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Tribal Warfare 01-06-2025 12:39 AM

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Hammock Parties 01-06-2025 01:49 AM

FloridaMan88 01-06-2025 01:50 AM

Banner time in Cincy.

KC_Connection 01-06-2025 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 17894977)

Robb Stark is a good metaphor for this Burrow iteration of the Bengals. Got off to a promising run at the crown by winning a few early battles over the king but were ultimately exposed as a weak, mistake-prone pretender leading to their demise.

Coochie liquor 01-06-2025 04:45 AM

The fans want Lou fired. Guess he’s the one who let their best defensive players leave, and drafted poorly replacing them?

Rausch 01-06-2025 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by Pepe Silvia (Post 17894899)
"Even if the Chiefs win the Super Bowl the narrative will always be that they were scared of the Bengals." Damn they are salty.

This was a one-year-wonder fluke team that made if further than they ever should have and it made the fanbase so insane they actually believe they belong in the SB every year despite being able to do any of the things that everyone knows you need to lock down:

1) Make playoffs - nope
2) Win Division - nope.
3) Lock up home field - nope.

FlaChief58 01-06-2025 07:30 AM

1 Attachment(s)
They did it!

chiefzilla1501 01-06-2025 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 17894228)
Burro is a top 3 QB.

The problem is the Brown family is never going to pay for a championship level team. They're cheap.

It's unfair to Cinci fans but it is what it is...

Even when they open their pocket book... Chase turned down $35m/year. With inflation and in winning the triple crown he will ask for closer to $40m. Tee on the open market is probably worth $25m. They could pay well over $40m just to keep the team the same. That's not even factoring in all the guys they'll lose on defense and the OL who will probably be replaced.

Cap space is also relative. Lots and lots of real good teams with way more cap space. We will see tons of inflation in the upcoming offseason. Youd think $60m is a lot but it's actually middle of the pack. Teams like New England, chargers, pats, raiders are gonna spend obscene amounts of money.

DrunkBassGuitar 01-06-2025 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by SAGA45 (Post 17894898)
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Collection of Bengals fans coping:<br><br>A thread�� <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Jay (@Jay__chiefs) <a href="">January 5, 2025</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

He's right and I'm glad that the Chiefs did it specifically to hurt Bunglas fans fee fees

DrunkBassGuitar 01-06-2025 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by Coochie liquor (Post 17895005)
The fans want Lou fired. Guess he’s the one who let their best defensive players leave, and drafted poorly replacing them?

They should fire him.

smithandrew051 01-06-2025 08:01 AM

Burrow has only made the playoffs twice.

pugsnotdrugs19 01-06-2025 08:05 AM

Only in the Bengals and the fairy tale world their fans live in would someone think anyone is going to give a shit about them anymore once the ball kicks off Saturday.

In fact, you get your 24 hours to mourn for otherwise just get on with the draft talk.

smithandrew051 01-06-2025 08:14 AM

Neither the Chiefs or Bengals play this weekend

chiefzilla1501 01-06-2025 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by pugsnotdrugs19 (Post 17895070)
Only in the Bengals and the fairy tale world their fans live in would someone think anyone is going to give a shit about them anymore once the ball kicks off Saturday.

In fact, you get your 24 hours to mourn for otherwise just get on with the draft talk.

They got an ego trip because they had all these stupidly flawed "loyalty" rankings. Nevermind that they have ridiculously low attendance in years season ticket holders expect an average or worse season. They got love because they were Cinderella, now they've been trying to play victim latching onto the chiefs coattails. They're the reason fans became obsessed with the refs and the chiefs, and now this fake controversy.

Talk to any fan in the afc north. They all hate each other as division rivals do. None of them have ever respected a Bengals fan. Real loyalty is the browns constant support for their shit team and even the Steelers rooting for their mid team. It's why I hate but empathize with fan bases like buffalo. They piss me off at times but you know they're real ones

Bowser 01-06-2025 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by KCUnited (Post 17894330)
Imagine hoping your Pontiac Grand Am is going to start in the morning after seeing Denver beat the Chiefs


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 17894365)
Then driving by a Skyline and thinking "damn that looks good."

You eat an entire bowl in 5 minutes and someone looking depressed in Bengals gear walks in.

You order another.

"Account overdrawn."


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