Sisters **** everything up..
500 Pounds of Marijuana Shipped to Auto Shop By Mistake
A North Carolina entrepreneur received the unique opportunity earlier this week to abandon his debt and start a new and exciting life as black-market marijuana dealer. Unfortunately, before the man had a chance to decide what to do with the several hundred pounds of marijuana that was delivered to his business by mistake, his sister stepped in and ruined everything.
A few days ago, 35-year-old Miguel Garcia showed up ready to start another day at his business, Boom Boom Car and Audio. The man admits that while his passion lies in the automotive trade, it has not been the easiest way to earn a living. "Well we had to ask for a lot of loans. We’re actually in debt, but were moving slowly," he told NBC News. "This is actually my third shot at it. Hopefully it does work out."
Later that day, Garcia received a huge and unexpected shipment from California, which he believed was sent by one of his wholesalers. “The description said chrome accessories and dash kits and that's basically what we sell,” he said. “So my first thought was maybe a vendor had sent it to me to resell it.”
When Garcia opened the package, he did not find anything resembling car audio components; instead, he discovered a hefty load of Cali-Maui-Wowie -- a whopping 500 pounds of it.
Now, this is where we suspect Garcia may have had a momentary lapse of reason and had visions of himself living the high life thanks to his new career as the cannabis kingpin of North Carolina. Sadly, his dream was squashed shortly after he realized his sister was on the phone to the police.
When authorities arrived, it took them over an hour to load the marijuana in the back of a vehicle and take it away to be destroyed. But, before they left, officers were kind enough to rub some salt in Garcia’s wound -- informing him that the shipment was worth an estimated $250,000.