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keg in kc 02-14-2017 01:15 PM

Horizon looks cool, but I'm going to wait until the price drops. Paying full price for Mass Effect is going to hurt enough on its own.

Still no release date for GT Sport, right?

Gonzo 02-14-2017 09:29 PM

A letter to Naughty Dog...

Dear Naughty Dog,
I've heard you're working on the next chapter of The Last of Us and I can't thank you enough for the original. That being said, I've recently gone back and started playing the original again (for what must be the 12th time).
You all have an extremely difficult task ahead of you to just match the feelings generated when Sarah was shot, when Joel decided to save Ellie and when Tess decided to give her life for the hopes of an uninflected populous.

It's been nearly four years now since we saw Joel escape the Fireflies. I truly hope you have some skilled writers on staff for the next installment. If you don't, god help you.
This is by far one of the greatest games ever made. Please don't screw it up.

Everyone who's ever played TLoU.

Gonzo 02-15-2017 11:01 PM

Mother****erJones 02-15-2017 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12741601)
A letter to Naughty Dog...

Dear Naughty Dog,
I've heard you're working on the next chapter of The Last of Us and I can't thank you enough for the original. That being said, I've recently gone back and started playing the original again (for what must be the 12th time).
You all have an extremely difficult task ahead of you to just match the feelings generated when Sarah was shot, when Joel decided to save Ellie and when Tess decided to give her life for the hopes of an uninflected populous.

It's been nearly four years now since we saw Joel escape the Fireflies. I truly hope you have some skilled writers on staff for the next installment. If you don't, god help you.
This is by far one of the greatest games ever made. Please don't screw it up.

Everyone who's ever played TLoU.

I've beaten it over 10 times on normal. Once on grounded. On my second play through on grounded. It's fantastic. Easily the GOAT
I have more than enough faith in those at Naughty Dog

The Franchise 02-16-2017 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12743172)

Can't. ****ing. Wait.

Mother****erJones 02-16-2017 03:18 PM

I'm in nursing school and trying to figure out how to afford this game. I've wanted it for awhile now lol.

In58men 02-16-2017 09:45 PM

Not getting the hype surrounding Horizon Zero Dawn?

Looks like they just threw a bunch of weird shit together with an halfass story line. I've done quite the research.

In58men 02-17-2017 10:03 AM

Just ordered The Last of Us on Amazon for $17. Never played it, but the gamers are raving about it.

BigBeauford 02-17-2017 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by Inmem58 (Post 12745333)
Just ordered The Last of Us on Amazon for $17. Never played it, but the gamers are raving about it.

You lucky mofo. This game and Breaking Bad are two experiences I would love to erase from brain to start from scratch on. Enjoy!

Lumpy 02-17-2017 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Inmem58 (Post 12745333)
Just ordered The Last of Us on Amazon for $17. Never played it, but the gamers are raving about it.

You will not be disappointed. The trick is to be stealthy and to use bricks/bottles to distract the human enemies. Best of luck against the Clickers and Bloaters.

In58men 02-17-2017 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Lumpy (Post 12745835)
You will not be disappointed. The trick is to be stealthy and to use bricks/bottles to distract the human enemies. Best of luck against the Clickers and Bloaters.

I'm stoked about it, I just finished Resident Evil 7 and needed something else to play. I just got into gaming again. I haven't played in years, I only got a PS4 for the Sunday Ticket lol.

Mother****erJones 02-18-2017 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by Inmem58 (Post 12745333)
Just ordered The Last of Us on Amazon for $17. Never played it, but the gamers are raving about it.

TLoU is the GOAT. Enjoy

Demonpenz 02-18-2017 09:05 PM

I got a logetech G29 with shifter. It is a blast to play project cars with it. Can't wait until Gran Turismo

In58men 02-19-2017 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Mother****erJones (Post 12746985)
TLoU is the GOAT. Enjoy


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

kcpasco 02-19-2017 05:08 PM

Wish they would put TLoU on PC.

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