is portrayed as a woman was because someone thought it would be fumy to try and prod him into a lawsuit.

Personally I thought the movie could have been much funnier, but it wasn't too bad. The GOP/Q bashing was rather boring, as we've seen it all in the real world already. My favorite part of the whole movie was Lawrence's character's fixation on the general charging for free snacks in the white house. That still makes me chuckle.

unlurking 01-02-2022 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by BigRichard (Post 16044973)
Just watched the trailer and I see exactly how it will play out just by your comments here. I forget who it was that said something to the effect of once you finally see "it" it can't be unseen... they were talking about how people try to twist and interject politics into everything. And once you notice what they are doing it is so hard to come back and just enjoy being clueless again. It is so ****ing true. eDave enjoys being clueless but I can't blame him... ignorance is bliss.

I haven't watched it but for it to be fully accurate to the political situation(which it probably isn't) and sticking with the parody stuff, it should have been the Repubs with their head in the sand while the Dems try to spend all of the nations money on ridiculous ideas to stop the comet.

This was never intended to be sneaky and "brainwash" one side. If you DIDN'T know the whole movie from the trailer your and idiot. It's overtly political.

Coogs 01-02-2022 09:32 AM

My wife and I went to American Underdog yesterday. We both really enjoyed it.

BigBeauford 01-03-2022 11:42 AM

So Don't Look Up was written by a liberal news columnist. He has no other writing attributions on IMDB. What a joke.

Fish 01-03-2022 11:56 AM

I didn't really like Don't Look Up. It tried to include both satire and biased political messaging at the same time, and it just didn't work well. There were some amusing moments. Was Jonah Hill even acting?

lawrenceRaider 01-03-2022 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 16050343)
I didn't really like Don't Look Up. It tried to include both satire and biased political messaging at the same time, and it just didn't work well. There were some amusing moments. Was Jonah Hill even acting?

Jonah Hill was terrible, just a pathetic effort on his part. The movie was in dire need of about 30 minutes cut out, and it would have been much, much better.

BigBeauford 01-03-2022 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by lawrenceRaider (Post 16050359)
Jonah Hill was terrible, just a pathetic effort on his part. The movie was in dire need of about 30 minutes cut out, and it would have been much, much better.

He was terribly unfunny. Him and the guy in charge of Bash I couldn't bear when they were on screen. Trying to think of the bright spots. I guess Tyler Perry and Kate were fine.

ToxSocks 01-03-2022 12:32 PM

Not a fan of Don't Look Up. I thought it was boring for the most part. The only thing that kept me around was my desire to see destruction, but even that sucked. The political satire was cringy.

Nickhead 01-03-2022 05:03 PM

may be Q but: Promising Young Woman is pretty ****in decent. If you have seen the BBC Collateral, the pregger's detective is the main character... smokin body too btw :D

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Baby Lee 01-04-2022 08:15 AM

Don't Look Up strikes me as too much satire to be coherent.

That is, it has a ton of small things to say about anxieties and irritations of modern life without having an actual voice about what to do except satirize it and be anxious and irritated.

The 'threat,' the MacGuffin of '100%' certain destruction is so massive that none of the small irritations interjected have an gravity at all.

But nothing has been so certain and so destructive in the universe as this threat since eons and eons before mankind even existed. OTOH, things happening the dwarf the magnitude of this threat everywhere all the time, only it's light centuries away from our existence.

And if such a thing were to become a near future eventuality, it would be so beyond our capabilities to alter that even the most resolute and informed and 'right acting' of civilizations would be powerless to change it.

So you have an apocalyptic scenario onto which you imprint all your own anxieties and irritations about everyday life to avoid the fact that you don't know what to do either.

In short, none of the stuff being satirized has anything to do with the prospects of thwarting a threat such as at the center of the story, and if such a threat were not to come to pass, there's not much merit to grousing about the stuff you are satirizing either.

Baby Lee 01-11-2022 01:59 PM

Sure to be all kinds of reeruned, and clearly a big rip-off of Romancing the Stone, but I dunno, some of the line readings got me chuckling. Might be a welcome return of mindless popcorn fun

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unlurking 01-11-2022 02:34 PM

Looks fun, will wait for streaming though.

Harry Potter is a surprisingly fun actor. If you haven't seen Guns Akimbo, I highly recommend it for mindless popcorn fun (on Prime I think).

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IowaHawkeyeChief 01-11-2022 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Nickhead (Post 16050877)
may be Q but: Promising Young Woman is pretty ****in decent. If you have seen the BBC Collateral, the pregger's detective is the main character... smokin body too btw :D

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I would watch that...

Pepe Silvia 01-11-2022 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 16050372)
He was terribly unfunny. Him and the guy in charge of Bash I couldn't bear when they were on screen. Trying to think of the bright spots. I guess Tyler Perry and Kate were fine.

He became a smart ass snob when he started getting huge roles like Moneyball and Wolf of Wall Street.

sully1983 01-12-2022 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by PackerinMo (Post 16069588)
He became a smart ass snob when he started getting huge roles like Moneyball and Wolf of Wall Street.

Jonah Hill's fat ugly untalented ass also had the nerve to demand $10 million to play the Riddler in The Batman. (Pattinson is only making $5 million btw)

On Monday, it was reported that Jonah Hill was in talks for a villainous role in Matt Reeves' upcoming DC film, The Batman, and it didn't take long for reports about which character the actor was in consideration for to start swirling. Some believed the star would play the Penguin, while another report suggested it was the the Riddler.

Apparently, the reason we haven't gotten any official confirmation on which character he may play is because Jonah Hill is holding out. According to Variety Film's Justin Kroll, negotiations are still underway for Hill to join Reeves' film, with the actor's salary and the identity of the villainous character he would play as the two main sticking points.

"He's had the offer for over a month," Kroll reports, "and besides money being a bargaining point (at one point heard he wanted 10 which is wild since Rob isn't making half that) but also which character he would play, whether its the Riddler or Penguin."

I will never understand the appeal of that annoying fat **** and I hate Judd Apatow for making him rich and famous (ditto on Seth Rogen and James Franco as well. Both of them are untalented unfunny douche bags)

sully1983 01-12-2022 04:32 PM

I can't wait to see The Tragedy of Macbeth (directed by Joel Coen starring Denzel) Its shot in black and white and Denzel (huge fan of him) looks incredible in this. Just gotta find time to see it cause work has been kicking my ass lately.

ToxSocks 01-27-2022 10:40 AM

I watched "The Devil All the Time" last night. **** that was a good movie. Tom Holland, Bill Skarsgard and Robert Pattinson ****ing killed it.

I'm a believer in Robert Pattinson now, and Tom Holland went up a few notches in my book. It's a depressing movie in many ways. A depressing, violent thriller that keeps you locked in from start to finish. Well acted, well written. High quality movie and would highly recommend it.

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Buehler445 01-27-2022 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 16110793)
I watched "The Devil All the Time" last night. **** that was a good movie. Tom Holland, Bill Skarsgard and Robert Pattinson ****ing killed it.

I'm a believer in Robert Pattinson now, and Tom Holland went up a few notches in my book. It's a depressing movie in many ways. A depressing, violent thriller that keeps you locked in from start to finish. Well acted, well written. High quality movie and would highly recommend it.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I couldn’t finish that one. Maybe it was a mood thing but I didn’t need devil ALL the time I guess.

BigRichard 01-27-2022 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 16110793)
I watched "The Devil All the Time" last night. **** that was a good movie. Tom Holland, Bill Skarsgard and Robert Pattinson ****ing killed it.

I'm a believer in Robert Pattinson now, and Tom Holland went up a few notches in my book. It's a depressing movie in many ways. A depressing, violent thriller that keeps you locked in from start to finish. Well acted, well written. High quality movie and would highly recommend it.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 16111089)
I couldn’t finish that one. Maybe it was a mood thing but I didn’t need devil ALL the time I guess.

Now I am torn... do I watch it o:-) or do I not :evil:

ToxSocks 01-27-2022 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by BigRichard (Post 16111773)
Now I am torn... do I watch it o:-) or do I not :evil:

It's a bleak movie. You know about 20minutes into the movie that no matter how this ends, you're not going to feel great afterwards. It's a little bit of a slow burn, but it's not short on violence and ****ed up characters.

KCUnited 01-27-2022 07:45 PM

My thoughts on it from this thread. Honestly had to view the trailer to remember watching it. Agree that Pattinson nailed his role.

ThaVirus 01-31-2022 09:46 AM

I randomly got around to watching Enemy of the State with Will Smith and Gene Hackman. It's actually got a pretty legit cast. From memory, I saw Regina King, Jon Voigt, Seth Green, Jack Black, and Jamie Kennedy.

I thought it was an entertaining watch, though it is hilarious watching the "cutting edge" technology in that movie for the first time in 2022. They're transferring files onto floppy disks and calling them "cellular phones" lol

Buehler445 01-31-2022 07:17 PM

Don’t forget Lisa Bonet. She was smokin in that one.

ThaVirus 02-01-2022 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 16122971)
Don’t forget Lisa Bonet. She was smokin in that one.

Yes! Totally forgot about her. She didn't deserve to go out like that either.

BlackOp 02-03-2022 08:38 PM

Here's a list of the top 39 films from A24...I've pretty much liked everything they've produced. They are the top company making cutting-edge movies...

If you are unfamiliar with them...they made Ex Machina, Hereditary and Midsommer....also Under the Silver Lake and The Lobster....Gasper Noe's Climax.

sully1983 02-04-2022 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by BlackOp (Post 16129858)
Here's a list of the top 39 films from A24...I've pretty much liked everything they've produced. They are the top company making cutting-edge movies...

If you are unfamiliar with them...they made Ex Machina, Hereditary and Midsommer....also Under the Silver Lake and The Lobster....Gasper Noe's Climax.


A24 is the most interesting movie studio in Hollywood right now. You'll never see them shovel out safe/generic assemble line crap (like Disney for example) A24 is such a breath of fresh air imo.

My top 10 favorite films from A24 would be...

1. Ex Machina
2. Blue Ruin
3. The Killing of a Sacred Deer
4. The VVitch
5. Good Time
6. Locke
7. The Lighthouse
8. Green Room
9. Uncut Gems
10. Annihilation

And I can't wait for Ti West's next horror film called X It looks completely bonkers with a dark mixture of horror & comedy.

I loved Ti West's criminally underrated horror film The House of the Devil
(starring Tom Noonan who is creepy as hell in it) Highly recommend it.

Pepe Silvia 02-04-2022 05:49 PM

I watched Jexi with Adam Devine. It wasn’t really a good movie but I was entertained enough to finish. When I started the movie I checked the credits and was expecting to see Rose Byrne. It wasn’t until a half hour in that I realized she was the voice of the phone and wasn’t physically in the movie. ROFL

BlackOp 02-04-2022 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by sully1983 (Post 16130154)

A24 is the most interesting movie studio in Hollywood right now. You'll never see them shovel out safe/generic assemble line crap (like Disney for example) A24 is such a breath of fresh air imo.

My top 10 favorite films from A24 would be...

1. Ex Machina
2. Blue Ruin
3. The Killing of a Sacred Deer
4. The VVitch
5. Good Time
6. Locke
7. The Lighthouse
8. Green Room
9. Uncut Gems
10. Annihilation

And I can't wait for Ti West's next horror film called X It looks completely bonkers with a dark mixture of horror & comedy.

I loved Ti West's criminally underrated horror film The House of the Devil
(starring Tom Noonan who is creepy as hell in it) Highly recommend it.

I forgot they did Annihilation and The VVitch...both were great.

I did watch Green Room and GoodTime last night...didnt really like Green Room much other than the punk rock backdrop but GoodTime was interesting...the soundtrack by Oneohtrix Point Never was great.

I'll look into House of the Devil and Blue Ruin.....thanks for the heads up.

Dayze 02-07-2022 06:53 PM

"You Were Never Really Here"

......*loud wet fart noise****

my god....what an awful movie. My wife and I hate-watched it after the first 45 minutes went by like a constipated bowel movement. When my wife and I first started dating, we watched Mullholland Drive (however you spell it), and thought it was the worst thing either of us had ever, this one might have surpassed it.

Just a overly drawn out movie with go nowhere scenes. A complete was of 90 minutes LMAO.
which sucks because I love Joaquin Phoenix.

Otter 02-07-2022 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 16111994)
It's a bleak movie. You know about 20minutes into the movie that no matter how this ends, you're not going to feel great afterwards. It's a little bit of a slow burn, but it's not short on violence and ****ed up characters.

I didn't finish 'The Road' because it was just too bleak. When he was teaching the child how to kill himself I checked out.

How does this one match up?

Buehler445 02-07-2022 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Otter (Post 16135200)
I didn't finish 'The Road' because it was just too bleak. When he was teaching the child how to kill himself I checked out.

How does this one match up?

Along that vein, I watched Oldboy recently with Elizabeth Olson and Josh Brolin. I know Olson gets naked in it and I heard one of the fight scenes is off the chain.

What could go wrong. Right? .... RIGHT?


What in the god **** was that? Holy ****ing hell.

unlurking 02-07-2022 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 16135233)
Along that vein, I watched Oldboy recently with Elizabeth Olson and Josh Brolin. I know Olson gets naked in it and I heard one of the fight scenes is off the chain.

What could go wrong. Right? .... RIGHT?


What in the god **** was that? Holy ****ing hell.

The original Oldboy was fantastic. My first introduction to Korean revenge porn. It's the 2nd of Park Chan-wook's Vengeance Trilogy. Highly recommend the original. Never watched the Brolin verson.

Buehler445 02-07-2022 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by unlurking (Post 16135300)
The original Oldboy was fantastic. My first introduction to Korean revenge porn. It's the 2nd of Park Chan-wook's Vengeance Trilogy. Highly recommend the original. Never watched the Brolin verson.

Just find the Olson nude scenes. I mean she's spectacular, but my mind was ****ed for a good bit after that.

Baby Lee 02-16-2022 01:59 PM

Not exactly revolutionary narrative ideas here, but pedigree and execution looks really promising. . .

<iframe width="820" height="461" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

sully1983 02-17-2022 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 16148946)
Not exactly revolutionary narrative ideas here, but pedigree and execution looks really promising. . .

<iframe width="820" height="461" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hell yeah! This looks intense and better than I though (also love that it'll be hard R and not some watered down PG 13 film like Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit)
Also its great to see the Hell or High Water boys reuniting for this (Chris Pine & Ben Foster's chemistry was great in that awesome film as brothers)

Count me in.

mr. tegu 02-24-2022 10:36 PM

Just watched Free Guy. I thought it was a fun and entertaining movie.

Fish 02-24-2022 11:18 PM

I watched a movie on Netflix called Last Man Down. Holy shit. Maybe one of the worst movies I've seen in the last decade. I'm not joking, I really think I could get a dozen friends together and create a better movie than this. I was a bit spellbound by its awfulness though, and for some reason watched the entire stupid thing. Just shit. How is Netflix raising prices and trying to pass off this kind of trash as entertainment?

MarkDavis'Haircut 02-24-2022 11:45 PM

Any thoughts on Uncharted?

Worth seeing??

Stryker 02-25-2022 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Carr4MVP (Post 16163106)
Any thoughts on Uncharted?

Worth seeing??

Was excited as hell about this BUT, reviews have been poor! Like a 7 out of 10.

Pepe Silvia 02-27-2022 10:08 AM

I saw Free Guy with Ryan Reynolds and Jodie Comer last night. Pretty good but it was a lot like Ready Player One imo.

Rausch 02-27-2022 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by sully1983 (Post 16130154)

A24 is the most interesting movie studio in Hollywood right now. You'll never see them shovel out safe/generic assemble line crap (like Disney for example) A24 is such a breath of fresh air imo.

My top 10 favorite films from A24 would be...

1. Ex Machina
2. Blue Ruin
3. The Killing of a Sacred Deer
4. The VVitch
5. Good Time
6. Locke
7. The Lighthouse
8. Green Room
9. Uncut Gems
10. Annihilation

And I can't wait for Ti West's next horror film called X It looks completely bonkers with a dark mixture of horror & comedy.

I loved Ti West's criminally underrated horror film The House of the Devil
(starring Tom Noonan who is creepy as hell in it) Highly recommend it.

Blue Ruin was amazingly good. I can't believe it was on Netflix movie level of good. And I found Annihilation to be really creepy and even scary in parts.

Stryker 02-27-2022 09:32 PM

Do not care if NEW or not...


The King's Man - loved

Shang-Chi and the legend of the ten rings - good movie!

Eternals - meh

Coochie liquor 03-01-2022 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by Stryker (Post 16167781)
Do not care if NEW or not...


The King's Man - loved

Shang-Chi and the legend of the ten rings - good movie!

Eternals - meh

Gonna watch The Kings Man soon as I finish the last episode I have available of Yellowstone.

Jerm 03-05-2022 07:49 PM

Watched Scream aka Scream 5 tonight with my wife and a friend of her’s….gotta say, didn’t particularly care for it. I like the Scream franchise a lot but it totally feels like it’s ran it’s course…


Can’t say I’m too excited for the 6th one…

sully1983 03-06-2022 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 16135233)
Along that vein, I watched Oldboy recently with Elizabeth Olson and Josh Brolin. I know Olson gets naked in it and I heard one of the fight scenes is off the chain.

What could go wrong. Right? .... RIGHT?


What in the god **** was that? Holy ****ing hell.

That stupid midget Spike Lee directed it and thought it was a great idea to remake a modern day cinematic masterpiece that is Oldboy. I'm just thankful that it was panned by audiences & critics alike and also bombed big time at the box office.

Jerm 03-07-2022 02:46 PM

Watched Antlers over the weekend as well…dope movie, really enjoyed it.

ToxSocks 03-07-2022 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 16176569)
Watched Scream aka Scream 5 tonight with my wife and a friend of her’s….gotta say, didn’t particularly care for it. I like the Scream franchise a lot but it totally feels like it’s ran it’s course…


Can’t say I’m too excited for the 6th one…

I thought it was fun.

Rasputin 03-16-2022 12:46 AM

Not sure if this has been posted but I really "dug" this movie. Most defiantly weird but I like weird and unexpected. Nothing is quite what it seems.

<iframe width="855" height="481" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

sully1983 03-16-2022 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 16178345)
Watched Antlers over the weekend as well…dope movie, really enjoyed it.

Antlers was batshit insane (and I mean that in the best way)

Scott Cooper is such an underrated director and thought Antlers was a blast from start to finish (also found the ending to be a nice touch) Scott Cooper adding native american curses elements to this crazy horror film was brilliant imo.

Cooper really seems to get good to great performances in every one of his films.

Rasputin 03-22-2022 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 16178345)
Watched Antlers over the weekend as well…dope movie, really enjoyed it.

Oh I'm glad to hear that. It's one movie I've been wanting to see but been putting it off to see it but I'll be sure check it out.

sully1983 03-23-2022 07:23 AM

I highly recommend watching the new film on Netflix called Windfall . Jesse Plemons absolutely nails the role of a billionaire big tech arrogant douche bag. (Plemons has been killing it lately and gave me young Phillip Seymour Hoffman vibes while I was watching this film)

Lilly Collins was also good as the wife (it should be noted that Lily Collins' husband directed this film) and it also stars Jason Segel (who helped write the screenplay). I also thought it was a clever move by the director to not give any of the 3 characters any names. Plemons is only known as "CEO", Collins as "the wife" and Segel as "Nobody"

If you have Netflix I highly recommend streaming Windfall

Speaking of Jesse Plemons. He has been just living the dream as of late. Currently filming another film with legendary director Martin Scorsese, nominated for an Oscar (for The Power of the Dog), gave an incredibly memorable performance in my favorite tv series of all time as the young sociopath character Todd in Breaking Bad, continues to work with a bunch of other talented/respected directors, continuing to give impressive performances and showing off how versatile he is at such a young age. All while getting to bang Kirsten Dunst every night.

Pepe Silvia 03-23-2022 06:01 PM

Finally saw The Many Saints of Newark. It was disappointing but I liked the ending.

Stryker 03-23-2022 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 16176569)
Watched Scream aka Scream 5 tonight with my wife and a friend of her’s….gotta say, didn’t particularly care for it. I like the Scream franchise a lot but it totally feels like it’s ran it’s course…


Can’t say I’m too excited for the 6th one…

Speaking of DUMB! Halloween Kills - absolute CRAP! Next they are doing Halloween Ends - rolls eyes :facepalm:

Pepe Silvia 03-23-2022 06:38 PM

I just watch the original Halloween movies, I don’t like any of the recent ones.

sully1983 03-23-2022 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Stryker (Post 16210995)
Speaking of DUMB! Halloween Kills - absolute CRAP! Next they are doing Halloween Ends - rolls eyes :facepalm:

Played out horror franchises such as Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Friday the 13th, Child's Play, Scream etc need to be put to rest (ditto on the sci fi franchises like Alien and Predator or Terminator or Star Trek) just beyond played out and adds absolutely nothing remotely new or original.

And don't get me started on Star Wars but I get it. $$$$ is the name of the game and I am all about that but it'd sure be refreshing if Disney actually specialized in quality original shows/films featuring some substance for once instead of the endless amount of assembly line / safe by the books shit that they've been shoveling out to the masses for decades for know (thanks a lot Kevin Feige & Kathleen Kennedy !nlm:bravo:

Batman has definitely been done to death, but IMO Matt Reeves' The Batman was such a refreshing & entertaining / unique take on the Caped Crusader.

EPodolak 03-23-2022 09:22 PM

Saw "X" tonight. Not my usual kind of thing but I've liked all other A24 releases. It was a tongue in cheek homage to the genre I guess or maybe movies in general, a little overrated IMO but the distraction I was going for.

ThaVirus 03-24-2022 06:44 AM

I finished the new Scream last night as well. It wasn't terrible but I'll probably never bother to watch it again.


Take my review with a grain of salt because I was never a big fan of the Scream movies.

rydogg58 03-26-2022 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Stryker (Post 16210995)
Speaking of DUMB! Halloween Kills - absolute CRAP! Next they are doing Halloween Ends - rolls eyes :facepalm:

I think I'm about 3/4ths of the way through it so far tonight. It's ****ing terrible. I have no idea why this movie was even made.

Hammock Parties 03-27-2022 10:33 AM

You guys gotta see Deep Water.

It feels like a spiritual sequel to Gone Girl...and Ana De Armas shows her tits a lot.

Bowser 03-27-2022 08:00 PM

She likes to get nekkid, bless her little soul.

sully1983 03-27-2022 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 16218034)
You guys gotta see Deep Water.

It feels like a spiritual sequel to Gone Girl...and Ana De Armas shows her tits a lot.

I remember reading the Gone Girl book before seeing the movie and was worrisome the movie would be crap (because the book is such a trashy beach read) but damn the movie was ****ing awesome. IMO if Gone Girl was directed by anyone other than David Fincher, it would have been Razzie worthy like 50 Shades of Grey or some Lifetime movie. Just shows you how incredible of a director Fincher is.

In this Deep Water movie it seems like Ben Affleck is playing a cu ck version of his douche bag character in Gone Girl.LMAO

Seriously though, that looks beyond awful judging by the trailer and reviews I've come across. But I can't hate on Batfelck for taking the role since he got to bang Ana De Armas irl because it so good for him.

I do think this upcoming movie on Amazon Prime starring Chris Pine called All the Old Knives looks promising though. A spy thriller featuring a lovers' quarrel mixed in with some good ol' espionage (I liked how the trailer has a serious tone to it instead of something goofy like Mr & Mrs Smith ) Chris Pine is one of my favorite younger actors working today so I'll give it a watch. hope its good!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Exactly the star cast I would want for a taut spy v spy thriller. <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#AllTheOldKnives</a> trailer: <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Tareque Laskar (@tarequelaskar) <a href="">March 25, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Buehler445 04-08-2022 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by sully1983 (Post 16219175)
I remember reading the Gone Girl book before seeing the movie and was worrisome the movie would be crap (because the book is such a trashy beach read) but damn the movie was ****ing awesome. IMO if Gone Girl was directed by anyone other than David Fincher, it would have been Razzie worthy like 50 Shades of Grey or some Lifetime movie. Just shows you how incredible of a director Fincher is.

In this Deep Water movie it seems like Ben Affleck is playing a cu ck version of his douche bag character in Gone Girl.LMAO

Seriously though, that looks beyond awful judging by the trailer and reviews I've come across. But I can't hate on Batfelck for taking the role since he got to bang Ana De Armas irl because it so good for him.

I do think this upcoming movie on Amazon Prime starring Chris Pine called All the Old Knives looks promising though. A spy thriller featuring a lovers' quarrel mixed in with some good ol' espionage (I liked how the trailer has a serious tone to it instead of something goofy like Mr & Mrs Smith ) Chris Pine is one of my favorite younger actors working today so I'll give it a watch. hope its good!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Exactly the star cast I would want for a taut spy v spy thriller. <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#AllTheOldKnives</a> trailer: <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Tareque Laskar (@tarequelaskar) <a href="">March 25, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

I watched all the old knives.

It is really REALLY good IMO.

Now, be warned. It is an unbelievably slow burn. But **** it's good.

Newton and Pine were ****ing good. And they did a really nice job of hiding the turn. I didn't know until they revealed it what the true deal was.

Definitely worth the time as long as you aren't expecting some James Bond shit.

I need to watch more shit with Thandi Newton in it. She's really good. Really good.

KCUnited 04-11-2022 05:52 AM

All The Old Knives was well done and superbly filmed. Not the biggest twist but still a solid streaming flick.

ThaVirus 04-11-2022 07:33 AM

I watched a psychological horror on HBO Max called The Night House. It was interesting, though I'm still not sure what to make of the ending.


HBO Max also has basically every DC animated film ever created and I've been burning through those. DC animation is generally very good and light years beyond their live-action universe. I've enjoyed most of them I've watched: Justice League, Batman, even Teen Titans. Only issue I've had with them is I absolutely despise Damian Wayne. Kid is a little shit.

A couple that really stood out to me were the Long Halloween: Part One and Part Two. I really liked those, very dark and gritty.

Stryker 04-11-2022 05:00 PM

Watched "Death on the Nile" it was ok but DAMN! the cinematography was incredible! Will check out The Night House, All the Old Knives and Deep Water per your recommendations.

Coochie liquor 04-11-2022 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16241119)
I watched a psychological horror on HBO Max called The Night House. It was interesting, though I'm still not sure what to make of the ending.


HBO Max also has basically every DC animated film ever created and I've been burning through those. DC animation is generally very good and light years beyond their live-action universe. I've enjoyed most of them I've watched: Justice League, Batman, even Teen Titans. Only issue I've had with them is I absolutely despise Damian Wayne. Kid is a little shit.

A couple that really stood out to me were the Long Halloween: Part One and Part Two. I really liked those, very dark and gritty.

I really liked The Night House. I thought they did a good job of
lots of movies leave the ending open to our own interpretation, and I’m good with that. Also have to admit, I was kinda drunk by the ending so may not totally remember it.

Watched Hitmans Bodyguards Wife, and enjoyed it a lot. Also Death on the Nile was beautifully shot, my wife had it figured out about halfway through the movie though. Poirot doesn’t have shit on my wife, lmao.

ThaVirus 04-15-2022 07:03 AM

I watched Army of Thieves, which is the prequel to that zombie movie on Netflix from a couple years back called Army of the Dead. This one followed the German safe cracker. It was semi-entertaining but I can't say I'd really bother recommending.

Although Nathalie Emmanuel and Ruby O. Fee are SO ****ing hot.

unlurking 04-15-2022 08:28 AM

Watched Metal Lords. Funny and soundtrack fit right into my high school days. Typical formulaic YA high school music comedy, but with a soundtrack more in my wheel house. Don't expect anything great, but it is fun. And the bassist reminds me VERY much of my ex-wife. lol

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Buehler445 04-16-2022 07:20 AM

I watched the Courier last night. Goddamn.

Not the easiest watch ever but some really great performances.

ThaVirus 04-16-2022 02:41 PM

Death on the Nile was entertaining enough if you don't think much about the contrived murder plot.

What I liked most were the actor who plays Poirot, the friendship between Poirot and Bouc, and the fact that Russell Brand played someone totally normal.

rydogg58 04-19-2022 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16249035)
Death on the Nile was entertaining enough if you don't think much about the contrived murder plot.

What I liked most were the actor who plays Poirot, the friendship between Poirot and Bouc, and the fact that Russell Brand played someone totally normal.

I thought you were joking about Russell Brand being in this. I watched it the other night and it never dawned on me that the doctor was Brand. Crazy. I thought it was a good movie, not as good as the first one, but still enjoyable.

ThaVirus 04-19-2022 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by rydogg58 (Post 16252938)
I thought you were joking about Russell Brand being in this. I watched it the other night and it never dawned on me that the doctor was Brand. Crazy. I thought it was a good movie, not as good as the first one, but still enjoyable.

I was shocked to see him when we watched it as well. I kept waiting for him to turn into a weirdo but he was straight the whole movie.

Maybe I grade him on a curve but I thought he did well.

Simply Red 04-20-2022 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16247234)
I watched Army of Thieves, which is the prequel to that zombie movie on Netflix from a couple years back called Army of the Dead. This one followed the German safe cracker. It was semi-entertaining but I can't say I'd really bother recommending.

Although Nathalie Emmanuel and Ruby O. Fee are SO ****ing hot.

t'will look it up - thks

ToxSocks 04-20-2022 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16241119)
I watched a psychological horror on HBO Max called The Night House. It was interesting, though I'm still not sure what to make of the ending.


HBO Max also has basically every DC animated film ever created and I've been burning through those. DC animation is generally very good and light years beyond their live-action universe. I've enjoyed most of them I've watched: Justice League, Batman, even Teen Titans. Only issue I've had with them is I absolutely despise Damian Wayne. Kid is a little shit.

A couple that really stood out to me were the Long Halloween: Part One and Part Two. I really liked those, very dark and gritty.

Wasn't a big fan of The Night House. I watched it a few days ago and ive already mostly forgotten it.

ThaVirus 04-20-2022 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 16254520)
Wasn't a big fan of The Night House. I watched it a few days ago and ive already mostly forgotten it.

Yeah, it wasn't great, but I thought it was interesting if you're into the psychological thrillers.

For me, there just wasn't enough scary in it. And I also hate the whole dream sequence bullshit. Is she dreaming this? Is it really happening? Once they pull that, the future scares have way less of an impact moving forward.

Danguardace 04-20-2022 04:33 PM

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Saw this yesterday


sully1983 04-20-2022 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Danguardace (Post 16254558)
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Saw this yesterday


I can't wait to see this on the biggest screen possible with the most booming speakers imaginable! Alexander Skarsgaard's viking character looks like he could rip out Thor's spinal cord if he wanted to.:eek:

Baby Lee 04-20-2022 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Danguardace (Post 16254558)
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Saw this yesterday


I've been excited about this forever, just on the pedigree, but have no idea what the execution will be like.

Don't spoil anything, but is there an analogous movie experience you can think of? Does it remind you of anything? Or is it a completely novel experience?

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