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HemiEd 10-25-2011 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 8048783)
Yep, the smaller towns have to pay for the service.

That makes it doable. I used to travel that territory a lot, when Air-MidWest had all those towns. Holy crap, Wichita to Garden City was incredible, like $900 round trip or something like that.

I just drove about 45k a year instead.

DJ's left nut 10-25-2011 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Stewie (Post 8048781)
You're way out of the loop and it's obvious.

You're correct - all I know about aircraft is that they take me places I need to be. In fact, I have no knowledge of the airline industry whatsoever.

{breaks down sobbing}

Then again, I'm not the one jerking myself off over irrelevant tangents to the thread, so I'm not exactly heartbroken over this sad truth.

notorious 10-25-2011 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Reerun_KC (Post 8048794)
I was coming home from KDWH the other night and it was all I could do to say awake...

Auto pilot was on, passengers were asleep, if it wasnt for diverting into KADS for weather, I would of been in a coma...

Props were sync'd just right, nice quiet radio....... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

The worst for me is when the sun comes up. I just want to go into sleepy land.

notorious 10-25-2011 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 8048801)

Then again, I'm not the one jerking myself off over irrelevant tangents to the thread, .

Isn't Mizzou an irrelevant tangent? (runs and hides)

I Kid, I kid.

Stewie 10-25-2011 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 8048792)
I'm sorry, but your occupation is wholly irrelevant to this thread.

But I'm excited to see that you've found a way to contribute because your football and/or conference realignment takes thus far have been really, truly terrible.

Is there anything else we could talk about that might make you more useful? We're all-inclusive here on CP and I hate to see anyone left out. How about the merits of Chicken vs. Fish during intercontinental travel? Would that give you a semi?

Sorry that you spent so much time on my posts. MU belongs in the hillbilly conference. It's been quite apparent that when the Big 10 snubbed MU and Texas was a big bully that the tiggers would tuck tail and run. Now you can get a major in whittlin' and rockin'!

KC native 10-25-2011 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 8048484)
I think that they will compete, but beating the big teams week in and week out is a whole different ball game.

BTW, I am happy as hell to have TCU in the 12. :thumbsup:

Yes, we will compete and have a really good year here and there. Patterson is a great coach and recruiter. I'd much rather have 2-4 loss seasons in the Big 12 as opposed to going undefeated or nearly undefeated in the Mountain West.

KC native 10-25-2011 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 8048488)
You beat Wisconsin...stop it.

and Oklahoma, and just about every other Big 12 team we've faced. Just admit it, you don't know jack shit about our program.

notorious 10-25-2011 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by KC native (Post 8048820)
Yes, we will compete and have a really good year here and there. Patterson is a great coach and recruiter. I'd much rather have 2-4 loss seasons in the Big 12 as opposed to going undefeated or nearly undefeated in the Mountain West.

Uh-Oh, you just reinforced Mizzou's stance.

BTW, Patterson should be a Wildcat. :D

Bowser 10-25-2011 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Stewie (Post 8048810)
Sorry that you spent so much time on my posts. MU belongs in the hillbilly conference. It's been quite apparent that when the Big 10 snubbed MU and Texas was a big bully that the tiggers would tuck tail and run. Now you can get a major in whittlin' and rockin'!

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

DJ's left nut 10-25-2011 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Stewie (Post 8048810)
Sorry that you spent so much time on my posts. MU belongs in the hillbilly conference. It's been quite apparent that when the Big 10 snubbed MU and Texas was a big bully that the tiggers would tuck tail and run. Now you can get a major in whittlin' and rockin'!

And the circle completes itself.

How could I have been so foolish? Of course the airline chatter was just a way to lure me into your fiendish trap.

How could I have walked into the "The SEC is full of Hillbillies" slam, so deviously disguised behind the meandering prattling on of a vacuous shitheel?

I have brought shame on my house.

DJ's left nut 10-25-2011 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 8048808)
Isn't Mizzou an irrelevant tangent? (runs and hides)

I Kid, I kid.

(Nicely done; not as good as "Ballsack?", but nicely done nontheless)

Reerun_KC 10-25-2011 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 8048802)
The worst for me is when the sun comes up. I just want to go into sleepy land.

the worse for us is spring break when we are chasing the sun to CO in the evening on our 9th hour of flight of the day...

Knowing once you get your Pax's to Eagle or Grand Junction, you still have that 2 hour flight home...

KC native 10-25-2011 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by duncan_idaho (Post 8048530)
TCU is not going to out-recruit Texas A&M in Texas. Not on a consistent basis. This is a great move for the Horned Frogs, who are going to recruit better in Texas now, but if you follow Texas recruiting closely, you'd know that Texas A&M is the favorite for any kid who doesn't pick OU or UT.

More money. More tradition. Better facilities.

Where TCU is going to do better is recruiting against the likes of oSu and Baylor and Texas Tech and Missouri and Arkansas and LSU. They'll win more of those battles (though they've won a lot of them, regardless).

I won't argue that there won't be kids from Texas that choose someone else over Missouri. But I will argue that it's being vastly overstated. Also, Missouri will have much better secondary recruiting areas after Missouri/Texas (LA, FLA, GA), which it will have to use to make up the gap).


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 8048545)
They could, actually.

TCU is right there in Dallas; it's in a great spot. It won't start out-recruiting A&M over night, but as the rivalry between the Aggies and Longhorns starts to diminish (and it will; as will MU/KU), the kids that get turned down by UT won't be so eager to go to A&M and 'show them what they missed'.

In fact, TCU could end up that destination school.

TCU has made a HUGE move to get into the IIX. I think they're absolutely poised to become a viable replacement for A&M in Texas. They'll likely never come as close to a national championship as they did last season (really just one or two breaks and they're in that title game), but they'll have better teams and a better program (hmmmm...sound familiar?)

And yeah, they'll make recruiting Texas a little bit harder for the folks that already did well down there.

Good thing we're going to have some new recruiting grounds to sniff around in

TCU has been making tremendous improvements in recruiting prior to the Big 12 move. That's only going to get better.

Patterson has been an expert at going to top recruits and saying, "You could go to UT and be maybe 3rd, 4th on the depth chart and who knows who'll they'll get next year. Or, you can come to TCU and compete to start from your first year."

|Zach| 10-25-2011 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 8048595)
So by all means, enlighten us.

Rivals says they've done a fantastic job this season in recruiting. You clearly have some keen insight to suggest otherwise.

So please, good sir, show us all just how badly damaged A&M has been by this whole thing.

You are an absolute joke.

Did Stewie ever drop these of nuggets of wisdom. I did some serious skimming.

KC native 10-25-2011 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 8048826)
Uh-Oh, you just reinforced Mizzou's stance.

BTW, Patterson should be a Wildcat. :D

I have no problem with Mizzou bolting. It would have been nice if they would have stayed because I have a lot of friends back home that I would have enjoyed talking trash to.

But, Patterson isn't going anywhere. He's getting $3 million a year at TCU and whatever he wants from boosters. Plus, his wife is from Fort Worth. So Patterson is staying. I'm actually happy about the move because that will kill those Patterson to K State rumors that come up every couple of years.

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