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They will, but Breach gonna cut in front of them and take the guy they’re targeting. It’s a tale as old as time! Diqlix, you got outta getting me my bottle of rum I won. But I’ve got a live look in at the Bills SB window https://media0.giphy.com/media/WspcN...Mx62/giphy.gif Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
The JETS, son, meet the JETS, son Not the modern stone-age bison From the town of Pissingrock They're all ****ing history |
I liked you better when you were blue balls |
Lizzo will be in Buffalo on their opening day, full throat
The buffalo ills
God I love Nick.
"I told you so." Perfection. |
Nick is basically dictator for life
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For that matter, if he runs enough he might end up on IR before getting to 25 Ints. |
Bills are gonna take something this year...but it ain't gonna be the AFC...
It won't be long before we have to change the title of the thread to:
Bills take it in the ass from the AFC this seasom. |
Good lord Nick.
Nick Wright. Lol
I can only imagine the hatred rival fans have for that guy. |
The best win of the Josh Allen era was a loss.
Beautiful words, Nick |
Nick Wright is right. Thanks for the video to watch.
I wonder what his career path would have been if the Chief weren't so dominant?
I remember when he was a local radio station. He was hard to listen too. His TV show is great! |
Nick dunking on the Bills today.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">"Perennial Super Bowl Contender"<br><br>In the 4 years w/ Diggs, the following teams got closer to winning a Super Bowl:<br><br>KC, LAR & TB (Won the Super Bowl)<br><br>SF, CIN & PHI (Lost the Super Bowl)<br><br>DET, GB & BAL (Played close Conf. Champ game)<br><br>That's more than a quarter of the league. *♂️ <a href="https://t.co/uQ5dLUnptA">https://t.co/uQ5dLUnptA</a></p>— nick wright (@getnickwright) <a href="https://twitter.com/getnickwright/status/1775865454344515858?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 4, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> He needs to go on his show and compare them to the 80s Rams. That's who they are. 0 Super Bowls Lots of winning seasons Lots of playoff losses to contenders |
Are they the most tortured fanbase?
4 straight SB’s and not 1 win, suffered against the Patriots dynasty for almost 20 years, immediately hand the Chiefs one of the best QB’s ever to roadblock them for another 15-20 years. So much hope and yet so little return on investment |
This board would eat itself alive LMAO |
It’s hard to imagine a world where Mahomes isn’t the very best just a very good top 10 QB, but I think we all would have taken that with our first legit QB drafted in several decades. Hell at the time I was just happy they drafted a guy. |
Kicking the Bills when they are down and up is more fun than the Broncos.
I had already seen that but I can't help myself but to watch it again whenever it pops up. |
McDermott can now implement phase 2 of operation Rising Sun. Bring in his team of desperate short timers. Follow Josh's lead and go full kamikaze. Plow right in there with no regard to one's own safety
Buffalo apparently having major issues selling Personal Seat Licenses for their new stadium.
KC Mo is 5-6 hours away from the eclipse. Buffalo is on the center line biatches!
A once in a lifetime opportunity and Buffalo blows it… typical. |
Josh Allem 6'5" 238
Carson Wentz 6'5" 237 :) |
PSL's are the biggest bullshit ripoff I've ever seen.
Ownership just ****s you out of as much money as possible, and makes you ask for it. |
Highmark Stadium opens for the 2026 season. The 2027('26 season) Super Bowl is spoken for, 2028 is open. Josh will be 31. The build starts now!
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Amazing how this is never mentioned. The biggest playoff game in years. Overtime. The best QB battle in years took place.<br><br>And one guy did it with a WR1 who had 7 yards. <a href="https://t.co/iTuzyRdvMk">https://t.co/iTuzyRdvMk</a></p>— 7️⃣1️⃣6️⃣ TJ (@TJDMCR) <a href="https://twitter.com/TJDMCR/status/1776539252932710426?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 6, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Josh Allen is the best, work backwards from there. Allen, hand grenades, horseshoes
Honestly, the PSL thing is the part that chaps my ass worse than anything. It feels almost punitive to lifelong fans by massively arrogant ownership. |
I can't decide if the egregiously false narrative about Josh is worse than the one about Lamar. I think the one about Lamar being an elite QB is worse, but then I see something like that post above, and I just can't believe people are really that stupid. |
Lol, thx that was well played.:) |
Base your opinions on what media says & you'll have tons of rebuttals at the fingertips. Winning!
Mahomes is what 15-3? And those idiots think Josh is on Pats level? |
I take it the Bills did not win the AFC.
Davis feasted because Diggs was focused on. It is the value a #1 WR brings. Davis doesn't catch 200+ yards and 4 TDs without him. |
Pats 3 losses. 2 AFCCG and 1 SB. |
Shitkur and Curtis Samuel ROFL their window is closing....FAST
That has to be the dumbest nObOdY tAlKs AbOuT tHiS!!! ever... can't wait to watch the 30 for 30 where Josh Allen loses a game and his WR1 gets shutdown.
He's a goddamn hero. |
The JETS got a Super Bowl after their stadium was built. Super Buffabowl is happening
Justify it with even more moola, it's so American
The stadium is estimated to cost $1.7 billion. Under an agreement with the state of New York, taxpayers will pay $850 million of the construction cost, as well as pay for all maintenance and repair costs once the stadium opens. It is largest taxpayer contribution ever for a National Football League facility.
Shout is the dumbest ****ing song used in sports. Prove me wrong 2 Bills Drive....and before you say 7 Nation Army....you dumb****s mumble that too
When your WR has to tell your QB to "be smart" so you trade him away for being toxic LMAO
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/bGOlWkiCGNA?si=yw5eIcW9UWOOnfXZ" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
They have to get the infrastructure for the RV and glamping parks. The AMTRAK sleeping cars have to be refurbished. The ice fishing cottages need new skids... Actually the greater Buffalo area is over 1 million
Poverty Rivers Chargers?
Not smart. |
These guys have to play with passion to be successful. Sometimes it gets out of hand, As long as its an isolated incident, no biggie. |
The Jaguars travel to Europe most if not all years. Their inept Super Bowl must be squashed by a worse one. Don't fight it BRC, just enjoy the slow slide off the NFL dignity scale for Buffalounds
Lol not even close to the same thing dude. Rice was complaining about not getting the ball. Diggs was telling Josh to stop being a stupid idiot because he’s tired of losing |
If you’re starting a franchise, who’s your QB Josh Allen or Cam Newton?
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