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Pablo 04-02-2024 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by dlphg9 (Post 17468493)
Carrington literally said that if he wouldn't have voted early, then he probably would have voted no. He trash talked the Royals his entire show and definitely wasn't a vote yes infomercial.

He’s the best thing that station has going. Glad to hear he didn’t go down shilling and admitted it was a bad plan

dlphg9 04-02-2024 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by mr. tegu (Post 17468491)
You think next year all the people who hate anything that involves other people with money will stop hating others with money? Because the majority of people online saying “no” seem quite emotional about not wanting to “fund billionaires play things.”

If the Royals would have hammered on the good things, rather than say "If you don't do this we will leave", then they probably would have done a lot better on the ballot.

IowaHawkeyeChief 04-02-2024 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 17468485)
If you aren't anti-billionaire while not being a billionaire, that's telling.

so obtuse... Do you think the Hunts and Chiefs haven't been good for KC. Do you think Billionaires don't have huge payrolls and provide benefits?

Bearcat 04-02-2024 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by -King- (Post 17468479)
What's in the crossroads you want to keep intact?

All of the beer/bourbon stops.

Mecca 04-02-2024 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by IowaHawkeyeChief (Post 17468500)
so obtuse... Do you think the Hunts and Chiefs haven't been good for KC. Do you think Billionaires don't have huge payrolls and provide benefits?

Tell me how trickle down economics works, I'll wait.

Arch Stanton 04-02-2024 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by dlphg9 (Post 17468493)
Carrington literally said that if he wouldn't have voted early, then he probably would have voted no. He trash talked the Royals his entire show and definitely wasn't a vote yes infomercial.

He'd seen/ been told about the polls (possibly responses to his show over electronic media), stuck his finger inta the wind, and shifted gears.

-King- 04-02-2024 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Pablo (Post 17468480)
We all know the stadium would displace and alter the entire district. Not just the site it sits on. You can act like it’s a positive but plenty of people enjoy what the crossroads is without the royals trying to play savior.

You might prefer to see 7 more midrise “luxury “ apartments where businesses currently sit but obviously the voters didn’t

What will be altered in the district that you want to keep?

IowaHawkeyeChief 04-02-2024 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 17468496)
Right..that's totally what it is.

Glad you came around...

Kiimo 04-02-2024 09:17 PM

I haven't been following this for very long but the Chiefs aren't leaving KC, they'll build a big shiny stadium with a roof in Kansas and have Super Bowls there. And let's all hope we're alive long enough to enjoy it.

People at that time will have forgotten that some Raytown diehards swore they'd never attend and say I miss old Arrowhead and children will say what's that, just like I did about Municipal Stadium, wherever the hell that was.

The Royals that's a different story but maybe they should go back and figure out a better plan.

Pablo 04-02-2024 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by -King- (Post 17468504)
What will be altered in the district that you want to keep?

Nothing now because the proposal got slaughtered at the ballot box

TwistedChief 04-02-2024 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by comochiefsfan (Post 17468457)
Not going to lie, I'm really disappointed in the idea of abandoning Arrowhead.

I really think it had a shot to become a Lambeau esque iconic venue that fans could enjoy for generations. It's such a cool place.

The idea of replacing it with another bland corporate monstrosity out by the racetrack that Clark (or whatever Hunt owns the team at that point) will declare outdated 25 years after it's build is just sad to think about.

You’ve been a Chiefs fan for 5 years. How do you possibly claim to have such attachment to Arrowhead?

I keep seeing you post in different threads about things you’re utterly clueless about. Is there no end?

-King- 04-02-2024 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Pablo (Post 17468507)
Nothing now because the proposal got slaughtered at the ballot box

Ok sure. What would have been altered that now you're glad you get to keep.

comochiefsfan 04-02-2024 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by TwistedChief (Post 17468508)
Is there no end?


IowaHawkeyeChief 04-02-2024 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 17468502)
Tell me how trickle down economics works, I'll wait.

It's called capitalism... The poorest in America would be the richest in about 75% of the world...

But hey, be jealous of other success as you bitch about people that have created wealth for themselves while providing jobs, services and innovations to millions...

Kiimo 04-02-2024 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by ChiefsCountry (Post 17468495)
Being anti-billionaire is just reeruned talk from losers.

it's been a while since i've seen some good ol fashioned billionaire boot lickin lmao

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