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Baby Lee 09-08-2021 12:14 PM

Excited - like the names attached

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Likely [partial] inspiration


Deberg_1990 09-08-2021 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by sully1983 (Post 15816563)
Eh imo the 3rd act was a complete letdown and it loses its steam after

But what do I know? I'm just some anonymous jackass on an internet message board while Tarantino is a multi Oscar winner and his films make tons of money at the box office so he must be doing something right.

Yea. I’ve always Felt that way about Django too. The last 20 minutes or so kinda drag after the shootout with Candies men.

Mennonite 09-10-2021 10:27 AM

I haven't watched anything new lately, but I have been revisiting some oldies recently.

Quigley Down Under
Conan the Barbarian (James Earl Jones is awesome)
Ferris Beuller's Day Off (Sloan Peterson - still hot)
WarGames (Not as good as I remembered it being. What was with the gum?)
Big Trouble in Little China
The One Armed Boxer (the fights are a lot more boring than I remembered)
The Master of the Flying Guillotine (top 3 kung fu flick)
The Man With Two Brains (Some terrible jokes, some very funny jokes)
Rawhide (Terrible western from 1951)
The Rocketeer (I normally hate comic book movies, but I like this one. Great casting and a like the little tributes to the golden age of Hollywood.)
Indiana Jones trilogy (One and three still hold up. Maybe a little too much comedy)
Pure Luck (Not a classic, but I still like it.)
Ronin (I'm not sure that the plot makes sense but the car chases are great)
Tommy Boy
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

Aries Walker 09-10-2021 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by meleknistra (Post 15815713)
Django unchained is the best movie of all the times

It's up there. I've never been the biggest Tarantino fan, but I really loved this one. It's easily his best.

Deberg_1990 09-12-2021 07:39 AM

Malignant. James Wans newest. Absolutely batshit insane. Don’t spoil it for anyone.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Malignant</a> is a game-changer. Defying the boundaries of genre film, Wan has created something unique and terrifying. It&#39;s a beautifully deranged work of art that is destined to become a cult classic. A love letter to the genre &amp; its fans, this is Wan at his best. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Shannon ���� @ All The Film Festivals (@shannon_mcgrew) <a href="">September 8, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Coochie liquor 09-13-2021 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by Deberg_1990 (Post 15824847)
Malignant. James Wans newest. Absolutely batshit insane. Don’t spoil it for anyone.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Malignant</a> is a game-changer. Defying the boundaries of genre film, Wan has created something unique and terrifying. It&#39;s a beautifully deranged work of art that is destined to become a cult classic. A love letter to the genre &amp; its fans, this is Wan at his best. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Shannon ���� @ All The Film Festivals (@shannon_mcgrew) <a href="">September 8, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Gonna watch this tonight .

Coochie liquor 09-14-2021 06:09 AM


Originally Posted by Deberg_1990 (Post 15824847)
Malignant. James Wans newest. Absolutely batshit insane. Don’t spoil it for anyone.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Malignant</a> is a game-changer. Defying the boundaries of genre film, Wan has created something unique and terrifying. It&#39;s a beautifully deranged work of art that is destined to become a cult classic. A love letter to the genre &amp; its fans, this is Wan at his best. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Shannon ���� @ All The Film Festivals (@shannon_mcgrew) <a href="">September 8, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

This movie was really weird. I’m usually able to dispel reality to watch a movie but this really pushed my limits. The third part was beyond any semblance of believabllity. Not what I was expecting from Wan.

Deberg_1990 09-14-2021 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by Coochie liquor (Post 15832623)
This movie was really weird. I’m usually able to dispel reality to watch a movie but this really pushed my limits. The third part was beyond any semblance of believabllity. Not what I was expecting from Wan.

Yea. There’s definitely been some mixed reactions to it. Crazy movie. Especially that 3rd act.

sully1983 09-14-2021 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Deberg_1990 (Post 15824847)
Malignant. James Wans newest. Absolutely batshit insane. Don’t spoil it for anyone.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Malignant</a> is a game-changer. Defying the boundaries of genre film, Wan has created something unique and terrifying. It&#39;s a beautifully deranged work of art that is destined to become a cult classic. A love letter to the genre &amp; its fans, this is Wan at his best. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Shannon ���� @ All The Film Festivals (@shannon_mcgrew) <a href="">September 8, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

I streamed this on HBO Max and found it to be sadly a letdown I really like James Wan as a director too (Death Sentence is insanely underrated) and I like most of his films but this fell flat for me. Also it irks me when horror films use too much cgi (and in this case very bad cgi ) Just a pet peeve of mine. I'll give it a generous 5/10. Wan is still awesome though in my book. This was just a small misfire for him.

Coochie liquor 09-14-2021 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by sully1983 (Post 15833794)
I streamed this on HBO Max and found it to be sadly a letdown I really like James Wan as a director too (Death Sentence is insanely underrated) and I like most of his films but this fell flat for me. Also it irks me when horror films use too much cgi (and in this case very bad cgi ) Just a pet peeve of mine. I'll give it a generous 5/10. Wan is still awesome though in my book. This was just a small misfire for him.

Yeah I felt the same but just thought the end made the rest of the movie worse. The acting was just ok, and the story was pretty good until the last of the movie. I expect more form Wan. He better come up with some amazingness for his next one.

Deberg_1990 09-14-2021 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by sully1983 (Post 15833794)
I streamed this on HBO Max and found it to be sadly a letdown I really like James Wan as a director too (Death Sentence is insanely underrated) and I like most of his films but this fell flat for me. Also it irks me when horror films use too much cgi (and in this case very bad cgi ) Just a pet peeve of mine. I'll give it a generous 5/10. Wan is still awesome though in my book. This was just a small misfire for him.

It’s interesting that he used his Aquaman, F7 and Conjuring clout to make this.

I thought it was a lot of fun. Especially that 3rd act. Pure hokum nonsense, but made with skill for what it was.

ToxSocks 09-15-2021 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Deberg_1990 (Post 15834044)
It’s interesting that he used his Aquaman, F7 and Conjuring clout to make this.

I thought it was a lot of fun. Especially that 3rd act. Pure hokum nonsense, but made with skill for what it was.

I'd put with other creative, unique, but forgettable horror films such as The Babadook, Darkness Falls etc.

The concept was neat. It was imaginative. But overall it was forgettable.

Baby Lee 09-17-2021 05:05 PM

Haven't seen the movie or this RLM reaction, but this seemed to be something CP media types would be interested in

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Coochie liquor 09-17-2021 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 15834686)
I'd put with other creative, unique, but forgettable horror films such as The Babadook, Darkness Falls etc.

The concept was neat. It was imaginative. But overall it was forgettable.

I really liked the Babadook. Darkness Falls was ok, but more of a teen/horror film. As a viewer who can normally just go with the reality the movie offers us up... the third act was beyond my ability. It was telling me that this
This is the first movie in a long time that was just too over the top to like fully.

Miles 09-17-2021 11:25 PM

Just finished Malignant and enjoyed it. I liked that it went much weirder than I expected and I just rolled with it. Agree on the comments on some iffy CGI in a few places and that it’s ultimately forgettable despite mostly being well done.

Does make me want to go back and watch the Conjuring and Insidious which I’ve always heard about but never seen.

Deberg_1990 09-18-2021 12:45 AM

Heh. Watched the Half in the Bag video.

It almost felt like the Jail/police station stuff ripped off Wan’s buddy Leigh Wannells movies ‘Upgrade’ and ‘Invisible Man’

sully1983 09-18-2021 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Deberg_1990 (Post 15838641)
Heh. Watched the Half in the Bag video.

It almost felt like the Jail/police station stuff ripped off Wan’s buddy Leigh Wannells movies ‘Upgrade’ and ‘Invisible Man’

You have good taste in movies man. I think both Upgrade & The invisible Man were both awesome. .

I truly hope his werewolf movie happens with Ryan Gosling as the lead. By all accounts, it is but you never know.

sully1983 09-18-2021 11:33 AM

I saw Copshop in theaters the other day. Loved the hell out of it.

Stryker 09-18-2021 07:28 PM

Surprisingly, OLD was pretty good :thumb:

M. Night movie.

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Stryker 09-18-2021 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Deberg_1990 (Post 15824847)
Malignant. James Wans newest. Absolutely batshit insane. Don’t spoil it for anyone.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Malignant</a> is a game-changer. Defying the boundaries of genre film, Wan has created something unique and terrifying. It&#39;s a beautifully deranged work of art that is destined to become a cult classic. A love letter to the genre &amp; its fans, this is Wan at his best. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Shannon ���� @ All The Film Festivals (@shannon_mcgrew) <a href="">September 8, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Man so glad to hear! Next on my list! Thanks! :thumb:

Simply Red 09-18-2021 09:41 PM

I didn't care for Malignant

KCUnited 09-19-2021 05:31 AM

I thought Malignant was fun but they squandered some potential. I didn't care for the music choices, needed heavier synth and less electric pop song remixes. Also less CGI karate and a few exposed breasts would've bumped it up a couple notches.

BigBeauford 09-20-2021 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by KCUnited (Post 15839793)
I thought Malignant was fun but they squandered some potential. I didn't care for the music choices, needed heavier synth and less electric pop song remixes. Also less CGI karate and a few exposed breasts would've bumped it up a couple notches.

Yeah but Malignant had the best chair throwing scene since The Mummy.

Pepe Silvia 09-21-2021 12:45 PM

I was kind of disappointed with Super Troopers 2 when I first saw it in the theater but when I watched it again it grew on me.

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Baby Lee 09-27-2021 02:22 PM




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Rausch 09-27-2021 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 15838270)
Haven't seen the movie or this RLM reaction, but this seemed to be something CP media types would be interested in

I liked it.

He was making fun of himself. It has every trope and cliche imaginable (and the kicker being all the one's he's guilty of.)

Nickhead 10-02-2021 01:33 PM

just watched 'the guilty'... ****ing terrible movie

don't bother. :thumb:

BigBeauford 10-04-2021 10:54 AM

Not a new movie, but wife and I got around to watching "The VVitch". I continue to be impressed with these A24 movies and their highly polished productions. Movie was absolutely gorgeous and unsettling, and the actors gave terrific performances; every single one of them. This movie is valuable for those who want a glimpse into the struggles of subsistence farming back in the day, or those who want to watch horror done right. A+.

sully1983 10-04-2021 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 15871960)
Not a new movie, but wife and I got around to watching "The VVitch". I continue to be impressed with these A24 movies and their highly polished productions. Movie was absolutely gorgeous and unsettling, and the actors gave terrific performances; every single one of them. This movie is valuable for those who want a glimpse into the struggles of subsistence farming back in the day, or those who want to watch horror done right. A+.

The VVitch is ****ing awesome! I loved how detailed and authentic looking it was (from the scenery to the dialogue ) it was so well made.

The director Robert Eggers is imo set to be the next big "it " director. His 2nd film is pretty out there and good too called The Lighthouse (starring Wilem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson) its about two men stationed at a lighthouse and they descend into madness (oh and its shot in black & white too)

His upcoming film coming out next year is a viking epic called The Northman and it sounds utterly amazing. The cast is loaded too. Alexander Skarsgard plays the lead and apparently its beyond violent as hell. And the budget is supposed to be pretty sizable so that's good to hear. Can't wait.

Mennonite 10-05-2021 11:18 AM

BigBeauford 10-05-2021 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Mennonite (Post 15874338)

Yeah, that scene really ****ed with my wife and I's head.

ToxSocks 10-05-2021 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by sully1983 (Post 15873792)
The VVitch is ****ing awesome! I loved how detailed and authentic looking it was (from the scenery to the dialogue ) it was so well made.


Ive seen it. I remember liking it. I don't remember it too well anymore. At all, actually.

BigBeauford 10-12-2021 02:27 PM

Decided we'd watch some more A24 horror this weekend, and watched Hereditary. Like many of their productions, the cinematography is stunning, and the acting is good (particularly for a horror film). Toni Collette is actually great in this, and I can see the Oscar arguments some have tried to make.

But after watching it, my first reaction when the credits rolled was "I didn't like that". I've been putting it through my mind blender, and I think now I have the impression of "it was okay, worth watching". If anything, the knowledge of the ending makes the movie elevated, because boy did they use a lot of tricks to make the movie more unnerving . A thumping base during many if the movie's innocuous scenes suggests something scary is coming, and often nothing ever materializes. It can seem boring at times, and the typical suburban setting doesn't pull the same weight that many other A24 movies benefit from.

If I can to rank this, Midsommar, and The Witch, I'd do it as follows:

The Witch > Midsommar >>> Hereditary

Baby Lee 10-13-2021 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 15890775)
Decided we'd watch some more A24 horror this weekend, and watched Hereditary. Like many of their productions, the cinematography is stunning, and the acting is good (particularly for a horror film). Toni Collette is actually great in this, and I can see the Oscar arguments some have tried to make.

But after watching it, my first reaction when the credits rolled was "I didn't like that". I've been putting it through my mind blender, and I think now I have the impression of "it was okay, worth watching". If anything, the knowledge of the ending makes the movie elevated, because boy did they use a lot of tricks to make the movie more unnerving . A thumping base during many if the movie's innocuous scenes suggests something scary is coming, and often nothing ever materializes. It can seem boring at times, and the typical suburban setting doesn't pull the same weight that many other A24 movies benefit from.

If I can to rank this, Midsommar, and The Witch, I'd do it as follows:

The Witch > Midsommar >>> Hereditary

I seriously legitimately mean no offense, . . but I think you probably missed a lot. You mention that scenes were unnerving but nothing happened. The brilliance of the film [once you know to look for it] is how much of what is 'happening' happens in the shadows, or right on the screen without comment. The forces driving the narrative to the conclusion are very real and omnipresent.

Watch a video or two breaking down the nuances and clues and it might give you additional appreciation.

I love all three movies, and I put Hereditary right at the top of the heap.

Baby Lee 10-13-2021 10:16 AM





- Think this is the time to break out 'chuffed.' Chuffed describes my state at the moment.

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meleknistra 10-16-2021 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 15891963)




- Think this is the time to break out 'chuffed.' Chuffed describes my state at the moment.

<iframe width="763" height="429" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Wow! Thanks for sharing. I just installed Iconic stream iptv using an article here and found a Romanian film "Acasa, my home". Based on a true story, the documentary is about a large family which lived in a perfect harmony with the mature and had to move to a big city. Not a typical evening entertainment movie and not something i would watch twice, but for sure worth the attention.

Mennonite 10-24-2021 02:20 PM

The Last Duel (2021)

I just caught it as a matinee to kill some time. I didn't bother to watch all of it. Damon and Affleck are miscast and both of them still have extremely punchable faces. Is it really a rashomon if the pov characters make themselves look terrible? The plot is choppy but not confusing.

Bowser 10-24-2021 04:07 PM

Watched The Misfits on a flight. Slightly entertaining in parts, with two smoking hot ladies sharing the ensemble lead (Hermoine Chorfield and Jamie Chung), but in the end it's just a cut rate Ocean's Eleven.

mr. tegu 10-24-2021 10:37 PM

I watched The Courier on Prime and found it to be good and grounded well in reality. It doesn’t make the most exciting movie but it was suspenseful and engaging.

Mennonite 10-26-2021 08:26 AM

Black Widow

"You both have killed so many people. Your ledgers must be dripping, just gushing red. I couldn't be more proud of you."

I wasn't expecting a dramedy. Scarlett Johansson looks good, but she doesn't look comfortable in the role. I haven't read comics since I was a kid, but this version of Black Widow is very different than the one I remember; she's not as cool or confident as the old comics version. Also, teh comics version was not so American. The girl from Midsommar is getting fat. Always good to see Ray Winstone.

Mennonite 11-06-2021 10:51 AM

Hacksaw Ridge (2016)

If I had been Doss I'd have spent my night on Hacksaw Ridge lowering all the guys I went to boot camp with down that cliff...without the rope. He should have totally went Private Pyle on all their asses.

A Man for All Seasons (1966)

I think it stays a little too close to its stage play origins but there are some very memorable bits of dialog that are as relevant today as they were during More's time.

Vacation (1983)

Tomb Raider (2018)

Pretty lame. Not enough tomb raiding.

Chinatown (1974)

"What's the matter with ya? You're screwin' just like a Chinaman!"

A classic neo noir.

Simply Red 11-06-2021 10:35 PM

any good new porn out there?

Mennonite 11-07-2021 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by Simply Red (Post 15938025)
any good new porn out there?

Not exactly porn but Stephen Sayadian's Dr. Caligari (1989) might be something that you would dig.

<a href=""><img src="" alt="tumblr-inline-op5by6r-U681tqp1t6-500" border="0"></a>

Pablo 11-07-2021 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 15891963)




- Think this is the time to break out 'chuffed.' Chuffed describes my state at the moment.

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cj2wr 11-08-2021 01:21 AM

Finch sucked

Mennonite 11-08-2021 08:08 AM

Arrival (2016)

Stick around for the post-credits sequence to see the aliens turn around and obliterate the Earth after translating the word "calamari."

I saw this in the theater and wasn't too crazy about it. Later, I read the novella that it was based on, "Story of Your Life," and was very impressed by it. I enjoyed the movie more on a second viewing; appropriately enough it's a better watch when you know how it ends.

The movie does have a major flaw, however, and that is the way it was filmed. As is all too common with modern movies, almost every scene is shot with a heavy blue filter. This isn't an action packed thrill-a-minute movie, which is fine, but when you film this type of story in dark muted colors it makes for a somewhat somber experience. Outdoors, it's always overcast, indoors every room is as dark as a cave. "Story of Your Life" is bittersweet while "Arrival" is almost melancholy.

My recommendation? Give the movie a shot if it's on, but definitely check out "Story of Your Life" by Ted Chiang. It's a novella so you can probably read it in less time than it takes to watch the movie.

Simply Red 11-08-2021 09:35 AM

I'm going to throw this out there, it's not new, but if you haven't seen it and you like action and drama, go watch The Place Beyond the Pines. I really liked it when I saw it, years ago.

Buehler445 11-08-2021 01:52 PM

I watched Close.

Just threw it on because it looked like a decent action flick. It was. It didn't get too big for it's britches. It's a nice little self contained action flick. It's about this young woman who a group is trying to kidnap for ransom and her fill in bodyguard, also a woman.

It doesn't beat the girl power drum very hard, other than them just being onscreen. Ended up I liked the action, cared about the characters, and couldn't see the plot ending. Pretty goddamned successful if you ask me.

I'll probably even watch it again.

Mennonite 11-09-2021 05:49 PM

The Father (2020)

Not just another boring family drama thanks to a good cast, a unique method of storytelling, and a fantastic performance by Anthony Hopkins.

I was expecting a story in which a family patriarch begins to unravel due to mental illness while his family struggles to cope with an increasingly tough situation. And that is what the story is basically, but what makes this movie different is the way the story is told. The film's reality is that of a dementia patient; time skips backwards and forwards, locations change, and character swap faces and names sometimes in the middle of a scene and the only constants are Hopkins' fear, confusion, and frustration.

Another interesting thing about it is that Hopkins is not a sweet old man. He can be charming one moment and cruel the next (particularly to his long suffering daughter.) Anyone who has had family members with dementia will probably recognize how accurate this is.

Buehler445 11-09-2021 08:34 PM

I watched the Harder they Fall on Netflix while I was in the office last week.

The action was really good and there were some really compelling characters. The twists and turns weren't inexplicable and definitely added a lot of intrigue and kept me engaged.

Dialogue and performances were pretty good other than a couple of a little too modern "black" type dialogue.

By the end I really cared about the characters, and the big twist was believable and goddamned compelling. Idris Elba continues to be straight flawless.

Great Expectations 11-09-2021 10:09 PM

I also enjoyed The Harder They Fall. Idris is always great. Johnathan Majors was very good as he was in Lovecraft Country even if the story/writing got worse toward the end of the series.

The music and cinematography was also great in The Harder They Fall.

ThaVirus 11-10-2021 07:36 AM

I watched the new Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin on Paramount+ last night.

Major takeaways, good and bad: it was a decent watch if you like movies in the Paranormal Activity mold, but it really doesn't have anything to do with the previous installments of Paranormal Activity so that was kind of a bummer. Plus, if it matters to you, it was not completely found footage. Several shots were clearly traditional and they even added music to some of them, which was strange.


Dumb characters are pretty much a staple of the scary movie genre, so don't let this discourage you from checking it out if you're interested. It is enjoyable enough.

ToxSocks 11-10-2021 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 15946046)
I watched the new Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin on Paramount+ last night.

it really doesn't have anything to do with the previous installments of Paranormal Activity so that was kind of a bummer.

Oh you're wrong there, buddy. It absolutely does. Matter of fact, it finishes the story. I think i posted about it in the Horror Movies thread as i watched it last weekend.

But the latest installment explains the origins of the demon and fills in who/why the cult exists that was seen in one of the previous movies.

It totally explains everything. Maybe you missed a movie or two in the franchise that woulda made the latest make more sense.

The latest installment works effectively like an origin movie.

ThaVirus 11-10-2021 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 15947293)
Oh you're wrong there, buddy. It absolutely does. Matter of fact, it finishes the story. I think i posted about it in the Horror Movies thread as i watched it last weekend.

But the latest installment explains the origins of the demon and fills in who/why the cult exists that was seen in one of the previous movies.

It totally explains everything. Maybe you missed a movie or two in the franchise that woulda made the latest make more sense.

The latest installment works effectively like an origin movie.

How so?

ToxSocks 11-15-2021 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 15945704)
I watched the Harder they Fall on Netflix while I was in the office last week.

The action was really good and there were some really compelling characters. The twists and turns weren't inexplicable and definitely added a lot of intrigue and kept me engaged.

Dialogue and performances were pretty good other than a couple of a little too modern "black" type dialogue.

By the end I really cared about the characters, and the big twist was believable and goddamned compelling. Idris Elba continues to be straight flawless.


Originally Posted by Great Expectations (Post 15945829)
I also enjoyed The Harder They Fall. Idris is always great. Johnathan Majors was very good as he was in Lovecraft Country even if the story/writing got worse toward the end of the series.

The music and cinematography was also great in The Harder They Fall.

Freakin' loved this movie. Matter of fact, one of my favorite movies of the year.

It was like a Tarantino flick with less unnecessary dialogue.

It was well acted, great soundtrack, great sets, well written, funny, action packed, violent, dramatic, emotional and just outright fun.

Highly recommend this. If you're a fan of Django or Hateful Eight then you gotta give this one a watch.

Mennonite 11-24-2021 09:14 AM

Old (2021)


Ghostbusters (2016)


Baby Lee 12-13-2021 02:04 PM

Likely won't be mindblowing or epic, but almost guaranteed to be entertaining.

Another heist movie in the Guy Ritchie mold

The Gentlemen was an enjoyable return to form, and this shouldn't disappoint either.

<iframe width="820" height="461" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

BigBeauford 12-13-2021 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 16006636)
Likely won't be mindblowing or epic, but almost guaranteed to be entertaining.

Another heist movie in the Guy Ritchie mold

The Gentlemen was an enjoyable return to form, and this shouldn't disappoint either.

<iframe width="820" height="461" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Looks to be a return to Jason Statham actually beating people up. Loved his Transporter stuff.

Pepe Silvia 12-13-2021 06:39 PM

Now there’s two people I never thought would be in a movie together, strange combo but I like Audrey.

Cheater5 12-13-2021 07:39 PM

Can’t explain it, but I find her hot-hot-hot. Would watch.

Baby Lee 12-14-2021 02:22 PM

We've been craving actual creativity and wit from Hollywood for a bit now. . .

Perhaps satire from A24 is an apt starting point.

<iframe width="820" height="461" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

unlurking 12-14-2021 03:19 PM

That looks fun. Love Yeoh, so definitely going on the list. I almost didn't recognize Jamie Lee Curtis.

Stryker 12-14-2021 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 16008598)
We've been craving actual creativity and wit from Hollywood for a bit now. . .

Perhaps satire from A24 is an apt starting point.

<iframe width="820" height="461" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

That looks really good!

Baby Lee 12-20-2021 03:13 PM


<iframe width="820" height="461" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

eDave 12-20-2021 03:50 PM

Saw a sneak preview viewing of a new movie called National Championship. It has to do with the star QB going into the NCAA National Championship game who bails to protest student athletes getting paid. Was good. Was bad. Stars J.k. Simmons.

<iframe width="520" height="420" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Baby Lee 12-22-2021 07:02 PM


Gina Rodriguez?

Dating Manny Jacinto and Charlie Day types?

Set to the best Jackson 5, and possibly best pop, song ever?

OK, who raided my Dear Diary? ;)

<iframe width="820" height="461" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Cheater5 12-22-2021 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 16029009)

Gina Rodriguez?

Dating Manny Jacinto and Charlie Day types?

Set to the best Jackson 5, and possibly best pop, song ever?

OK, who raided my Dear Diary? ;)

<iframe width="820" height="461" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hmm. Somehow, this seems vaguely familiar.

Baby Lee 12-22-2021 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Cheater5 (Post 16029041)
Hmm. Somehow, this seems vaguely familiar.

If one thinks there are a dearth of new movies, . . . there CERTAINLY is a dearth of new stories to tell in RomComs, unless you just plain ol' adapt existing stories to gay and non-binary relationships of today.

Rarely do you hear the phrase groundbreaking romcom.

Shakespeare probably covered 95% of it to begin with.

Baby Lee 12-25-2021 11:06 AM

Not my target movie, the life-lesson romcom based on a true story, but looks expertly crafted and Michael B and Denzel have my fealty.

Very moving trailer, opening this weekend.

Story of a dad to be deployed, who didn't make it home, told through the prism of the journal he wrote for his son to be containing the lessons he hoped to impart to him as he grew up.

<iframe width="457" height="258" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Megatron96 12-25-2021 04:59 PM

Dune is pretty good. Not totally happy with Lady Jessica's portrayal, and a couple other minor things, but a pretty good watch overall, and imo a much better movie than the 1984 rendition.

Rausch 12-25-2021 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 16008598)
We've been craving actual creativity and wit from Hollywood for a bit now. . .

Perhaps satire from A24 is an apt starting point.

<iframe width="820" height="461" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Yes, that does look good.

And how is it that there's a David Bowie song for every movie? That man was a sorcerer supreme...

BWillie 12-27-2021 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 16024654)

<iframe width="820" height="461" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Robin Hood Prince of Thieves reboot in Scandinavia?

Braincase 12-27-2021 09:16 PM

Don't Look Up
Don't Look Up

DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Streep, Jonah Hill, Ron Perlman, Cate Blanchet, Tyler Perry, Timothy Chalamet


Just damn.

BWillie 12-28-2021 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Braincase (Post 16037971)
Don't Look Up

DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Streep, Jonah Hill, Ron Perlman, Cate Blanchet, Tyler Perry, Timothy Chalamet


Just damn.

It was worth a watch. Not really that funny, more of a narrative of how stupid people could/can be.

Graystoke 12-29-2021 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Braincase (Post 16037971)
Don't Look Up

DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Streep, Jonah Hill, Ron Perlman, Cate Blanchet, Tyler Perry, Timothy Chalamet


Just damn.

Yeah, this movie gave me a little anxiety as there were to many truths, although exaggerated, to our current human condition.

BigBeauford 01-01-2022 10:39 AM

Disappointed with Don't Look Up. There was a chance to make this a classic, but instead they were far too focused on making this a statement on politics in 2021, rather than an indictment of the human condition and our inability to agree on anything. Also, the writing wasn't good, and most of the jokes fell flat.

Deberg_1990 01-01-2022 10:42 AM

Not new, but watched 'The Machinist' on Netflix. Wow, what a commitment by Bale to transform himself. Really good movie with a nice twist at the end.

eDave 01-01-2022 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 16043836)
Disappointed with Don't Look Up. There was a chance to make this a classic, but instead they were far too focused on making this a statement on politics in 2021, rather than an indictment of the human condition and our inability to agree on anything. Also, the writing wasn't good, and most of the jokes fell flat.

I was wondering who the first vag would be. Didn't think it would be you.

Easy 6 01-01-2022 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by eDave (Post 16044427)
I was wondering who the first vag would be. Didn't think it would be you.

Its Adam McKay, of course its a woke mess and sucks ass... politics have eaten the humor out of him

BigBeauford 01-01-2022 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by eDave (Post 16044427)
I was wondering who the first vag would be. Didn't think it would be you.

It's a climate change parody that skewers the Republican party and it's supporters. Whether or not one finds it good is irrelevant to that being the meat and potatoes of it.

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