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Baby Lee 01-15-2020 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by sully1983 (Post 14677942)
I highly recommend seeing Uncut Gems in theaters folks. It was sensational and Adam Sandler gives a great great performance in it (Kevin Garnett was pretty good too and played a key role).

Maybe not the best movie to watch until the Chiefs season is done, for better or worse. Could induce myocardial infarction.

Mennonite 01-16-2020 06:54 PM

Underwater (2020)


Stay home and watch Leviathan (1989) instead.

KCUnited 01-19-2020 08:31 AM

Finally watched Us last night. Super fun movie. Whimsical and well acted, even from the kid actors. Felt like a bit like a National Lampoons version of a scary movie in a good, fresh way. Enjoyed it.

DeepPurple 01-21-2020 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by KCUnited (Post 14733416)
Finally watched Us last night. Super fun movie. Whimsical and well acted, even from the kid actors. Felt like a bit like a National Lampoons version of a scary movie in a good, fresh way. Enjoyed it.

I just got done watching US, I had such high hopes for that film after reading so many reviews. I'm only able to give it 5 stars out of 10. The Director Jordan Peele did such a great job with the film "Get Out". I think he just grabbed the first horror idea that came into his mind and ran with it. Acting was incredible, cinematography, lighting, set design, and sound track were great. It's just that the script and story does not fully deliver. It's so conceptual that it loses horror, yet so rushed in execution that it loses it's coherence. The script is underdeveloped and this is why the film fails for me.

Mennonite 01-23-2020 08:00 AM

The Lighthouse (2019)

Blew chunks. It has great reviews, too. It's chock full of wankery; both figuratively and literally. If you want to see a grizzled old Willem Defoe recreate the pillow humping scene from Black Swan then this is the movie for you.

Baby Lee 01-24-2020 08:16 AM

What's everyone's interest in a reboot of Spenser for Hire?

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This is one show I loved in syndication [missed it in network premiere] enough that I grabbed up some of the novels [kind of like Fletch]. Not sure they'll capture the same feel here, but willing to give it a chance.

Mennonite 01-27-2020 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 14748968)
What's everyone's interest in a reboot of Spenser for Hire?

<iframe width="949" height="534" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

This is one show I loved in syndication [missed it in network premiere] enough that I grabbed up some of the novels [kind of like Fletch]. Not sure they'll capture the same feel here, but willing to give it a chance.

I watched SFH as a kid. I liked it then, but I'm not sure it would hold up to a rewatch. I've never liked Mark Wahlberg, so I'll pass on this, I think.

I was, and still am, a fan of the original Magnum P.I. Selleck and Robert Urich were good friends and TS made a funny little video back in the day giving him some friendly advice about RU's Spencer gig:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Today I watched:

Godzilla: King of the Monsters

I've seen a lot of giant monster movies, and almost all of them suffer from the same problem: too many boring scenes featuring humans and too little monster action. Now the writing in the human scenes is pretty dumb in this one, but it isn't boring at least. The monster scenes were very well done and we even get an appearance by Rodan. Is it a good movie? Not really. But it's more entertaining than most of its ilk.

Little Women (2019)

Needed a lot more kaiju.

sully1983 01-28-2020 10:19 AM

I saw The Gentlemen over the weekend in theaters and really enjoyed it. It was a refreshing return to form for Guy Ritchie and appreciated a lot of the politically incorrect humor. Not on the level of Snatch but overall it was still very entertaining. Hugh Grant steals the show.

Mennonite 01-30-2020 01:53 PM


Pretty obvious how this movie will end once you hear the setup. And that wouldn't be a problem if there was anything original mixed in to the old "city slickers meet a bad end in a strange rural community" trope but there isn't much here. The lead actress cries and wails throughout the movie's two hour plus run time. Many of the scenes that were supposed to be scary came across kind of goofy, imo.

3 From Hell

It's a Rob Zombie movie. At this point you know what you're getting.

EPodolak 01-30-2020 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by Mennonite (Post 14760566)

Pretty obvious how this movie will end once you hear the setup. And that wouldn't be a problem if there was anything original mixed in to the old "city slickers meet a bad end in a strange rural community" trope but there isn't much here. The lead actress cries and wails throughout the movie's two hour plus run time. Many of the scenes that were supposed to be scary came across kind of goofy, imo.

3 From Hell

It's a Rob Zombie movie. At this point you know what you're getting.

I may not see enough movies, but had never seen anything quite as weird as Midsommar. I recommended it to a few folks. Reminded me a little of the original Wicker Man.

Mennonite 01-30-2020 07:19 PM

Yeah, maybe I'm judging it too harshly but I've seen several hundred horror movies and read at least a thousand horror short stories so I'm probably a little jaded.

As you correctly pointed out, it feels a lot like the Wicker Man (1973). I don't have an issue with that, my main complaint is that there isn't anything new and unsettling added to that story.

We all know they're going to be sacrificed, so you have to make the scenes and scares leading up to the ending all that much more effective. I just don't think they did that here.

Edited to add:

Only kinda similar in theme, but I'd like to post this adaptation of the Shirley Jackson short story "The Lottery."

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ThaVirus 01-30-2020 08:03 PM

Watched Casino earlier. I'd seen bits and pieces when I was younger but had never sat down and watched it all the way through.

Good movie. Love me some De Niro and Joe Pesci.. it was frustrating to watch De Niro be such a simp, though. The entiiiire ****ing movie he just kept letting Ginger come back.

ThaVirus 01-30-2020 08:04 PM

I'm on the hunt for Godfather next. Never watched any of those all the way through either.

Mennonite 01-31-2020 04:22 PM

The Curse of la Llorona (2019)

It's every ghost movie you've watched over the last 20 years, but with Mexicans.

Terminator: Dark Fate

It's every Terminator movie you've watched over the last 30 years, but with Mexicans.

You know what I just realized? 3 From Hell was chock full of Mexicans, too. And the last Rambo flick. Weird.

The first candidate that promises to build a wall around tired, unneeded, and unasked for sequels will get my vote in November.

Baby Lee 01-31-2020 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 14761355)
I'm on the hunt for Godfather next. Never watched any of those all the way through either.

I've watched and rewatched so many times I honestly can't tell whether it's a preferable way to consume or not, but you should know that there exists a 'Godfather Saga' cut that intertwines all of the films in a single event with a straight timeline.

Dayze 01-31-2020 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 14763420)
I've watched and rewatched so many times I honestly can't tell whether it's a preferable way to consume or not, but you should know that there exists a 'Godfather Saga' cut that intertwines all of the films in a single event with a straight timeline.

The saga is awesome.

Mama Hip Rockets 02-01-2020 12:16 PM

Movies I saw in theaters in January:

1917 - 10/10. Incredible.

Bad Boys for Life - 6/10. Kinda entertaining, kinda funny, but a little too over the top for me.

Jumanji: The Next Level - 7/10. Surprisingly funny. Also a little over the top, but funny enough to make it worth watching.

DeepPurple 02-02-2020 12:33 PM

My most recent in the theater movies:

1917 (10) Stars

Richard Jewell (8) Stars

Knives Out (7) Stars

Joker (10) Stars

Yesterday (8) Stars

Stan & Ollie (9) Stars

Most recent on TV:

Dead Pool 2 (8) Stars

US (5) Stars

Green Book (9) Stars

Welcome to Marwen (5) Stars

Holmes & Watson (6) Stars

Replicas (6) Stars

Happy Death Day 2U (4) Stars

Cold Pursuit (4) Stars

HappyTime Murders (7) Stars

Peppermint (6) Stars

Equalizer 2 (8) Stars

Can You Ever Forgive Me (7) Stars

The Frontrunner (6) Stars

Bad Times at El Royale (6) Stars

Crazy Rich Asians (6) Stars

BlackkKlansman (6) Stars

Mennonite 02-05-2020 01:14 PM

The Last Jedi and The Shape of Water.

Folks, this kind of shit is why I don't watch many modern movies. Both were just laughably bad.

Al Bundy 02-05-2020 06:32 PM

I watched You Were Never Really Here again last night, it was tremendous.

DeepPurple 02-06-2020 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Mennonite (Post 14779224)
The Last Jedi and The Shape of Water.

Folks, this kind of shit is why I don't watch many modern movies. Both were just laughably bad.

The Last Jedi I haven't seen, haven't watched a Star Wars movie since '84, not my cup of tea. I'm more into Alien and Aliens, more gritty sci-fi films. However, The Shape of Water is in my top 10 and maybe even my all-time favorite.

The Shape of Water has suspense, intrigue, it had atmosphere of the 1950's or 1960's, it has a real monster, it's a great villain in Michael Shannon, and the heroine was mute, someone who's is always put down and yet she has compassion for the creature. It brings out the same feelings like a Forrest Gump. Maybe it's a generation thing, I'm 69 and have seen thousands of films, many bad and many good. My favorite all time film is Chinatown from '74. I guess I'm not alone, The Shape of Water did win Best Picture Oscar.

Mennonite 02-06-2020 07:21 PM

Chinatown is awesome.

Last night I watched The Sisters Brothers and Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark.

DeepPurple 02-07-2020 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by Mennonite (Post 14782620)
Chinatown is awesome.

Last night I watched The Sisters Brothers and Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark.

I've been wanting to see Sisters Brothers. Netflix doesn't have it and it's has not played on any of the premium channels I have, HBO, showtime etc.

patteeu 02-07-2020 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by DeepPurple (Post 14783204)
I've been wanting to see Sisters Brothers. Netflix doesn't have it and it's has not played on any of the premium channels I have, HBO, showtime etc.

I think it's on Amazon Prime if you have that.

Mennonite 02-07-2020 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by DeepPurple (Post 14783204)
I've been wanting to see Sisters Brothers. Netflix doesn't have it and it's has not played on any of the premium channels I have, HBO, showtime etc.

It's an odd movie. It feels sort of like you have an extremely quirky script and the actors play it in a more straightforward way than it needs to be or just the opposite where you have a serious script and the actors play it in a quirky manner. I don't know. I like more traditional westerners so it didn't really work for me, and it wasn't strange enough to become a fun "weird" western tale.

There are some talented actors in it, but their performances seem a little stilted. The fight scenes aren't filmed in a very interesting manner either. Maybe the fault lies with the direction?

There is some very nice scenery however. And you get a surprise appearance by Carol Kane at the end.

heapshake 02-07-2020 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Mennonite (Post 14783376)
It's an odd movie. It feels sort of like you have an extremely quirky script and the actors play it in a more straightforward way than it needs to be or just the opposite where you have a serious script and the actors play it in a quirky manner. I don't know. I like more traditional westerners so it didn't really work for me, and it wasn't strange enough to become a fun "weird" western tale.

That pretty much matches my feelings about it. I thought I would love this but something was just off about it. It isn't horrible or even bad - it is just off.

heapshake 02-07-2020 11:29 AM

i watched The Turning. It is horrible. I wasn't a big fan of The Innocents but this version is just wrong. The acting is fine and Brooklyn Prince is adorable. Basically it is a creepy kid and a bunch of dream sequences (presented as reality until waking up) and the ending is something else.

Mennonite 02-07-2020 11:57 AM

What didn't you like about The Innocents?

Im watching 47 Meters Down: Uncaged right now. Pretty generic stuff. No tits so far either. How can a cgi shark in 2019 look less realistic than a rubber shark from 1975?

heapshake 02-07-2020 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Mennonite (Post 14783615)
What didn't you like about The Innocents?..

I really don't remember - when I think about it I just don't remember it fondly - but I looked on letterboxd and I gave it a heart so I must have liked it when I watched it. It hadn't crossed my mind until I was 5 minutes into The Turning.


Originally Posted by Mennonite (Post 14783615)
Im watching 47 Meters Down: Uncaged right now. Pretty generic stuff. No tits so far either. How can a cgi shark in 2019 look less realistic than a rubber shark from 1975?

I liked it (somewhat). The plot is ridiculous but I like claustrophobic horror. I enjoyed Crawl more but it was a fun watch.

Mennonite 02-08-2020 07:11 AM

mother! (2017)

An allegory apparently. It's one of those movies you watch to see wtf is actually going on and then when you get to the end you still don't have a ****ing clue.

I thought it was an ineffectual allegory about a struggling writer juggling a conflicting group of characters in an imaginary home. Actually it's an ineffectual allegory that "depicts the rape and torment of Mother Earth ... I (Jennifer Lawrence) represent Mother Earth; Javier, whose character is a poet, represents a form of God"

ThaVirus 02-08-2020 08:59 AM

Toy Story 4 was just OK in my book. I really thought the new character Forkey was ****ing hilarious for some reason, but this one was probably the worst of the Toy Story bunch.

Stryker 02-08-2020 09:31 PM

Just watched "Midway" I enjoyed it. Saw "1917" still on the fence. SW Last Jedi was ok b/c they tied what they could all together - very hard task.

Baby Lee 02-09-2020 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by sully1983 (Post 14677942)
I highly recommend seeing Uncut Gems in theaters folks. It was sensational and Adam Sandler gives a great great performance in it (Kevin Garnett was pretty good too and played a key role).

Upstages Oscars with a helluva speech.

<iframe width="949" height="534" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

sully1983 02-09-2020 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by Mennonite (Post 14785109)
mother! (2017)

An allegory apparently. It's one of those movies you watch to see wtf is actually going on and then when you get to the end you still don't have a ****ing clue.

I thought it was an ineffectual allegory about a struggling writer juggling a conflicting group of characters in an imaginary home. Actually it's an ineffectual allegory that "depicts the rape and torment of Mother Earth ... I (Jennifer Lawrence) represent Mother Earth; Javier, whose character is a poet, represents a form of God"

Ah yes, this is a good ol' Darren Aronofsky film that left me quite shook when I saw it in theaters. The 3rd act is so batshit insane that I went with it. Wild film.

DeepPurple 02-10-2020 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by sully1983 (Post 14787781)
Ah yes, this is a good ol' Darren Aronofsky film that left me quite shook when I saw it in theaters. The 3rd act is so batshit insane that I went with it. Wild film.

The thing with Darren Aronofsky is he directed Black Swan, the Wrestler and Requiem for a Dream, three films I gave 10 stars. What went wrong?

BTW, has any person outside of Hollywood seen Parasite? That reminds me of the Japanese film from 1985 "Ran". It was nominated for 4 Academy Awards and won best costume. Not one video store in Savannah had a copy, I ended renting the film in '89 when I moved to Atlanta and could find it. It was an incredible battle scenes on horses and great costumes. It's worth seeing, sort like the opening of Gladiator but the whole film.

BigBeauford 02-10-2020 04:39 PM

I haven't heard one negative word about Parasite. Going to see it this week. Every foreign film I end up watching seems to deliver (Pan's Labyrinth, The Raid).

heapshake 02-10-2020 04:50 PM

I watched Gretel & Hansel today. I wasn't expecting much, but it turned out ok. It feels like The Witch or It Comes at Night. It has a slow pace (but comes in under 90 minutes) and has some nice visuals. Unfortunately things fall apart by the end. I'm not sure why they tied this to the fairy tale because I don't think that is going to draw folks to see it and it only follows the story in the broadest sense (woman attracts starving kids with food). I would suggest folks that liked The Witch to watch it.

scho63 02-12-2020 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by sully1983 (Post 14677942)
I highly recommend seeing Uncut Gems in theaters folks. It was sensational and Adam Sandler gives a great great performance in it (Kevin Garnett was pretty good too and played a key role).

I'm 70% through as I had to pause it as I had to go to work. I am digging the shit out of it and I went in cold. No idea about much before I watched and wow is it great.

I hope the last 30% lives up to what I've seen so far. :thumb:

Baby Lee 02-12-2020 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by scho63 (Post 14791777)
I'm 70% through as I had to pause it as I had to go to work. I am digging the shit out of it and I went in cold. No idea about much before I watched and wow is it great.

I hope the last 30% lives up to what I've seen so far. :thumb:


scho63 02-12-2020 04:11 AM


Uncut Gems just jumped into my Top 25 movies of all time. What a movie! :clap::clap:

Baby Lee 02-12-2020 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by scho63 (Post 14791832)

Uncut Gems just jumped into my Top 25 movies of all time. What a movie! :clap::clap:

Guess the cat's out of the bag on my laughing at your prior post. . . :thumb:

DeepPurple 02-12-2020 02:21 PM

I saw "Judy" last night, Red Box rental. I enjoyed the film, but I'm near 70 yo, so I think many younger folks would not be as interested in the film. It's basically a month of her life taken from 1968 about six months before she died at age 47. She's flat broke, sleeping on the floor at parties, has two kids in school that she has to dump them on her ex-husband, but wants to get a home and get her children back. She's making $150 for an occasional matinee show, but finds out the only way to make real good money is to go to England. Her older adult daughter Liza Minnelli is glossed over in the film with just a brief appearance.

She makes the trip and she is basically self-destructive. If she's not on pills, uppers and downers, she on the bottle, a real boozer and smoker. They have to drag her out the dressing room for her first show, which she pulls off and gets great reviews. Her problem, she married a much younger man while in England she briefly met at a party in LA and all is well, but for a very short time. Then things go sour and she gets smashed and goes on stage and basically cusses out the audience and gets fired.

It's a sad flick. I remember her at this stage in life because in the 60's Jack Parr had a weekly talk show, I think it was Friday nights at 10pm on NBC. Judy was one of his regulars, I think she did it for the money, minimum wage for an entertainer. She was usually high and spoke erratically and was a sight for sore eyes.

Judy Garland shortly before her death

Renee Zellweger as Judy in the movie

heapshake 02-17-2020 10:26 PM

I just watched Fantasy Island at the theater. I had no idea this existed until my wife suggested it (we have Regal Unlimited and time off so it didn't matter to me). I was thinking it was probably a bad comedy where a group of stars from yesteryear wanted a vacation and decided to shoot a movie to pay for it. Then I saw the Blumhouse logo came up and I realized it was horror. Then it started and I realized it was based on the show. Then I realized why I had no idea this existed. It is pretty forgettable.

The other movie my wife said we could see was Downhill which I hadn't heard anything about either. I assume it is about under privileged kids who go to the Olympics.

Considering how many movies we see in the theater I'm surprised there are two movies in the mall theater that I hadn't seen a trailer for or a poster somewhere.

ThaVirus 02-17-2020 10:38 PM

I saw Fantasy Island on Sunday. You're right- it's totally forgettable.

Baby Lee 02-18-2020 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by heapshake (Post 14800850)
The other movie my wife said we could see was Downhill which I hadn't heard anything about either. I assume it is about under privileged kids who go to the Olympics.

Very different movie, unfortunately it's a retread and the French already did it better.

The original idea is pretty good, and it kind of turned into a meme when people thought it was true.

Family goes to a ski lodge for vacation, dad sees a [planned] avalanche coming towards the chalet, panics, completely forgets about his family sitting on the deck at a table with him and beats feet for safety, ostensibly leaving them to die. Now he has to endure the rest of the vacation where everyone, including said family, saw his cowardly act of self perservation.

Original movie - supposedly a sharp dark comedy

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Dayze 02-18-2020 08:10 AM

Watched, or tried to watch "6 Underground".

man, I was so jacked to see this movie. It looked so awesome in the previews. Wife and I couldn't even make it through it. maybe we weren't in the right mindset to watch it. I dunno. about 45 minutes into it, my wife looks at me, and I look at her; she smiles and says "this sucks". I said "yep". click, turned it off.

bummer. I thought it was going to be awesome.

heapshake 02-19-2020 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 14801007)

Original movie - supposedly a sharp dark comedy

<iframe width="645" height="363" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I've heard good things about Force Majeure (and The Square as well). I went ahead and watched this despite its horrible reviews. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Granted - it isn't good. I love dark comedies but this just didn't have the punch it needed. The family dynamics are just meh. Now I'm afraid that if I watch the original my experience will be tainted by watching this version.

Sorry 02-19-2020 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 14800868)
I saw Fantasy Island on Sunday. You're right- it's totally forgettable.

I saw it last night, and with a lot of horror/thriller movies it came apart in the last act as totally meh and somewhat cookie cutter. It should've been a netflix movie at most.

BigBeauford 02-20-2020 08:16 AM

Parasite did not deserve to win best picture over 1917.

heapshake 02-20-2020 10:57 AM

I watched The Good Marriage on Prime. It is based on a Stephen King story. A woman discovers that her husband of 25 years is a long time serial killer. He knows that she knows and that's about it. It lacked any sort of tension. Worst movie I've seen so far this year.

sully1983 02-20-2020 06:28 PM

[QUOTE=Mennonite;14785109]mother! (2017)

An allegory apparently. It's one of those movies you watch to see wtf is actually going on and then when you get to the end you still don't have a ****ing clue.

I thought it was an ineffectual allegory about a struggling writer juggling a conflicting group of characters in an imaginary home. Actually it's an ineffectual allegory that "depicts the rape and torment of Mother Earth ... I (Jennifer Lawrence) represent Mother Earth; Javier, whose character is a poet, represents a form of God"[/QUOTE

The 3rd act of that film is bat shit insane. I couldn't believe what I was watching tbh. Kinda liked it too lol

Simply Red 02-20-2020 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by heapshake (Post 14804928)
I watched The Good Marriage on Prime. It is based on a Stephen King story. A woman discovers that her husband of 25 years is a long time serial killer. He knows that she knows and that's about it. It lacked any sort of tension. Worst movie I've seen so far this year.

sounds incredible

Simply Red 02-20-2020 08:27 PM

how was The Lodge?

Hammock Parties 02-23-2020 07:52 PM

ya'll need to go see call of the wild

spectacular achievement in doggie CGI

Bowser 02-23-2020 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 14804649)
Parasite did not deserve to win best picture over 1917.

Good to see Hollywood learned its lesson from the Shakespeare in Love/Saving Private Ryan debacle. :shake:

Sorry 02-23-2020 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14810032)
ya'll need to go see call of the wild

spectacular achievement in doggie CGI

I’m not spending money on a dog movie lol

Hammock Parties 02-23-2020 11:46 PM

Because your inner child is dead

DeepPurple 02-26-2020 01:47 PM

Rented JoJo Rabbit from Redbox last night. I hadn't heard anything about it and I don't even remember when it was at the theaters. Then I saw Scarlett Johansson and the director/actor (Hitler) on a morning show and then the Academy Awards had it nominated for best picture.

It probably has one of the most unusual storylines someone could come up with. I got the impression it was a comedy, but it's more of a dramatedy. It's about a 10 year old that is in the Nazi youth corp and he is gun ho for Hitler. In fact Hitler is his imaginary friend who pops up now and then. Johansson is his mother, who is a Jew symphanizer and is raising the kid as a single parent. Sam Rockwell plays the kids Nazi instructor and provides most of the laughs due to the outrageous statements he and the others make, mostly about Jews. All the while Johansson is hiding a teenage Jewish girl in her attic, sort of like Anne Frank. The kid finds out and that's when the story really takes shape. There is a lot of drama, people being killed, a rabbit gets killed, you'll be somewhat shocked by it all.

I really liked the ending, I was going to give it a 7, but the last 20 minutes I ended giving it an 8 on IMDB. Probably one of my favorite songs is Heroes by David Bowie, and the films ends with David Bowie singing Heroes in German.

BTW, I finally saw Once Upon a Hollywood. Loved the film, the music, the sights, the clothes, everything, I was never bored. I think it's an age thing, I graduated from high school in 1968, so everything in the film seemed relavant to me. I really don't usually like all the drawn out dialogue in most of Tarantino films, but in this one, it was cool. I gave it a 10.

Monticore 02-26-2020 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by DeepPurple (Post 14814080)
Rented JoJo Rabbit from Redbox last night. I hadn't heard anything about it and I don't even remember when it was at the theaters. Then I saw Scarlett Johansson and the director/actor (Hitler) on a morning show and then the Academy Awards had it nominated for best picture.

It probably has one of the most unusual storylines someone could come up with. I got the impression it was a comedy, but it's more of a dramatedy. It's about a 10 year old that is in the Nazi youth corp and he is gun ho for Hitler. In fact Hitler is his imaginary friend who pops up now and then. Johansson is his mother, who is a Jew symphanizer and is raising the kid as a single parent. Sam Rockwell plays the kids Nazi instructor and provides most of the laughs due to the outrageous statements he and the others make, mostly about Jews. All the while Johansson is hiding a teenage Jewish girl in her attic, sort of like Anne Frank. The kid finds out and that's when the story really takes shape. There is a lot of drama, people being killed, a rabbit gets killed, you'll be somewhat shocked by it all.

I really liked the ending, I was going to give it a 7, but the last 20 minutes I ended giving it an 8 on IMDB. Probably one of my favorite songs is Heroes by David Bowie, and the films ends with David Bowie singing Heroes in German.

BTW, I finally saw Once Upon a Hollywood. Loved the film, the music, the sights, the clothes, everything, I was never bored. I think it's an age thing, I graduated from high school in 1968, so everything in the film seemed relavant to me. I really don't usually like all the drawn out dialogue in most of Tarantino films, but in this one, it was cool. I gave it a 10.

I thought it was really good . I have liked everything I have seen from Taika, Hunt for the Wilderpeople, What we do in the shadows, Thor Ragnorak, I like his comedy style he is able to find comedy in very unusual places.

heapshake 02-28-2020 08:19 PM

I watched the Invisible Man today.

Wife leaves husband. Husband kills himself. Turns out husband ain't dead and has invented an invisibility cloak and terrorizes wife.

I must have missed something because I thought this was horrible. I was shocked to see all the positive reviews (I think it's around 90% on RT). I understand all that privacy & technology is a big deal these days and women being silenced is really in vogue but the problems this movie has shoots the message in the foot.

I started laughing during the last big fight. During the last third the cloak starts and stops "glitching" at just the right moments. There is a terrible sub plot dealing with her brother in law and the husband's estate. There is no reason given why this billionaire would marry this older ordinary woman. The cloak starts making sounds like Alien (but just towards the end). Apparently the cloak gives you super strength and the ability to be in very busy places and not have anybody walk into you. For some reason after a billionaire kills himself someone will come into his house to put sheets over all the furniture but doesn't bother taking the dead man's dog. There is no explanation for how the suicide was faked or how someone would explain the faked suicide after he's done terrorizing and decides to get back to his normal life or even why the guy needed to fake his death.

I enjoyed Upgrade but Whannell screwed the pooch here.

Of course - it appears I'm in the minority.

ThaVirus 02-29-2020 07:53 AM

I thought they did a good job of making the lead actress seem crazy and showing the effects of PTSD from an abusive relationship.

.. but, yeah. You can't really think too much about it. I was screaming inside every time she was saying she couldn't talk because he was in the room with them. Just ****ing run around the room with your arms outstretched until you snag him.

heapshake 02-29-2020 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14810032)
ya'll need to go see call of the wild

spectacular achievement in doggie CGI

I enjoyed this quite a bit. The CGI bothered me some at the beginning (when Buck was first around other dogs I half expected them to start talking) but after awhile I got used to it. The kids loved it.

Frazod 03-05-2020 03:24 PM

SQUID BONER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Dayze 03-05-2020 07:19 PM

Holy shit that looks badass.

DeepPurple 03-06-2020 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by Dayze (Post 14826769)
Holy shit that looks badass.

That reminds me of so many great Navy war movies, Richard Widmark, Kirk Douglas, Tom Hanks will carry the banner now. When I first got my driver's license and the first movie I could drive myself to was "In Harm's Way", and I still remember that day. For those in Pinellas County, it was the State Theater in downtown St. Petersburg. Before it was a concert hall, they showed movies there. This is definitely on my radar to see, after 1917 I'm ready for another war movie.

Gravedigger 03-09-2020 09:24 AM

It's a shame that Onward performed poorly this last weekend, it was a really good movie. Maybe I'm just sentimental since I lost my Dad a few years back, but I thought that it was a fun movie, on par with a Wreck It Ralph, just a creative, clever, different, fun movie. Chris Pratt is really good as Barley, the older brother.

Also the newest Black Widow trailer is the first trailer that's actually made me want to see the movie. I doubt it's on par with Winter Soldier but it has the same vibe to it, which interests me.

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BigBeauford 03-09-2020 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by Gravedigger (Post 14831144)
It's a shame that Onward performed poorly this last weekend, it was a really good movie. Maybe I'm just sentimental since I lost my Dad a few years back, but I thought that it was a fun movie, on par with a Wreck It Ralph, just a creative, clever, different, fun movie. Chris Pratt is really good as Barley, the older brother.

Also the newest Black Widow trailer is the first trailer that's actually made me want to see the movie. I doubt it's on par with Winter Soldier but it has the same vibe to it, which interests me.

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Lot of cynical haters (critics) kept touting it as a middling Pixar movie, but I found it to be a top tier Pixar movie. I think the only thing it lacked was a memorable score (which a movie like UP uses to catapult itself to the upper tiers). Honestly Onward might be a top 3 Pixar movie for me.

Gravedigger 03-09-2020 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 14831172)
Lot of cynical haters (critics) kept touting it as a middling Pixar movie, but I found it to be a top tier Pixar movie. I think the only thing it lacked was a memorable score (which a movie like UP uses to catapult itself to the upper tiers). Honestly Onward might be a top 3 Pixar movie for me.

Yeah, I would say:

Toy Story (putting all the movies into one category)
Finding Nemo
Inside Out

It starts getting hard to rank because Up, Inside Out, and Coco are right there for me, but Onward is definitely up there as well. The part where Barley puts Gwenyvir into Drive to block the police, I laughed pretty hard on that part.

Stryker 03-09-2020 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by DeepPurple (Post 14814080)
Rented JoJo Rabbit from Redbox last night. I hadn't heard anything about it and I don't even remember when it was at the theaters. Then I saw Scarlett Johansson and the director/actor (Hitler) on a morning show and then the Academy Awards had it nominated for best picture.

It probably has one of the most unusual storylines someone could come up with. I got the impression it was a comedy, but it's more of a dramatedy. It's about a 10 year old that is in the Nazi youth corp and he is gun ho for Hitler. In fact Hitler is his imaginary friend who pops up now and then. Johansson is his mother, who is a Jew symphanizer and is raising the kid as a single parent. Sam Rockwell plays the kids Nazi instructor and provides most of the laughs due to the outrageous statements he and the others make, mostly about Jews. All the while Johansson is hiding a teenage Jewish girl in her attic, sort of like Anne Frank. The kid finds out and that's when the story really takes shape. There is a lot of drama, people being killed, a rabbit gets killed, you'll be somewhat shocked by it all.

I really liked the ending, I was going to give it a 7, but the last 20 minutes I ended giving it an 8 on IMDB. Probably one of my favorite songs is Heroes by David Bowie, and the films ends with David Bowie singing Heroes in German.

BTW, I finally saw Once Upon a Hollywood. Loved the film, the music, the sights, the clothes, everything, I was never bored. I think it's an age thing, I graduated from high school in 1968, so everything in the film seemed relavant to me. I really don't usually like all the drawn out dialogue in most of Tarantino films, but in this one, it was cool. I gave it a 10.

Absolutely this! Every thing you stated about it I thought the same. The last 20 minutes truly made the movie and I am so glad I watched it.

Fish 03-10-2020 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by DeepPurple (Post 14814080)
Rented JoJo Rabbit from Redbox last night. I hadn't heard anything about it and I don't even remember when it was at the theaters. Then I saw Scarlett Johansson and the director/actor (Hitler) on a morning show and then the Academy Awards had it nominated for best picture.

It probably has one of the most unusual storylines someone could come up with. I got the impression it was a comedy, but it's more of a dramatedy. It's about a 10 year old that is in the Nazi youth corp and he is gun ho for Hitler. In fact Hitler is his imaginary friend who pops up now and then. Johansson is his mother, who is a Jew symphanizer and is raising the kid as a single parent. Sam Rockwell plays the kids Nazi instructor and provides most of the laughs due to the outrageous statements he and the others make, mostly about Jews. All the while Johansson is hiding a teenage Jewish girl in her attic, sort of like Anne Frank. The kid finds out and that's when the story really takes shape. There is a lot of drama, people being killed, a rabbit gets killed, you'll be somewhat shocked by it all.

I really liked the ending, I was going to give it a 7, but the last 20 minutes I ended giving it an 8 on IMDB. Probably one of my favorite songs is Heroes by David Bowie, and the films ends with David Bowie singing Heroes in German.

BTW, I finally saw Once Upon a Hollywood. Loved the film, the music, the sights, the clothes, everything, I was never bored. I think it's an age thing, I graduated from high school in 1968, so everything in the film seemed relavant to me. I really don't usually like all the drawn out dialogue in most of Tarantino films, but in this one, it was cool. I gave it a 10.

I watched this last night. Was intrigued by the reviews, and usually like Waititi's stuff. But I found it disappointing. The comedy worked well in some parts, but other parts were just downright weird. I thought Scarlett Johansson was especially terrible. Like she was just bumbling through her part and wasn't even trying. It had a feeling of irrationality as well that bothered me for some reason. 5/10.

Baby Lee 03-11-2020 08:15 AM

What? . . . Wait . . . .

Huuuuh, what?

Why did they. . . . . Who. . . . . . What? Sigh

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Mennonite 03-12-2020 09:42 AM

Knives Out

Plot was fine. Cast is good. Too many silly elements like the vomiting and Craig's pointless accent.

Christopher Plummer is as old as dirt, but he still seemed more spry than most of the cast.

Danguardace 03-12-2020 07:57 PM

Really enjoyed the Invisible man which has only been out here in the UK for a couple of weeks. Great use of tension and very well captured action and good performances all around.

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Deberg_1990 03-12-2020 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Danguardace (Post 14838588)
Really enjoyed the Invisible man which has only been out here in the UK for a couple of weeks. Great use of tension and very well captured action and good performances all around.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I liked it a lot. Leigh Whannell has some chops.

Buehler445 03-13-2020 11:26 PM

It had been awhile so I put Good Will Hunting on.

Goddamn that is a good movie. It has some really tight dialogue and even the blocking and camera work do a nice job. For a movie in which not a ton happens, it is really good.

Some of the better emoting scenes I’ve seen in awhile. There was some pretty tough asks in there with Damon, Skarsgard, Williams. Hell I’d forgotten Minnie Driver was in this movie. She knocked it out of the park. Especially at the end. There wasn’t a lot of dialogue she had to work with and she crushed it. In an era inundated with super heros, dinosaurs and copious CGI, it’s a nice watch. It gets back to the organic. And does it well.

Buehler445 03-18-2020 11:10 PM

I caught Spenser Confidential on Netflix. Pretty good. Nothing groundbreaking, but enjoyable. Fight scenes are legit. Humor was pretty on point.

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DeepPurple 03-19-2020 09:53 AM

I've had Directv since 2008, trying to knock my bill down I just dropped HBO, Cinemax, Showtime & Starz but I added Epix. You get 3 commercial free un-edited movie channels for $6 a month and they have a lot of flicks that the other haven't haven't shown.

Recently I've watched Downsizing, with Kristin Wiig and Matt Damon I thought it would be good, it was awful, horrible movie I gave a 4. It was from the same director of Sideways, one of my all time favorites, what happened?

A Quiet Place, I was surprised that it was somewhat scary, good, but not great, gave it a 7.

I have the following recorded but haven't had a chance to watch; Mission Impossible - Fallout, Death Wish with Bruce Willis, The Skeleton Twins with Kristin Wiig and Bill Hader, Annihilation with Natalie Portman and Jennifer Jason Leigh, Jigsaw and Rocketman all from Epix.

They also had some old ones I've been looking for, from '68 After the Fox, a Peter Sellers comedy where he plays a Hollywood director and goes to a small Italian Village under the premise of making a movie so he can rob the bank. Victor Mature plays a over-the-hill movie star who he hoodwinks into starring in the film and he's really funny as he walks around in a trench coat smiling all the time.

Buehler445 03-19-2020 12:29 PM

Death Wish is pretty good. Not what I expected with a Bruce Willis movie called death wish but it’s a good watch.

heapshake 03-19-2020 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 14852744)
Death Wish is pretty good. Not what I expected with a Bruce Willis movie called death wish but it’s a good watch.

The Ice Cream Man scene is outstanding.

BigBeauford 03-19-2020 03:51 PM

Wife and I are watching pandemic themed movies in light of the recent events. We kicked it off with Children of Men. It's been a really long time since I watched it, but man what a ride. I might have to strongly consider putting that one in my top 10 of all time.

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