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Bowser 01-24-2017 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by KC_Lee (Post 12704755)
Why is Star Wars in red rather then the traditional yellow?

The Last Jedi is surrounded by Sith.


Originally Posted by RINGLEADER (Post 12706191)
It clearly means Luke is Snoke and Rey is the daughter of Wedge.

Spoiler that shit

Bowser 01-24-2017 09:21 AM

<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/6IfB3"><a href="//">Made me smile</a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Valiant 01-24-2017 12:53 PM

Yeah. So the force finally awakens a new possible jedi and now there is just one.

But if they are the last jedi, then they are also the last sith because of balance of the force.

Or last does not final. Maybe last means previous like the last president. Last jedi could be kylo or ezra or another character. Maybe they are going to have force ghosts finally show themselves and fight.

notorious 01-24-2017 01:25 PM

There were thousands of Jedi and one Sith Lord in the prequels. Darth was a Sith Apprentice.

All of the "good" Jedi disrupted the balance of the force so much that the dark side power was concentrated into 2 people.

DaneMcCloud 01-24-2017 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 12706862)
There were thousands of Jedi and one Sith Lord in the prequels. Darth was a Sith Apprentice.

All of the "good" Jedi disrupted the balance of the force so much that the dark side power was concentrated into 2 people.

Rebels and The Clone Wars really expanded upon that idea, though, and there were Force users of all kinds that exist in that galaxy, from Dark Jedi like Assage Ventress to the Bendo to the Sith Witches of Dathomir to the "The Brother" and "The Sister", Ahsoka Tano, who's a Force user that's neither light or dark, Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger and so many more.

I think this title either refers to the line in the opening crawl of The Force Awakens or that Luke and Rey are the "Last Jedi", plural.

Luke Skywalker has vanished. In his absence, the sinister FIRST ORDER has risen from the ashes of the Empire and will not rest until Skywalker, the last Jedi, has been destroyed.

notorious 01-24-2017 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12706896)
Rebels and The Clone Wars really expanded upon that idea, though, and there were Force users of all kinds that exist in that galaxy, from Dark Jedi like Assage Ventress to the Bendo to the Sith Witches of Dathomir to the "The Brother" and "The Sister", Ahsoka Tano, who's a Force user that's neither light or dark, Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger and so many more.

I think this title either refers to the line in the opening crawl of The Force Awakens or that Luke and Rey are the "Last Jedi", plural.

Luke Skywalker has vanished. In his absence, the sinister FIRST ORDER has risen from the ashes of the Empire and will not rest until Skywalker, the last Jedi, has been destroyed.

Oh, I have only watched a handful of the "side" shows.

Are those shows considered legitimate links to the movies?

DaneMcCloud 01-24-2017 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 12706910)
Oh, I have only watched a handful of the "side" shows.

Are those shows considered legitimate links to the movies?


The Ghost, which is the ship manned by the rebel cell in Star Wars Rebels appeared in the battle over Scarif in Rogue One.

The captain of the Ghost, Hera Syndulla, was mentioned by name at the rebel base on Yavin but has apparently been elevated to the rank of General. Chopper, her droid, was also shown on the Yavin base.

The character of Saw Guerera, who first appeared in The Clone Wars series, was played by Forrest Whitaker in Rogue One, and has now appeared in Rebels this season.

According to Simon Kinberg and Dave Filoni, two of the guys that are part of the Lucasfilm story group, there will be more crossovers in the future. Everything in both animated series and the new Marvel comics are all canon.

Anyong Bluth 01-24-2017 02:02 PM

Doesn't Rebels essentially touch upon the distinction of being an official Jedi? Since Ezra isn't trained by an official Jedi, he'll presumably never become a Jedi without formal training by a JEDI Master...

Luke being the last official Jedi Master, which some have even argued that he isn't, would be The Last Jedi, and presumably the only way to continue the Jedi order would be him training Rey- or others.

So, the title The Last Jedi, can presumably mean it's a film focused on Luke. The Sith are closing in on him as alluded to the Sith red title surrounding him. Luke was after all the Return of the Jedi. His nephew is seeking to finish Vader's original plan to lure Luke to the Dark side- join or die. Now, it's about simply killing off Luke. He's charged with formally training Rey, and likewise the Sith seeking to destroy him will only elevate his connection with the force like Obi Wan, and a disturbance in the force will once again elevate the strength of Rey or other dormant force wielders. Which is something touched upon in Rebels and the introduction of force entities that are neither light nor dark. They recognize the value in the balance of both sides and that the neither can truly ever be extinguished.

Balance being the equilibrium of the necessary harmony, because destruction and rebirth are both born in chaos and in order.

DaneMcCloud 01-24-2017 02:08 PM

Or it could just be called "The Last Jedi" because Yoda indicated in ROTJ that "Once I die, the last of the Jedi you'll be".

That was repeated again in the TFA fanfare.

Hopefully, we do get a movie in which Luke is a primary character.

DaneMcCloud 01-24-2017 02:13 PM

Pic from the edit bay

unlurking 01-24-2017 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Anyong Bluth (Post 12706945)
Doesn't Rebels essentially touch upon the distinction of being an official Jedi? Since Ezra isn't trained by an official Jedi, he'll presumably never become a Jedi without formal training by a JEDI Master...

Kanan is a full Jedi. He was knighted by Yoda via the Grand Inquisitor. So, I would say Kanan is an "official" Jedi and Ezra is an "official" Padawan.

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kcfanXIII 01-24-2017 03:24 PM

I always took the title "Return of the Jedi" to reference Vader's redemption and the return of Anakin Skywalker.

Snica 01-24-2017 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by kcfanXIII (Post 12707061)
I always took the title "Return of the Jedi" to reference Vader's redemption and the return of Anakin Skywalker.

When you look at the original trilogy and the prequels I can see your point. If you look at the prequels as never having happened then I considered Return to be Luke.

DaneMcCloud 01-24-2017 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by kcfanXIII (Post 12707061)
I always took the title "Return of the Jedi" to reference Vader's redemption and the return of Anakin Skywalker.

I do now but I didn't in 1983 because the prequel trilogy didn't exist.

Plus, I've always thought it was a weak title (and a weak movie but I've said that enough).

I'll never forget seeing the preview poster for Revenge of the Jedi in movie theaters, which was a way better title.

DaneMcCloud 01-24-2017 05:30 PM

The Force Awakens The Last Jedi...

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