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I'm pretty much done with Raw at this point, the announce crew is just balls. I've seen a couple smackdowns but it's not drawing me in much. It's basically still the same old bullshit.
I've been pretty surprised how much I prefer AEW's product on Wednesdays to anything WWE is putting out, including the competing NXT broadcasts. It's just...wrestling the way it feels like it should be, like they're really trying to do stuff that they think fans will like, rather than trying to condescend to them the way Vince does. And it doesn't come off low rent like the TNA/Impact broadcasts always have in my opinion. It's just...fun. And I don't think WWE knows how to do that anymore. |
Yeah chris jericho thought he was protected by that door. Suprise mother****er!
Anyone watch the NWA Powerrr episodes on YouTube? It’s neat. Feels like the old 80s NWA wrestling. It’s studio wrestling with a ring, interview area, and a small audience.
https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6gxnj5 |
I ****ing LOVED Jericho and Rhodes last night. It's the easiest goddamn thing in wrestling to have a proper face/heel dynamic like that, and yet WWE has the whole thing backwards.
In WWE the faces would've challenged the heels to a fair fight and promptly gotten their asses kicked and left laying humiliated. In AEW the heels play brave until the numbers are even, run and hide like chickenshit cowards, and then the faces beat their asses anyway and leave them distraught and crying on the ground. It isn't that hard, WWE. Pick a guy and have him beat ass and overcome the odds. |
Smackdown did 888,000 viewers. Gawd damn.
It was on FS1
HOLY SHIT...lol that hilarious. |
They actually put the title on Wyatt at Blood Money....kinda surprised.
Richochet in full "super hero" garb as well...Jesus ****ing Christ LMAO LMAO |
Sounds like there's a ton of people still stuck in Saudi Arabia and that Smackdown isn't going to have much talent to work with.
Reasons given range from mechanical issues to McMahon possibly having some sort of confrontation. Yikes. |
My god smackdown was amazing!
So basically Meltzer needs to apologize for freaking people out with his dipshit cryptic tweets. Atlas air apologized because it was a mechanical problem and they're in the air now.
lol well this post aged poorly. |
So what actually happened in Saudia Arabia?
Nobody knows.
There's variations of this and conjecture, rumor, etc...who the hell knows what really happened but if you read between the lines and look at the talents tweets, etc. it's war it wasn't just some "mechanical issue". |
I would believe the rumors. SA couldn't make too drastic of a move in retaliation because well wrestlers are large people and Vince McMahon would absolutely sick Trump on them.
Given how Trump rolled over to Erdogan (rumored due to leverage w/ Kushner), I highly doubt he'd be able to do much, even for a buddy like Vince.
REALLY bad look for Vince to have been the first to leave, regardless if he knew already that the talent was being grounded or not.
And still no one knows at this point...
Also probably time to admit that this isn't a WWE problem it's a wrestling problem, there just aren't that many fans these days.. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">So no one wants to talk about how half the building was tarped off for last night's <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/AEWDynamite?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#AEWDynamite</a>. If this was a WWE show it would have been all over every website. <a href="https://t.co/qc3NvJMfI4">pic.twitter.com/qc3NvJMfI4</a></p>— Tim Jarrell of PWUnlimited (@TimmyBuddy) <a href="https://twitter.com/TimmyBuddy/status/1192459760076914690?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 7, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> No one going to AEW shows either. |
That was the smallest crowd they had, was kind of know...Meltzer was talking about it on WOR this morning.
Shit there are so many options to stream and consume wrestling, it's no surprise no one goes to live events any more. |
Most former wrestling fans (like me) don't watch this stupid shit and haven't for over a decade. Too much winking at the camera, too much obvious cooperation, too much no selling, too many big moves that mean nothing, and the goddamn promos are WAY too long far too often. It can't even present an ILLUSION of competitiveness anymore. It's a cottage industry and most of the audience are just old guys who are hyper obsessed about 'workrate' and 'mic skills' and judging the product like a ****ing broadway musical. Barely any women or young fans compared to 30 years ago to boot. A LOT of 50 year old dudes though... Back in the 90's when I was a teenI attended parties with some friends where we'd all watch Monday Nitro every week. Party was hosted by a girl and her mom. Only myself and one other guy watched with them. We'd get into the show and cheer for our favorites. NOw it's just a bunch of middle age dudes sitting back judging the product. It's not fun anymore. It's just become something people watch to complain about. |
And WWE seems to regale in screwing a good thing up. And honestly they have such weird angles... How much must we have to put up with seeing a "Corporate " persona be involved in being the Evil Empire.....it is old and way overdone. There is so much about the wrestling world that turns off people.... |
The sad thing is from a ring stand point the talent has never been better. The characters are just not good so no one cares to be invested.
WWE hasn't ever really recovered from that period of incessantly shoving Reigns down peoples throats.
I get what you're saying... |
Bray Wyatt character....just stupid. Too many old guys who need to hang it up and let younger guys have a chance (See Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Daniel Bryan, Undertaker, Kane, Big Show, etc) Non interesting characters....(Andrade, Ali, Bo Dallas, Ricochet, Nikki Cross, ) Retreads.....(Eric Young, Dolph Ziggler, Bobby Roode, Erick Rowan, the OC, the Hardy's, ) Bad characters with weird storylines....(Lana, Rusev and Lashley- R-Truth, Carmella, Drake Maverick and Mike and Maria Kanellis) I could go on..... |
You didn't see cody promo I'll bet it wasn't too long and it hit the nerves in the right places. Also dynamite and aew dark are hella entertaining. Nxt is also good but i watch aew live cause i want vince to start working. Give me a reason to watch raw and smackdown. Also aew women division is really good. Only because wwe keep pushing fire and desire. Lana and carmella. I want wwe 4 horsewoman vs mma 4 horsewoman. I want the o.c. with finn balor running wwe like they did in new japan. I want riddle vs. Bork laser.
Moxley Omega that shit was ****ing insane!
That was one of the best matches I have ever witnessed
CM PUNK IS BACK IN WWE!!!!....... on their lame ass late night talk show on FS1.
LMAO CM PUNK predictably shat on the current product, but he was overshadowed by Cornette spouting off some hilariously blatant racist shit that has everybody up in arms scouring the internet for when any wrestling personality said anything remotely racist ever.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">WHOA...Too far <a href="https://twitter.com/IAmJericho?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@IAmJericho</a>...Too far.<br>Watch <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/AEWDynamite?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#AEWDynamite</a> NOW on <a href="https://twitter.com/tntdrama?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@TNTDrama</a> 8e/7c <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/AEWonTNT?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#AEWonTNT</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/AEWonTNT?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@AEWonTNT</a> <a href="https://t.co/00UL8lKgr5">pic.twitter.com/00UL8lKgr5</a></p>— All Elite Wrestling (@AEWrestling) <a href="https://twitter.com/AEWrestling/status/1232862157026582528?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 27, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> |
So the WWE is trying to audience proof their business, how lovely is that?
This was hilarious. Great trolling by Jericho 😂
Noting bout Wrestlemania?
Apparently the Boneyard match between the Undertaker and AJ Styles was some sort of Masterpiece?
I like the direction they went with it. Given that it isn’t a normal Wrestlemania or time in history right now, they just threw the reality out the window and went full horror movie. It’s worth checking out. |
The Ladder Match was a fun watch. Wish there could’ve been 80,000 fans in attendance though.
Honestly taker vs AJ match was cheesy I think they stole a lot of elements of the broken universe . The best match was Rollins vs KO the launching off the sign was incredible.
Today the funhouse match with the fiend and CENA could be good. Lesnar vs McIntyre might be rest are hobhum |
The worst year of rasslin' I have ever had.
AEW a huge disappointment No New Japan on TV Hate what they have done to Rollins Will Ospreay STILL not in the WWE/AEW Jay White STILL not in the WWE/AEW Now this virus First Wrestlemania I have ever missed. |
That Undertaker Styles match was incredible last night. American Badass returned!!
You just know the boneyard match wasn’t Vinces idea. Had to be Triple Hs. I’m actually excited for the firefly funhouse match tonight
Even the NWO (which was supposed to feel ‘real’) storyline had plenty of comic book moments. Especially, once Sting went Crow. It was great nonetheless. Bring that type of storytelling back. |
They tried and it was a flop.
They get the best work when they let the performers be themselves. As for The Fiend, I haven't liked the gimmick for a long time. |
I just wouldn't have everything over the top when things go back to 'normal' but for now I would absolutely book a WM with matches in nothing but weird ass places over trying to play up for an invisible crowd in the performance center |
Actually the match made me think they could pull this off with sting and undertaker next Wrestlemania.
Have undertaker come out after couple matches next year right before mania and say I’ve done all I’ve come to do I talked it over with my wife it’s time to call it quits. The entire locker room comes out and congratulate him give him standing ovation then lights go out. Then one spot light searches the crowd. Voice comes on “ no deaman it’s not over you haven’t beaten me.” Spotlight spots sting in full makeup in rafters. “ that’s right undertaker you may be the phenom but I’m the ICon I challenge you for one last match at Wrestlemania “. Undertaker shakes his head leaves. AJ comes up to him says “ you gave me one hell of a match but wrestled sting he’s on another level don’t walk away without knowing if you could beat him”. Weeks undertaker refuses week after week sting keeps egging him on. Undertaker is staring into mirror when sting is in mirror. “ You aren’t the only phenom I’m phenomenal too. Disapears in mirror. Sting comes out to ring “. I thought Undertaker was a man I thought he was the badass I’ve heard for years. Really he’s scared to face me oh well I guess I’m done folks”. Then undertakers music hits neon lights do his symbol then his voice “ Icon we will see my answer is yes!” Lol sorry just brain storming |
They actually went through with it ROFL
The Styles Taker thing worked because it completely hid that Taker can't work anymore because he's so damn old, also with no live crowd you can do something like that without backlash.
Had they done that exact same match for a regular Mania everyone would have shit all over it. Making the live crowd that paid money for tickets watch a match on the video board pisses people off. |
Wrestling is having it's Harvey Weinstein moment today. All sorts of stories coming out now.
Jim Cornette and his wife have been particularly naughty in the past.
https://mobile.twitter.com/AKI_Evolu...66407512240132 |
What in the hell is happening?
I’ve been getting into All Elite Wrestling on TNT lately. Anyone else a fan?
I’m actually enjoying it more than WWE right now it’s different. AEW were the first to use the unused talent as fans to get the crowd noise. Also AEW uses pyro lights as if there were people in stands. It almost feel cica 90s WCW when it was great. They have real stories. I don’t know why but when I watch WWE I just get bored lately.
WWE needs to do something product is boring
I like my Sting vs Taker match done same way as styles vs taker was done could hide the age give something everyone has wanted. |
Just can't do it. The lack of an actual crowd is just killing both products.
With that said, I think WWE has done some decent stuff lately. The problem is they can't develop characters at all and I just can't bring myself to give a shit about any of them they are plugging into what's being written. |
I noticed there was a small crowd in a couple of shots on last nights AEW broadcast. Not sure what that was about?
But yes, wrestling absolutely needs a live crowd to 100% work. |
Pat Patterson dead at 79.
Just saw Sting was on AEW. I might have to start watching. Makes me feel like a kid again. He was always my favorite.
TNA AND AEW working together. Trust me people will watch cause they feel that those two companies care about the fans. Plus with nwa also working with them that bring things to a new level. WWE needs to work with ring of honor.
AEW announced that Brodie Lee has died. That was really out of nowhere.
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