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GordonGekko 12-09-2013 04:57 PM

Rasputin 12-09-2013 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by GordonGekko (Post 10263322)

That's exactly what happens when you open up them sumbitches.

Sorter 12-09-2013 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by GordonGekko (Post 10263986)

It's like that but bigger.

Direckshun 12-09-2013 07:34 PM

Holy shit that's incredible.

Dayze 12-09-2013 07:39 PM

you can go down to any zoo on a Satruday and see that.

Shaid 12-09-2013 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Dayze (Post 10264331)
you can go down to any zoo on a Satruday and see that.


Sorter 12-09-2013 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Direckshun (Post 10264313)
Holy shit that's incredible.

Clouded leopards don't **** around.

Except for when they do. ROFL. They're pretty cool animals.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Athis 12-09-2013 09:03 PM


notorious 12-09-2013 10:09 PM


That sign is pure WIN.

ThaVirus 12-09-2013 11:48 PM

Love how the camera's all like "La di da. Oh an ESPN sig.... Errrr" *move camera to right*


Chest Rockwell 12-10-2013 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by Dayze (Post 10264331)
you can go down to any zoo on a Satruday and see that.

I actually saw a deer jump into the tiger exhibit at the National Zoo here one weekend. That did not end well for bambi.

Watching all the kids and parents was entertaining though.

Dayze 12-10-2013 08:19 AM

when my wife and I were in visiting the St. Louis zoo, I was snapping pictures etc. we get to the tortoise exhibit and I'm checking them out. next thing I know I hear this humpback whale type noise; or something similar to when your pipes rattle in your house. I look over and there are two turtles that were performing their best Bang Bus imitation.

Kids reaction was awesome.

Mr. Plow 12-10-2013 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by Athis (Post 10264575)


ping2000 12-10-2013 09:59 AM

Check out the guy in the front row. He stops cheering, then looks at the sign and says "OH YEAH!" Guy likes the penis!

gblowfish 12-10-2013 10:31 AM

Walmart called...Christmas photos are ready for pickup!

DJ's left nut 12-10-2013 10:48 AM


A Chinese man jumped seven stories to his death after his girlfriend refused to stop shopping.

Tao Hsiao, 38, had been shopping with his girlfriend at the Golden Eagle International Shopping Center in Xuzhou, China, when she asked to go to one more shoe store, according to Gawker.

The pair had been shopping for five hours.

And, police say, he finally reached his limit.

"He told her she already had enough shoes, more shoes that she could wear in a lifetime and it was pointless buying any more," an eyewitness said, according to the Daily Mail. "She started shouting at him accusing him of being a skinflint and of spoiling Christmas, it was a really heated argument."

The fight ended when Tao threw the pair's shopping bags down and jumped over a balcony, smashing into Christmas decorations before hitting the floor below, CCTV reported.

Tao was pronounced dead at the scene. No one else was injured.
Dude. Just go find one of those massage chairs and chill...

DJ's left nut 12-10-2013 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by gblowfish (Post 10265580)
Walmart called...Christmas photos are ready for pickup!

Is this Ron White?

Aries Walker 12-10-2013 11:06 AM

It couldn't be. There's no tumbler of booze or dangling cigarette.

Mr. Plow 12-10-2013 12:35 PM

Even the POTUS gets in trouble sometimes.

Radar Chief 12-10-2013 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Aries Walker (Post 10265634)
It couldn't be. There's no tumbler of scotch or dangling cigar.


Radar Chief 12-10-2013 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 10265857)
Even the POTUS gets in trouble sometimes.


crazycoffey 12-10-2013 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 10265857)
Even the POTUS gets in trouble sometimes.

If I knew nothing else about the man, this might be enough not to vote for him...

Archie F. Swin 12-10-2013 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Athis (Post 10264575)

Rice? Mom and dad are paying a lot for that level of creativity.

ThaVirus 12-10-2013 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 10265857)
Even the POTUS gets in trouble sometimes.


Love how she's sitting between them in the second shot.

DJ's left nut 12-10-2013 02:54 PM

Michelle Obama really does seem like the bitchiest person on the planet.

Amnorix 12-10-2013 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 10266191)
Michelle Obama really does seem like the bitchiest person on the planet.

Yeah, I do agree with that.

DJ's left nut 12-10-2013 03:01 PM

There really should be a "Michelle Obama Scowls" tumblr account. Alas, I'm technologically inept.

And I don't want her sicking Barack on me. I feel like she would.

Mr. Plow 12-10-2013 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 10266211)
There really should be a "Michelle Obama Scowls" tumblr account. Alas, I'm technologically inept.

And I don't want her sicking Barack on me. I feel like she would.


frankotank 12-10-2013 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 10266211)
There really should be a "Michelle Obama Scowls" tumblr account. Alas, I'm technologically inept.

And I don't want her sicking Barack on me. I feel like she would.

sheeet....I could take's HER I'd be afraid to fight!

GordonGekko 12-10-2013 03:37 PM

Here is another photo from this exchange...

GordonGekko 12-10-2013 03:40 PM

Makeup is powerful -

kepp 12-10-2013 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by GordonGekko (Post 10266298)
Here is another photo from this exchange...

You know, I wouldn't be too surprised if she was the one calling the shots while he crawled around on the oval office carpet fitted with a ball gag.

Amnorix 12-10-2013 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by kepp (Post 10266307)
You know, I wouldn't be too surprised if she was the one calling the shots while he crawled around on the oval office carpet fitted with a ball gag.

Please keep these fantasies to yourself. Unlike you (apparently), I'm not too keen on visualizing such things.

Now before this entire thread gets bounced to DC, I suggest we all start ignoring the Obamas here...

Iowanian 12-10-2013 03:50 PM

Merry Christmas.....

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Valiant 12-10-2013 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by GordonGekko (Post 10266306)
Makeup is powerful -

no, no
yes, yes
yes, yes
no, yes
yes, yes
yes, yes
yes, yes
yes, yes
no, yes
no, no
no, no
no, yes
no, maybe

Radar Chief 12-11-2013 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 10266091)

Love how she's sitting between them in the second shot.

With her back turned and shooting a scowl over her shoulder.
It's funny because I understand, been there.

Mr. Plow 12-11-2013 09:10 AM

gblowfish 12-11-2013 09:57 AM

Creepiest Chess Set Ever:

GordonGekko 12-11-2013 10:31 AM

They didn't have mustard but they had this...

GordonGekko 12-11-2013 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by gblowfish (Post 10267970)

Oh lord, creepy as hell.

GordonGekko 12-11-2013 10:37 AM

kepp 12-11-2013 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Amnorix (Post 10266310)
Please keep these fantasies to yourself. Unlike you (apparently), I'm not too keen on visualizing such things.

Now before this entire thread gets bounced to DC, I suggest we all start ignoring the Obamas here...

"You capitalist PIG!! Did I say you could move?!?" /Michelle in her best Russian accent

GordonGekko 12-11-2013 03:12 PM

Ali dodging punches.

You gotta wonder how good he'd be today with modern training techniques...

Here is Tyson doing it in a real fight, Ali was in an exhibition match...

Fish 12-11-2013 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by GordonGekko (Post 10268069)
They didn't have mustard but they had this...

Sea otters are hilarious. Plus, they love rape.

GordonGekko 12-11-2013 03:20 PM

NSA joke

kepp 12-12-2013 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by GordonGekko (Post 10268979)
Ali dodging punches.

You gotta wonder how good he'd be today with modern training techniques...

Here is Tyson doing it in a real fight, Ali was in an exhibition match...

Geez....on that last punch, it really looks like he started dodging before his opponent's arm even started moving. Crazy.

DJ's left nut 12-12-2013 11:47 AM

It's really incredible.

A lot of the purists say that Tyson was a product of weak competition and ducking harder opponents. I just don't see how. I don't care if you take Randy Johnson down to A ball to blow away teenagers, you're still going to look at the skill-set and your jaw is going to hit the floor.

You watch those old fights and you see just how fast he was and just how strong he was - I don't care if it was an off era for heavyweights; he was a freak. He essentially took Floyd Mayweather's quickness/escapability and slapped another 75 lbs of raw muscle on it then gave it a killer's disposition.

Mike Tyson was a bad, bad man.

otherstar 12-12-2013 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 10271025)
It's really incredible.

A lot of the purists say that Tyson was a product of weak competition and ducking harder opponents. I just don't see how. I don't care if you take Randy Johnson down to A ball to blow away teenagers, you're still going to look at the skill-set and your jaw is going to hit the floor.

You watch those old fights and you see just how fast he was and just how strong he was - I don't care if it was an off era for heavyweights; he was a freak. He essentially took Floyd Mayweather's quickness/escapability and slapped another 75 lbs of raw muscle on it then gave it a killer's disposition.

Mike Tyson was a bad, bad man.

Amen to that! I used to love to watch him fight when he was in his prime...he was one of the best!

ShowtimeSBMVP 12-12-2013 04:34 PM

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

pr_capone 12-12-2013 05:14 PM

Radar Chief 12-12-2013 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by ChiefsandO'sfan (Post 10271728)
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

That's in the right thread.

Athis 12-12-2013 08:43 PM


pr_capone 12-12-2013 10:20 PM

pr_capone 12-12-2013 10:21 PM

Sassy Squatch 12-13-2013 05:33 AM

Rasputin 12-13-2013 07:19 AM

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Some of these are Q, but there are a bunch of great ones. Enjoy or **** off.

mdchiefsfan 12-13-2013 08:54 AM


<embed type='application/x-shockwave-flash' id='player' name='player' src='' width='533' height='400' allowscriptaccess='always' allowfullscreen='true' flashvars='config=' />

Hawk 12-13-2013 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by pr_capone (Post 10273274)

Thank god that wasn't a guy...OUCH!

Rain Man 12-13-2013 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by KC Tattoo (Post 10273906)

Some of these are Q, but there are a bunch of great ones. Enjoy or **** off.

So many freaking ads that I stopped after about 30 seconds. I couldn't figure out how to get the ad on the left from blocking part of the screen.

I understand that people want/need to generate revenue, but the ads that block content are getting ridiculous any more. I never look at them, either. If it's on the internet I just shut them off as fast as possible without looking. When they do it during football games, it just makes me hate the thing being advertised.

I like animal videos, though.

GordonGekko 12-13-2013 10:40 AM

Donger 12-13-2013 10:54 AM

Donger 12-13-2013 10:55 AM

Sweep the leg, Johnny! LMAO

Donger 12-13-2013 10:58 AM


Beef Supreme 12-13-2013 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 10274296)

Filed under "What the **** did you expect?"


Bowser 12-13-2013 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 10274290)

Yeah, we've all been there.

GordonGekko 12-13-2013 12:34 PM

Psyko Tek 12-13-2013 08:21 PM

[IMG]<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/IMG]

they have captured growing up in nebraska

DJ's left nut 12-14-2013 12:02 PM

<iframe src="" width="640" height="400" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen></iframe><div style="text-align:left;font-size:x-small;margin-top:0;width:640px;"><a href="" title="'from ccapel">Living with Jigsaw</a> - watch more <a href="" title="on Funny or Die">funny videos</a> <iframe src=";;send=false&amp;layout=button_count&amp;width=150&amp;show_faces=false&amp;action=like&amp ;height=21" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:90px; height:21px; vertical-align:middle;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>

Halfcan 12-14-2013 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 10265857)
Even the POTUS gets in trouble sometimes.


pr_capone 12-14-2013 10:37 PM

Unmanned parked plane takes off due to high winds

Buehler445 12-15-2013 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by pr_capone (Post 10277347)
Unmanned parked plane takes off due to high winds

Yeah. Dad has an experimental aircraft that stalls at 35.

It stays in the hangar.

notorious 12-15-2013 10:09 AM

Tie Downs are there for scenery.

Archie F. Swin 12-15-2013 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by pr_capone (Post 10277347)
Unmanned parked plane takes off due to high winds

plane says: nope, nope, nope, nope

Athis 12-15-2013 12:35 PM

displacedinMN 12-15-2013 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by Athis (Post 10278009)

yea, that is about right

Pepe Silvia 12-15-2013 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 10277735)
Tie Downs are there for scenery.


pr_capone 12-15-2013 07:40 PM

Fish 12-15-2013 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by pr_capone (Post 10281913)


listopencil 12-15-2013 09:35 PM

pr_capone 12-16-2013 01:49 AM

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