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Delano 04-16-2009 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by luv (Post 5676990)
Maybe I'm not a good judge of other females, but the only non-doable ones in that bunch are the first one and possibly the one in the bottom right.

Well, Midnightvulture staked claim to the bottom right girl, so I assumed she was off limits for the "would you?" question.

Predarat 04-16-2009 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Delano (Post 5676956)
Closed profile so only thumbnail:


Id probably hit it if I were single but not if I had to take her to a movie first, she is a typical dime a dozen blonde. A movie is at least 7.50 each then she will want a drink and maybe a snack. So thats about $25. So she is hittable for sure but not worth taking to a movie to have to hit. There are plenty of comparable gals at bars and clubs you could meet and not have to take to a movie first.

Delano 04-16-2009 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 5676991)
You pissed on my ****in rug....

You know my recliner really ties the room together.

This is excellent.

Mecca 04-16-2009 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Predarat (Post 5676996)
Id probably hit it but not if I had to take her to a movie first, she is a typical dime a dozen blonde. A movie is at least 7.50 each then she will want a drink and maybe a snack. So thats about $25. So she is hittable for sure but not worth taking to a movie to have to hit. There are plenty of comparable gals at bars and clubs you could meet and not have to take to a movie first.

I'll take a dime a dozen blonde after I spent this past week getting hit on by chicks that look like they drink blood and sleep in coffins.

Mecca 04-16-2009 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Delano (Post 5676998)
This is excellent.

I honestly pictured you studying my picture going "is that a recliner?"

Delano 04-16-2009 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Predarat (Post 5676996)
Id probably hit it but not if I had to take her to a movie first, she is a typical dime a dozen blonde. A movie is at least 7.50 each then she will want a drink and maybe a snack. So thats about $25. So she is hittable for sure but not worth taking to a movie to have to hit. There are plenty of comparable gals at bars and clubs you could meet and not have to take to a movie first.

What you can't see is that she's sitting on a traffic cone. That is worth 25 bucks right there.

Hootie 04-16-2009 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by luv (Post 5676741)
There's three sides to every story. I guess we've gotten two.

Anyway, it's amazing that everytime shit like this happens, a friend of whoever's involved shows up. I mean, who is this guy really, and how did he know about this thread? He's either some kind of stalker, or someone made up for entertainment value. I'm gonna go with the latter. And if he is who he says he is, why bother here? No one here knows RustShack or anyone involved, so who cares?

It's quite think RS dated this girl for however long and she didn't know about him and his ChiefsPlanet account?

The dumbass girl probably stumbled upon this site, found this thread, showed her new boyfriend, and her new boyfriend probably told his friend...

We've said some pretty shitty stuff about that whore Holly.

Jenny Gump 04-16-2009 07:14 PM

Stick it in her ass THEN tell that bitch to "step off". This is ridiculous. Seriously...gotta go, my friend is here to take me to the movies.

Nzoner 04-16-2009 07:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Iowanian (Post 5676904)
There was a badass midget dressed like that, with the deepest midget voice(hell it would be a booming set of pipes for a 500lb man) at O'shea's casino in vegas....


Bugeater 04-16-2009 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by luv (Post 5676990)
Maybe I'm not a good judge of other females, but the only non-doable ones in that bunch are the first one and possibly the one in the bottom right.

It's hard to tell from those pics, but the first one is definitely bad. This shit better not be over that chick.

Sully 04-16-2009 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by luv (Post 5676982)
I wasn't.

I haven't had a ton of girlfriends, but I would say at that age most of them came from the "being a good guy while she cries on my shoulder about the boyfriend" schtick.
I was the King of getting out of the friendship zone and into the relationship zone.

Delano 04-16-2009 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 5677000)
I honestly pictured you studying my picture going "is that a recliner?"

Yes. I observe background things. Like that picture of the girl with a toilet in the background filled with a large terdell. I noticed the feces right away.

Hootie 04-16-2009 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Iowanian (Post 5676753)
You may just end up liking it here....we've got an excellent selection of those.

I think you're the other dude.

No...I bet he is the friend.

Holly knew about chiefsplanet...rustshack was lying about the two still dating...thought he still had a chance when he really didn't...she clicked this site to see if he posted anything...found this thread...bitched to her new bf about us calling her a slut...he showed the thread to this douchebag (who probably sucks at halo)...and wa la

Mecca 04-16-2009 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater (Post 5677009)
It's hard to tell from those pics, but the first one is definitely bad. This shit better not be over that chick.

Maybe these guys like the chunky heads...

Bugeater 04-16-2009 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by Hootie (Post 5677005)
It's quite think RS dated this girl for however long and she didn't know about him and his ChiefsPlanet account?

The dumbass girl probably stumbled upon this site, found this thread, showed her new boyfriend, and her new boyfriend probably told his friend...

We've said some pretty shitty stuff about that whore Holly.

Ooh, that's a good idea, let's all call Holly a whore, then maybe she will show up and give this thread the burst it desperately needs.

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